Heroes of Olympus RP Club Half-Blood Army

Nicolicious posted on Nov 23, 2012 at 10:48PM
Half-Blood Army.
This is based in the year 2020. It's Word War 3. The Humans have discovered Demi-Gods and have made a registration act for all Mythological Beings. When the Queen of England is murdered on live television the world is sent into shock. The first suspects are the North Koreans or Russians, but soon they learn that it was actually an assassin working under the order of the American Government, though he actually isn't. The British Army is then mobilised and protects the borders of England. Soon Nations start taking sides. Canada and Australia join America because of their military and political alliance. Germany, all of Korea, China and India join England. Russia is split apart in a political dispute and half joins America while the other half joins England. Japan sides with America as well as most African Tribes. The rest of the world soon takes sides as well.
This causes the largest War in all of our world's short history. The American Government then uses their Demi-Gods to attack the British. The British use theirs.
In this Rp you are either an American Alliance Soldier or a British Allegiance Soldier. If you are American you are stationed in Hamburg, North Germany. If you are British you are stationed in Berlin. Well that's a little south from Hamburg, also it's the Capitol.
Germany has become a war zone again, and only your Godly powers can save you.
Military Camps:
Each camp is relatively the same. There is a barracks for each Company, A Mess Hall, Firing Range and Outposts.
There are five Companies for each side. There is one Captain/Marshal for each Company and two Captain Majors/Generals.
US Alliance:
Dog Company
Easy Company
Metal Company
Delta Company
Hotel Company

British Allegiance:
Jock Company
Trench Company
Bull Company
Snake Company
Quake Company
This is the cute little info sheet that you fill in. :D




Immortal Parent:








Extra Info:
British Demi-Gods
Adrasteia Grigori-Brigadier-Italy-percabeth_forev
Anaya-Private Second Class-East Russia-Animefreak100

American Demi-Gods
Cara De'Lassio-Captain-Australia-Nicolicious
Reina Jackson-Captain-United Kingdom-JasmineValdez
Antonio Marina-Lieutenant-Italy-ConnerandTravis
Blaze Pheonix-First Lieutenant-Japan-Blaze_of_Ares
Aaron Strider-Captain-America-Rogue475
Alvin Hamilton Junior-Captain-America-Alvin2442
Hugo Javert-Marhsall-France-Hades_Shadow
Raymond Brown-PFC-America-Whitedragon12

US Alliance:
Dog Company:
Captain Jackson

Easy Company:
Captain De'Lassio

Metal Company:
Lieutenant Marino

Delta Company:
Captain Strider
PFC Brown

Hotel Company:

SOG(Special Operations Ghosts):
Captain Hamilton
First Lieutenant Phoenix

British Allegiance:
Jock Company:

Trench Company:
PSC Anaya

Bull Company:

Snake Company:
Marshall Javert

Quake Company:
US Military Ranks: Lowest to Highest.
Private First Class
Specialist Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant
First Sergeant
Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant
Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Captain Major

British Military Ranks: Highest to Lowest
Lieutenant General
Major General
Lieutenant Colonel
Second Lieutenant
Warrant Officer
Staff Sergeant
Lance Corporal

US Alliance:
United States of America
West Russia

British Allegiance:
United Kingdom(Including Scotland)
North Korea
East Russia
Czech Republic

Just join cause I wanna see if this Rp will work.
last edited on Dec 27, 2012 at 01:07AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 1007 replies

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 1007

over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I am traveling with Snake Company and see a spy from my company, "Sir, the assassin is nearby", I tell him to show me the location and tell my General to take temporary command.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I return to the Armory and put on my Spec Ops Armor and head to the Barracks.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I follow my spy to the hill that he saw the Assassin at, I look and see him shoot Cara, "That is him alright, join the rest of the Company, I should be done shortly, If you get word on your radio come to this location and follow my tracks" I say as I pull out my Sniper and load a IG Bullet.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I slump over and my radio flares,with people saying I'm KIA. I lie there for a while and then crawl int the nearest patch of darkness. After a while I'm healed so I stand and trudge over to Blaze. "Next time not next to the heart. How about in my abdomen or my right lung. Okay?"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Thomas stay here with the others, they will protect you." i say and leave the group, then head out to find Cara.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I put Blazes Head in my Crosshairs of my scope. adjusting for bullet drop and wind resistance.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Suddenly I sense someone else is near us. "Let's go inside." I say. I grab them both Alvin and Blaze by the arm and take them inside,
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
as soon as she reaches for blaze arm I pull the trigger, not a deathshot, but skimming the ear. I send up a flare on my Radio and pull out my sword and pistol.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I hear shuffling and i ready my DMR. A single gun shot is fired and all the sudden i see Korean soldiers coming from the North, I run to cover and kneel next to a cement block.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(Okay, how can I work myself into this situation? :P)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I shoot my pistol and all Cara, Alvin, and Blaze, attempting a long range shot.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I dive, barely dodging a bullet, and roll inside the house.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(Okay, I'm just magically there now.)

