Heroes of Olympus RP Club Demigod Worlds

ShadowRanger posted on Dec 24, 2012 at 09:59AM
So I got this idea while having a Kingdom Hearts marathon.

There are 16 worlds. there are 14 based on the Olympians and 2 others (more of less like a country). each Olympian world has a pair of leaders- Guardians, 1 guy and 1 girl. each world has a general use. everyone can access each world, just that it benefits the child of the child of the Olympian that goes to that Olympian world more.



to reach Demigod Worlds, there is a hidden transporter on earth and it transports you to Olympia first.

everyone has a Transporter to transport from world to world.
note: there are infirmaries in each world but the main one is in Bright Land

- Olympia: the main world where everyone stays (unless they decide to stay in another world), shops, etc. are here. The Guardians' tower is placed here, where the guardians would gather for meetings and stuff, temples for the minor gods are also here.
- The Arena: the world where arenas, armories and monsters are kept.
- 1st Sky: Zues' world. its a world on top of clouds the weather here is a bit unpredictable. pegasus, griffin, dragon, etc. training are done here. Zues's temple is here.
- Atlantis: Poseidon's world. there are a few islands but its mainly oceans and seas. mer-people inhabit here. anything to do with water (swimming, training sea animals, etc.) are done here. here are special seaweeds sold here to breath underwater. Poseidon's temple is here.
- The Underworld: Hades' world. its an undergound world, it has lava rivers and geysers at specific places. there are gold and diamond mines but are dangerous to reach. ghosts (not dangerous ones) inhabit here. the terrain keeps changing a lot. Hades' temple is here.
- White Kingdom: Hera's world. its a relatively small world because there isnt much here, except that this is where adult demigods get married. Hera's temple is here.
- Athens: Athena's world. anything to do with knowledge is here (libraries, labs, archives, etc.). Athena's temple is here.
- The Red World: Ares' world. battle plans are usually made here for good luck. hardcore training is done here, harder than the training done at The Arena. Ares's temple is here.
- Huntress' Domain: Artemis' world. all hunting is done here. the moon is always out but its not night 24/7. Artemis' temple is here.
- Blacksmiths' Castle: Hephaestus' world. weapons are made here. imperial gold and celestial bronze are found here. Hephaestus' temple is here.
- The Dove's Land: Aphrodite's world. everything related to beauty-fying a demigod is done here (kinda like an Aphrodite's child's paradise) a lot of charmspeakers live here so be careful. Aphrodite's temple is here
- Bright Land: Apollo's world. muses live here, the main infirmary is here for more serious injuries. healers train here. Apollo's temple is here.
- Messenger's Domain: Hermes's world. all messages are posted from here then sent to the respective worlds. Transporters are sold and can be repaired here. Hermes' temple is here.
- Harvests Garden: Demeter's world. the main farming, harvesting, etc. are done here. Demeter's temple is here.
- Party Vine: Dionysus' world. theaters and any party related things are here. there are grape vines all over this world. Dionysus' temple is here.
- The Heart: Hestia's world. It's very homy and warm. There is an ever lasting flame at the center of this world and its the heart of Demigod Worlds. Hestia's temple is here.

Ranks(you dont have to be a child of the god/goddess' world to have these ranks except for Guardian):

Guardians- leader of each world (for Artemis and Hera must have their blessing first)
Elite General- only one. head of the Demigod Worlds' army
General- head of each world's army (again. blessing thing)
Masters- trainers for each world, 3 for each world.
Rune Knight- higher rank than crusaders
Crusader- an average soldier
Ranger- the archers of Demigod Worlds
Shadow Chaser- the assassins
Whitesmiths- weapon makers
Healers- demigods in charge of healing the injured/sick
Farmers- demigods in charge of all the harvests in Harvets Garden
Messengers- demigods in charge of all transports and messaging
Citizen- an average demigod that can do whatever they want


Immortal Parent:

Mortal Parent:





Home world:




basic rp rules are applied here :P



Kiera Mason - daughter of Apollo - Guardian of Bright Land - ShadowRanger (me)
Leon Barnett - son of Jupiter - Rune Knight - Olympia - Rogue475
Blaze Takumi Phoenix - son of Mars - Guardian of The Red World - Blaze_of_Ares
Alexander Kennedy - son of Apollo - Ranger - Bright Land - ConnerandTravis
Ash - daughter of Zues - Guardian of 1st Sky - JasmineValdez
Alvin Hamilton - son of Poseidon - Guardian of Atlantis - Alvin2442
So I got this idea while having a Kingdom Hearts marathon. 

