Gossip Girl Question...

hallemay550 posted on Oct 03, 2008 at 07:17AM
I don't want to make anyone mad (who's a fan of B), but I want to ask a question.

People have been saying that S is being a big bitch in these latest episodes. What I don't understand is: Blair is such a little bitch, and I love that about her, and lots of people have said that they love that about her too, but now that S expresses herself and shows her bitchy side, people hate hate hate her! I know that S is being a little bitchy to B, but look at what B did in 2x05! She was treating S like her enemy, not her best friend.

I don't want to make anyone mad, I just wanted to ask people about this and see what they thought. I really want to discuss this topic, because I never really got to ask people why they think S is being such a horrible person, when B started the whole thing, and has always been this way, yet they still love B.

Gossip Girl 69 replies

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over a year ago Shandiii said…
I'm a little biased I guess, but Serena has annoyed me since the beginning of season 1.
Blair was being rude to Serena in the last episode and it did annoy me that she was acting so childish.
I can understand that she thought that Serena was pushing their friendship aside to hang out with a famous person. And I think that the only thing that B knows how to do when she's upset, is to hurt everyone around her as much as possible.
In the end she was trying to truely apologize to Serena, and I would understand if Serena didn't except the apology right away, I probably wouldn't. But Serena really took it too far and completely insulted Blair and pointed out her weakness, which is something you can't really control.

People do love that B is a bitch, but she was never a bitch to any of her friends (unless she felt hurt or threatened by them). Serena's bitchyness is aimed at Blair, her ex best friend, and Dan, her ex boyfriend. 2 people that once were very important to her.
I don't know... a lot of people are on S's side and calling Blair the bitch and so I guess it's just difference of opinions.
But like I said, I've pretty much always disliked Serena a lot, so naturally I sided with Blair.
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
I just couldn't believe that a girl (Blair) that wants her mother's approval so much, would sabotage her mom's fashion show. Forget the fact that she totally hurt Serena by not trying to understand the reasons why Serena was doing things, and forget the fact that she was totally trying to ruin Serena... I can't get over the fact that a girl that is always STRIVING to win her mother's love, and approval, is ruining something her mother has put so much work into, and really cares about.

I think everyone's familiar with Blair's hurting other people when she's hurt herself, but she did it when there was practically no reason! Serena's not in any way obligated to only have Blair as her friend! She can hang out with other people, that doesn't change the fact that Blair is her best friend! But Blair is so insecure that she takes this totally overboard.

And you know, I understand that Serena was a little hard on Blair, but if my best friend did something like that, in my moment of rage I would just GIVE IT to her! I'm actually shocked that Serena didn't act worse than she did! Blair needed that eye-opener, she needed to know that she's not the center of the universe, and that she can't just destroy something and walk away unscathed. And I feel that Blair CAN control that weakness. She just has to try. Confidence is key, and Blair, on the outside, looks like she has confidence, but on the inside it's crumbled a long time ago. And I totally respect the opinions of people on Blair's side, but I just can't side with B on this one. My instincts tell me that she needs to learn a lesson.

And I guess that there's a difference of opinion for people that have always liked Serena the best (me). Thanks for taking the time to put something on here =)
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Oh, I agree about Blair ruining her mother's show.
That was just selfish, and so so so childish, and I really cannot believe she would stoop that low to embarrass her own family. I think that was kind of out of character, because embarassing her mother, means embarrassing her name. That was just... stupid on her part.

I can definitely see why people are siding with Serena, I just wish no one had to side with anyone. I like it better when they're friends...
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
I'm glad that someone on Blair's side at least admits that she wasn't acting right when she did that to her mother. I wish that it was easier to explain why I think Serena is the right one to be with, but it's hard to do it over the internet!

And I totally agree--Blair and Serena are so kick-ass together!
over a year ago waldorf said…
I'm too lazy to explain why I think Serena is just as wrong as Blair in this situation, so I'll just copy this from tv guide.

