Gossip Girl Dreams

ChuckBlairLuvA posted on Oct 05, 2008 at 12:27AM
Have you ever had any dreams about Gossip Girl characters or the cast members perhaps? I know I have. It doesn't matter if they were totally lame or the wierdest, craziest most amazing thing to happen to your unconscious self, let's hear about it! Post them and we'll discuss...after all the subconscious is our hopes & dreams, right? Haha. NOT. GOSSIP GIRL FOREVER!!! =D

Gossip Girl 26 replies

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over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
had these freaky GG dream last night! OKay, you know how I said i dreamt of Chase that one time? Well, this time I dreamed of Ed! (haha, laugh it off...it gets worse. lol. XD) Okay, you know how I said I found the celebrities for gg on facebook? (even though, now, I am extremely doubting that possibility...heh. go figure, right?) ANYWAYS!! I was in the grocery store and I totally saw Ed and I passed him, but he caught my eye and then I looked away real quick, cause as much as I freaking love that man, I would have no idea what to say or do if I met him or ANY OTHER celeb in real life! It's just nerve racking for me....so yeah, I just kept on trying to walk by....but apparently he had seen me, b/c he turned around and started following me! This really got me freaked out and I started speedwalking!!! And for some reason walking out of the store did not even seem like an option or a possibility....lol....so I just kept walking around like everywhere...but never in the aisles, just the open areas....*shakes head at self*...I clearly was very stupid in this dream....haha. anyways, he had started speed walking too by this point (oh and I remember one very obvious thing about him was he was wearing this bright yellow shirt--lol, just thought I'd throw that out there.) and eventually....as usually happens, he caught up to me and turned me around. He said "hi, aren't you that lauren girl from facebook?" HAHAH Oh my freaking goodness...he clearly thought I was just speedwalking for fun...lol. XD And I was like...yeah, and you're ed westwick? from gg? (like I was trying to remain calm or whatever....haha) and then we just walked and talked for awhile...and that's all I remember. But oh my freaking goodness, isn't that bizarre?! lol. XD

(about the facebook thing, if you don't know,don't ask...it was just something that happened...lol. XD)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
I also had another dream...it was about Chace. I was in the airport/train station and i kept seeing him in the crowds...and eventually I told my family who was with me, but they never believed me and soon enough he came up to me and just started talking to me like we were best friends or something...and then my peoples believed me somehow. It was crazy...but yeah, that's all I remember. I was pretty freaked. lol. XD
over a year ago shan-ban said…
LMFAO I think about gossip girl so much i cant even dream about it! But my Fucking sister has dreams about my future husband Chace and she doesn't even watch Gossip Girl that much she just thinks hes HOTTT! Great dreams so funny lol! Thanks for a new thread also i want to talk about other stuff to like Gossip Girl dreams lol! ;)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
haha. awesome. if you know any dreams, by all means, PUT THEM UP! ;P And clearly I'm a step above you since I think about it sooooo much that it doesn't even escape my subconsciousness lol! XD
over a year ago shan-ban said…
LOL Probably true lol!!! I actually did have a dream about my favorite couple Nate and Serena and they were together! They ended up having sex and having a baby! Chuck and blair popped up in my dream to and they also had a baby! Serena and Nate became the god mother/father of B and C baby and Blair and Chuck became the god mother/father of N and S baby! Weird but cute lol! I wish Gossip Girl would end the show like that! :)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
haha. yeah. wow. omg. that's funny. heh.
over a year ago shan-ban said…
Okay i had a dream about my mom was Lily Van Der woodsen and we went to the Palace Hotel and it was on the beach lol! We went up to the room and Chuck was sleeping in his room from being drunk! Bart wasnt their. I then went to a big water fountain in NY City and Nate was their eating Cheetos. He had his shoes off and was dipping his feet in the water. When he finished his food he asked me where a garbage was and i was like right their! It was so weird lol i have fucked up dreams! But it was a good dream because Chuck was with Blair and he just wouldn't stop talking about her it was so cute!
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
Hahaha. This dream is soooooo awesome! The Palace was on the beach? And nate was eating Cheetos?! Lol. XD Amazing. AWww....cute about CB though!
over a year ago 5thAvenue said…
^^Omg, sounds good.
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
and dipping his feet in the water? Awww...oh Nate. hehe.
over a year ago shan-ban said…
LOL i know Nate is a Tard but hes HOT!!! LOL ;)
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
and that is the ONLY thing that gets him by. ;p
over a year ago PamHalpert454 said…
ahaha Nate is kind of stupid, but he is just so pretty!! lol

I had a dream like a million dreams ago that I was like a secret agent and Chuck and I were fighting crime, it was almost like James bond. Ed as James Bond.............sooooo hott!

