Fans of PoM Wall

Displaying wall entries 121-130 of 2022

BirdG said …

(2012 for those who might now know XXXPPP jk jk)


link Posted over a year ago
Sharpey_Penguin commented…
BirdG commented…
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thaaaanks..... but you're awesomesauce! :3 over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …
Stupid modeling make me look bad -_-. Happy new yeas you guys ^^ Posted over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
Happy New Years! <|:D over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Happy New years! over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
It's OK. Happy New Year *gives you big hug* ;) over a year ago
Sharpey_Penguin commented…
Happy New Year! :D over a year ago
Irispenguin said …
Waaaasuuuup?? My name is Iris! Iris the penguin! *smiles* I'm new. Posted over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Hi Iris! *tries to smile* I'm Rhayne. *whispers* are you like Iris who stole Cilan from me? T-T the Dragon master....T_T over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Whos your favorite character Iris? Mines Kowalski! over a year ago
mixmaster15 commented…
Hi Iris. :D over a year ago
coolkowalski said …
i feel lonely i think they all hate me... TT^TT why do i suck? why? WHY?
why in all the agony must it be meeeee?! geez why am i posting this here? Posted over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
im such an idiot over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
Why does everyone here feel like they're hated? D: There is a LOT of people, and a LOT of content, you can't expect EVERYTHING to be commented on! And, I know it sucks, but yeah, the older popular fans are gonna get more comments and views than the newer ones. That's just how it works, but it doesn't mean that people don't appreciate you too! Being all depressing like this will only get you NEGATIVE attention, and maybe pity. I don't know about you, but that's not what I want. For now just be content with the friends you have, and if you keep posting on other people's stuff instead of worrying about comments that you aren't getting on yours, and pretty soon those other people will start trying to become your friend and going to your posts. over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
thx but i turning to pubety soon AND im kinda turning emo over a year ago
SJ_waddles said …
GAIZ. is there gonna be a New Years Eve party RP? 8D Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
I gotz no idea. But my family's throwing a party. I won't be able to participate if there is one. over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Oh, I think I can participate if my cousin won't come. :3 Because...he hogs the internet...and when he's not on, He won't let me on! D: That doesn't mean we can't have one. :D over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
I probaly can't go on bcuz I'm heading up north to visit my great-grandma. over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
I'm going to my BFF Kiriah's house since we do an annual friendship ceremony/reunion where we join with other friends that moved to different places and people who are new inside the friendship thing. Yeah, complicated over a year ago
Skilene234 said …
i posted a request forum but totally forgot to post an image which shows how i draw but there is a pic now.! ^-^ Posted over a year ago
Winter_Penguin said …
Hiiiii guys!!! :D Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
Hi there i'm Jhordan ^^ over a year ago
karenkook commented…
Hi! :D over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
Hiya! Welcome to Fanpop! I'm Angel. :) over a year ago
1Amberpet said …
1000 photos! X3 Yayz! Posted over a year ago
Skilene234 said …
hi^^ could u tell me what u think of it? link 276063267 Posted over a year ago
mixmaster15 commented…
:/ Hmm..Wouldn't let me access the page TO see it. over a year ago
Skilene234 commented…
huh? why doesnt it let you access to see it well i posted it on fans of pom:) over a year ago
Hijinata said …
Anybody watch Criminal Minds or Hetalia? Posted over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
Criminal Minds... no. I've seen Hetalia around but I have yet to watch the show :/ over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
Ok, youv'e got to watch botht hen :D Hetalia is super funny... But it's really weird, and it's full of sterotypes. Criminal Minds.... is just freaking awesome :D over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
Yay, so many of you watch these shows to, it makes me happy :D over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
Aw man, Guys, I dunno if I can finish by deadline. ^^; Hm.

I've been working on it today. I was on the computer for 2 hours straight...and you know there's something wrong when you start feeling like you ran a marathon.

*yawns* Oh well. It's gonna take me like...4 hours to finish one page. I'm still working on 4 pages...