"I liked that Serena kept worrying about Blair’s feelings all night – she knows how Blair is, and that showed she cared. But eventually, Poppy’s speeches about "don’t be afraid to show your inner light because of her" got to her, and she started to believe that Blair was really holding her back. But here’s the thing: friendship’s a two-way road, and as much as Serena looks out for her sensitive, high-maintenance best friend , Blair’s always got Serena’s back as well. Who picked up a drunk Serena on Thanksgiving day or at some bar one night and helped her sober up? Who forgave her best friend for betraying her and sleeping with her boyfriend? Who got rid of evil Georgina? That was all Blair. Blair’s just a good a friend to Serena as Serena is to her, so she did not deserve that little "I’m not holding myself back for you any longer" tirade from Serena."
over a year ago livelovelaugh said…
dont even get me started on how annoyed i was with blair that episode i was like wil ya jus leave it alone jees lol but anyway i agree that serena should be able to shine but the way she went about it was wrong im sure if she jus said it to blair like im not gonna hold back yeh blair would be pissed at first but she would be fine with it and she would probs shine with her but jus totally being that snooty and disrespectful to her blair was there for her look what she was doing for her and dan she got georgina away she deserves better than that and this is coming from some one who is a big serena fan lol
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Hm, in response to Waldorf... I think that Blair really IS holding Serena back. In my opinion, Serena is the better friend, because she's been holding back this entire time, while BLAIR wouldn't give up her throne for anything. And yes, Blair did do lots of things for Serena, but isn't that what friends are supposed to do? It's not like I'm saying that Blair never did anything for Serena, and so S had to do everything for Blair herself. Blair did do some things to show her friendship, but I really don't like how she acted in 2x05. It was embarrassing for her. But Blair is SO much harder to be a good friend to than Serena. Serena'll let you be who you want to be, whereas if Blair catches you doing something she doesn't like... you're in trouble.

But it's not that Serena was taking out her frustration with Blair's insecurities and jealousy on her, it's was the frustration of the night. And if I was Serena, I would have given it to her BAD. Or maybe just done what I needed to do, and finally not ask Blair for her permission. The way that Blair was in 2x05 did not show her friendship at ALL.

In response to livelovelaugh, I agree that Serena probably could have gone about confronting Blair better, but imagine if you were in that situation. Your supposed "best friend" has been trying to publicly humiliate you, and hurt you. All you did was make some new friends. At the end of the show, you're fed up. I think I would have freaked out at my BFF if she did that! What kind of person tries to hurt their BFF like that? I was fuming at Blair! Anyways, put yourself in Serena's shoes. She was probably hurt more than she wanted to admit, I mean, Blair was her BEST FRIEND, and she did that to her. Or tried to. Serena's so amazing that she dodged pretty much everything.
over a year ago waldorf said…
I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree at all. What do you mean when you say that Serena "did everything for Blair"?

Anyway, this discussion could go on forever. They're both right and wrong in some ways and I guess it all depends on who you like the best...
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
If I said that Serena did everything for Blair, that was an accident. I DON'T think Serena does everything for her, but I mean, Serena has been Blair's helping hand, and she's been there to prop her up and do so much for her. Now, Blair has done the same for S, although not as much, but she still has, so I'm not criticizing her for that. What I'm angry about is the fact that everyone is getting mad at Serena, when S has done so much for B, and she was probably so hurt and upset that Blair was trying hard to ruin her at that fashion show.

The sad thing is that S obviously appreciates B and loves her, so I'm sure it was her last resort to confront her best friend like that! But I think she was just so fed up, and the anger was building inside her, so she just finally blew!
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
I guess I'm a little biased as well, but....and I did feel awful for Serena in the beginning of the episode, cause she was trying so hard to fix things with B....but at the end of all things, B came around and apologized and this was when S threw it in her face. THAT was awful. Up until this moment we've only really known S as the sweet, wanting to good for everybody type person....even though B has those qualities as well, they're often over washed by her insecurities and result: bitchiness. Plus, B has ALWAYS been there for S, so if B is a little high maintenanced, S just has to deal with it b/c B always does come around and apologize...she does KNOW when to stop...but this time around, instead of S taking her in, she had started to listen to Poppy's advice...which quite honestly WAS GOOD advice....for any relationship but this one. Blair and Serena have an understanding...and this advice just doesn't fit into that. Serena understands Blair...and by throwing her tear filled apology in her face, Serena was saying "I don't care if this isn't how it works, I'm going to pretend I don't know how you work...or care how you feel...because I've decided to care more about myself now". THAT is why we're hating this new serena.
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
I think that it's just a little bit unfair that people expect Serena to be able to put up with Blair for this whole time, and when she finally just lets everything out, and wants to do what SHE wants, everyone hates on her! I just think that people should put themselves into Serena's shoes, and try and understand. After you do that, if you still don't agree with what she did, or see what her reasons were for doing what she did, then you must really think that Serena was totally wrong, and Blair was right.

