Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Half-Blood

Alvin2442 posted on May 19, 2013 at 12:03AM
(Information taken straightly from Camp Half-Blood wikia. No we'll will not be around with book characters, but they're still around. At least, the alive ones.)

This RP is in par with link.

“ Keeping Young Heroes Safe from Harm (Mostly) For Over Three Millennia ”

Camp Half-Blood is a Greek demigod training facility located on the Long Island Sound, directed by Dionysus, who the campers call "Mr. D," and Chiron, a Centaur who is the activities coordinator. It is also the Greek counterpart of Camp Jupiter, a Roman camp in San Francisco, California.

Chiron, the camp's activities director
The camp has magical borders, which are enforced by the Golden Fleece, found by the satyr Grover, the Cyclops Tyson, and demigods Percy Jackson, Clarisse La Rue, and Annabeth Chase. Stolen from Polyphemus' island, it was placed on Thalia's pine tree, ensuring that no monsters could get into camp. The Fleece stays on the tree, guarded by the dragon Peleus, it's magical powers protecting the camp.
The half-bloods live in cabin (one for each Olympian; later, many more cabins were added later for minor gods and goddesses on after Percy's request in The Last Olympian), and eat at the dining pavilion. There is also an archery field, a sword fighting arena, a climbing wall with lava for training, an amphitheater, stables, an armory, and the Big House.

The camp's cover name is Delphi Strawberry Service, a reference to the name of the Oracle of Delphi.

Camp Half-Blood, Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141
Long Island, New York 11954

There were originally twelve cabins (all the Olympian gods except for Hades and minor gods) but after the Second Titan War, Percy made the gods promise to claim all their children and for the minor gods to have more respect, so now there are twenty cabins in total, one honoring each god or goddess( Minors included) . Some of the cabins include Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Dionysus, Hermes, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Artemis (Though it is only used when the Hunters come to camp). The cabins of Hades, Iris, Hypnos, Nemesis, Nike, Hebe, Tyche, and Hecate being the latest additions.

Places In Camp Half-Blood

Big House
The Big House, is where the Oracle of Delphi used to live in the attic, before Rachel Elizabeth Dare took the Oracle into her own body and told many prophecies starting in the Heroes of Olympus series. It also is a main meeting place for the leaders of the cabins for major problems and ideas before any quests. Dionysus and Chiron enjoy playing pinochle on the front porch, the greatest game invented by man (along with Pac-Man and gladiator fighting) according to Dionysus.

Climbing Wall
The lava wall, a climbing wall, is said to pour lava out for an “extra challenge”. If the camper does not get to the top quickly the walls clash together and the camper's clothes are soaked with lava (actually torn to only threads).

Camp Borders
The camp borders are designed to keep mortals, monsters, bad weather and many other things out of the camp. Only campers, satyrs, gods, some mortals (such as May Castellan and Rachel Elizabeth Dare in The Last Olympian) and monsters who were given the permission by a camper (as Annabeth Chase did to Tyson) may enter through the border (as Grover once told Percy people let monsters in as 'practical jokes' much to Percy's shock). Once, the border was protected by many things, the most notable being a strong copper dragon. In modern times, it is passively — but effectively — defended by the magical barrier generated by Thalia's tree, created by her dad, Zeus, in her dying moments as he took pity on her.

In The Sea of Monsters, Thalia's Tree was poisoned by Luke Castellan with elder python venom from the pit of Tartarus. As the tree weakened, so did the strength of the borders. Percy managed to rescue Grover as well as steal the Fleece from Polyphemus the Cyclops. The Fleece healed Thalia's tree and restored Thalia to her original body while leaving the tree in place. The Fleece is guarded by the dragon Peleus.

