Harry Potter's Women What are your reasons for not liking H/G?

shieldmaiden posted on Jan 09, 2008 at 03:26AM
And if you do like them then why do you? I'd love to hear opinions! =) Thanks again to all who have joined!
last edited on Jan 09, 2008 at 05:52AM

Harry Potter's Women 7 replies

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over a year ago fawkes716 said…
Just look at smoore's "Everyone hates us" link, I dont want to type it all again.Grascias!
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Here are a few:
--Ginny changed too quickly. I always felt like she was just a little girl, you know, not really a main character or anything. Suddenly she becomes pretty, popular, and the object of all the guys' affections. I don't think her character was given enough time to develop.
--Their relationship seems rather superficial.
--They seem like brother and sister! I know people will argue the same thing about R/Hr, but they've always had some tension, wheras with H/G, they seemed like siblings.
--IMO, the relationship was developed too quickly for it to seem realistic.

And there's something that I just can't put my finger on that I don't like about them being together. I know that sounds lame, but really, there's just something about them I don't like.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
eh i agree with smoore23. ginny seems like SUPER young and harry seems way way older. she kind of just pops up out of the dark in the half-blood prince book, like out of nowhere, and harry IS the main character in the series....doesnt make sense......
over a year ago fr34kygl said…
I agree with you guys too.. But it could've been worse, most people see them as a couple because jkr did write it quite good, not logical enough for me. But imagine they really didn't know each other like at all and suddenly pang (like how nathans hair grew in one tree hill), they're engaged... That would be so much worse!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GCsAngelgirl said…
I just don't really like Ginny that much. I felt that her character grew up too fast and was kinda thrown at us that she's the one for Harry. And it does seem superficial, when Harry thought of her all he could think of was the way she looked, nothing else that seems important for a relationship to last. It's just... I think that JKR could have built up on this, not just put her in towards the end as someone he could be with.
over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
i just realized something else, ginny is quite rude to her family and others. i'm currently rereading hbp, and she was rude to her mother in the beginning of the novel and also rude to ron and her siblings while at hogwarts. not a very pleasant girl, rather...mean and too aggressive for my taste. =\ harry could have done better, like luna! which I will write a soapbox on when time permits! i have a soapbox on why they could have worked rattling in my head, just want the time to research quotes and supporting material =)
over a year ago Tigerlily888 said…
WELL anyway my reasons for not liking Ginny are not things like "slut/boring" and blah blah blah but are based on incidents which have made me dislike her!
At the start of the books she was all sweet and nervous around Harry and I thought she was quite cute but then she gradually got more and more confident (which is a good thing) only for me she got over confident!
Incidents (all add up fro me):
1) Sixth book-Hermione has been nothing but kind to Ginny throughout all the books- building up her confidence and taking her out of her shell and telling her all about the Order in the fifth book when Ginny wasn't aloud to stay and hear. Ginny in the sixth said something to Hermione I can never forgive. Harry and Hermione were arguing about the "Oculmency" lessons (she was only looking out for him) and up pops Ginny and nosies into the situation and when Hermione mentions quidditch she says "Oh don't mention quidditch you'll only embarrass yourself!"-this remark was extremely catty and nasty and there was no need. Hermione is cleverer than them all but she never brags on about that and definitely not to Ginny!
2) Calling Fleur "Phlem"-Okay so you're thinking not a big deal! But Fleur is not a malicious girl. Infact she seems relatively brainy (she got into the tri-wiz) and Bill obviosuly loves her so why can't Ginny be a little more mature about it! She also says "I'd much rather have Tonks in the family"-she assumes that Bill would be marrying someone else if not for Fleur and I'm sorry but who's happiness with Bill's wife is more important. The husband or the sister in law?! Husbands-duh-he has to live with her!
3) She called Luna 'Loony'-and that's not just Ginny of course as loads do but then later on as luna says "she stopped to boys calling me Loony the other day!"-bit of a hypocrite seeing as she called Luna 'Loony'.
4) In the last book when Cho turns up to the room of requirement-she offers to show Harry the statue so he'll know what the diadem looks like and he needs to go to the Ravenclaw tower as Voldi was scared he'd go there! He has to go with a Ravenclaw to get in!!! Cho has the idea and offers but Ginny goes "No Luna will take Harry won't you?!"
this annoys me because- a) THIS IS WAR-why would he be thinking about girls now-it's not all about her and Harry b) she obviously doesn't trust harry enough to be alone with his ex and sorry but would he really try something with Cho right now? c) she obviously doesn't consider Luna a threat- as she suggests she go instead!
last edited over a year ago