Gossip Girl Agree/Disagree game

mimika_s posted on Jul 05, 2008 at 01:08PM
I don't know if it has been posted again.If it has,just let me know and I will delete it.This game is at many spots.

You make a statement and the other one answers with agree or disagree.When someone disagrees he/she tells why.

Are you interested in playing that?

Chuck and Blair are the best Gossip Girl couple

Gossip Girl 166 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 166

over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Ooooh yeahh I'd love a Chair wedding! (lmao! I just realised how weird the words 'Chair wedding' would sound to someone who's never watched GG!)

Agree. All the older cast members seem to link in some way too! =P

Blair will become pregnant at some point in GG
over a year ago hallemay550 said…

NO NO NO! LOL I don't want to go down that clichè road!

Something really crazy is going to happen in this season that will surprise people (who haven't read spoilers, at least)
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
LOL! Yeahh it would turn it into a bit of a soap...

Agree. *goes to read spoilers anyway* LOL!

Derena will be together again at the end of the season. (I hope anyway! =D)
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Agree. Unfortunately.
I don't want Derena together, but... I think that they'll smoosh them together again anyways.

Blair's hair is prettier when it's that dark brown hue.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Disagree. I mean, I looooooove her dark hair, don't get me wrong, but I loooooove the highlights she put in, it really brings out the darker tones in her eyes. =)

Chuck is hotter with bangs. ;p
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
I don't like it when it's like slicked back, or with a side part.

Serena has gotten more edge, and more character this season <3
over a year ago Praesse said…
Agree. :)

2.08 was the best episode this far.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Agreed. =]]

2.09 is going to be AWESOME!! <3
over a year ago Praesse said…
Agree!!! <333

Season 2 is better than Season 1 so far.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Agree definitely!

Jenny is actually tolerable in S2 (especially compared to S1)
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
I hate her now for going out with Nate. She's making me so MAD lately!

Jenny was cuter before, when she had sweet hair and simple make-up.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Yeah I see what you mean, I don't like her with Nate...but I still prefer her now so...

Disagree! I think you knew that was coming ;]

Jenny and Nate are awful awful awful together! >.<
over a year ago luinwen said…
mmm I agree

Vanessa was acting like she was so inocent and like a victim
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
agree. and she was kind of...but I really wish she hadn't told dan about it right then. She seriously can't be excluding Blair from the UES people with a heart. ;p

There should be another episode where Blair has her b-day party...like last season
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Hm... I'm really half and half on that one. I'd probably say agree, but it might be too deja vu, repetitive-like.

Jenny trying to fit in with people is getting SO old (i.e. season 1, trying to fit in with blair, season 2 trying to fit in with Anges)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Disagree. It doesn't really seem the same to me...and everyone tries to fit in, so um...yeah. ;p

Blair and Chuck have matured A LOT through the course of episode 2x08
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
AGREE... the teasing and tempting at the beginning was/is fun and it's one of the main reasons I love Chuck and Blair, and I'd never want their playful sides to die, but I had a total awwwww moment (with tears) at the end, when Chuck went to Blair... especially when he crouched down and held her hand when she started crying. Aww. Aww. I was in floods then.

Blair's bulimia might come back sometime in Season Two.

I'm undecided about that statement ^^ myself, so I want to see what someone else thinks. M y brain is arguing with reasons why it will and won't at the moment...
over a year ago blairbear said…
agreed...i think if the (problem) occures it would be great.They delved into it in the book and i enjoyed it. They will be together soon and they will not can not be borning that just isnt them > i feel they will get togther then brake up once its revelaved it played a hand in queen S thing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
But in 2x04 Chuck says to Blair "I wonder how that happened... wait... I know EXACTLY how it happened..." so, she already knows.
I'v never read the books, apart from the prequel... they're kind of different (well, really different) so I stopped after the prequle because I didn't want it to change my perception of the show... sorry if that's weird, lol. I think it might come back, but then again, I don't... damnn. Confuddled.
So... if this is allowed... same statement stands from me (just once more, I promise, lol :o))... because I just want to know what people think. I've been thining about it for ages, lol.
Blair's bulimia might come back some time in Season Two.

over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
agreed. It might. But I kinda hope it doesn't. I like how things are going right now.

Rufus and Lily will get together at some point in the season.
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Especially if the rumours are true and it is Bart that dies... but then, that may be kind of sick, getting together with someone just after your husband dies. But it could happen because he might look out for Lily after her loss, and they become close... if you see what I mean?
ie my statement...I'm going to stop thinking about it because I don't know what to think. lol. I don't know whether I want it to come back or not... hmm. Well, whatever happens happens at the end of the day, so I'll accept what the writers want to do :o)

Blair will find out that Dan was trying to sabotage her when he spoke to her before she went to tell Chuck she loves him, not trying to look out for her.
And she'll do something about it. >:o| .lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
disagree. Dan already fessed up to Chuck and CB had their talk of what they're going to do. Whatever manipulation Dan got himself into doesn't matter anymore.

Dan will get jealous of Serena's "relationship" with Aaron.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Agree agree agree!! XD

Serena and Aaron will 'break up' before the season finale.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
agree. I mean, they're cute and all...but he seems to be a bit of a player.

Chuck will get Vanessa's trust back.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Agree-ish. I'm not too sure yet but I can see it happening at some point (hopefully!)