During The Demigod Files, which took place about a few weeks after the Battle of the Labyrinth took place, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Charles Beckendorf, and Silena Beauregard found the Myrmekes - ancient Greek ants the size of a terrier carrying the head of mechanical bronze dragon. The marks of the head digging on the ground revealed a massive crater with the neck of the bronze dragon. Annabeth reattached the dragon's head and led the dragon to help rescue Beckendorf, who was captured by the ants. The dragon then went berserk and Beckendorf worked with Percy to shut it down. Then it was fixed by Leo Valdez in The Lost Hero and used on the quest to rescue Hera from Porphyrion, although it was destroyed at the home of King Midas and the remaining parts were taken back to Bunker 9.

Dining Pavilion
Main article: Dining Pavilion
“ We still have to eat, don't we?" ”
–Percy, during Chiron's tour, The Lightning Thief
The dining pavilion is where the campers eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food served is a diet primary of grapes, cheese, bread, and extra lean, nymph-cut barbecue and you can ask whatever you want to drink (although Coke doesn't have the same flavor). Each cabin has their own tables and campers are not allowed to sit at a table that is not their cabin's (Annabeth Chase broke this rule to speak with Percy in The Battle of the Labyrinth only while talking about the quest.) The tables are covered with a white tablecloth fringed with purple. At the center of the pavilion is the bonfire. It is lit during the dinners. At the beginning of each meal, each cabin takes turns going up to the fire and dropping in a share of their best food as an offering for the gods (because the gods like the smell). Hestia, goddess of the hearth, gets a portion of each offering.

“ Meh, the stables. You see Chiron staying in the stables?" ”
–Blackjack, in The Titan's Curse
This is where they store the pegasi (and horses), like Blackjack, Percy's black pegasus. Percy can read the pegasi (and all equestrian's) minds since his father created the horses. The Demeter cabin is in charge of the pegasi riding lessons, but Aphrodite's cabin helps every now and then. Every few times, some demigod(s) would take pegasi lessons from one of the other demigods from Aphrodite's cabin. It is also shown that Chiron does not like the stables very much.

“ Inside was not gardening tools, unless you want to make war on your tomato plants. ”
–Piper, talking about the armory
This is where the campers get their weapons. It is a big metal shed around the side of Athena's cabin. In The Lost Hero, Annabeth helped Piper choose her weapon, which is later a dagger named Katoptris, there. It has quite a large collection of swords, spears, clubs and even shotguns. Every camper gets a weapon, but the Hephaestus' cabin makes their own. The armory is confused as the camp forge.

Camp Forge
“ It was like a steam-powered locomotive had smashed into the Greek Parthenon and they had fused together. ”
–Leo Valdez, talking about the forge
There are white marble columns lining walls stained with soot. Chimneys on the roof pump smoke over a gable with carvings of gods and monsters. The forge is located at the edge of a stream, with waterwheels spinning bronze gears. Always, campers hear machinery working, fires crackling, and the sound of hammers against metal. Inside are tables full of projects and weapons, and there was also a big wall map of the camp, used to plan traps to catch the bronze dragon. Hephaestus' children are often, or always, working in the forges.

The Forest
The woods are where dryads live and monsters were stocked. It is known as a dangerous place, and no one should ever go there unless they were armed or with a companion. The campers play capture-the-flag in the woods every Friday, and sometimes hunt for monsters to fight as training, such as when Quintus brought scorpions from Triple G Ranch. It is often mentioned in Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Myrmeke Hill
The Myrmeke Hill is at first thought to be a myth, until Percy, Annabeth, Silena, and Beckendorf found it. Beckendorf was captured by Myrmekes and Percy, Annabeth and Silena activated the Bronze Dragon, later named Festus, to rescue him. It is located on the North-West side of the woods. It has many nests down to the Earth's core that are stocked with larva, metal and lots of armor.

