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Harry Potter Question

Am I the only one who despises Bellatrix?

First of all, I adore Helena Bonham Carter. She was in two of my favourite films (Fight Club and Alice in Wonderland) and is married to the legend that is Tim Burton...but I hate Bellatrix Lestrange with a passion!

She's just...I don't know. Im not going to say nasty or cruel cos' that's already expected due to her devotion to Voldy, but there's just something that makes me hate her!!!! When she wrote "mudblood" on Hermione's arm... D:< ...not gonna lie, I got slightly angry there.

I kind of already know the answer due to her immense popularity in picks, but does anybody else hate her??

No you're not the only one, people who hate her more than those who hate Voldemort
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
Lmao It's been 9 years and this is still one of the shittiest questions on fanpop.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
 pompeybabe posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

TiBiscuit said:
I cannot stand Bellatrix either!
And like I said in a pick, I never understood her popularity among the fandom. She tortured Hermione. She killed Sirius. She killed Dobby. That bitch killed Dobby! She does not have ONE redeeming quality. (I also don't get why some people hate Molly for killing her. I mean, hello, she was protecting her daughter!)
Anyway xD. You are definitely not the only one who doesn't like her.

That being said, I do love Helena Bonham Carter :)
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posted over a year ago 
I will forever defend Molly Weasly (being a Molly myself...) for killing Bellatrix. She lost her son and that bitch was about to kill Ginny...she did what any mother would do, and thats protect her child in any way possible!! As for "Bella" killing Dobby. Let's just say that I cried for 2 days straight :'(
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
eah how anyone can hate a mother for pretecting her child I'll never know.
D_J267 posted over a year ago
@LadyL68 I love Dobby but I cheering and laughing too when Bella killed him
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
LadyL68 said:
No, you're not the only one, its more like the other way around.

Bellatrix gets WAY too much unessisary hate. Think of everything she's been through. Think about how she's so dedicated to voldemort. She'd do anything for him, yet he treats her like shit. I've been there, I know what that feels like

All of my reallife friends hate her :( I'm lucky to have a lot of smart fanpop friends that love her as much as I do :)

I love her forever <3
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No, you're not the only one, its more like the other way around. 

Bellatrix gets WAY too much unessisary hate. Think of everything she's been through. Think about how she's so dedicated to voldemort. She'd do anything for him, yet he treats her like shit. I've been there, I know what that feels like 

All of my reallife friends hate her :( I'm lucky to have a lot of smart fanpop friends that love her as much as I do :)

