Heroes of Olympus RP Club Reincarnated Demigods

Alvin2442 posted on Mar 21, 2013 at 03:23AM
In the year 2100, the gods needed a task done. A quest, you might say, but the demigods they need specifically for the quest were already dead. They pondered this for awhile, before Athena thought of something. Instead of completely bringing the demigods back, we take the souls and let them choose a mortal. Once every soul finds a mortal, we bring the mortals to Olympus, tell them about their quest, and then send them on their way.
You are the a Reincarnated Demigod. Although, the souls contain immense power, you don't always get the power, information, and/or skills needed and have to work on your own. When the soul of the demigod and mortal merged, so did appearances, hobbies, personality, and knowledge. Reanimated Demigods can communicate with each other mentally. You will have to build an connection with the demigod for the power, information, or skills to flow faster. The demigods's souls are sealed into your bodies, so there's a limit to the power and skills they can give you. It the demigod had a rare ability, there's a chance you can gain it too. Right now, you are on a tour bus, that drives it self, and has a stock of supplies you will need. You also turn into the demigod your hosting. Also, if in perfect sync or a on death's door situation, all powers, information, and skills will be able to be fully used.

Character Sheet





Demigod's Name:

Demigods's Immortal Parent:




Quest Outfit(Pic or Description):

My Character Sheet

Name: "Ben" Benjamin Creeks Roberts

Age: 17

Appearance: Pic. There's a ring of green around his eyes that shows that Alvin is there.

Personality: Ben is a laid back, calm, and always looks on the bright side of things. Although, he likes to get things done ASAP and is always alert, even when he's sleeping.

Demigod's Name:"Alt" Alton Hamilton II

Demigods's Immortal Parent: Poseidon

Powers: He has Alton's Son of Poseidon powers, but to a weaker degree.

Skills: Hand to Hand combat expert. Expert at Martial Arts. Good Marksmanship and Swordsmanship. He has good reflexes and is very fast. Good stamina too.

Weapons: Two dual pistols. A sword. Martial Arts.

Quest Outfit(Pic or Description): Pic.

Other: Ben can use the Sharingan with Alton's help.
"Ben" Benjamin Creeks Roberts/"Alt" Alton Hamilton III/Poseidon/Alvin2442(Me)
Taskill Andrei Ward/"Arik" Arisutea Akira Takahashi/Nemesis/Spikegifter1997
Kahlee Parkers/Taylor D'Lasso/Thanatos/Nicolicious
Obito Torei Uchiwa/Blaze Takumi Phoenix/Mars/Blaze_of_Ares
Serenity Izuna Izanagi/Trinity Castle/Apollo/Inevasayneva002
Andrew Sliver/Lucy Manvers/Zeus/goodyb0y55
last edited on Apr 01, 2013 at 09:51PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 369 replies

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 369

over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Taskill, or Arik. Shut up."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"Make me."
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"That's great Lord Zeus, but can we get Zacos instead?"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Gladly." With Alton taking over and easily appeared behind Arik, blade to throat, and locked down.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Whoa! Stop!" I shout.
"Leave them to kill each other. It's fun to watch."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I shot a tiny stream of lightning into Alton's arms scrambling the senses of that part of his body making him drop the blade, Arik applauded my being able to use a minor Vitakinesis type move.
"You've never been a match for me, Taskill simply cements that." Arik said.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Simply shakes his head, makes water completely cover Arik/Taskill, before freezing everything but his nose and mouth.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"ENOUGH!" Zeus shouts, making the bus shudder.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Arik took control and broke through the lightning as six streams of lightning and appeared behind Alton.
"Pffff. You're still using the same tricks, Ben would probably have a different influence over your powers and this new moves if you'd let him."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I crack my knuckles. "No. I'm just warming up." I take control back. "Taskill probably has a better moves to."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"That nerve scramble was him."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"I bet it was." Alton says. I was just controlling the body.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"This going to be a long battle. And we don't even have Zacos!"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
An automantion walks in with some Zacos.
over a year ago IstJae513 said…
"Guys we really need to pay attention." I say
T:"No we dont. Zues is a loser."
S:"Shut Up or else we both die."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"Yes, It was Taskill, I've never been anything special at healing."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I wait for Taskill.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"Don't you have a fetch quest to do?"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"ZACOS!" I clamp my hand over my mouth, but Taylor decides we should grab for the Zacos and we begin to slowly eat them...apparently savouring the taste.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Toss me one Tay!" Blaze says
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Don't you have to find your sword anyway."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I take advantage of the momentary confusion to punch Taskill in the face.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I fell backwards into a shadow and used that opportunity to have Arik teleport onto Ben's shoulder.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I fall from the weight of Arik, before instantly spin around, with my legs out.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I faded into the ground.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I instantly and jump onto the roof of the bus. Well, Alton did that.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I chuck Blaze two Zacos and finish mine. Standing up I/Taylor opens the door to the bus. "Quest time!"
over a year ago IstJae513 said…
I step out the Bus exited for a real quest. "This is gonna be aswome!" I say and I can feel Trinity agree.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"You have fun with that."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I sign.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Do you actually mean to put sign or do you mean to spell "Sigh"?)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(I'm not even going to answer that.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I'm going to take that as a "no" then.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I meditate, stretching out Alton's senses.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I emerged from the ground.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Blaze force two Zacos into his mouth and walk out of the bus
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"Okay." I said "That was impressive."
"Oh that?" Arik asked. "A Blaze special."
over a year ago IstJae513 said…

"Wheres our first stop?" I ask Blaze. "Im kind of new to the quest thing and Trinity is taking a siesta in me."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"We normally walk around until something attacks us or something blows up." Taylor tells them.
"That's comforting."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"That's the reality of the situation."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Yep" Blaze says with a full mouth and swallows "We go East!" he announce
"Why?" I ask
"Trust me"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"Good things lie beneath the eastern sun."
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Not really. They just like the East. It always gets us attacked."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"That and it's warm......"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Hyperion is the Titan of the East!" Blaze says
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Finally we go East for a reason!" Taylor shouts.
"But won't we get blown up still?"
"No silly. Just the boys."
Alvin2442 commented…
(Yes you will, oh yes you will.) over a year ago