Camp Traditions
The camp has several traditions derived from its Greek roots. Winners and victors are given laurel wreaths and paraded around camp. More poignantly, anytime a camper goes on a quest, their siblings/cabin mates weave them a funeral shroud in case their sibling does not survive — if the camper has no siblings, another cabin may volunteer to do it, should they return victorious, they get to burn the shroud.
But the most prominent tradition is the camp beads. At the end of every summer session, the senior counselors vote on the biggest event of the summer and paint it on the bead:

The Lightning Thief - A black bead with a green trident. Percy's first year.
The Sea of Monsters - A bead symbolizing a little image of The Golden Fleece. Percy's second year.
The Titan's Curse - There was no bead. The events of this book took place in the same year as The Sea of Monsters, during the winter.
The Battle of the Labyrinth - An intricately designed maze to represent the Labyrinth. Percy's third year.
The Last Olympian - The Empire State Building with the names of the deceased in tiny Greek letters around it in a miniature border. Percy's fourth year.
The Lost Hero - There is no bead. The events of the book take place in the same year as The Last Olympian, only during the winter, just a few months after Percy's birthday (August 18th) at the end of the book.
There are five beads on Annabeth's necklace at the start of The Lightning Thief, from years taking place prior to the books. The ones described are Thalia's tree, a centaur in a prom dress — ("...now that was a weird summer..."), and a Greek trireme on fire. Percy interrupts Annabeth in her explanation so the last two beads are not described. Because Luke arrived the same year as Annabeth, it can be assumed he had the same set.
A game of capture the flag is played every Friday from 6:00 (PM) to 9:00 (PM). The boundary is the creek and often teams use the pile of rocks named 'Zeus' Fist'. Whenever the Hunters of Artemis come to the camp, there is a game of capture the flag and all campers participate in helping out. It is said that even the Aphrodite children go around offering to straighten peoples armor. Normally this cabin would sit on the side lines and cheer. In The Titan's Curse it is stated that the Hunters have won 56 times in a row.

Camp Counselors
The camp has the tradition that the cabin member who has been there the longest becomes counselor. The only ones who can challenge this are cabin members who are older, or have completed the most quests and can challenge the current counselor.
Current Counselors (I'll add more cabins as people use those parents. If there's a star next to the name, it's reserved for someone else.)

Cabin 1 (Zeus): Emma Lewis(JasmineValdez)
Cabin 2 (Hera):
Cabin 3 (Poseidon): Alvin Hamilton/Ewing the Third/III.(Alvin2442/Me)
Cabin 4 (Demeter):
Cabin 5 (Ares):*
Cabin 6 (Athena):
Cabin 7 (Apollo): Kiera Mason(ShadowRanger)
Cabin 8 (Artemis):
Cabin 9 (Hephaestus):
Cabin 10 (Aphrodite): Ember Levine(KatieK102)
Cabin 11 (Hermes):
Cabin 12 (Dionysus):
Cabin 13 (Hades): Taylor Parkers(Nicolicious)
Cabin 14 (Iris):
Cabin 15 (Hypnos):
Cabin 20 (Hecate):
Cabin 21 (Bia) Mark Evans(Mutilation)
Cabin 22 (Nemesis):
Staff Members
Dionysus - The Camp Director, who is also known as Mr. D. by the campers. He was punished by Zeus (his father) to operate the camp for 100 years because tried to woo an "off limits" wood nymph. Dionysus was also forbidden to grow his own grapes. It was cut down to 50 years following the Second Olympian War.
Chiron - Activity Director and centaur. He is also the healer (just like a human doctor).
Argus - The Security guard at camp. He was created by Hera, as mentioned in The Lost Hero. He is covered with eyes from head to foot. He never speaks, as it is said he has an eye on his tongue. He is the beginning step of every quest as he is the initial driver.
Harpies - Three Harpies serve as "Cleaner Harpies" who would eat any camper that lingers around after noon on the last day of camp. The Harpies also cleaned the dishes with super-hot lava and are also good in mid-town traffic.
Peleus - A dragon that guards Thalia's tree after The Golden Fleece had freed Thalia from it.
Counselors - Don't officially work at Camp Half Blood, but are cabin leaders, and form the War Council. Some duties are: Scheduling events for cabin, inspecting cabins, border patrol, leading the cabin into battles, and, sometimes (like Annabeth, Luke, and Silena), they train you in activities.
Campers are claimed on or before there 13th birthday.
Character Sheet

