Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Demi-Titan

darkling_menace posted on May 28, 2012 at 01:48AM
During the second Titan war, when the Titans were losing, they decided to take a page out of the gods playbook, several of the Titans mated with mortal men and women to create an army of Demi-Titans that were much stronger and powerful than demigods. But when the Titans lost the war, the Demi-Titans were never put into battle,and they were abandoned by their parents, many of them hated their parents for what they did to them. The Demi-Titans could not find any allies with gods or demigods, so they made their own society, where they train to get ready for the next war with the Titans, or something worse. It was named, Camp Demi-Titan.

To join, just fill out this profile.



Titan Parent:

Mortal Parent:





List of Titans to use:

Current Campers:
Eli Mason (darkling_menace)
Joice Tomilson (pink-bookworm)
Cara (Nicolicious)
Jack Mitchell (ConnerandTravis)
Blaze Takumi Phoenix (Blaze_of_Ares)
Rogue Knight (NotSoPerfecMe)
Ken Haynes (Alvin2442)
Nevaeh (Hetaliafreak12)
Phoenix Gonzales (fireyes)
Arabella Lopez (_Aphrodite_)
Caine (killer24)
Keahi Sun (CrazyTridentSon)
Solaire Tosora (Spikegilfer1997)
Tucker Price (o_oadmin)
Mo auror (Demeter13)
Kara Thomas (VladGal365)
Talas Arm (Shark_Spirit)
Brixis Moon (darange)
Nero Phobatic (Hades_Shadow )
Reina Nightshade (JasmineValdez)
Jake Kimble (crash14)
Atlatic (Mattbailey87)
Brian Mc'Knight (Rogue475)
Raymond Brown (whitedragon12)
last edited on Oct 30, 2012 at 01:16AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 3517 replies

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Showing Replies 1051-1100 of 3517

over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Sure." I wipe my tears and hold his hand.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I search around for Eli and find him on top of the mountain . "Eli, I'm sorry."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Walks back to camp holding both my katanas that are blood stained. I walk towards the lake, I stick both my blades in the ground and sit by the lake looking up at the sun
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
*walks around*
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*i turn around and see Jack*
its not your fault Jack, its Blaze and Caine who should be the ones to apologize
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Eyes and hair glow
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"It's not Blaze's fault he wanted to practice with the Ares kids. They are tough. Not softies."
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
but the point, of going to Camp Half-Blood was to make peace and have them join us, do you think "training" with the children of the god of war is a good idea?
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Shoould this be a good time to say I accidentally started a war between us?" I whimper.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*my eyes glow bright red, my skin gets the look of stone, my left hand turns into a giant hammer and i smash the ground in front of Cara*
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
When he smashed the ground I didn't flinch I stood there then I said"I was talking with Annabeth on the beach but then they attacked me so I ran then they knocked me out, but Blaze came and then bashed them up and I shouted something about killing the gods."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
over a year ago killer24 said…
(um ok so we're at war doctor who is a horse i miss anything?)
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
(lol u knwo doctor who lol awesomeness his name is doctor whooves)
over a year ago killer24 said…
(how do i know doctor who?)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(how could you have aquired this knowledge? Unless...)

you idiot! Do you realize, how much jeapeordy you have put yourselves in!?
over a year ago killer24 said…
(um what knowledge who's got it?)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"I got attacked by them! What did you expect me to stand there and let them knock me out and do whatever they were going to do to me?!!" I get so angry my spear melts into one hand and my giant mace melts into my other hand. "FACE IT THE GODS HATE US AND SO DO THEIR CHILDREN! WE ARE OUTCASTS AND THAT'S NOT GOING TO CHANGE!" I scream at him.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Oops I'm here. Sorry I randomly dissappeared got a bit bored with fanpop but I'm back.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*i turn back to normal, and pinch the bridge of my nose*
i dont care! And its beacause of you, that all Demi-Titans are gonna die!
over a year ago killer24 said…
(hay book head hahahaha)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"EXCUSE ME?! IT WAS YOUR STUPID PLAN TO GO THERE ANYWAY! YOU TOLD US WE COULD TRUST THEM AND YOU CAN SEE HOW THAT WORKED OUT!" I melted into the ground and appeared on Mt Othrys(or whatever) "Dad." I said bowing to my father.
over a year ago killer24 said…
Caine: wow shes mad at you man. but she has a point
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
it doesnt matter anymore, our fate is written
*i walk down the mountain*
over a year ago killer24 said…
Caine: then lest spill blood hahahahaha *runs down the mountain*
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*i go to my cabin, open the back room, take out my chisel, and start carving the faces of all the Demi-Titans in a slab of obsidian*
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I it down in front of my dad and he tells me that he knows hiw he can finally defeat the gods and their children once and for all.
"I'm listening." I say.
"It's easy. We conquer the world." He replies.
"How is that going to happen with the gods and their kids around?"
"Easy we slowly take over the worlds Governments so that we can then order them to stop worshipping the Gods and then BAM! It's all over and the gods will grow weak and eventually fade. Yeah it will take some time but while your at it you can still destroy their kids."
"I like the plan." I grin and stand up. "But I need to discuss it with everyone else." I turn and melt into the ground and end up in my cabin. "Dads." I say.
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
over a year ago killer24 said…
(hay hay im back whats up?)
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
(i dunno the sky)
over a year ago killer24 said…
(oh ha ha ha your so funny)
over a year ago demigoddessrlz said…
(yerps i know i am)
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I start tearing up every dummy in my sight. I wish I grew up with a mom and dad. A normal family. I would be a normal kid and not a have a fate written for me. I heard my mom's voice in my head. One of the words she said to me when I was 5. Your fate follows you son. You can not change it. Even if you were normal, you still have a fate that you will be destined to full-fill. Even then, I knew my dad was a titan.
over a year ago killer24 said…
caine:ok stuff for the war. 1)got my spear. check. 2)got my shield. check. 3)got my headphones. check. let's kick some @$$!!!!!
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*i finish doing my project, i go outside my cabin to see if anyone is still around*
anyone still here?
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
Jack, well since you're the only one here, i need you to send a message to the others
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Yes sir, what is it? Another lecture?"
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
just tell them that they get one last chance
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"For what?"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I stand up and leave my tent. I walk to Eli and Jack. "I know how to destroy the gods." I say.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"I'm listening" appears from thing air
over a year ago Heritage112 said…
big smile
UM Akward, but since im commenting, HI I LIKE PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I go a bit spaz sometimes)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
and they know how to destroy us, whats your point?
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Hey Cara, I don't think that's a good idea."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"I'm with them oh and Eli....sorry" I bowed
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
at least you have the decency to apologize
over a year ago killer24 said…
Caine:I heard that! And it was not my fault
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
im not talking about you, im talking about the girl who is planning world domination