I love her forever <3
posted over a year ago 
All my real life friends hate her too.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
× know what. Thats a really good answer, and it's really interesting to hear someone elses persepective! And I will agree that Voldemort really did treat her like shit, especially when he pushed her out of the way in DHP2. Thanks for answering xx
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
*wall* *ceiling* stupid auto spell check
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
HarryPotter4 said:
I love Helena Bonham Carter's work, but I do hate Bellatrix. I almost cried when Dobby died! I saw it coming, but still! And she killed sirius! :'( And, I agree with the mudblood scene I was so mad at her! But, I think she is one of the best villains in Harry Potter :)
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, as villains go Bellatrix is definatly one of best, no doubt about it. And Helena's work is incredible...but killing Dobby AND Harry's last family >:(
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
It was also hillarious when she tortured Hermionie, bwahahahahahaha mudblood *prepares to have things thrown at me*
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
I thought that was a cool scene the acting was spectacular.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I DID cry when Dobby died! ):
lolibarbie posted over a year ago
RealSunshine said:
She's pure evil & mean & a phsycho.
She is loyal and dedicated.
Some of us hate her, some of us love her.
She appeals a lot of contradictory feelings at us.
Because of that, we should all accept the fact that she is a really great character, and one of the best villains in Harry Potter.
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posted over a year ago 
I'll admit that she's a great villian, which is possibly why I hate her so much and maybe thats a good thing! But I just dont undertand the loyalty that some people have towards her. But I guess you could say that about some of my favourite characters so...fair do's.
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
I know, right? She`s such a strong and complicated character xD
RealSunshine posted over a year ago
^^ Its the very same thing why you're loyal to your favorite character, love is blind and I'm blinded by Bella's love
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
Ahahha :D
RealSunshine posted over a year ago
Sasume said:
Of course! I was one of the people who applauded when Mrs. Weasley killed her!
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posted over a year ago 
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
yeah I did too.
D_J267 posted over a year ago
it was too dark for me to see the strange stares :P
Sasume posted over a year ago
fredsblackdalia said:
I do! I happily appladed mrs.weasley even though i was in a movie theater,i got weird stares...
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posted over a year ago 
I watched it by myself but I would have applauded too if there was someone with me...though I did give a little "woop"!
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Really? everyone in my theater clapped and cheered!
PotterLambert93 posted over a year ago
princesslullaby said:
I don't hate Bellatrix, but I don't think she's as amazing as everyone thinks she is.
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed. And your icons amazing :P
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
I agree :)
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
D_J267 said:
I hate her, she killed Sirius and Dobby, tortured Hermione, and she enjoyed every single moment of it,I really don't get why people love her as much as they do. The only characters I hate more than her are Draco and Lucius Malfoy.
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posted over a year ago 
I dont either to be totally honest. Im not going to hate on them because they like her, that's their opinion, but I really dont understand it either.
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Read my answer
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
linkthat is why I love her.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Draco and Lucius are also some of my favourite characters :-)
Perfidia posted over a year ago
LinaHarrow said:
Of course you're not.
I hate her too. :)
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posted over a year ago 
:) your icon too! Neville rules all!
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Thanks. :) I like yours too. :)
LinaHarrow posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
I freaking love her. Best character ever!

I wrote an article on why; link

But no you aren't she has a lot of haters. Quite contravirsle character really you either love her or hate her.
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posted over a year ago 
I will make sure I read that xx
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Cool thanks for reading
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
I really love your article :D
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
Thanks :)
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
MarlenaLovett said:
Love her ♥
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posted over a year ago 
So do I
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
which is why I love you :P
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
A Bellatrix love friendship cycle XD
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
JimmyManceLuvr said:
i cheered when Molly killed her in the theatre
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posted over a year ago 
What is with people and calling her a bitch?
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
She is one. nuff said.
kkbb97876 posted over a year ago
I disagree
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
MarMar_XigLux said:
Ironically, she's one of my favorite characters but I still kinda dislike her. Kinda.
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posted over a year ago 
LOL! I feel that sometimes with Draco. Sometimes I can't stand the git...other times I love him. x
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Im sooooo confilcted about Draco too!
kkbb97876 posted over a year ago
Perfidia said:
I can understand how people come to dislike her because....let's face it: she isn't the sanest and friendliest charcacter! Really, killing, torturing and cackling can result in being disliked sometimes but I don't think Bella cares.
Neither do I...
It's her madness and malice that make her such an interesting character, together with her undying loyalty to Voldy. I find it interesting to think about what motivates a character.

She's one of my favourite characters and I REALLY think she's great (and even better in the book where she seems a bit more sane and more dangerous than in the movies)
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I can understand how people come to dislike her because....let's face it: she isn't the sanest and friendliest charcacter!  Really, killing, torturing and cackling can result in being disliked sometimes but I don't think Bella cares. 
Neither do I...
It's her madness and malice that make her such an interesting character, together with her undying loyalty to Voldy. I find it interesting to think about what motivates a character. 

