Eleven & Amy Series 7 spoilers & rumours

ladychazabc posted on Aug 30, 2010 at 07:35PM
* Discussion will begin during filming of Series 7 next year

What we know:

. Amy & Rory will leave halfway through

. Doctor Who will return in autumn 2012

. A new companion will join Matt Smith
last edited on Dec 26, 2011 at 05:16PM

Eleven & Amy 122 replies

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over a year ago Alexi95 said…
The twist is that Amy might die at the end of the 1st half off next series which is being split in two! :'(
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
thnx lexi for reminding me
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mossheart1235 said…
Key word being "might." She could just leave some other time. Plus, whoever heard of someone leaving a show midseason? I haven't.
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
i know theres like no point in it whatsoever
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
I'd cry so hard if amy died :(
over a year ago Alexi95 said…
^Same! :(
over a year ago ladychazabc said…

source to fan-made christmas special promo
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
omg! how can that be fake?!
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
sfx made it
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
yay river might die :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
big smile

over a year ago scarxtardis said…
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Yes! YES! *punches air, dances around and grins like a loony* YES!
over a year ago Alexi95 said…
OMG that SFX trailer looks totally amazing! Gah I can't wait till Xmas!
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
i know :D
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
I want eleven and amy to kiss again. Or have major chemistry, because the doctor never gets with anyone, even rose! I just hope they seem like they love each other. We don't want to loose any dw fans!
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
i agree scarlett :)
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
btw what do you guys think about Doctor Who being filmed in the USA??
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
Very strange! But it's alright, I don't mind.
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
me neither...it actually sounds cool :P
over a year ago caitie_cool said…
i am going to be so upset if amy does die.
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
i don't think she will....
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
if amy dies im like not gonna watch doctor who ever again...
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
^ Aww, Char! She won't die. Even if she did (which she won't) you'd have to keep watching. You won't be able to stop yourself!
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
i really really hope she won't die :(

im just so desperate for series 6 !

45 days until the christmas special :D

ooh AND christmas :P
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
scenes will be based in New york and san fransisco :)
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
LOL at when you said that! It's like, "YES! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!... oh, yeah, and christmas. Don't care about christmas. Just want steamy scenes bewteen The Doctor and Amy."
Ooh! San francisco!
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
^ i know :L

if amy and the doctor do snog again i'll be over the moon :D x
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
karen sais that amy isn't done with wanting to snog the doctor yet

over a year ago ladychazabc said…
what do you think amy's running for/from??
what do you think amy's running for/from??
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
."[The Doctor] meets a character named Kazran Sardick played by Michael Gambon who is similar to Scrooge, and The Doctor appears to him as the Ghost of Christmas Past and takes him back to his childhood and tries to show him the error of his ways while trying to save Amy and Rory who are trapped on a [space] train." (link)

say's piers morgan

over a year ago ladychazabc said…
check the series 6 ep 6 filming pics
check the series 6 ep 6 filming pics
over a year ago joejonasfan001 said…
where did u find that pic?
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
it's on the spoiler bit :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
doctor will be cloned by aliens :O

over a year ago ladychazabc said…

over a year ago scarxtardis said…
Oh god. Oh god. It's going to be river. Oh god. Oh god. *flails madly* Nonononononononono. *Grabs charlotte by the shoulders* THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING. PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE RIVER!
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
oh god i know! :( but i think river will be married to his clone not the actual doctor....oh god it makes me puke and just does not go when i think about it! it's just not right :O but remember time can be rewritten, so maybe rory and amy will end up not being married and the doc and amy will?? unlikley though :/ oh god river gross!!
oh god i know! :( but i think river will be married to his clone not the actual doctor....oh god it m
over a year ago scarxtardis said…
Even if River marries a clone, it's still wrong! Matt's 28 and Alex is 47. So how would THAT work for River and Doctor? *shudders*
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
^ i know thats disgusting she's old enough to be his mum! :O
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
more matt news!!

over a year ago scarxtardis said…
I don't think it's River who marries the Doctor's clone.
I think it may be the pretty blonde one :/ Still, Amy and Doctor get good scenes together.
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
awww :(
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
big smile
just 6 more days until the xmas special! :D
over a year ago iliveingallifey said…
yes i herd that Amy and the Doctor get togther to but river cant leave because of the book of the doctors furter and she is in it and matt is trying he best not get Amy killed of so it mostly might be river but im not so sure and what happens to rory if amy and the doctor get togther
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
wonder what she's asking him and why he said that back to her...maybe he's telling her he loves her? :O
last edited over a year ago
wonder what she's asking him and why he said that back to her...maybe he's telling her he loves her?
over a year ago joejonasfan001 said…
i hope ur right and if not in this scene maybe in the cliffhanger episode
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
omg if thats the cliffhanger im gonna die! i can't wait the full summer to find out!
over a year ago joejonasfan001 said…
me neither i'm so excited it sayas rory stubles into a tragic mistake or something what do u think he does?
over a year ago ladychazabc said…
i don't think he'l cheat on amy or anything like that but he might chose something over her but i doubt he die either cause he' been killed 2 times already :/ don't really know tbh...
over a year ago joejonasfan001 said…
me neither they can't kill him maybe he gets jelous of amy and the doctor gettinmg really close and then he makes a terrible choice? i don't think they will kill him again he's died to many times for me to count lol