But really, I didn't make this thread to say that people's opinions were wrong, I just wanted to see why people were siding with Blair over Serena, or if people had the same opinions as me.
over a year ago plasterboo said…
to hallemay550:

i think it's because many people can identify with Blair more. After all, most of us are like Blair, insecure and easily provoked to become angry and jealous. maybe the same people get a kick out of (unconsciously)seeing Blair act on her insecurities, anger and jealousy in ways that they have imagined themselves doing, but do not actually dare to do so.

as for serena, i suppose most of us have met or know people like her in real life. people who are just born to shine and who can easily get what they want just based on what they were naturally endowed with. so we do not take well to people like that since most of us have to work hard to achieve what we ourselves want.

having said all that, i dont let myself be blinded by my own experiences in life so since serena is the one with better character,im usually on serena's side! :)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
I used to be more on serena's side too...but I've totally come to love Blair. And yeah, maybe it is a little unfair to have Serena have to put up with Blair, but you have to realize that Serena GETS EVERYTHING SHE WANTS, without hardly even trying....everyone sees her as prettier, more talented, easier to succeed and the one thing Blair had that she didn't was MOST POPULAR and Serena took that away from her, even if she didn't mean to. Blair had every right to be upset. She shouldn't have acted the way she did, but since she DID come around and apologize...I don't think Serena should've thrown it in her face. Because another factor of their relationship is that Serena understands Blair and should've gotten what was bothering her, but decided to ignore that at the last second. Yeah Serena should definitely be able to "shine"...but let's face it: she shines whether Blair intervenes or not. All this did was put a dent on their relationship. Serena obviously does seem to have the better character, the less insecurities, more caring for more of the time, but she decided to abandon that...which not only seems soooooo not serena but hurts blair even more. Because even though Blair has waaaaaay more insecurities than serena and serena hardly has ANY problems, blair always comes around and is there for her when there are problems. She puts her issues aside FOR Serena. She stopped the fight between them when she found out about Eric in season 1...she ignored the awkward situation between chuck and nate when serena needed them near the end of season 1 and she tried desperately hard to get serena over dan but offering up the lifeguard option and by playing a little revenge with amanda at school. Point being, blair's insecurities should be hardly anything to really deal with for Serena b/c she gives sooo much in return. Hmm...there was a quote from tv guide that explained this soooooo much better. I'll see if I can find it.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Here it is:

This is from TV Guide and I couldn't agree more :(

"I liked that Serena kept worrying about Blair’s feelings all night – she knows how Blair is, and that showed she cared. But eventually, Poppy’s speeches about "don’t be afraid to show your inner light because of her" got to her, and she started to believe that Blair was really holding her back. But here’s the thing: friendship’s a two-way road, and as much as Serena looks out for her sensitive, high-maintenance best friend , Blair’s always got Serena’s back as well. Who picked up a drunk Serena on Thanksgiving day or at some bar one night and helped her sober up? Who forgave her best friend for betraying her and sleeping with her boyfriend? Who got rid of evil Georgina? That was all Blair. Blair’s just a good a friend to Serena as Serena is to her, so she did not deserve that little "I’m not holding myself back for you any longer" tirade from Serena."
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Wow, I didn't know that there were lots of people that related to Blair. I can barely relate to her at all--there are only a few similarities between us. I can't imagine causing all the trouble Blair causes, just because of her insecurities and problems in her life.

I think that Blair gets what she wants easily, because people give it to her. But now that Serena's stood up for herself, then Blair had to face the fact that she had finally driven Serena away, and that she had been too much for Serena to handle. It's like a wake-up call.