She's one of my favourite characters and I REALLY think she's great (and even better in the book where she seems a bit more sane and more dangerous than in the movies)
posted over a year ago 
REALLY good answer there! Like you said, Bellatrix is a little saner in the books so I guess it's just her portrayal in the movies that kind of pissed me off and made me hate her. But yet again, im not against admitting that Helena does (did :O) an amazing job at playing her.
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Love the picture! :D Great answer too! Very true!
MarlenaLovett posted over a year ago
Totally agree, and love the pic
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
Plenilunio said:
If she was a person, I'd surely hate her because the best way to describe is evil. However, as a character I find her fascinating. I actually love to hate her.
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posted over a year ago 
That's understandable :)
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
kkbb97876 said:
I Hate her! I really do. I can't understand how someone could like her. She may be an interesting character but she is still a ***** and I can't stand her! She torchered the Longbottoms to insanity, killed Sirius Black and Dobby (Not to mention proably hundereds more) and torchered Hermione. I love the fact that Molly Weasley killed her!(was the only one who whooped in the theater?)She is all in all completely evil and demented.
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posted over a year ago 
I think for me, the two main reasons that I don't like her are that she tortued the Longbottoms, because Neville is just such a great character and you can tell that he loved his parents dearly and also that I just dont understand WHY she is so evil. I get that she wants to please Voldy and all and that somebodys love for someone makes them do crazy things...but surely that cant be why!!!!
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
...and Molly killing her was on a whole new level of awesome. ;)
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
I agree :D
kkbb97876 posted over a year ago
OwlEyes12 said:
i habe always hated her i love the actress, yes, but i can't stand Bellatrix i started cheering when Mrs. Weasley killed her
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posted over a year ago 
I wish I was there with someone when I watched it so that I could have cheered too...but I was alone and it looked weird me doing that so I just kinda smiled. :D
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
simpleplan said:
no there lodes of people that hate her
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posted over a year ago 
jameswilson said:
Yea, it seems kind of fad-ish that everyone is so in love with her and the death eaters. I understand favorite characters, but what's to like about some of those guys?!
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posted over a year ago 
Very, very true and I completly agree
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Fad-ish? A lot of us liked her for months maybe years now fads die out.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
^lol yeah
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
Well I guess I just don't get it then. Haha, but to each his own. I guess I just like Neville way more and since she put his parents in St. Mungo's I don't know how I could find it in me to like her. Plus she killed Sirius and countless others ...
jameswilson posted over a year ago
PaisleyPark said:
I always tend to like the bad guys in books/movies because they make the story interesting.

So, Bellatrix is one of my favorite characters.
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posted over a year ago 
That's true. A story would not be as intriguing unless it had bad guys and villains, especially one as complex as Harry Potter. Gotta admit that HP would have been pointless without Voldemort and the other bad guys!!
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
*high fives* same
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
So do I
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
Mannu967 said:
I love her. The fact people hate her just because she's the evil one isn't a good reason for me. I would probably hate her if she was a real person, but I love her as a character. I usually like bad guys better anyway ...
Plus Tim and Helena aren't actually married ;)
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posted over a year ago 
O.o Are you for real!!! They arent ACTUALLY married!! ...that just broke my heart </3 ...they do have 2 kids though right, or is it just my imagination making all this crazy crap up!
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
...and I like your answer. Im suprised at how a lot of people prefer the bad guys but it is understandable. Some of the good guys are severly boring!
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
Helena does sometimes call Tim her husband in interviews, but yea , they aren't actually married. Which I think is fine cause they seem to love eachother anyway :)
Mannu967 posted over a year ago
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
BlackHound said:
I hate her with an extraordinarily deep passion, one that really has nothing to do with any character she's killed, or anything she's done to the Longbottoms. No, this is a hatred that stands on its own, and defies explanation.

Helena has always been one of my favorite actresses, and I love and respect her all the more for her ability to portray the character so convincingly.
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posted over a year ago 
Couldnt have put it better myself :)
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said:
Reading the books I despised her, but seeing HBC portray her i came to like the character more because I came to understand her a little better (I think haha)

