Grey's Anatomy Grey's Chat Room

nandacavalieri posted on Dec 23, 2008 at 04:00PM
Welcome to GCR!

I realized that out of my fav shows, Grey's is the one I almost don't know the fans. So this is a thread to talk, so just talk about Grey's, your life, other shows...anything

Member list: (If you want to be add just say it)
nandacavalieri - Fernanda - Nanda, nada, Monica, Susie
GA-19 - Nina
FashionVictim - Sara
AmberRocks - Sia
x-missmckena-x - Kate
JenniferDempsey - Jennifer
FanDlux - Maria
kristine95 - Kristine - KJG, jeyton ninja spying ghost

Winnages GCR

Ga-19 2
Nandacavalieri 8
kristine95 1
love_not_war_75 1
FanDlux 2
Myrthe 1
FashionVictim 1
last edited on Dec 28, 2008 at 11:16AM

Grey's Anatomy 873 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 873

over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
hahaha Kate, you should learn portuguese :)
or french, it's really cool too! But difficult

Hi Maria! I'm in my grandparents' house and the internet here is very slow, so I'll probably take some time to reply
over a year ago FanDlux said…
I can speak a little bit french. Tryin to learn it at school for 3 years now. Bonjour ;). What day do they show Grey's to you?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
:) I have classes for 2 years now

I watch Grey's online, so friday. I think in Brazil it's on Sunday, I have no idea (it's on cable and I don't have it). In Norway?

Btw, you remind me link 'cause her name is Maria and she lives in Norway :)
over a year ago FanDlux said…
I know, it's kind of funny. But she is older than me, and lives in another city. Actually one of my friends is named Maria. and she was born on the same day as me in the same year at the same hospital. We have been freinds all of our lives. And we live next to eachother.
I'n Norway Grey's is on tuesdays. We just finished season 4.
Do you guys have facebook?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Wow, that's weird!
Did you like season 4? What's your fav season?
I don't

Sorry it took me so long to answer
over a year ago FanDlux said…
I dont mind. I have a lot to do. season 4?, it was ok. I don'y know what was my fav season, maybe season 5 so far =). I just love everything that have something to do with grey's. Did you got any grey's related presents?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I didn't like season 4 so much. My favs are 1 and 2.
Me too, everything related to Grey's is awesome! No :(
over a year ago FanDlux said…
I got the season 4 box and the movie Maid of honor (Not Grey's but PD and KmcK)
over a year ago FanDlux said…
are you on facebook?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I want to see Maid of honor!!

No, I'm not

Are you Brucas or Leyton?
over a year ago FanDlux said…
Have'nt seen all the OTH seasons but right now I'm Leyton. you?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
yay! I'm Leyton too. I hope you stay Leyton

which season are you watching?
over a year ago FanDlux said…
A bit here and there.
I'm going to buy the DVD's after the holiday.

I have to go cheak if dinner is ready now. WE'll speak later. Time here; 5:39 pm(I think, evening)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Dinner? I'll eat lunch now
over a year ago FanDlux said…
anyone on noow?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Merry Cristmas :D

Is anybody here?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I'm here, hi!
over a year ago FanDlux said…
Me to =), But I think I have to go soon. My family is going to to my granduncle for dinner. And tomorrow we'll go skeeing <3 I love alpint(?)(Skeeing downhill)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I want to ski (wait the sentence is wrong, how can I say that?). But we don't have snow in Brazil, NEVER :(
over a year ago FanDlux said…
In my city it's not very much snow right now. It's to hot (about 3 degrees). But at my granduncels house there is, it's about one hour away, we'll be sleeping over there.
Have you seen the new captain contest on greysanatomyinsider? I added the first comment =) (If you use to visit the page, if you don't you should start)
over a year ago FanDlux said…
Have to go, bye <3
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
What's greysanatomyinsider? My only Grey's sources are fanpop and spoilertv...

over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Greysanatomyinsider is a very cool site with all the news about Grey's and the actor :D
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
What's the link?

Thanks for the tip :)
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
You're welcome sweetie :D
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Thanks :)

So talk about something, anything...

What are your fav shows?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Well I'm addicted to Grey's :D

But I also love to see Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Prison Break and Lipstick Jungle. In MTV I always see The Hills :D

What about you?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Grey's (but that's obvious, stupid me...), DH, Friends, Scrubs, Bones, Lois & Clark, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, Alias and Brothers & Sisters, I watch more shows but these are my favs...

Fav Grey's couple?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Vou escrever em português pode ser?

O meu casal favorito é o Alex e a Izzie, estou sempre dizendo isto nos foruns e nas perguntas :D

E o seu?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Tá :)

É, eu percebi, perguntei só pra ter certeza absoluta

O meu é MerDer :)

Temporada preferida?

*é tão estranho falar português no fanpop*
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Devíamos ensinar os fans aqui do spot a falar português :P

A 3º temporada foi a minha favorita, juntamente com a primeira e a sua?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Boa idéia :)

A primeira e a segunda :)

Vc deve tá odiando a história da Izzie agor, não? Ghost Denny, sério, não tinham nada melhor pra fazer não?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Sinceramente eu nunca fui grande fã da Izzie e Denny. Acho que sempre culpei um pouco o Denny por a Izzie e o Alex não estarem juntos. E agora a história do fantasma é muito má, tou odiando, ele devia ir embora.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Concordo! Tb sou fã de Izzie/Alex e eu ODEIO quando o Denny aparece!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Não entendo como alguém pode não gostar deles dois juntos. A Izzie é a unica pessoa que pode tornar o Alex num homem melhor :)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Concordo :)
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Qual achas que foi o pior casal?
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Callie e George ou Izzie e George e vc?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Izzie e George foi o pior casal de Grey's! Não suportava vê-los juntos.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Eu acho que o único casal que o George estava que não era péssimo era George/Olivia
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Sim, o George ainda não conseguiu ter uma boa namorada. Gostava que ele ficasse com a Lexie. Acho que Mark & Lexie não funciona.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Eu estou gostando de Mark/Lexie por enquanto. Eu tava torcendo por Lexie/George, mas ele ignorou ela por tanto tempo que mudei de idéia
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Eu acho que Mark/Lexie têm uma quimica estranha. Acho que é por estar habituada a ver o Mark com mulheres mais velhas como a Addison. Gostava tanto que ela voltasse =)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Eu tb. Vc assiste Private Practice?
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Sim, sempre. Quando a Addison estava em Grey's ela era a minha personagem favorita.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
EU assisti os 4 primeiros episódios, mas tô muito lerda pra ver todos
A minha é a Meredith
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Eu adoro a Meeredith mas espero que ela ão começe de novo com todo o drama do abandono.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
É bom ver alguém que gosta dela, pq parece que todo mundo acha ela irritante :(
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
Tenho que admitir que quando ela começa a duvidar se deve estar ou não com Derek e se deve mesmo viver com ela é um pouco irritante mas tirando isso acho-a super divertida :D