Harry Potter's Women Harry/Tonks?

smoore23 posted on Feb 17, 2008 at 07:18AM
Hey guys. I'm just wondering what you all think of Harry/Tonks. I sort of always thought they could go well together. When we first met Tonks she seemed kind of flirty with Harry. I wish I had some text to back that up, but the only books I brought with me to my dorm are GoF and DH, so those don't help. Anyway, it sort of seems like they were just extra-friendly with each other or something. What do you guys think?

Harry Potter's Women 9 replies

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over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
hmm donno. when i get the chance i shall def look back in my ootp =)
over a year ago Praesse said…
I didn't notice in the books, but in the fifth movie one can perfectly see what you are saying. ;)
over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
agreed with praesse =)
over a year ago badboy1cdx said…
Since the first time I read a harry/tonks fic, I've been hooked...There are a couple different ways I've looked at it, because the plots in the various fics differ a bit...first there's the post-hogwarts theme that has them partnered as aurors...then there's the Mrs. Robinson school of thought...(I really like this one, It's kind of naughty and risque, but being as Tonks is usually portrayed as acting a bit a younger than her age, and Harry is more mature and has seen more than most fully trained wizards, I think it really works...)
oh well, Go Harry/Tonks I say!
over a year ago dustfinger said…
Harry/Tonks is stupid
over a year ago smoore23 said…
Thanks for respecting everyone's opinion, dustfinger.
over a year ago shieldmaiden said…
ditto smoore
over a year ago spritegirl1984 said…
In the film version of Order of the Phoenix, definitely. My favorite Harry/Tonks moment in the film was when they arrived at Number 12.
over a year ago bramblestream said…
Same here, spritegirl1984, but I think Ginny and Harry would be much better than Harry and Tonks(Tonks looks as if she is too old for Harry)!