Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Demi-Titan 2: New Beginnings

darkling_menace posted on Dec 03, 2012 at 11:50PM
(I'm remaking Camp Demi-Titan because the old one is a disaster zone to me now, this isn't a sequel. Heres the story for those of you who are new, and for those who know it, there are a few changes.)
During the second Titan war, when the Titans were losing, they decided to take a page out of the gods playbook, several of the Titans mated with mortal men and women to create an army of Demi-Titans that were much stronger and powerful than demigods. But when the Titans lost the war, the Demi-Titans were never put into battle,and they were abandoned by their parents, many of them hated their parents for what they did to them. The Demi-Titans could not find any allies with gods or demigods, but they still try to, so they made their own society, where they train to get ready for the next war with the Titans, or something worse. It was named, Camp Demi-Titan. (The metal that Demi-Titans use to make weapons is Dark Titanium, metal forged by Metis in Tartarus itself, and Demi-Titans don't heal with ambrosia and nectar, instead, we have pomegranates planted and grown by Rhea)

Now for some rules:
#1: Don't be overpowered, or have powers that just plain don't make sense. (I will determine what is overpowered)
#2: Your characters must have no connections/relations with the gods or demigods. (unless they are convenient to some kind of plot)
#3: Don't stray from anything I establish. (I had a bunch of people going to Camp Half-Blood and stirring things up, I'm not having that here)

To join, just fill out this profile.



Titan Parent:

Mortal Parent:




List of Titans to use:
Asteria, Atlas, Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Crius, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Phoebe, Themis, Eos, Selene, Leto, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Metis, Pallas, Perses, Astraeus, Helios, Lelantos, Menoitus, Styx, Dione.

Eli Mason, Prometheus (darkling_menace)
Cara D'Lassio, Atlas (Nicolicious)
Reina Nightshade, Atlas (JasmineValdez)
Jack Mitchell, Oceanus (ConnerandTravis)
Blaze Takumi Phoenix, Hyperion (Blaze_of_Ares)
Alvin Hamilton II, Oceanus (Alvin2442)
Blake Angelo Carter, Pallas (Blake_Angelo)
Brian Mc'Knight, Prometheus (Rogue475)
Cato Tycho, Astraeus (Hades_Shadow)
Lucine Ayla Chandrakanta Shatterwind, Selene (percabeth_forev)
Kiera Mason, Phoebe (ShadowRanger)
Raymond Brown, Hyperion (whitedragon12)
Leighton Tait, Menoitus (hippy-hoppy)
last edited on Jan 03, 2013 at 08:56AM

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