That being said, she's a character I "love to hate." I, of course, cheered when Molly killed her both in the books and in the movies and she was indeed a cruel and terrible person, but I know a good villain when I see one and I ALWAYS appreciate a good villain especially a woman. She was well written, well played, and a significant part of the HP storyline.
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posted over a year ago 
Great answer :) x
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
I hate her just as much for killing some main characters in the past 3 movies, I laughed when Mrs. Weasley said before killing her saying "Not my daughter, you bitch."XD
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posted over a year ago 
That was one of my favourite quotes from that movie!!
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
@pompeybabe, That was the one and only swear word they used throughout the movies.
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
ShiaiyaAbunai said:
Yeah, I despise her. She's just...she disgusts me, that's the word. She's just so evil...I can't even think of a word bad enough to describe her. There's nothing good in her, that's for sure. Utter darkness, that's what she is. Ugh. Like I said. Disgusts me.
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posted over a year ago 
nothing good in her? take a closer look. sure she's an evil bitch but she is so emotionally strong <3
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
Nothing good? You sure, there are actually quite a few good qualities she attains.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Loyalty and undying devotion and the will to die for a loved one are not redeeming enough.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
PotterLambert93 said:
It's sort of love/hate thing with me and Bellatrix. I think she's an awsome female villan, but at the same time I hate her guts for killing two awsome characters and hurting Hermione. Honestly, it's understandable for hating on a person like that even if they're not real. She's a sadistic bitch who was brought up in an old, conservative pure-blood family who spoiled her rotten and was madly in love with an ugly dark wizard who didn't even pay attention to her and treated her like shit most of the time.
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posted over a year ago 
Good answer
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
PotterLambert93 posted over a year ago
MrsAlexBlack said:
I hate her so much words can't describe it. SHE KILLED SIRIUS!!!!!!!!! THE WOMAN MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!

So no, you're not the only one.
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posted over a year ago 
ChristinaVero said:
The only reason why so many people like her is because of the actress who plays her. I don't remember this much love for her before the Ootp movie came out.
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posted over a year ago 
I dont' either, it's strange. But then again I dont remeber Snape being as popular as he is now before DH P2 came out. :)
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
No not because of the actress, I love Bellatrix before I knew Helena
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
I liked her in both the books and movies.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
SnapeSoulmate said:
You're definitely not the only one. Another one of those "cruel" characters that people love to hate. :(

However I have a HUGE crush on her lol
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posted over a year ago 
Hahaha! Fair enough :D
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
egyptprincess7 said:
i like Bellatrix. XD
But no there are people who do hate her. Same goes for ever character from Hp.
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posted over a year ago 
Ringoluver55 said:
YOU FOOL!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! She is just a character. If she existed and went to my school and wrote mudblood on my arm i would hate her but she is JUST a character. If you want to hate anyone hate JK Rowling since she created her, or Helena Bodham Carter for portraying her like that!! GET OVER YOURSELF
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posted over a year ago 
Then you don't like or hate anyone from Harry Potter, they're only characters, if you want to love or hate one just love or hate JK Rowling because she created them, or the actors who portrayed them, and don't call her FOOL its her opinion you idiot
BellaLovett posted over a year ago
Chill, she just wanted opinions. She's not being foolish for asking that's what fanpop is for.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 said:

Erm.. I hate her. A lot. I mean. I hate her so much it's probably unhealthy because she's only a fictional character but I cannot help hating her so much. Sirius Black is my favorite character, who I probably love so much it's unhealthy because he's only a fictional character but I cannot help loving him so much.

Any character + killing Sirius = Eternal hate for that character.