It was a while ago, I am trying to remember my gg dreams, believe me when I tell you I have tons of them. lol
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
lol. so awesome!

last night, I had this dream that I was coming home from college for like a break or something and I was introducing my new/first bf to my whole family....and my bf was CHUCK!!! Haha. XD But he was like my age and stuff...lol. XD Not that he's that much older than me but yeah....and I didn't even realize it till halfway through my dream when my uncles were like teasing him (though they obviously didn't recognize him either, it's like he wasn't famous and he just happened to be my bf. XD HAHAHA!) Anyways, when I finally realized who it was....like I actually looked at him more closely I was like OMG...and he didn't notice, but then he like walked off and then the last crush I had took his place and he like never came back...so I don't know what was up with that...lol, but whatever. THAT WAS MY DREAM! =D
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
=) okay so I'm kinda jealous. I've never had a GG dream =( But I wish I did starring Ed Westwick and me as Leighton *sigh*
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
aww...you will soon! lol. XD Just get a little more obsessed, and I guarantee it will happen...haha
over a year ago nole_chick16 said…
I'm counting on it!
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
lol. all right!!!! hehe
over a year ago PamHalpert454 said…
I swear it will happen when you live breathe eat gg, dreams will be infected too :)
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
I had a dream that Blair and I were fighting... that was it lol... it was because I had taken Chuck from her apparently though, so I don't blame her for yelling at me!! But I don't blame myself for taking him either!! Haha, it was such a "loud" dream though, because B is... just a teensy bit bitchy maybe, haha... and I am known to show a sharp side myself when I'm challenged... so yeah. I woke up with a headache.
That was my GG dream about a week ago, lol.
Lovess, LittleDancer-123x
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
haha. omg. soooooo awesome! lol. XD

last night I had this dream that started off gg, haha. It was just about all these deleted makeout scenes of CB that were never shown....like the scene in Hi Society when they were making out on Blair's bed (wow...this suddenly makes me want to go watch that now. haha. XD), well apparently there was MUCH MORE TO IT! (at least in my dream) haha....but then after awhile...my dream switched into like my aunt and uncle getting kidnapped and I was protecting my cousins who LOOKED NOTHING LIKE MY COUSINS and there was lots of crying but somehow we all ended up together on a pier by the beach? *shakes head* My head is a crazy place...lol. But at least it was partially GG, Cb. ;p
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Haha, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has GG on my mind so much it infects my sleep too!!
The best dream I've had... well, not the best dream, but funniest situation... I went on a school trip to Paris the week after Victor, Victrola aired, and I had a dream that in the room I was staying in on the trip, Chuck, Blair and Serena were sharing it too... weird. Especially as on the trip the rooms were single sex... meh, it was a dream. It gets weirder though. In the dream, I woke up to hearing... *noises* in one bed. Serena was asleep next to me. So...Yeah. It could sound like a really perverted dream, but it wasn't. My brain didn't go to the extent of visualising anything haha... only hearing, which I guess is bad enough. Anywayy (I keep distracting lol), Serena woke up too, heard what I heard and it was a unanimous "Oh My F*cking God!"... except I said it out loud. In real life. In my sleep. Loudly.
My whole room woke up, and a teacher came in. That's how loudly I had screamed "Oh My F*cking God!" in a Parisian hotel room on a school trip haha!!! It woke me up, to have everyone looking at me really weirdly.
The worst part? I got in so much trouble because I couldn't explain the dream (for obvious reasons), and the teacher thought I had done it on purpose. lol.
Lovess, LittleDancer-123x
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAH!!!! Omg....that is freaking hilarious. lol. XD Wow. Sooooo awesome. haha. I have to say, I have not had an outburst yet. lol. XD
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
okay, I had this dream last night....it was really weird, but...yeah. Okay, it was focused on the Nate/Jenny relationship...and they were kissing on like a city bus or something...and he was giving a narration of how he got back together with her and he just kept emphasizing the fact that he kept thinking of her as this little girl, as like a sister to him....lol. Like he kept picturing her with pigtails or something...lol, and she like didn't know how to kiss...haha....and yeah. And....OH DANG! I remember there was more....I just cant' remember. heh.
over a year ago LittleDancer123 said…
Haha, because I'm sure every girl wants to hear from her boyfirend that they're like a little sister with pigtails... it would make me think my boyfriend is a wannabe paedophile!!
Lovess, LittleDancer-123x
over a year ago ChuckBlairLuvA said…
well it's not like she knew about it...he was narrating it...like for the audience...haha...like in his head? XD