I grab my pistol and fire it at Hugo.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Where the Hades did you too come from?" I ask Reina and Aaron. I shake my head and start shooting the Koreans with my pistol. "I'm supposed to be dead you realise?" I ask them smiling.

(Brb I'm having a shower.)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I notice the distance Reina is and dont dodge for cover but instead switch to my bow, I quickly send a one man volley at the Demigods, My Troop is coming, but is being semi-detoured by Cara's Fire.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"What, you expect me to let you have all the fun? Not happening. And no one's going to die on my watch. Let's get 'em."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
An arrow hits me in the arm. I look at it wide eyed, then pull it out and wince. "What the heck?" i say outloud and assist in fighting off the enemyies that were advancing.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Noticing my Troop I call my assistant over and tell him to attach a full banana clip to my Sniper, so I will have 20 shots instead of 4, I keep my volley going, but slowing a little to increase accuracy.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"There's a sniper Somewhere!" I tell them. I drop my pistol and grab my AUG Steyr. I shoot three boot rounds at the Koreans.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I pull out my Thompson and fire at Koreans.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
(AH I have no clue what to do!)
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
I keep firing at the guy that hit Blaze.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
A bullet smashes the cement in front of my face. "Damnit!" i call out and spin around, firing my Scoped rifle at the enemy sniper. "We have to find some cover, were sittin ducks out here!"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Just start firing at Koreans.)

I drop some more Koreans and found myself shooting the British. "The Poms are here!" I tell everyone.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
Antonio magically appears and starts fighting. (Ta-Da!)
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"They're like all here!"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I hear some fighting so I run out and see what's the matter. "Dio mio," I say then start fighting
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I fire and then duck in cover to reload.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
He finishes putting on my clip, I turn on my Chameleon armor, climb a tree and start rapid sniping, aiming for joints like elbows, kneecaps, palms, the such.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Then I see my brother. Of course he would be fighting for Italy and not against it. I didn't realize that my brother had shot a bullet at me until of course, it hit me. I fell to the ground.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
I curse as my knee is hit, and Antonio falls at about the same time.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I see one of our guys get hit, i rush over and inspect the wound. "Your gonna want to keep real still for this." i say and pull out a Medical Adhesive agent.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Beh questo è semplicemente meraviglioso," I say in a sarcastic manner. "Stupido fratello," I added
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I lean over Antonio and see another get hit. "This is gonna hurt... A lot...." i say and begin dressing the wound.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"I can't shoot if I'm still, we'll take care of it later." I grimace and shift my weight onto the other leg.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I tell my men to hold fire, and prep a bull horn. "If you surrender the assassin, we will let you free, you keep resisting you die. take your pick, you are the outnumbered party."
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"I'd rather die a solider than a traitor!," I yell back.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I get up and say to my Allies: "I will not surrender... Blaze you stay alive" i say and press a button. I Instantly dissappear from sight, the Active Camo cloak would work as long as i moved slowly.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Your bravery will be noted. You could say you were taken by force. I personally do not care, but if you sacrifice this one man for the sake of all the rest then we will even let him live until he goes to court." I say as I am still train my sniper on Blaze's Kneecap.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Accidenti a te! Avevo ragione entrare gli americani! È piccoli bastardi!" I scream
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
I stand in front of Blaze. "You stuck up, no good bastard. I thought even the French were above shooting an injured man."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Non ascoltatelo! Blaze è un bravo ragazzo! Dio maledica gli inglesi!" I can't help speaking Itatlian. I'm pissed, but I finally managed to use English. "Don't listen to him! Blaze is a good guy! God damn the British!"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Then you do value life? how interesting, I do what is needed. Who said I was shooting? I am preparing. and did my voice give away all french aren't traitors?"
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"You are aiming your gun at my friend. That's enough to get me angry."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I reappear behind the Snipers team and tap one of them on the shoulder. He turns around, but i had my rifle pointed at his head. "drop the weapon" i say and he does so, then i look up at the sniper in the tree. "Sorry about this..." i say and knock him out.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I fire at the soldier.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I glance at the surrounding force. I slowly drop my AUG and smile. "Do we at least get a free phone call?" I ask them.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(How did you knock me out from the ground? especially with my Chameleon armor on?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
My men all lift up arms and put laser points on everyone, including blaze. waiting for Strider to make his move.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
I raise my head and look him in the eye. "No good man will have injured people killed for vengeance."