And all the other stuff she's done, the Longbottoms, Dobby, Tonks & most likely many others... It's just too bad. I'd hate her whether she killed Sirius or not {probably}.
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posted over a year ago 
*, your welcome :D lol xx
pompeybabe posted over a year ago
My love for Bellatrix is probably unhealthy. :3
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
bellatrixsux posted over a year ago
BellaLovett said:
I totally understand why people hate Bellatrix, she killed three of the most beloved characters Siruis, Tonks, Dobby, tortured Neville's parents till they lost their minds, tortured Hermione and wrote mudblood on her arm, set fire to Hagrid's and House and the Weasleys' barrow these things can make anyone hate Bella, but not me (oh come on does she supposed to be the best villain ever without doing this)
May be because I'm always biased to the dark side of any story not just Harry Potter, that what made me love Bella at the first time, and by the time I've known that she's totally an awesome character
Lets forget that she's evil, Bella has really good points, she's extremely loyal and devoted the ones she love, has a strong personality that every woman would envy her for it, stands up for what she believes in .. should I go on
link will tell you what I'm trying to say, the things that make me respect Bella more and more every time I thing of them
And for Helena Bonham Carter, I love her she's my favorite actress, but I loved Bellatrix before I knew Helena
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I totally understand why people hate Bellatrix, she killed three of the most beloved characters Siruis, Tonks, Dobby, tortured Neville's parents till they lost their minds, tortured Hermione and wrote mudblood on her arm, set fire to Hagrid's and House and the Weasleys' barrow these things can make anyone hate Bella, but not me (oh come on does she supposed to be the best villain ever without doing this)
May be because I'm always biased to the dark side of any story not just Harry Potter, that what made me love Bella at the first time, and by the time I've known that she's totally an awesome character
Lets forget that she's evil, Bella has really good points, she's extremely loyal and devoted the ones she love, has a strong personality that every woman would envy her for it, stands up for what she believes in .. should I go on
[url=]Zanny's great article[/url] will tell you what I'm trying to say, the things that make me respect Bella more and more every time I thing of them
And for Helena Bonham Carter, I love her she's my favorite actress, but I loved Bellatrix before I knew Helena
posted over a year ago 
Indiana_Stones said:
I think she's fine as hell.
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posted over a year ago 
Dobby was hotter
bellatrixsux posted over a year ago
snusnu13 said:
I used to like Bellatrix. But I just don't anymore. She's bitter and twisted and evil. She killed an innocent house-elf and her niece! HER OWN NIECE!

And she has no redeeming quality, at all. None. Whatsoever. I can't stand her. I am a member of her spot...that's when I liked her and I can't be bothered unregistering myself from the spot.

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posted over a year ago 
I do love Helena though!
snusnu13 posted over a year ago
crrazycake said:
Not you're not alone, I hate her too.
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posted over a year ago 
Hevnoraak said:
While I do like her I hate how "powerful" everyone thinks she is, she's only there to be "the only female" in the top rank, and as such is over emphasized. They only say she's a prodigy to make her special, and she's honestly gets way too much credit for being powerful. It gets to a point where she pretty much begins to overshadow every other death eater, and it's sad when you really think about it. Reading on some of the other death eaters you'll find that a lot of them were far superior than she was in terms of real power, and when it comes down to Bellatrix they give her the most shittiest excuse ever. She was personally trained by Voldemort ( because she's his Harley Quinn~ ), and allegedly has an understanding of "super secret spells" yet that's never explored.
Another problem I encounter is that supposedly Lucius was his second in command, and yet he never treats him as such. Lucius can fuck up once, and will earn himself a beating, but Bellatrix screws something up, and HE DOES NOTHING TO HER. Voldemort isn't suppose to be able to love, but with the level of favoritism he shows towards her you kinda think otherwise. The last I'll add is that most of her victories are won because she fights people who are younger than her, or are severely injured and exhausted. Fighting someone around her age results in her demise not just because of her strength, but her blind arrogance as well.
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posted over a year ago 
MadameRatBrains said:
If i had a gun with two bullets with a room of Voldy, Rita Skeeter, Umbridge, Bellatrix and Gaunt I would shoot Bella twice. I abseloutely despise her too, she killed my Sirius man
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posted over a year ago 
dafthead said:
omg I hate her 4 ever too
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posted over a year ago 
LowriLorenza89 said:
You're not at all the only HP fan who dislikes or even hates her character. I believe that she was actually created for the audience to hate. She kills 2 fan favourite characters (Sirius and Dobby), mocks Harry about Sirius' death, tortured Neville's parents and is therefore the reason he's effectively an orphan, mocks Neville about this (there's a pattern here), tortures Hermione because of her being Muggle-born.... plenty to hate.

She seems to be the sort of character whom everyone either loves or hates. There's no middle ground for opinions of her. Personally, I love to hate her.
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posted over a year ago 
bellatrixsux said:
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posted over a year ago 
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