kathiria82 posted on Sep 20, 2007 at 03:48AM
What did you guys think of the first episode. I haven't watched any of the videos on this spot so everything is new to me. What were your favorite parts and what did you dislike?

Gossip Girl 29 replies

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over a year ago neeki said…
I thought the first episode was a tad slow but i really loved the second episode! It was fantastic! I'm definately hooked :)
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Really? I actually liked the premiere better than last nights episode. Finding out that Serena cheated with Nate was a little shocking. She's supposed to be the "good" girl on the show yet she did such a bad thing.

I didn't find episode 2 all that great, I hope it gets better.
over a year ago neeki said…
I've read the books so it wasn't a big shock! Lol i guess that's why the pilot was a little disappointing for me because i'm so used to the way their characters are in the books. There are some pretty big changes!

I've started to look at them as two completely different things now so i guess that's why i enjoyed episode two more?

Serena's pretty different from the books but Blair's still an uber bitch which is excellent. Lol
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
LMAO! I am so interested in the books now! Are the books way different than the show, and are they better?

Well isn't Serena kind of a bitch (LMAO, The Office) for sleeping with Nate?
over a year ago neeki said…
Haha love the subtle office phrasing there! Lol yea but they were drunk weren't they? I think.

In the books Jenny has DD boobs (it's the feature they talk about all the time!), Dan had long hair and there was another character called Vanessa who Dan dated. Serena was more effortless and carefree..the girl who plays her always looks so worried!

I've read them out of order and i've never read the first one so i like the tv series better. But the books are still worth checking out!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I forgot who Jenny is (LMAO). I don't think Dan is hot, do you? I mean he's okay I guess but Nate is cuter. I guess Dan has that bad boy look and Serena already likes him, she's not wasting time.

P.S. This has turned into a GG discussion forum, lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago neeki said…
Lol i know! An excellent one with two people lmao.

Jenny's Dan's sister. The blonde one played by the 14 year old who looks like she's 25 lol

I like Dan but i like indie cute guys so that's just me! Lol Nate has that smoldering sexy look which is super hot! It really is an excellent eye candy show!! I have to say Chuck annoys me, not only his character but the way his mouth doesn't move when he talks?! I guess because he's doing an accent it must be hard.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
LMFAO! OMG you are so funny, yeah now I know!

I can't stand Chuck, is it just me or does he over act quite a bit? The faces he makes annoy the hell out of me! You know who else gets on my nerves...Serena's mom, WTH is up with her acting?!?

Okay let me not bash my new favorite show.
over a year ago neeki said…
Lol she totally does though! I read the forums over at imdb and there were these 45 year old guys talking about her legs! Creeeeeepy.

Oh yes!! He definitely overacts!!! He actually British did you know? I can hear it when he speaks. Yep she is very annoying. I think the girl who plays Blair and the guy's who play Nate and Dan are really good.

Haha there's always something or someone who irritates you even in a show you love! ie. Marissa in the OC. For me anyways lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
LMAO! You might find this shocking but I still don't know how Marissa died...I never watched that show. I heard The OC went downhill but GG rocks for now.
over a year ago neeki said…
Haha the OC was really bad tv that you only watch so you know what everyone else is talking about at school the next day! Lol well lets just say i was happy when she died..isn't that awful?! But my god she was so damn ANNOYING!
Lets hope that this show doesn't go the way of the OC..and perhaps a better soundtrack? Lol they played "Shut Up and Drive" SO many times!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I never watched that show but back to GG.

The last episode was so great, Blair is such a BITCH! I don't believe the little act she pulled in Central Park. I think she will use what she knows about Serena's brother as ammunition for sure. This show is getting good.
over a year ago neeki said…
I know, each week it gets better and better! Even the acting isn't so bad anymore lol. Yes, i think she will too. She is quite evil really isn't she?! It's all me, me, me. Ugh.