Wish me luck...I NEED CANDY. But unfortunetally, mom banned chocolate. D: She says it's giving me pimples. XD Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Aww. No chocolate!? D: over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Yeah!...And you know what else? There's a bunch of Godiva, Ferrero Rocher, and chocolate-covered oreos just a few feet away from me. D: over a year ago
coolkowalski commented…
i would eat all the chocolate i want if i coul! XD over a year ago
Lexii23 said …
Ok so reading over my last request post, i relized that it was a little confusing so i deleted it and i will post another one here. I am going to have a LOT of free time tomorrow so does any one want me to draw their oc penguinized? Colnelpenguin(sorry for my spelling) already asked for a request in my last post but i need a picture or description of her oc. I will take the first five people who comment!! :) please include a link to a picture or a description of your oc! Theywill be posted soon! Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
here's a link: link over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
Thank you!!!! :) anyone else??????????? over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
yay :D over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …
Have you guys ever played some sort of ghost caller rirual board thingy? I did, me and 3 of my friend play with a coin and a paper with a yes or no and a-z alphabets. When we start playing it, the coin moves by itself. We decided not to go any further to play it. And weird things happend to us, one of my friend saw a dark,tall figure when she wanted to sleep. And i expirience it too when i saw a girl on my own bedroom. But im cool handeling supernatural stuff bu still Creepy.... Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
No....No....NO....O_O I have been interested in the paranormal since sixth grade, and I have done much research on the subject. Playing with a Ouija board is the WORST thing you could possibly do. It opens doorways to other worlds (Yes. I believe in that crap :P) And it's how many houses get haunted. Your just lucky it's a little girl in your room instead of a demon. over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Yo...Dude, Ouija boards!?!? I don't even DARE play with those things! (Actually, I'd never do anything that involves ghost ^^;) I believe in stuff like that, who doesn't? This chick was playing with an Ouija board to mess with her friends, then she started getting haunted...all the time...I dunno what happened to her. :3 Oh well! But still, Ouiji boards. Bad. Case closed. over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
I don't belivee in ghosts, so i was about to play with one of those with my friends, but they were afraid I guess so I just threw it out... luckily it was just on paper. Lol, I told my grandma and she was like "You need to burn it and get rid of it"... over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …
I currently online by my phone right now. It's 11:20 pm here. So can anyone draw my oc haku please. I would really apreciate it or maybe made a gift for you as well. But, please can you draw her in her current picture. The picture can be foumd on my profile. Okay, i'm going to hunt some ghost or go to bed right now. Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Oooh, maybe when I'm bored after I finish the Group Pic thing(Which sucks...) :P I'll try drawing Haku! :D over a year ago
Lexii23 said …
Ok guys, i am thinking of writing a new story!! :) here is the promt (mabey)
Blowhole re-creates the Mind Jacker and zaps Lexii with it. While she has no memory, Blowhole takes her back to his lair and tells her lies about "her past" (examples of things he tells her: Blowhole and Lexii are dating, the penguins are her enemies, she is evil, ect. you get the idea!! :] ). Lexii belives everything he says. The penguins come to rescue her but they dont know of anything Blowhole did.... Posted over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
Ok so thats the promt!! :) if you have any other ideas or like it the way it is, please tell me!! Thank you!! It should be out soon if all goes well! :) over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Okay, uh, what if Lexii keeps getting flashes of memories of her hanging out with the penguins? Buuuut she ignores it because Doc said that she used to be the penguins' friend but they betrayed the past...that's why there's flashes of memory...BUT THEEEEN....Idk, they find a way to convince her or an epic way...Then a monkey throws a banana at her and she turns into a pumpkin! :O (Okey, not the last part :3) over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
Oooohhh!! Thats a good idea!!! Thank you!!!!! Lol. :) XD over a year ago
big smile
IcceBabeh101 said …
Hai Everyones My name is Rayne i hope we can all be great friends i'm so stoked to be here and i hope to meet each and everyone of u soon Bai :D Posted over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Cool! Me and you almost have the same name! Well, my name in rl is Rhayne! over a year ago
IcceBabeh101 commented…
Cool nice to meet all of ya :D over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
welcome to fanpop. my name is natasha but you can call me nat ^^ over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
Uh oh. I got all the main OCs, and I have about 20 spaces left...What am I gonna fill it wit--

Oh hey, old OCs! Ya know, the ones we haven't saw for...a while. Anyone remember them? :\ Anyone?

Oh shoot, I dunno how to draw lemurs, foxes, dogs...In other words, mammals...Oh well. I'LL WING IT.

...Oh wait, I have to finish this rough sketch by tomorrow so I can paint over it. O_O

Gah. It's not even half done...Time to hurry. XDDDD

Right after I daydream... Posted over a year ago
Matchmaker11 commented…
Can you draw my OC? She's very new, but if you need to fill space you can usr if you want. Her name is Anastasia, she is an Asian otter.She has light brown fur that has a blonde tint over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
You can go to your e-mail and see the individual comments there. Your actual e-mail, not the fanpop one. over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
^...Aw. I have to dig it up from all the 2000 unread messages. D: XD over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …

