Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Fantasy

percabeth_forev posted on Nov 11, 2012 at 10:35AM
okay so I got this idea awhile ago well, actually a couple of days ago but here it goes:
This RP is basically about anything or everything that's not real in the real world in our world you can be an anime character or an angel or you can come out of a book or movie and all that. this is in the year 7016 just tell you. You need to fill out this form to join:


Age(optional if you're immortal):

Birthday(optional too):


I.P.(you can have two[Immortal parent]{optional}):

M.P(Mortal parent[optional])

Race(human, angel, demigod, etc.):







Crush/ BF/ GF (optional):

okay, so there you have it you'll find what camp fantasy looks like, just to be clear THE MAIN IDEA HERE CAN BE FOUND BELOW so don't get all 'this forum should belong in the fantasy club' okay?

*edit everything*
the camp has hotels, houses, restaurants, and basically everything that you can find in the city plus there's a mega huge training ground for land, air, and water that you can find at the southern part of camp and there's also a playground by the northern side where a pool can be found and the auditorium that's used for plays, announcements, etc. then there's the mega senate house, it's like the senate and the big house combined together it's where meetings take place but monsters are included too. there's also an extra large stables and an extra large colisseum(I know I know) unlike the old one where they kill the human they just battle with each other or monsters and stuff but they don't get killed.(I'm gonna add more if needed)
And now... for the rules:
1) no killing other people's characters
2) don't be a killjoy I hate it when people kills my joy
3) don't anyone dare to control other people's lives(you can control them but not in a way that can change their rp lives in a major way like if he/she's not a mermaid then while controlling them ur all like 'I'm a half mermaid[you need permission too])
4)Have fun!
besides all that nothing... but I may add some or remove some from time to time just ask and I'll think about mwah(wow...I'm being a flirt...you always are...no I'm not! anyways back to the story)
the main Idea for this story is that that demigods somehow 'accidentally' stumbled upon some other places in the world... hidden but can be seen plainly in our world they first found the anime dudes(sorry don't mean to offend) then after a couple of years during a quest they bumped in one of the fights of vampire and werewolf clans and then they decided to build a camp which would protect all of them who are not human they tried making peace with everyone and after 5000 years the feud of other species are completely gone but some are still enemies
Stevie Marin(darange) Hermes
Luke Mitchell(ConnerandTravis) Atalanta
Assyria Breille Cathleen Denisse Eleanor Faye Giana Herzaline Iliana Jade Katie Lia Marceline Nerissa Orinne Princess Quin Rosalinda Shakira Tiranda Ulora Victoria Werliah Xerene Ylora Zasha W. Brenmallice (me!) Eros and Posiedon
last edited on Nov 24, 2012 at 10:20AM

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