There are 16 worlds. there are 14 base
last edited on Dec 28, 2012 at 05:35AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 123 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 123

over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
(I gtg)
"I'm gonna go repair my watch. You can go check on the transporters" I head off
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Kay bye)
I walk to the dungeon
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
big smile
I appear in Blacksmith's Castle next to Blaze, stumbling slightly.
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
After I repaired my watch I see Alvin stumbling. "Hey are you okay?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"So how is it?"
Jack-"So far, not good"
J-"We tried it with 5 apples, in the end we got 5 toasted apple"
"Fix it! I'll get a kid from Athens to help" I walk off
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I see blaze. "Hey. So how's the transporter going?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Not good, have to go to Athens"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"To call a kid from Athens? I think you might need a kid from Messanger's Dominion as well"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Yeah, I was going to bring this plan up during the meeting"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"We'll, we have 30 minutes left before the meeting, so lets go!" I drag him and transport to Athens
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
We appear in Athens. "Lets go there, I have....a friend" I say pointing to the college
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"Okay" I say heading to the college
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I put Blue in my jacket and I place my hand in my pocket "He might....freak out"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"Okay then" Vi jumps of my shoulders and runs off
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
We enter his office "Eddie"
E-"You! W-What do you want?"
"a favour?"
E-"No no more mission!"
"It's just, a job, I want you to help build something"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I walk out behind blaze "hey, Eddie right? Kiera, Guardian of Bright Land. I'm not sure what your history is with blaze but, the Guardians need your help"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"What she said"
E-"What do I get...in return?"
"How about if you don't do it I'll take you as my sparing partner"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"No" I glare at blaze then look back at Eddie "how about a rank? A new place to live in any world you want?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
E-"Hmmm, sounds promising"
E-"What else?"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"Isn't that enough? Nevermind. What else would you like?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
E-"I want a big house here and some bodyguards" he glares at me
"I can arrange some bodyguards" I grin
E-"No, no one from the Red World please. Some archers maybe from Bright land?"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"I'll send some Whitesmiths here to build your house and some Rangers to protect you. You can also have the Master rank. Is that all?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
E-"Actually, I don't want that. I rather be here, I enjoy teaching"
"Alright done! I want you to build a Mass Teleporter. Enough for Armies. Get to the dungeon talk with Jack"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"Wait... We also need help from a kid from Messanger's Domain. And I think I know who exactly to help. Shall we?" I ask the guys
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
E-"I rather go and help...now!" he disappears
"I guess it's just us. Lets go" I take her hand and appear at the Messenger's Domain "So where's this guy?"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"Who said its a guy?" I said pointing to a girl behind the counter at the Transporter repair shop
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"My mistake. Lets say hi" I say walking to her
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I walk up to her "hey Hana"
Hana: "Kiera! I missed you!" She says stepping away from the counter and hugged me
"I mised you too!" I say hugging her back
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Get to the point Keira"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I realease her huh "umm yeah... Right. Anyways, Hana we need your help"
Hana: "my help with what?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"We're building a Mass Teleporter"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"For the army and we need your help to build. Since you're the expert on Transporters, we decided you'd be the perfect girl"
Hana: "sure! Anything to not repeat the war"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I check my watch. "Blaze. We need to go" I turn to Hana "go to Blacksmith's Castle to the dungeon, that's where they're building it"
Hana: "okay. See you!" She says leaving
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Lets go..." we teleport to the meeting room
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
We arrive at the meeting room "why isn't anyone here?" Then I remembered "I saw Alvin stumbling at Blacksmith's Castle! We were so busy with the transporter that I forgot!" I said face palming myself
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Oh yeah..."
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"So what do we do now?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"I don't know. We're alone...again. In a meeting that everybody is suppose to be in but not." I take out my other dagger "So you figure out what we're gonna do"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"About what?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"I don't know" I look at the blade, remember all the victim it has slain in my hands
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"Okay then. Are you okay?"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"I'm fine"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"I guess we'll have to wait now" I say taking my seat
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(where are you guys right now?, and may I join?)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Yep" I take out a rock and sharpen my dagger
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(NM, I''ll just go on YouTube.)
I return home after purchasing some fruit from the market. It was bright out and the clouds were gone. I walk inside and give it to my parents.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Yeah, we're at the meeting room. Why not you cover for Ash, say she is busy with something)
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
(Guardian Tower)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(no I think I'm in another galaxy... or world, that would be strange if I just randomly appeared.)
"And how was your day?" Asks my father.
"Fine dad, did you hear about the execution?" I ask him.
"What?" Who?" He replies wide-eyed.
"George, he desecrated the shrine of ares." I reply and look down. "I''ve been requested to be the officer in charge during the execution."