oh my god L4D2 merchandises ! i want one, i wish i'm not broke right now or maybe my father isn't so cheap to me and be a little generous >:I maybe i should selling custom-made merchandise. or maybe, money commisioning but my drawing sucks. and, maybe make a paypal account. God, why do i live in Indonesia anyway, it's a f*cking long trip if i want to buy one from there to here...... Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
I still dunno how commisioning works. XD Any other way to make money? Or maybe if you're patient enough, wait until your birthday and ask. X3 over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
^commisionwork same as request but with money. you`re right over a year ago
WolfHeart23 said …
Last night my new Guinea pigs were squeaking and I started to dream about baby penguins. xD They sorta sound like they're chirping! Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Aw! BABY PENGUINS! over a year ago
WolfHeart23 commented…
I wish I had baby penguins.... But Guinea pigs are good for now. xD over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin said …
*Sigh* Okay guys, i'm going to leave this place and delete my account. Many of you are ignoring me, some of you aren't. I'm sick of this, really...I'm in such a TERRIBLE mood, had the worst Christmas EVER, got only two gifts...I feel lonley, I always did, and it got worse after my parrot died,and I also feel invisible! Some people forget i'm here. I know i've been happy, but I weren't. I never was. Why did I even bother joining? :'( And I only have one best friend here... Posted over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin commented…
And yes, I will always be a PoM fan. So, good bye to all my friends here..... over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
Well shouldn't that one best friend count for something? Don't leave just because you feel ignored, because you're not. Just because someone doesn't comment on something doesn't mean they don't care. I'm really sorry about your Christmas, and about your parrot, but how will leaving here help at all? You'd just lose the few people who you know care, and the many people who care even though you may not realize it. over a year ago
mixmaster15 commented…
Angel, you should SO be crowned the Queen of Good Points. ^^ But anyway, Angel said it best. Like I said before, please think about this first, Annie. =( over a year ago
67Dodge said …
15th August, 2073: I found the cure to the NE strain of the Bubonic Plague that was rapidly spreading in Mexico, paid enough money for the breakthrough to purchase my own home. This cure consisted of figs, corn starch, a weave of onion root, and some special ingredient in which only I will keep to myself, I rubbed the paste onto my infected sores, and consumed the rest, you can actually make a good chip dip out of it, and I became cured of my disease, am feeling much better now. Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Wow. He must be smart to have figured out how to make a cure out of such common ingredients. over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
He actually is very smart, he has an IQ of 450, as of now, and at that time, his IQ was 300. over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
^Same here. over a year ago
Hijinata said …
Help, it won't let me upload my CHristmas phoyo ;A; Posted over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
*photo.... wow I should really check my spelling before posting comments xD over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
Have you tried submitting from a different computer? That's what I had to do :/ over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Your computer might be slooooow. D: over a year ago
amy36y said …
penguins Posted over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
What about em? :P over a year ago
amy36y commented…
there cool over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Epic. :D over a year ago
Marlene23 said …
Can someone draw a picture of me and Jhordan together please? Any pose is fine!!! :) thank you guys!!!! *smiles*
Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
yes Please :) over a year ago
Marlene23 commented…
Thank you!! I love it!!!! ;) over a year ago
big smile
Blue_Vanilla said …
i'm not celebrating Christmas cause i'm not.....ya know ^^; but Merry Christmas for everyone, wish y'all the best and of course Happy new year ^^. And bad news, my vacation to Bali with my friends is canceled you guys, thanks a million to my parents >.> Posted over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
wow... how rude over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
Happy Holidays! ^^ Sorry about your vacation. :( over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
^oooh, what book ? i love books XD over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
Hm...I got a drawing kit for Christmas...I also have a report due in January 3rd...Hm...Times like these is when I turn to Math!

I have 1 week = 7 days
Report = 3 days

Drawing = 4 days
Report = 3 days

4 > 3

Procrastinate & Draw > Do report on Machu Picchu

:3 Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
I have to write a book about the periodic table that's due the 5th......YAY FOR PROCRSTINATION! :D over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
coolkowalski commented…
i wanna do it wif my bff in the library though we are to young to go out by ourselves and we have no homework! >FT< over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
Merry Christmas everyone!

Eggnog tastes nasty, why do people drink that? D: Posted over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
MerryChristmas!!! I hate egg nog... Lol over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
It's disgusting. Spanish eggnog is the way to go ;D over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
It's so/so. over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
I Never Drinked it Before IDK over a year ago
Lexii23 said …
Random Christmas Carol time!!!

Jingle Bells,
Jhordan smells, ;)
Candy laid an egg!
Lilly thinks that Cathrine stinks,
And all others say "Oy Vey!"

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!! Be safe and have a Merry Christmas (or hannukah) and a happy New Year!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!! :) Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
Xd i love it O_O what? oh never mind XD over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Jhordan, take a shower, Candy is secretly a platapus, Lilly must be moody...Or maybe Catherine needs a bath as well, and we say Oh Vey! Why? Dunno, but it seems like a random time to say that. XD Lol, CHRISTMAS CAPER! over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
XD ;) over a year ago
67Dodge said …
12th January, 2072: Ugh, I really regret my decision now. After studying closely on twelve pacients, it seems that I've contracted the disease myself. Large buboes, swollen infected areas, have appeared, on my neck, my chest, and side, and they aren't the most comfortable parts of the disease, coughed up hideous amounts of blood, stomach feels like I have burned myself internally. Too weak to write any further. At least I'm getting closer to the cure each day as I go. Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
D: Poor Damion.....O_o....wait...did I just say that about a vilan?....Oh well over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
:( Poor guy. over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 said …
Me: Happy Christmas Eve Catherine!
Me: Just... calm down now!
John: -_- *holding up a sign that says "Merry Christmas" Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
High five Cat! I did that too. X3 over a year ago
Hijinata said …
Wait... Christmas isn't until tommorow? Happy Holidays everyoneone, and MErry Christmas Eve. I'm really excited today becuase we are going over to my Grandparent's house for his birthday, and I get to see my brother again :D Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin said …
Merry Christmas Peeps I love y'all XD Posted over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
you too darlin' ^^ over a year ago
TiaraGhoul said …
Me & Ariana: Merry Christmas, everyone!
Pranka & Indigo: & a Happy New Year! Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
Back at Ya'll :D over a year ago
1Amberpet said …
*Puts flipper around Cilan* We have something to say to you...