I think it's REALLY unfair that Serena has to put up with Blair. I wouldn't be able to be friends with someone like that. You couldn't be free, it wouldn't be the same as a relationship where you were both honest, and didn't expect your friend to hold herself back for you all the time.

If Serena is the most popular in truth, then why should Blair have that title, if it's not really hers? I understand that people think that S stole it away from her, but it really happened like this: Serena left to boarding school, Blair took over, Serena came back, Blair would kill anyone who TRIED to take over, Serena held back and didn't say a word. Blair took the throne, then when Serena came back she could have re-claimed it easily, but she didn't. She took Blair's feelings into account. But now she sees how Blair is acting against her, and she probably thinks that if she's doing that, then what's the point in holding back so not to hurt Blair's feelings?

About the apology, I don't think that Serena had any obligation to accept. After Blair's little chain of events that night, Serena was probably so angry and HURT. About twenty times more then she showed in her facial expression, LOL!

Yeah, Serena does get who Blair is, what she wants, and what pisses her off. But why should Serena have to give up things for Blair, over and over? Or why does she have to baby her, and take care of her like a child? I think that it's totally fine if she does things like this once in a while, but she's done it SO many times that I understand her frustration and anger. Blair needs to be on her own for a while, she needs to work out her problems, and she needs to get rid of her insecurities, so that she's not constantly putting them on Serena. Well if Serena's only shining 20%, why shouldn't she want to shine more? Why wouldn't she want to get something that she wants? I don't see how S gets everything she wants. She gave up tons of things so that BLAIR could get what she wanted. I mean Serena might have good grades and good looks, but I don't see what else she gets easily.

Wow. Serena has hardly any problems!? How about trying to decide who you want to be. Looks and grades aren't everything, and that's about the only thing that she has easily, that I can see.

And like I said, Blair does things for Serena, but even if Blair puts her issues "aside", Serena gives things up for Blair. And she holds back (no, not popularity-wise. I mean in anger, and she holds back from exploding with frustration). Blair is a high-maintenance friend. A VERY high-maintenance friend. That's why I understand why Serena rejected that apology. Because she was fed up, at least at that moment. She'll probably apologize to Blair soon, which will be the right thing to do. But only if Blair stops being so controlling...

Blair HATES Dan. Just a little fun fact, LOL! She said that she didn't like him over and over. And I know that Blair does stuff for Serena!!!!!! Believe me, if she didn't then I'd be hating on Blair so badly right now! But I know that she does. But if you think that Blair's issues don't weight on Serena, think again. When you have issues of your own (even if you don't think that she does, I do), imagine having many more pushed on you by your best friend. Yow.

Waldorf posted that exact same quote! Just look at my response to her if you want... I don't want to have to repeat it again =)

Let me just say that if you like Blair better, you'll be on Blair's side. If you like Serena better, you'll be on Serena's side. It's as simple as that. What it comes down to is: who you like better.
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Okay that was really long. I didn't even mean to make it that long, sorry =(
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
My take is this...and I am about to post a fan pick about it so everyone go out and vote for your team..B or S!!! But I just think it f**** up that S is all heartbroken over Dan and that is the ONLY reason why she wants to be Queen now and a b*** to Blair. Blair has always loved the spotlight no matter if she was with Chuck or Nate but S just stole the spotlight because she is not with Dan anymore. What a total b**** to do something like that to your bestfriend.

And I don't care about all that BS as far as "Blair is keeping Serena from shining" oh that is just pure bull. When Serena was with Dan she didn't give a damn about "shining" she was content where she was at. And now she is deliberately being a total b**** to Blair. Sorry about all the stars but friendship betrayals really set me off
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
That's not the only reason. She was queen before she left to boarding school, before she even knew Dan. That's who she IS. She was basically born to lead--everyone saw how those girls just switched over to S: because she's the true queen, and everyone knows it. It is who she was, and she's picking up that title again, after a long break.