Glad to see that Dan's hair has grown..he's looking very cute! And Nate looks good too..this show is so easy on the eyes. Oh and i LOVE the clothes! Serena's outfit at the Ivy brunch was gorgeous! Not so keen on the hat though lol it really makes me want to go to New York. *sigh*
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
OMG, the clothes are to die for! The gray suede boots Serena was wearing for school...man I want those! I like Serena's style a lot better because she just looks so great in everything!

I used to work in a shoe store on 34th street, that's downtown Manhattan where the Empire State building is. Well I would always talk to the tourists and so many were from London. They always told me never to shop in London because all the better deals are in NY. I would love to buy just one thing so that I could say, "I bought this on my trip to London". I want to go there so badly! The same way you want to visit here is the same way I want to visit your country.
over a year ago neeki said…
Hehe i love that you think i live in London! I wish!! It's the city i most want to visit aside from New York :) I live in Perth, Australia aka the most isolated capital city in the world which means no Starbucks! Lol i feel honoured that you think i'm British :p

Wow you live in New York! You could stalk the hot guys from the show! Lol i prefer her clothes too..Blair's outfits are always very prissy and uptight. I'd still wear them though, just put them together differently. Those boots were gorgeous! I think if the show wasn't as interesting as it was i would still watch just for the fashion.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I could have sworn you were from London, LOL! I would probably go on location but I have no idea when they film the scenes. You are right about the fashion aspect, I find myself looking at what they wear a majority of the time.
over a year ago krazykray said…
Gossip Girl is an ok show. I'm definitely going to be watching it on Wednesdays.

But it doesn't come close to the office, which is the best show ever!! and I'm not exaggerating.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
This is the GG spot, not The Office spot. They are not even alike in any way so why even compare the two?
over a year ago neeki said…
Hehe i still think that's awesome! I'm looking forward to this weeks ep..i read the spoilers on tv.com and there's nothing really new happening as far as i tell but it i'm interested to see what Blair does with the info she has on Serena's brother.
Wow even though they talked about the Office (yes it's an awesome show, it's my favourite but we can still enjoy other shows!!) SOMEONE ELSE POSTED IN THIS FORUM. Amazing. Lol.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
The whole thing that Serena says about loving NYC because you bump into people is a lie, LMAO. I wish I would bump into my friends on the street that easily, this place is too big! The show is going strong though, it got picked up for a full season!
over a year ago neeki said…
Haha yea i've never heard that before..maybe Serena's just SO popular that she knows half the city?! Lol.
Yay!! The good shows always get cancelled so i'm glad we'll at least get to see it for a whole season. It gets better every week.
over a year ago LilleEirin said…
Dan is so much better looking than Nate!
I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.

And where is Jenny's boobs? In the book she had ENORMOUS boobs.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
I never read the books so I wouldn't know the differences. Dan and Nate are both cute in different ways. They each have their own look. I absolutely love Serena and Dan together!
over a year ago jessy2792 said…
Serena and Nate are supposed to be together...nothing can compare to those 2 in the books! The show is great but the books are so much better.
over a year ago kathiria82 said…
Now I have to start reading the books!
over a year ago vakem2001 said…
nooooo! the book is always better than the movie/tv show. i learnt my lesson the hard way. i love GG and if i read those books i am doomed to be robbed of the TV show watching pleasures. For once in my life - i turn away deliberately from a book. now someone post tonights episode up because i missed it!!!! :(
over a year ago tatha_hoch said…
I just read the 2nd book of the serie , and i really liked , its really different then the show , but its kinda of connected still with the mean story ,i really liked .
Does someone know if i can find the book , to read online ?

By the Serana and nata supposed to be together . What happend between Nate and Jenny , at the end of the 2nd book , they were hookink up . Poor Blair , but she is so bitchy at the book . Well at the show ,too .
over a year ago jayboy said…
anybody know where the gossip girl big adds are found in new york?it only said in the site that u can find it in 7th ave and west broadway.can you hint me where it exactly is.Thanks..would really want to have my picture taken there..hehehe
over a year ago cosmiclexi said…
hey just in response to the earlier post.. i live in london and the clothes are great..but its wayyyy more expensive than new york.. thats why we always go to ny for the sales lol.. xx