Heroes of Olympus RP Club Make a Roman Demigod of Godishness

Nicolicious posted on Apr 23, 2012 at 12:17AM
Heyheyhey this is where you can make a roman demigod hence the name and walk around Camp Jupiter and do stuff that modern romans do
By the way you will need to fill this out:

Godly parent

Mortal parent













Other stuff

Here are the ranks anything higher than Preatoris not allowed :D
List of Roman army unit types

pedites - the infantry of the army

praetorians - a special force of bodyguards used by Roman Emperors

Principes - the second line of battle in the Roman Republican Army

Rorarii - the final line, or reserve

Sagittarii - archers, including horse-riding auxiliary archers

Scholae Palatinae - an elite troop of soldiers in the Roman army created by the Emperor Constantine the Great to provide personal protection of the Emperor

speculatores - the scouts and reconnaissance element of the Roman army

Triarii - the third standard line of infantry of the Roman army

Velites - a class of light infantry in the army of the Roman Republic

Architecti - an engineer or artillery constructor.

Ballistarius - an artillery operator.

Centurion - officer rank, generally one per century, in charge of century.

Clinicus - a medic.

Doctor - a trainer, subdivisions for everything from weapons to hornblowing

Decurion - leads a troop of cavalry (14-30 men). Often confused with decanus.

Decanus - leads a contubernium (a legionary tent group of 8 men)

Dux - a general in charge of two or more legions

Hastiliarius - a weapons instructor.

Legionary - heavy infantry

Medicus - physician or combat medic. At least some held rank equivalent to a centurion.

Praefectus Castrorum - camp prefect, third-in-command of the legion, also responsible for maintaining the camp, equipment and supplies.

Salararius - a soldier enjoying special service conditions or hired as a mercenary.

Venator - a hunter

you guys don't have to pick one of these if you don't want to these are only some of the positions in the roman army

Chris V-Vulcan-Centrurion-(C&T)
Alex-Pluto-Scholae Palatinae-(Killer24)
Avis-Mars-Praefectus Castrorum-(Blaze_of_Ares)
last edited on Dec 28, 2012 at 02:10AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 518 replies

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over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
ur a roman to i wouldnt be talking!
over a year ago killer24 said…
Uh yeah Im like all roman and stuff go romans *walks away very quickly*
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
umm ok then
over a year ago killer24 said…
*walks into cabin* well I'm going to hell or the underworld for a bit *shadow travels to room in the underworld*
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
*follows him then shadow travels with him*
over a year ago killer24 said…
Are you a stalker? Stop following me now please excuse me I'm going in my room to read or play games *walks into room*
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
umm ok then *quod malum paulo turd*
over a year ago killer24 said…
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
(hahaha ill never tell u learn to speak latin ur a roman right)
over a year ago killer24 said…
Girls one minute they hate you the next there stalking you I'll never understand them I'm so confused *turns on the computer and starts to play games*
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
computer freak
over a year ago killer24 said…
Hay It mite be a ps3 or xbox I'm a gamer its in my blood creepy
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
im not creepy u vlacus
over a year ago killer24 said…
?????????????? vlacus?
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
Vlacus in latin is idiot
over a year ago killer24 said…
well iv got no come back you win senorita
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
thx but Yo no hablo espanol senor
over a year ago killer24 said…
your so confuseing) *turns of the game and shadow travels to britain* old life seems like a dream now
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
ah britian home of doctor who
over a year ago killer24 said…
well its good to be back home or whats left of it but i must go *steps in to shadows*
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
Fail XD
over a year ago killer24 said…
hay demigods have crap life's its how you go about it that matters)
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
i dont have a crappy life
over a year ago killer24 said…
wow you just poked a hole in my logic creepy
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
XD haha
over a year ago killer24 said…
thanks for that *shadow travels to a deserted island and burns half of it then sits and starts to play a guitar*
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
sure i guess
over a year ago killer24 said…
sure of what?)
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
i have no clue
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I Preator Cara walks around Camp Jupiter expecting everyone to instantly use this forum again and not let any die.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
(No idea where I am. and probably not going to work.)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Lol neither so just appear wherever you want.)
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
*walks around* (lol i forgot who my godly parent was XD)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Just choose another one I guess.)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(I've put up the people of the camp so it has your godly parent and rank and name.)
over a year ago meredog said…
Name- Mary

Godly parent- Neptune

Age- 14

Mortal parent- Angie

Gender- girl

Looks- I have bright blue eyes that look green sometimes. My hair is a dark drown and curly. I'm tan with no freckles. No glasses or braces. I am 5'5. (This is how I rly look. And my eyes r rly like that.... I think its cool)

Personality- , friendly, loyal. Can be mean when wants to, but doesn't like to be. Also shy around new people.

Wepons- sword

Ability- anything to do with water/sea, earthquakes, and sea storms


Cohort- 5 I guess..

Pets- none

Boyfriend- none

Friends- anyone who wants to be

Phobias- I HATE spiders

I'm new here. I'm shy and trys to stay away from people, I'm so shy. I'm not to shy once I get to know u. I am new and scared after what just happened on my way here.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I walk around camp
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I head to the Senate House and sit at the desk looking at papers when Jacob walks in. "Hey sis." He says. "Hey." I mutter. "What's up?" He asks. "I haven't seen Brad in a while. That's all."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I walk in the Senate house. "Praetor Cara," I bow
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Huh? Oh hey." I see him bow and I smile. "You know that you don't have to bow. Right?"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I know but I was raised that way. To bow to my superiors."
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Well go and chuck that superior stuff out the window."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Yes Praetor." I start to bow but I stop.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I grin and look at the papers on the desk. "Tell everyone the party will be held on the Field of Mars." I tell him.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Yes Praetor Cara." I walk out and spread the news.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I sigh and lean back in my chair while rubbing my temples. I look at the other empty three chairs. "At least Alvin is here."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
" Yeah, good thing I am" I say, coming through the door.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Hmm. The camp is so quiet these days."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
" True"