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Gay Rights Question

Ineed to ask u guys sumthing... y do ppl thing its wrong to be gay???

ppl assume LBGT ppl are all pedoes raing kids all day and they should rot in hell but i dont cos my cousin is gay and hes fine
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
wolfclan212 posted over a year ago
most people claim being gay goes against god but i think theres people who are afraid of what they dont understand but mostly people dont like anything or anyone who doesnt think as they do.which is so sad because there are so many different and wonderfull people out there if only they could be open minded enough to see
winterskyzz posted over a year ago
 AnimeVampire94 posted over a year ago
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Gay Rights Answers

SnowshoeAviator said:
It's a religious thing. Honestly. From a historical view. Our western culture originated in Greece and Rome, both encouraged homosexuality amongst the soldiers so they would protect each other more. But then Christianity was introduced. Homosexuality was a considered a sin by that religion. That is because it had to be in the old Hebrew culture. They were a very small race of tribal peoples that needed all the people it could get, and if a member was homosexual they could produce no young. This was carried over from Judaism into Christianity because Christianity is basically an expansion of Judaism with a tiny difference in views. These views were then later adopted by Rome. Christianity became the main religion, you know how the cycle goes. The great revolutions in scientific thought stopped dead and so did the original views of the Romans. Sense Christianity is also very integrated into Western culture people still have the views of the Christians that homosexuality is a sin.
TL;DR Because it is considered a sin by the Christian religion.
... Wow. My history teacher would be so proud of me if he read this. ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
lol any teacher would be proud of that! xD
SBKITT1 posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said:
I don't know. It's really stupid.

You hear all these religious freaks saying it's "against the bible", yet if God made everyone and you should "love thy neighbor", shouldn't you love gays too?

Some people are probably scared by it, or are closet gays themselves and are afraid to admit it.

And some people I think just are against it because they're only used to traditional marriage and such.

Anyways, I think it's absolutely fine to be Gay, and that anyone who is against it is a small-minded idiot, but that's just me, :P

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posted over a year ago 
HONDTangled said:
Yeah, I do love gay people, I don't really agree with their methods and I don't want to be one. But I find it strange that you can't make a baby unless you have a man and a woman, that's my thing.
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posted over a year ago 
I find that sad too for nummerous reasons I'm very bi but have so many medical problems having a child of my own is next to imposible. If a couple wants to adopt a baby they should be alowd. If a singal finacial stable wants to adobt a child they should be able to.
piperlovegood posted over a year ago
Yes but gay people have to ADOPT! some of my sisters are adopted, I'm fine with that but it's that you don't have that ability to try and make one of your own
HONDTangled posted over a year ago
Gay people don't HAVE to adopt, There is such things as sperm donars, egg donars and surrogat mothers
theelderwand posted over a year ago
Insectakill said:
Because people think it's sick that gay people are sick for loving the same gender as themselves that everyone should be straight i say who cares let the love go all around!! :) <3 gays are people too.!!!.
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posted over a year ago 
Well, I do agree with that it's sick, but I don't hate them.
HONDTangled posted over a year ago
Xero_Pyramid206 said:
Honestly, I dont think its right, but they dont deserve the crap they get today. Sometimes Christians take it over the line, and thats coming from a Christian right here. I have friends that are gay and They are the nicest people. Honestly, I think people mis interpret the bible, Gays are God's children too, he loves them too. Why cant we love our brothers and sisters? Love your neighbor as thyself, thats on the 10 comandments, God's Law
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posted over a year ago 
theelderwand said:
It is NOT wrong to be gay.
You are who you are, people have to stop dictatig how people live their lives and live their colourless lives.
It is NOT sick to be gay it is normal because if it wern't normal it wouldn't exist. It happenes in every species I don't see why western people fear (yeas thet fear it aswell) homosexuality.
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posted over a year ago 
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