And you're saying that Serena's being a total bitch to Blair, and stealing her throne. Hm, as I recall, Serena was the queen in the first place. Not Blair. Blair's minions were Serena's first. They just moved onto the second best, the replacement, which is why when S took over, they ran right back to her. And why shouldn't Serena live up to her full potential? Just because Blair doesn't want her to? A best friend SUPPORTS their best friend, and encourages them to be who they are. Blair sure as HELL isn't doing that. And also, Serena never said that Blair couldn't be queen anymore! She probably would have loved to rule with B! But B (and lots of other people) have this weird idea that B and S can't BOTH be popular, BOTH be on the same level of popularity, and they can't just be friends while going through it all. I totally disagree with that. And I bet S would be more than happy rule with Blair, but Blair thinks that SHE should be the only one.

You can think that the "shining" theory is BS, but I have noticed ever since the show STARTED that B has been pushing S down. But until now, I never thought that it was weird or unfair. Now I do. When Serena was with DAN, if she would have tried to reach her full potential, then Dan would have had a lot less time with her. Yes, she was content then. But now, she wants to go back to who she was BEFORE Dan. Oh, and she's not deliberately trying to be a bitch to Blair. I keep repeating this: Blair was being an utter and completely rude bitch in 2x05, and it was so childish that I was open-mouthed at her actions. It was like she was a five year old, taking revenge on her arch enemy, not her best friend.

In reality, SHE was the total Bitch with a capital B first.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
When has Blair forced Serena to give something up in the past? Besides the throne. You keep bringing that up but I don't recall...
And you can't say S has given up more for B, than B has for S. That's not fair.

When Blair gave Serena the dress I think she was more trying to get back a her mom, for paying more attention to Serena (again), and to get back at Jenny, for siding with S. But that's just my opinion.

What bothered me more about Serena's speech wasn't the thing about out-shinning, but the fact that she called Blair out on her insecurities, and that isn't something Blair or anyone can control. If Serena was such great friend she would be able to get mad and argue without saying something so demeaning.
I don't know.

I like that quote from TV Guide though, I agree with it.
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
She's held S back with the "throne", like I said. She's angry and mad that Serena's becoming popular again, and that girls like her more (Serena has given up friends that she would have had, if Blair wouldn't have been friends with them from her popularity), she doesn't want Serena to be friends with Poppy and that sort of group, she didn't want her to do something different and sit with a group of girls that SHE was invited to be with as well, Serena gave up trying with Nate since Blair would have killed her (plus, she didn't want to hurt her even more), but I've only seen every episode once, so I probably forgot more. So that's probably not a very creditable reason. It was just my opinion that Serena had to put up with more than vice versa.

Oh, but the thing is, what has B really given up for S? I'm not saying that like, "Oh, B has given up barely anything" I really just wanted to know. Because I can't remember anything... like I said, I've only seen every episode once =)

I thought that about the dress action too, but I think it was like hitting two birds with one stone... you know? That's what I think she was trying to do. Or maybe three birds with one stone? Because she was getting back at Jenny in a way. She might have been fired for that.

Blair CAN control her insecurities. Anyone can, if they work hard enough. I think Serena was just fed up with Blair not doing ANYTHING to work out her problems. She would just take out her anger and gloominess on other people, and I think that after 2x05, and seeing the stuff that she did, she was over it all. I think that instead of not accepting her apology, she should have given Blair an ultimatum: Stop trying to control things that I do, be accepting of who I am, try to fix your problems, and I'll accept your apology. If not, then I'm leaving right now, and I'm not asking your permission for anything I do in the future.

That would have been the smarter thing. But there was bound to be a Blair/Serena confrontation soon. With the way things were going, they couldn't stay friends without a fight or two.
over a year ago Shandiii said…
I asked, "When has Blair forced Serena to give something up in the past? Besides the throne."

She gave up Nate because they cheated on her best friend, and she felt horrible about it.
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
^^ I definitely realize that you said "besides the throne", LOL, don't think I ignored that. I was just listing everything as a whole =)

And they did cheat on Blair, which was wrong, and I know she felt horrible about it. But she also cared about Blair way too much to even try to go for Nate.

Oh, and I just watched the 2x05 confrontation again, and I totally don't agree with the way she handled it. Some of the things she said were hurtful, she could've done it so much more kindly. But overall, I agree with Serena in this situation.
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
They both have their flaws but Blair rocks. Point, Blank, Period.