Both: We wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!

Me: and to Winter, Happy Hanukkah! Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
XD Merry Christmas to you too! over a year ago
67Dodge said …
11th September 2070: I moved out at last, this is a golden day for me now, I've finished my Medical Studies that began in the previous three years, I've attracted a great deal of well-mannered attention, though I've heard of some tragic news in Mexico. Apparently a ne strain of Bubonic Plauge has spread rapidly through Mexico, and is beginning to reach the United States. I hope I can help cure this, it will be my greatest case up to date with what I've gotten to. Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Atleast he wants to help :) over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
Yay, he wants to help. :) over a year ago
big smile
Jhordan232 said …
I wish All Of you A Merry Christmas And a New Year :D Posted over a year ago
stlouisfan commented…
Thanks. You too. :D over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! WooooooT! over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Likewise Jhordan ^^ over a year ago
67Dodge said …
31st December, 2066: Nice to know mom and dad were here today. Happy birthday? Not a single one said that. My mother did, but she didn't do anything too special besides giving me a great breakfast. After that, they invited all of their friends over, and a very mean guy too, he used my beak to open his beer bottle, which I find rather discerning. "Happy New Year Ignatious!!!" they would tell me, whatever, like my birthday doesn't matter now. At least I've still got this journal. Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Ya know...this is really sad...This reminds me of the kid who used to live across the way from me... over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
His parents are some mean buttholes. >:( over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
GO JOURNALS! Good golly man, he's living at the wrong side of the world! D: over a year ago
mixmaster15 commented…
<=( Poor Damion...Even though he might have one sick evil twisted mind in him, he has the right to be upset about his past too. Forgetting a birthday by accident or on purpose will NOT make a child happy what so ever. over a year ago
1Amberpet said …
Im more into writing stories........Drawing just got booring....*sigh* Posted over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
If you wish to, you can use some of my characters for a fanfic. :) over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
mm...alright over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …
5 moar journal doll to go...
no request again >:U Posted over a year ago
Hijinata said …
Hey guys, I got this cool animation program, its like a 3d program; no it's not he 3d that pops out. Anyways, I wanted to try and make a video with it using some pom fan characters in their human form, anyone want to be in it? If you want to see how the animation style looks, go to YouTube and type "mmd animation" or something like "mmd vocoAloid". If you are Interested let me know :D Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
That sounds really cool :3 over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
I've seen that before! Catherine: That's it than, we're in Me: When did you get here? And who's we? Catherine: Me and Johnathan of course... Me: Fine... over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
I have a picture: link over a year ago
big smile
penguin014 said …
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!! im gonna start handing out props!! ^_^ I'll try to get as many people as i can! Thats why im starting early! :D Posted over a year ago
karenkook commented…
Happy holidays! :D over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Happy holidays Alyssa! X3 over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
Happy holidays!!!!!!! :) over a year ago
67Dodge said …
25th December, 2066. Heh, Christmas day, yet again I can count on a great holiday. I guess being alone on Christmas isn't so bad, but it would be nice if mom and dad were here, oh well, this new journal I got will be my friend then, but it can't eliminate how lonely I am, on Christmas day. Look at all those other younglings, they look so happy, playing in the snow and with their parents, I wish my family was like that. Too bad we're too wealthy to be together on Christmas. Posted over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
I made this, this will be a journal entry from Dr. Damion, here, he is about 10 years old. over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Poor guy. Now I can see why he's such a bitter man.......someone needs a HUUUUG X3 over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
Man, his parents suck! >:( over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …

HANAAAAAAAAAH! Posted over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
I know right :( over a year ago
karenkook commented…
?????? What????? What happened????? Que paso???? over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
just read it in her journal on DA over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
I'm mad that Fanpop still hasn't fixed The comment bug Posted over a year ago
TornHeart commented…
me too. over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin commented…
I know! I want to read those 13 comments right now!! over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
^me too! it wont even let me do it right now! !!!!! over a year ago
Lzk94pzpom said …
can people that has request please tell me the descriptions? :P Posted over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
Erm... I gave you a picture... I think.... I'll give it to you again if you want :) over a year ago
Lzk94pzpom commented…
send me it again XP its that on my old post i tried to look at all of my comments and it wont work over a year ago
Skilene234 commented…
link over a year ago
Metallica1147 said …
Brandon (OC): *Cries* I want Marlene! DX
Me: Would you stop crying already?
Brandon: But how come every girl I date always leaves??? DX
Me: How am I suppose to know?
Brandon: Can't I date you girlfriend?
Me: What? NO! That's my girlfriend, besides she's human like me and your an otter.
Brandon: Ohhh. Wish I could get the girls like Jhoman always does. Getting girl after girl like its no big thing. :(
Me: Yeah fans, his Marlene, hasn't been heard from so my OC thinks she left him. Always happens. Posted over a year ago
Metallica1147 commented…
(But again, this is My OC who wants love, not me in real life) over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
agree with crystal over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
Aww i feel so sorry for him :( Where is Marlene? over a year ago
KJBiggestFan said …
Four more days until Christmas and my birthday! Huzzah! *throws confetti everywhere* 8D