Nate and Blair will have a one-night stand. (Although I hope not! >.<)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Disagree. They're SO over. It's literally impossible (okay...maybe not...since it's gg...but it's a big stretch)

Jenny will hook up with someone else (besides Nate...cause we all know that won't last)
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Agree and Disagree. If they add a new male character, then it's a possibility. But with the current cast, no. There isn't anyone that fits. Besides, I don't think Jenny's storylines for this Season are going to be focussed around romances...aside from with Nate, for now. Which you're right, will probably not last more than three or four episodes in my opinion.

Blair won't get into Yale.
(I know, random... but I have a memory of reading a spoiler that she doesn't, but it could be my over active imagination because I can't remember where I saw it, nor have I ever found it again. Soo... I'm asking if anyone thinks it's a possibility? I hope she gets in, it's her dream, and I want something GOOD to happen to her because it's always BAD news... but still, I'm allowed to wonder...)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Agree and Disagree. As much as she loves it, maybe she'll realize it's not worth it. Hmm...idk.

Nate and Chuck will become buddies again.
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Agree. They managed to be friends again (even though it took a while) after the C/B/N love triangle mess, so I don't think anything will stop them rekindling their friendship when it's survived something like that. Also, Dan's probably going to freak about J/N, so that friendship may well be out of the window for a while... and Nate needs a friend right now. Even though he has Jenny, but she's a girlfriend... Ohh, getting too complicated. I'm bad at putting things into words, I know what I mean, lol.

When Aaron's dad (Cyrus) starts to date Blair's mom and Blair tries to sabotage their relationship, it's going to cause tension between Serena and Blair.
Because I'm not sure if it will or not, lol. My brain's making two lists why and why not again, haha.
over a year ago heyther0689 said…
Hahah okay im not exactly sure what your trying to say but i think I

After Jenny's dad turns her in to the cop she leaves home and moves in with Agnes.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Agree. She would be that stubborn!

Jenny will come back after an inevitable fight with Agnes.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Agree. Though I don't know if it's her dad she'll becoming back to.

Nate will actually eventually be with a girl for more than an episode and a half. ;p
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Disagree. Which girl would WANT him for more than an episode and a half?
Just kidding ^^... but I don't think he will have a steady relationship for a while, because I'm not sure he knows what he wants in a girlfriend yet... he spent so long with Blair in a kind of forced relationship, I think he needs to experiment a bit to see what HE wants.

Either Blair or Chuck (or both) will say those three little words before the Season Finale.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Agree!! I hope one of them does at least! =]]

Vanessa will start some more of her scheming!
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Disagree. I think after what happened with Chuck, she doesn't want to mess around anymore...and I really hope she doesn't mess with CB either. ugh.

Nate's dad will come back at some point and actually get arrested.
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Hmm, good one.
Agree/Disagree... I think he will definitely get arrested, but I don't think he will come back... I don't know why :oP

Someone will find out about Marcus and Catherine, and they'll know that's why Blair left him...? I don't know about this one myself... so I thought I'd find out what other people think... my brain's doing that yes/no list thing again :oP
Lovess, LittleDancer-123x
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Agree. (I just hope it doesn't sabotage what CB have now...and that it doesn't mess with B at school to, *sigh*) It's just a matter of time before something like that comes to the surface.

Vanessa will try coming on to Chuck (Jessica Szohr said there would be some flirtation...but we don't know if she was only referring to 2x07)
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Good gosh, I hope not!
But... I regretfully have to say.... I agree :o(
I think she might... maybe to make Nate jealous because he's with Jenny (her friend) by flirting with his (though his is an ex, but still)? Plus she doesn't exactly like Blair... so it IS a posibility... but if she messes up C/B...
Bye Bye Vanessa.

Blair's birthday party this year will end up with some C/B "interaction in the bedroom" :oP like last year.
Lovess, LittleDancer-123x
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
lol. yeah I don't want her to try anything with Chuck either...but there IS going to be a NVJ love triangel...so I could see the possibilities. ;p

disagree. I think there will definitely be some CB interaction...but I don't think chuck'll let it get that far...although blair's seduction techniques aren't exactly horrible. lol.

Blair will get jealous from Emma hitting on Chuck in the next episode.
over a year ago bonca101 said…

jenny and nate are gonna be a great couple
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
disagree. they won't last very long...especially with jenny so concerned over vanessa, and vanessa not over nate.

blair will help chuck destroy dan once she finds out what dan did and about chuck's past.
over a year ago ggobsessed said…
agree.. maybe I think it depends on what happens with Dan & Serena

Erik is the best side character!
over a year ago 3liiiiin said…
Disagree, there are others that are better :P

Chuck and Blair need to get back together soon?

over a year ago deans_gurl said…
agree times a million!! it needs to happen soon :)

chuck is the hottest guy on the show!
over a year ago hallemay550 said…

I'm going to have to say Nate/Chace on this one!

Aaron and Serena will end within the next few episodes.
over a year ago mimika_s said…
Agree-It's already over*does the happy dance*

Jenny and Eric would be cute if Eric wasn't gay...
over a year ago xSOFAx said…
Agree!! too bad he's gay :P

Dan is an ass for (maybe) cheating on serena with rachel carr
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Agree definately AGREE!!

Nate and Vanessa should seriously break up
over a year ago Leightonfan said…

Blair is the best character on GG.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
AGREE. My absolute fav. ;p

There should be another ball soon. =)