Since Serena only did what was right and "in" her which was to take her throne back everyone will love Blair for being the "bitch" she is destined to be as well.

Serena's going to get a new love interest and throw the throne to the side again...Blair will be back on top AGAIN and all can rejoice
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
I am still wanting Blair to attack Serena like Jenny! "hehe" or just someone needs to get it.

I don't think she had enough time for all the BS Jenny did during the fashion show to come up with a good enough plan but I'm ready for the Season 1 bitch to come back.

And if Serena gets the short end of the stick SO BE IT. I wish she would team up with Chuck and show the ungrateful bitch what it really means to "hold back" =p
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
wow...I don't even know what to say anymore....apparently I'm not good at convincing people...
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
hehe tend to have that problem with jackasses!!! oops!!! =p
over a year ago waldorf said…
"And if Serena gets the short end of the stick SO BE IT. I wish she would team up with Chuck and show the ungrateful bitch what it really means to "hold back" =p"


Lol, but seriously. Everyone keeps saying the same things over and over again. You're either team Blair or team Serena (or team I hate/love both, I guess). The end. :P
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Nole... it's obvious that you're team Blair, and even if there was the most valid, true point in the world that I pointed out about Serena, showing that she was right, or Blair was wrong, you wouldn't listen... =/

Oh, and if Blair did something to Serena, I'd officially stop liking her, because all Serena did was express herself and tell Blair the truth. And best friends should be able to do that... and best friends have fights too. Does that mean that they should plot against each other? Uh, no. Obviously you don't like the Blair/Serena friendship that I love: I think that they're perfect BFFs. Well, to each her own.
over a year ago waldorf said…
I don't really understand why you have to prove people wrong when they say that they are team Blair. We could discuss it forever and still disagree, because there is no "right" or "wrong" in this case. :S
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…

I love the drama if they fight or whatever I'm all for it. Love the friendship but still would slap the shit out of my BFF any day for talking to me like that.

Point, Blank, and Period hun.
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
In my "opinion" everyone is ragging on Serena because being a bitch is not who she is.

She is "faking"...being a bitch is how she copes w/ Dan totally dumping her lame ass (threw that in there to fire some of you guys up...lol hope it works

Anyways Blair is a natural bitch she's always been that way. Even in the past when there was Queen S she wasn't a bitch like poor broken hearted Serena is now and I'd bet any amount of money on that.

It's a shame she has to take rejection out on B it's not Blair's fault! But it was Serena's fault for sleeping with Blair's boyfriend...yup that was all her ahehehe...haha...poor Serena...poor Serena I'm sick and tired of hearing that bull too B...cuz once again Serena never does anything right guys? She just slips and falls and lands on people's d***s and so on.

When B reacts like a bitch it's off with her head. but that's who she is! When Serena acts like a bitch off with her head because she's not even on that level
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
OMG I am not trying to prove anyone wrong! Okay? I obviously know people have their own opinions! When I said "...most valid, true point about Serena, showing that she was right, or Blair was wrong" I meant it as an example. I didn't mean "Oh you guys are so wrong, I'm so right." okay? Just want to make sure you guys know that. And I feel absolutely NO need to prove you guys wrong. If I'm satisfied with my opinion, that's all that I need. Okay, just wanted to make sure you guys knew that. =)

And btw Nole, currently I am in Dan hate mode, so I really don't care if he stays single for the rest of his life, after the way he treated Serena... =/

Serena was a bitch back then. Maybe not in the rude, in your face way that Blair is (NOT bashing her...), but she still was. And what I don't get is, when did Blair buy the last bitch card in the store? Anyone can be one, if they want to. That's why I don't think it's fair that everyone says "ONLY BLAIR IS THE BITCH!"
Because anyone can be anything that they want to be. If that makes sense.

Serena's not taking out her frustration with Dan on Blair! I already said that!!!!! She's taking out her frustration with Blair ON Blair!!!!