...Anyone else excited as I am? XD Posted over a year ago
KowalSkip9 commented…
I'm excited!!! =D over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
CHRISTMAS!...Not in the spirit, too preoccupado. over a year ago
KJBiggestFan commented…
^ Thanks Candy X3 over a year ago
KJBiggestFan commented…
Yay! c: over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin said …
Guys, for the how to shade video, (I had to start over -_-) Which penguin should I use? (Please don't choose, Private, he's hard to draw...) I will use the penguin that the FIRST commenter chooses... Posted over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin commented…
Ummm.....I kinda want to do it like, right now.....Heh. ^^' So...Anyone? -__- over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin commented…
....*sigh* Nevermind, i'll just use Skipper then. over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
I was just gonna say that!!! :D over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
I was asleep. ^^; over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
I have 36 photos on the paper for the group pic. Since it's suppose to be a collage, I guess people wouldn't mind being in group pics. I can probably fit I, 2, or 3 characters in those little square pics. In those bigger photographs, I can probably fit 4(Maybe 5 if someone were taller then the rest of the group. X3)

Just want to let you know. :D Posted over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
Good luck with that whole thing. X) over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
I only has 3 Days left our LAst days is Wednesday Anybody all ready out for Winter Break? Posted over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
You're still in school? lol, my school got off on friday. over a year ago
Skilene234 commented…
my last day is this tuesday then CHRISTMAS BREAK :DDDD over a year ago
skipper12345678 commented…
I am over a year ago
Kat32112 said …
When I click on a Youtube video on here, it won't load and there is a picture thingie in the corner. Anyone else experiencing this or is it my laptop? Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
I dunno, it works for me. :/ over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
Gosh, I hate technology. :/ over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
^Don't we all? :P over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
^True, lol. over a year ago
big smile
skipperfan5431 said …
Does anyone remember the pic I made in the begining of the year where I put all of my best friends on this spot? Well, im making one to commemorate my 1st year on fanpop! If you weren't in it last time, you will be in it this time. I know I promised some people a spot. Well, stay tuned for that ^^ Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Huzzah! :D over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
:3 yup over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
IDK. I drew a christmas pic kiiiinda like that though over a year ago
Hijinata said …
Wow, it's weird that everyone is just suddenly coming back this weekend o-O I bet they've all been hypmontized by the same evil mastermind! (Or they were all brainwashed by the FBI) Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Or it's just the fact that everyone is on Christmas break and have nothing better to do X3 over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
Nah, I still thinkt they've all been hypnotized xD over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
Maybe they were traumatized by Dr. Damion and so Dr. Reid had to wipe their memory away xD over a year ago
big smile
WolfHeart23 said …
I just now realized I have a dedicated fan medal here. Lol, I haven't been on much. xD Posted over a year ago
Marlene23 commented…
congrats!!! :) over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Huzzah! You're one of us now!....>:3 over a year ago
BirdG commented…
yayz - It al starts with that :D - I looked on my profile one day and there stood that have 2 medals! :O One dedicated and one Die-Hard :P over a year ago
WolfHeart23 commented…
@Icicle: I'm a prisoner? xDD ~ Thanks guys x3 over a year ago
TornHeart said …
Requests open. :P

I just want to draw stuff on piZap. XD Posted over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
can you draw Lexii with sunglasses on with a crooked smile and in the reflection in the sunglasses is an explosion please? thank you!!!!!!! over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Can you draw me with a little santa hat on with a santa dress and I have shades on? over a year ago
KingChihuahua12 commented…
It's my profile picture over a year ago
BirdG said …
Hey, people, I know I have been inactive for some time...
But I have news:

I am now a digital painter too! YAY!!! :D

Please take a short part of your time and tell me what you think of my Photoshop-style:


Thaaaanks :D Posted over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
Woa that's a really good picture! Especially since it's one of your first digital photos! I really liked the texture of the feathers! over a year ago
BirdG commented…
thanks ^_^ there's another digital paint on my club - the one of Shadow :D over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …
anyone wanna journal doll link ? i'll draw 5 first person who comment . Posted over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
mae that 4 over a year ago
CatThePenguin commented…
I saw it! I thought it was cute! Can you do me? :3 over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
okay C: over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …
anybody ever heard of creepy pasta before ? i do XP Posted over a year ago
KowalSkip9 commented…
Yep. Haven't actually read very many, but I know what they are. over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
go to sleep XD over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
I have. My friend told me about them, but I've only read maybe one or two. They always freak me out and make me all paranoid to play my Pokemons. XP over a year ago
Lzk94pzpom said …
*sighs* not much people made fan arts of me or my OC,but its fine really ^_^; *sees the dolphin Candy* WHAT?!?!?!?!? *stops for a second* ok, remember,calm,everyone is your friend -_- maybe lots of my friends misses me,yeah i guess so ^_^ <3 *looks though stuff* ._. maybe its better if i should leave fanpop...ok maybe not...*sighs* i'll just stay...i guess i'll just make request then just asking for one....even though no one finished mine v_v ok,anyone want a request? anybody?...oy,i hate myself Posted over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
...You leave Fanpop and I'll take an arrow to the knee! XD Hey, Candy is pretty nice once you get to know her... YEAH! I have a request (I really love the way you draw) Draw these two: linkI was always curious what they looked like in your style :3 over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
can you draw me?!? over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Can you draw Lilly? I'll sure as heck draw you ^^ over a year ago
Skilene234 said …
who wants me to draw his/her oc on paper? Posted over a year ago
karenkook commented…
Rose?? over a year ago
TiaraGhoul commented…
Ariana please!!! If you don't know what she looks like here's the link. over a year ago
TiaraGhoul commented…
link over a year ago
RTE33 said …
today's my birthday! Posted over a year ago
Kat32112 commented…
Happy B-Day! over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
D: !taK yadhtriB yppaH over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
happy late bithday over a year ago
Kat32112 said …
I suppose Fanpop decided it liked me again. Posted over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
well, welcome back. over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
:D Yayness! Welcome back, Kat! It's great to hear from you again. ^^ over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Welcome back Kat. Great to see ya again :D over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
50 OCs...And those are only the main ones. O.O 15 photograph space...I can probably find a way to fit them. Yay!

But the "side characters" The ones that we have, but don't use uh...mainly. Either I expand the page or ignore them.

So suggestions? I can always add a half a page. (My frikken limit! ಠ_ಠ) Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Unless you cheer me on. Then I can add 2 pages. ^^; over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
Add two little blue!!! XD rhymes are ALWAYS good motivators!! :D over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
Add Kat into the image too. :) over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
I know, I remembered her last night. :3 over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
Once upon a time
In a land far away
Were a rookary of penguins
A big crowd, I say!

They each look different
Different looks, different height
And they were together
Never out of sight.

But not only were there penguins,
There were other animals too
Joined in their rookary
Such an odd looking crew...

They're all one happy family
No one can compare to them
Because that awesome crowd in the land far away
Were the epic Fans of PoM!

(I was bored) Posted over a year ago
karenkook commented…
Awesome poem! XD over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
Hey, For the group picture, should I act like it's a bunch of photos on a collage or something? Posted over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
That would be epic!!!!!!! ;) over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
YEAH! over a year ago
Black_Fang said …
Hey! This is Prof. Fang, remember me? Or not, I'm bests friend of Dr. B. Posted over a year ago
DrBlowhole1 commented…
Yeah, yeah we get it Prof. Fang. How is your son doing at trying to rid the earth of the state Canada? lmtfo... over a year ago
heather_penguin said …
can anyone draw my oc. heather.

name: heather Samuel
eye color: light green
feather color: she wears her feathers in a ponytail style. she has it dyed different colors in different sections.
if you need more information look at my picture on my profile. Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Uh, I would love too, but I'm busy with a--Well, techinally, I'll be drawing your OC anyway. ^^; Stick around in New Years. over a year ago
heather_penguin commented…
okay thanks icicle over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
Can anyone draw me a request for me?

Its About Marlene and my oc Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
What's the request? Just curious. over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
um Jholene Under the Mistoleote over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
Yeah, given the job to draw everyone by New Years Eve is overwhelming me that it gave me an artist's block. ^^;

So, anyone got any ideas? :3

I was thinking of a circular pyramid with red seats(I felt Christmassy) and everyone is sitting on it. Maybe with a bird's eye view perspective. (Then again, I'm not that advance. O_O XD) I still want the pyramid idea.

So yeah, ideas? :3 Posted over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
Yeah, why not a Christmas tree? XD over a year ago
imteamedward commented…
you could try i pyramid with people climing it nd u could but ur fav peeps on top nd least at the bottem but they wont knw that :P lol over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
YOU GO GIRL!!!! I like Angel's idea :D over a year ago
KingChihuahua12 said …
How do you upload Gimp Brushes??
Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
go to and search 'gimp brushes' theres a whole bunch you can download there ^^ over a year ago
KingChihuahua12 commented…
how do you download them over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Hey Chase I'll help you when I come over over a year ago
big smile
WolfHeart23 said …
Kay, to everyone that asked for requests, good news: I got my Sai back! :D I finally found a working cracked version so I can draw on it again x3 Posted over a year ago
TornHeart commented…
YAY!!!!! :D over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
yay!!! over a year ago
Lexii23 commented…
Yayyyyyy!!! :) over a year ago
KJBiggestFan commented…
:O .....Yay. :D over a year ago
WolfHeart23 said …
Oh dear... What's going on? D: Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Just ignore the negativity. It will stop soon. Always does. ^^ over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Lets just say, we lost yet again, ANOTHER fan over a year ago
popzi-angel14 said …
OMG! peguins Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
yep penguins :D over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
YAY!!!! over a year ago
imteamedward commented…
i think they are so funny in the movie XD over a year ago
AnnieThePenguin said …
Uugh, am I the only one who has the problem where it glitches when you click on "hiding (number) comments" ?? I want to read some of the comments here and it's annoying... Posted over a year ago
Katie_Kat200 commented…
I had that glitch a while ago. I wonder what's going on... over a year ago
popzi-angel14 commented…
i tryed to check but couldint over a year ago
kowalskilover13 commented…
yeah i have the same probelm too. :-[ it won't let me read over 7 comments over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla said …
this club isn't the same anymore...... Posted over a year ago
Penguinangel commented…
Really? I haven't been around lately, but how's it changed? over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
so many good people is leaving. over a year ago
Blue_Vanilla commented…
you should see her YT account over a year ago
67Dodge said …
Ah, this spot brings so many memories to me, so many of my best friends in this spot have left, and man, it just brings me to tears whenever I watch Stephen King's "It" on YouTube, because it reminds me of the times we've had here, can't wait till we have New Year picture of ALL our Oc's, even the ones who left, I'm gonna miss you guys so much whenever all the fans leave for good to move on with their lives. :,) Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Beautiful Speech Richard!!! over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Aw. That was very nice Richard. Very well spoken. Whever I watch "It" I cry not because of the memories it brings, but because I am deathly afraid of clowns ^^ over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
^Aww. Ain't that just the sweetest x3 over a year ago
RTE33 said …
WHOA, It Seem's Like Forever! If You Don't Know or Remember Me. I Used To be RustyandJuneP back then Until My Account Got Deleted!

