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Gay Rights Question

I think I'm bi, I don't know what my family thinks about it and I'm scared to tell them. My friends say they are for gays but if one of us says something that might make someone think they are gay they would act like they wouldn't want to be friends.

My question is:Even if I'm not sure, should I tell my friends and family?
VampireKnight78 posted over a year ago
 VampireKnight78 posted over a year ago
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Gay Rights Answers

dave11 said:
well i have to say that u cant flaunt it out if u r because im gay and i had to hide it untill i was when u feel its the right time u will know trust me i knew and u need to sit down with everyone and tell them and make sure they understand thats my advise i hope u can use it :)

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posted over a year ago 
kissthespider26 said:
I'm bi and I think you should wait until you know you're ready to tell them. I told my best friend first, and she had no problem with it, then I told my older sister and my dad, and then my mum, who had openly expressed that she thought lesbians were 'ew'. I didn't tell her for months and then eventually I just blurted it out. She hugged me and said she didn't mind, I can't remember her exact words. That was about 2 years ago? and now my older sister has been saying nasty things about how I am 'claiming to be bisexual' and I'm not because I haven't had sex with a girl. Which I think is retarded, because if you're unsure, you don't go out and fuck anyone you see then say 'nope, I'm straight.'

Well, I wouldn't. Anyway, LONG story short, wait until you're ready, and if anyone rejects you because of it, then they're not worth your time if they can't accept you for who and what you are.
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posted over a year ago 
DibLuver25 said:
Im in the same situation right now... but my only problem is I think I like my best friend and she already thinks im acting weird... So no, if your not sure I wouldn't tell, I would wait until your absolutly sure and then tell.
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posted over a year ago 
cianabarrera said:
I know how u Feel,I'm bi too and hasn't told anyone,but If I was to then I know I would b able to tell my moms because there all ways there fir me and u should feel that way and not b scared
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posted over a year ago 
HaruLuver said:
I know what it feels like because I also think I'm bi, but I'm not certain that I am. I would wait for the right time to tell them. Or wait until you're certain that you know that you're bi.
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posted over a year ago 
Valorthefallen said:
I'm bi to I'm afraid to tell my gf because well she has a brother whose gay but I'm still afraid to tell her because I have a crush on my friend Luke
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posted over a year ago 
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