And if you really want to get into bashing characters, I could say many things about Blair that I try to avoid saying to people who like her, that are very true! Serena might've been a bad-girl back then, but like anything scandalous that happens in the show, it makes it more interesting! The show isn't called "Who can be the biggest bitch, yet the best person"!!!!!!!!!! They portray the characters very realistically, by showing that none of them are perfect, including Serena!


And when B reacts like a bitch, everyone loves it. When Serena acts like one in response, everyone hates on her and says she's being a "poser" or taking "B's 'spot'" when she was really the bitch first! LOL, that's what I find totally ludicrous!

And again, not trying to prove your opinion wrong...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago waldorf said…
Whoa, calm down. Lol I'm almost worried :'P <3

And sorry if I misunderstood you.
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
lmao over here
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
Dan is stupid.

Blair is a bitch

Serena is a whore (lmao) let's see what I can get out of that statement!
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Hey, Waldorf... I didn't mean to sound angry. I'm totally not. It would be kind of... actually really stupid to get worked up over something like this, LOL.

Nole, if you are on here to get reactions out of people, I for one, am not going to give that to you. So I won't respond to that "Serena is a whore" statement. Sorry.
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
Seriously I promise to stop f'ing with the die hard Serena fans before ya'll start having homicidal thoughts.

Some of you are already spazzing out LMAO
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
over a year ago waldorf said…
LMAO I'm just waiting for the big Halle vs Nole fight <33

No I'm not, but it's hard to take this seriously now. :'p
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
Yes ma'am it's all *yawn* now
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
^^^ Don't worry, Nole, like I said, I'm sure as hell not gonna get worked up over taunting, LOL.

And I won't be spazzing out, don't worry.
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
Give it a few hours for someone else to state their opinion and we'll see...=p
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Are you talking about me? I don't know what I ever did to deserve that... but okay. I might have seemed angry but I wasn't. I just don't like taunting, and trying to get reactions out of people. It's just a waste of time.
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
Why not when you were clearly overreacting to minor things?
over a year ago hallemay550 said…
Okay, I didn't make this thread to argue. I thought we were just having a discussion. I'm not overreacting to minor things. I already told you that if I did sound angry, I wasn't at all. So I'm not gonna continue this... it's a huge waste of time. It's pretty confusing though--why do you care if I sounded like I was overreacting *which I wasn't*? I already told you that I wasn't in the least bit angry. So anyways, it's pretty unfair that you're criticizing me when I've already explained. That's all I'm going to say.
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
aww it's going to be okay =p you love Serena what's wrong with that? I love Blair
over a year ago Praesse said…
Aw, reading this is so awful.
I love debating, it's like a need I have but this is not debating, it isn't even character bashing, this is straight up REAL PEOPLE BASHING.
Stop it, for real.
I just wanted to say that and that I have no teams. Maybe I lean more to Blair, but just a little bit. I think that what Serena said was the truth and that she was taking out her frustration with Blair on Blair, as she took her frustration with Dan on Dan. Also, Blair was being way too whiny, IMO. It wasn't such a big deal, and it would have been way of a smaller deal if she wouldn't have done everything she did to try and stop it.
Whatever, I also think that B has been there for S way too many times for S to tell her what she told her at the end of the episode. Even if it was the truth, she shouldn't have said it, at least not that way. It's her best friend, and even though friends are entitled to tell you the truth, they should also try to make you feel better when you're feeling bad, and S totally failed at that. She should've been more understanding and she showed that she knew how Blair felt and yet she treated her like she deserved what was happening to her, when (I think we all agree -even if Blair was, is and will always be a straight up bitch-) she didn't.
I think Serena had a bit of a lapse of judgement, just maybe a second, and she forgot how Blair forgave her about sleeping with N, about betraying her, how she got rid of Georgina, how she talked her mother to let her stay in New York and how she didn't judge her with the whole "I killed someone" thing. I think she forgot that for a moment.
So, I lean a little bit more to team B than to team S, but I think both have their right and wrongs and I think the problem is not so much what happened but how it happened...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Praesse said…
It ended up being longer than I meant it to be.
over a year ago luinwen said…
wow Praesse I totally agree with you, I mean I'm tem blair but I know Blair also did wrong, I could go on and on on why I'm mad with Serena but I think it has already been said