So Yeah, It's Benn a While.

What's Going On? Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Uh, there were a lot of chains, weirdo pairings, and Dr. Damion. Woot! over a year ago
67Dodge commented…
Yaaaaay!!!! Welcome back!! over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
Oh, I think I remember you :D SO yea pretty much everything has been covered.... over a year ago
big smile
TiaraGhoul said …
I'M BACK ON MY COMPUTER!!!!! YAY!!!! Posted over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
me too! :D over a year ago
TiaraGhoul commented…
I mean, my computer was damaged. It was fixed. & I LOST ALL MY FILES!!!! over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
that sucsk! mine had a virus on it i think./ over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
Well looks like Jhordan And Marlene23 Are going out :) Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
i Hope this is not a Problem with Ya'll over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
THANKS :0 over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
thanks Marlene is Perfect for me :) over a year ago
big smile
Colonelpenguin said …
Hey Can someone Draw My Arch-Rival*Queen Astan* controlling me with a mind control helmet?? There is a reward Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
yea one minute over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
link over a year ago
chatterbox55 said …
how do u add a vid every time i try it submits it as a link! Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
I dunno. I tried putting a video with my iPad, it turned into a link. Uh...IDK. What are you using? over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
Can anyone draw my oc and Marlene please? :) Posted over a year ago
VeeTruLxi commented…
I'll try. ^_^" I haven't done Marlen on Paint (or you) so it might not look good.... :( ...What do you want you two to do? over a year ago
VeeTruLxi commented…
*Marlene over a year ago
VeeTruLxi commented…
I finally finished...I hope you like it! ^^" over a year ago
Celestepenguin said …
HEY!!! WAZZZZZZZZZZUP!!! fanpopperz!!!!! Names Celeste Gr8t to be here looks lika a cool site can't wait to meet u awesum peoplez LOL

Peace out Posted over a year ago
Skilene234 commented…
LoL:))))DDD XP over a year ago
Celestepenguin commented…
cOOLIO!!!! :D over a year ago
RicoThePenguin commented…
haaaaii!! over a year ago
Celestepenguin commented…
Hai to you 2 over a year ago
WolfHeart23 said …
Wow... It looks like I gave people something to do when they're bored... HOORAY FOR CLEVERBOT! XD Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
You know i think i should go with Marlene Again i do have a Crush on her Ever since Since Amanda don't Love me Anymore :( Posted over a year ago
TiaraGhoul commented…
Yup. You should go with Marlene. over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
i'm am now :) over a year ago
Skilene234 said …
im erasing violetta sorry but i just can go on with just 1 oc:P Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Yeah, I prefer 1 rather than a lot. Well, I have 2...Yeah, I'mma kill him off one day. You just want one OC to keep track off. X3 over a year ago
BirdG commented…
My OC is not just an OC. It mirrors my soul..... wtf? nah, it's true XD lol... that's why I couldn't delete her...even if I wanted to...I would kill myself through it :P - my life is strange XD over a year ago
WolfHeart23 said …
Ok, I heard this at school and just HAD to put my OCs in it... xD

Lisa: *Looks at manicure* Wow... This did NOT turn out good...
Eric: *cough* That's what your mama said when you wuz born o3o
Lisa: *kicks him in the knee* -_-

Oh, the wonders of high school study hall. xD Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Haha! School has it's moments. X3 over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
I don't know what to do anymore with Amanda and me i give up she loves someone else and i'm sad and lonley :( Posted over a year ago
penguin014 commented… sorry jhordan.... over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
*sighs* its ok i guess i need to find another girl then over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
mee too :) over a year ago
Lexii23 said …
Can y'all help me with this?:
I want to draw a pic of Lexii and Julien together but i dont know what to draw them doing... Any ideas???? Other characters can be in the pic too. Thank you!! Lol i said y'all. XD

