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Gay Rights Question

What do you think about gay to straight therapy?

It's ridiculous.It trying to change who you are.Some people think that homosexuality is a diease because it is unnatural to them.The "therapy" doesn't change you feelings.People who "were" gay say that they are straight but the truth is that they are still gay.Getting married or being in a relationship with the opposite sex doesn't make them happy
nor straight at all.
SeeUV3 posted over a year ago
Uh, what do I think? I think it doesn't exist.
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
 Heroine999 posted over a year ago
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Gay Rights Answers

hetalianstella said:
You are who you are, no amount of therapy is going to change that.
I think it's disgusting that that even exists~
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posted over a year ago 
It doesn't.
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
dustfinger said:
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also, pretty sure it doesn't work. Because even if you think you're "cured" those feelings are only suppressed and they're bound to come out eventually.

Just my opinion as i am not a gay person who's been to this kind of "therapy"
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posted over a year ago 
siriuslycool said:
It is ridiculous. You can't turn someone straight, just like you can't turn them gay. It's not a choice. It's also not a mental issue that can be solved using therapy. That is bloody ridiculous.
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posted over a year ago 
bitCoder said:
I think something like that is a waste of time and and effort. People viewing a sexuality different from theirs as a disease is what sickens me very often about society and it just adds to the irrationality of the controversy about the LGBT community as a whole.
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posted over a year ago 
jester616 said:
It's a complete scam.
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posted over a year ago 
Ha! So agree!
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
Alchemistlover said:
Yeah it's ridiculous how people think it;s a disease. It's not only stupid but rude as well.
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posted over a year ago 
Therapists don't think it's a disease…nor a disorder.
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
Makeupdiva said:
I think it's dumb. People need to realize that being gay isn't a disease as in it doesn't do anything to your health. I read somewhere, where a person said he heard from a psychologist or someone like that who said someone who said it's how a person is brought up. Meaning, if I remember correctly, that it was mostly abused or raped kids, growing up and becoming gay. Now, I know that is wrong because I know a few people who are gay and it wasn't because of their childhood. Now there is the saying, which I heard on The Breakfast Club 'That there are girls who are born fat and girls who become fat.' It's sort of the same thing. Like I know this guy, who's my sister's ex, she found out he was gay a few years ago. She was so upset that he realized that he was but it wasn't that he chose to become gay, it's because deep down, he felt it. He dated like 3 girls in High School, my sister was one of those 3 and he was confused. He was trying to figure himself out. I've know that could happen. But anyways, he's not sick, he doesn't have a disease. People who are against it, need to realize it's not something that can be diagnosed, you can't take a blood test or an x-ray to find out if you like the same sex. It's not like it's epilepsy or diabetes. Anyways, I just think the gay to straight therapy is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. A counsellor can't automatically make you change your orientation. People are so stupid. Not saying you, just people who think that way.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes.People need to really look at gays(like myself) and see that their is nothing wrong with them.They need to relies stupid their reacting to something unusual to them.
Heroine999 posted over a year ago
There's nothing wrong with you, but almost something has made somebody think they're gay. I mean, you first thought you were straight didn't you? Then you thought differently because of some different event in your life.
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
NightFrog said:
It's so fake.

Homosexuality, like heterosexuality, is not a disease. That has been proven repeatedly throughout the years, though people are stubbornly refusing to believe or even look into it. I feel deeply sorry for those who are forced into it, or believe they need it. The only thing they need is to be able to accept themselves and be given respect just like every other human being should. If you keep insisting that the person is sick, they're going to start believing it, and after time, they will be sick- not because of their sexual attractions, but because of the reactions and treatments that were in result of that. It'll make things so much worse- don't try to fix what isn't broken.
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posted over a year ago 
That is so true.You want to fix something that doesn't need fixing.Intead you breaking it.
Heroine999 posted over a year ago
Need what? Non-existing type of therapy?
Rainshadow999 posted over a year ago
xDerpaliciousx said:
It's ridiculous... seriously. :I You shouldn't fix something if it isn't broken! They can't change your orrientation cause it matches what you believe in. Everyone thinks differently. If they don't want their love life to be messed with, then they shouldn't mess with someone elses.
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posted over a year ago 
FassMackee said:
i came out to my mom, she wanted the Church to help me be str8, it was three weeks of torture!!! And the xtains wonder why I HATE THEM!!! still gay btw:)
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posted over a year ago 
Fassmckee said:
Did anyone see the news article where Four young men, were tortured and killed by these Xtain brainwashers? Oh your still gay? I'll torture you til you love jeebus and believe as I do, if noti'll just kill you. JEEBUS SAYS ITS ALRIGHT!!! My heart bleeds for these four lights which were snuffed out by these freaking arseholes!!! :.....(
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posted over a year ago 
Peaceandlove67 said:
It doesn't work. If someone is truly gay, then they're never going to be straight. Trying to change them is just wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
CokeTheUmbreon said:
I think it's as unnecessary as fuck tbh. If a person wants to be gay, then let them.
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posted over a year ago 
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