Grey's Anatomy How did you 1st start watching Grey's Anatomy?

Pick one:
Saw a Commercial on T. V
Saw a Commercial on T.V
Saw it in a Magazine
Saw it in a Magazine
Was after/ before a T. V show I like
Was after/before a T.V show I like
Friend&# 39; s recommen- dation
Friend's recommendation
Girl I liked watched it
Girl I liked watched it
flipping channels
flipping channels
Added by leannedowell
Actually, my mom recommended it!
Actually, my mom recommended it!
Added by notesofchange
watched re- runs in the holidays
watched re-runs in the holidays
Added by danni-obel
Rented it cause it sounded good
Rented it cause it sounded good
Oh em der was nothing on but i loved it!!!!!
Oh em der was nothing on but i loved it!!!!!
Added by Hennebry
my sister found it flipping channels and then i...
my sister found it flipping channels and then i was addicted
Added by x-xsarahx-x
After I saw the episode "It's the End of the World" (the one with Code Black)
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 tsunami1313 posted over a year ago
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