Oh and nothing to dirty!! ;) kissing/ hugging is the farthest i will go!! ;) Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Maybe they're slapping each other...OH, Romantic? Uh over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
They should--I got nothing. over a year ago
Kowalski355 commented…
*:) over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …

Well, keep going. I like it. :3 Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
:3 'Cause it's fuuuuuun XD over a year ago
WolfHeart23 commented…
Ok, I will too... xD over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Oooooh, my turn! XD over a year ago
1Amberpet said …
I'm soooo bored...anyway OPERATION: Matchmaker is about to commince underway...SOMEPERSON keep Amanda of this spot...SOMEONE ELSE act like some british dude...X3 AND FRED! *looks at him* Continue whatever your doing...-_-

ANYWAY SOMEONE ELSE, keep Jhordan company...X3 Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Meddling? Haha! I don't think I can be much help. X3 over a year ago
Hijinata said …
Hey guys, guess were I hide my Christmas, and other candied sweets :D Posted over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
No.... :D over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
Under............a..............rock.............:3 over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
In my beak. :D over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
No, but close, I hide it in my little trashcan :D over a year ago
big smile
skipperfan5431 said …
Im in the HOLIDAY SPIRIT!!! Does anyone have an idea for a christmas pic? I wanna use atleast 5 OC's. Im open to any suggestions! Posted over a year ago
Colonelpenguin commented…
Can you make me holding a cany cane in battle stance and I have a santa hat on over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
I made the pic. If anyone in this post wasn't in it TELL MEE. I can't open the other comments because it glitches my computer, so a used the OC's I had at the top of my head. over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
*I over a year ago
Jhordan232 said …
Jhordan: I still miss Amanda She hasn't Talked to me in weeks :( Posted over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
i did but she won't respond back she's not online all the time :'( over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
i know.... ;'( over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
its the stage of grief as she calls me time for a little Jhoranda lover to play matchmaker...AGAIN! Gosh first Alex and Cress, now Jhordan and Amanda? X3 over a year ago
Icicle1penguin said …
So, our friend Private here wants to spend time with this new girl, I think it's cute, but his team is preventing them from being together. He can't seem to get the girl alone since he team is always around.

So, it's our job to prevent any nuisance that breathes to get near Private and this girl! In order to do so, we must distract the penguins, the lemurs, the Fred guy, ETC.

I'll start.

Icicle: Hey Skipper!
Skipper: What?
Icicle: PIE! *throws pie*
Skipper: Wha--GET BACK HERE MISSY! Posted over a year ago
Hijinata commented…
Crystal: Ohhh, I’ll go distract Kowalski >:D *Leaves* Hey Kowalski, I think I saw Doris over at the snow cone stand! over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Fred: What's a zoo? over a year ago
1Amberpet commented…
Choatsu: I think were fine and THAT WAS EASY! over a year ago
mixmaster15 said …
Hmm....I can't believe I am actually asking this, but...I'm currently in consideration of deleting my account...I mean, I'm starting to loose intrest in the show and I'm kind of getting sick of Fanpop. (Don't worry, it is not any of you who have made me think this. ^^) I'm just giving a heads up, if by some chance my account isn't on here anymore by the next week. Posted over a year ago
mixmaster15 commented…
Seriously, I'm in serious need of what you all have to say. I'm 50/50 right now and can't make up my mind. over a year ago
starslight101 commented…
Thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u!!!!! :) over a year ago
mixmaster15 commented…
No problem no problem no problem no problem no problem! :D over a year ago
TornHeart said …
Any requests? Will get them done eventually.
Not using a forum since i would forget to check it and yada yada. Posted over a year ago
TornHeart commented…
Sure :3 over a year ago
Jhordan232 commented…
you know my requst right You remebered :) over a year ago
TornHeart commented…
Kay :3 over a year ago
skipperfan5431 said …
Lol. I have to make a book for 5th and 6th graders about the periodic table for a science project. My teacher said to be creative, so im putting my OC Kam in it. XD Posted over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
thanks XD over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Yay! Smart OCs! :3 over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
I'll see what I can do XD over a year ago
Hijinata said …
Wow this is so weird.... I get an idea for a vid or something I want to draw, and when I come back onto fanpop, I see someone else has done something similar xD lol, I guess great minds think alike, or we're all just weir o-O Posted over a year ago
Icicle1penguin commented…
Happened to me to. XD WE HAVE AWESOME MINDS!!!! over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
I hate when that happes. Catherine beat me to a recent idea. CURSE YOUUUU! XD jk over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
'happens over a year ago
TiaraGhoul said …
Icicle1penguin commented…
Don't worry. Hopefully. When my laptop was broken, I thought everything was deleted! But actually, ALL of my files were kept in a folder over a year ago
skipperfan5431 commented…
That happened to me. Is he doing a full system restore? If so all your downloaded files and drawings will be erased. It happened to me too. over a year ago
TiaraGhoul commented…
^I don't have a flash drive. My mother will use her flash drive to save my pics. over a year ago