Grey's Anatomy What Are Your Favorite Episodes ?

dinaR posted on Jan 01, 2008 at 07:12PM

mine are :
1. the one with the bomb..
2. and the one when meredeth was high on morphen
(when she told fen that she picked derek)

Grey's Anatomy 11 replies

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over a year ago Myrthe said…
1. the final from season 2.
2. the one with the bomb.
3. the first episode.
4. the one were derek allmost got ran over at the dead-baby-bicycle-race.

over a year ago FashionVictim said…
1. The first episode (AMAZING :D)
2. The final episode from season 1 (When ADULTEROUS BITCH appear)
3. The one with the bomb
4. The one when Meredith almost die in the river

This this my POWER 4 episodes from Grey's!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago baebia said…
1.six days parts 1&2(where meredith snores)
2.THe first episode
3.Last episode season 2
4.and those episodes at season 2 with the quins in it...
over a year ago utvtemms said…
Episode 1 - Season 1
Episode 3 - Season 1 (The Thrill oof the chase)
Episode Bomb
Last episode Season 2
Episode 1 Season 3
over a year ago inespinto said…
It's the end of the world... as we know it
Season 3 episode 4
Season 1 episode 8 (love the end)
Season 4 - Forever Young
over a year ago ThatsLifebaybee said…
1. The first ever episode

When she finds out that he is her boss. HALARIOUS! and also she looks so pretty. In know this is stupid but she has lost too much weight.

2. MOrphine

she is funny on morphine.

over a year ago danni-obel said…
my faves
1. season 3 the morphine 1... hilarious.
2. season 2 ep 24
3. season 2 the 1 wit the train crash..when mer is drunk.. that is so funny

there all so good tho, my list could go on forever. =P
over a year ago -Dinii- said…
yeh all those. the bomb episode. season 3 sos. drunk and morphined meredith.
over a year ago danni-obel said…
yea i love drunk meredith.
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Basically I Love all the double episodes.

The Bomb
The Drowing.

How much better could it get?

over a year ago DrowningMyFear said…
Pilot! - seen it a billion times but never get bored!
Bomb episodes!
Drowning episodes!
Last episode of season 2!
Dead baby bike race cause i just adored viper!

And the list could go on and on...

last edited over a year ago