Undetermined or Determined:
Immortal Parent:
Mortal Parent:
Are You A Counselor?:
You can be a camper or hunter. Or the oracle, because Rachel left.
Campers of Camp Half-Blood(Counselors are on the counselor sheet.)
Kiki Quin, daughter of Hecate.(sparkles3)
"Arik" Arisutea Akira Takahashi, son of Nemesis.(Spikegifter1997)
Alex Marcel, Oracle of Camp Half-Blood.(anyone can control her/Alvin2442)
Makayla Smith, daughter of Aphrodite.(maymay12)
Leon Borodin, son of Mars.(Blaze_of_Ares)
Lux Jae, daughter of Apollo(IstJae513)
last edited on Jun 06, 2013 at 07:12PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 121 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 121

over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago maymay12 said…
Name: Makayla Smith
Age: 16
Gender: girl
Undetermined or Determined: Determined
Immortal Parent : Aphrodite
Mortal Parent: John Smith
Title: camper?
Powers: charm speak
Weapons: pretty good with a sword
Are You A Counselor?: nope
Appearance: (picture)
Personality: funny, curios, smart, sarcastic, and ambitious
Other: has a love for instruments
last edited over a year ago
Name: Makayla Smith
Age: 16
Gender: girl
Undetermined or Determined: Determined
Immortal Parent :
Alvin2442 commented…
Her title could have been Charmspeaker, and Camper of Cabin 10. over a year ago
Alvin2442 commented…
ACCEPTED! over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Welcome to Greek camp simulation seventy four, nothing adventurous is currently happening.)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Name: Leon Borodin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Undetermined or Determined: Determined
Immortal Parent: Mars
Mortal Parent: ...
Title: Camp Jupiter Ambassador
Powers: Controls fire and weapons
Weapons: Some
Are You A Counselor?: No
Appearance: pic
Personality: ...
Other: Third in-charge if Camp Jupiter, Centurion of the 3rd Cohort
Name: Leon Borodin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Undetermined or Determined: Determined
Immortal Parent: M
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(That tongue is freaking me out.)
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
*Walks out of cabin10* ~ Ember
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I began work on my ultimate technique.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I walk by Cabin 10, just in time tp see Ember walk out. "Hey Ember, how you doing."
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
One destroyed set of training dummies later.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I cap Riptide, rubbing my hands together.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(What are we gonna do?)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Arik and Alvin could duel. I don't know, make monsters attack or something.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I don't have LordChaos to annoy anymore.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I walk to the borders of camp, to see one of those Scylidain Dracella, or whatever. I don't even bother to uncap Riptide, instead I pop off my ring, and twist it. It turns into a bow and I load it with a arrow. "Leave." The thing tries to throw its spear at me, resulting in a simple dodge, and then I fire an arrow, sweet kill.
over a year ago maymay12 said…
*i walk around camp looking for something to do*
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Don't we all.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Eh. Get a quest.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Apathy is the best life-blood.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I'm going to create Camp Jupiter soon.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
K. Let us know when.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
K then.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(I'm going to allow 2-3 Greek Characters.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Imma make a son of Mars.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Name and powers: Planned out.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Arik, come back to Camp Half-Blood please.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Trying to look for a purpose to the dagger....)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(ALVIN! Don't interrupt my monologue, it's rude.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Don't get posting stuff about a RP not made yet.0
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
Name: Kiera Mason
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Undetermined or Determined: determined
Immortal Parent: Apollo
Mortal Parent: Johanna Mason
Title: Counselor
Powers: powers over light and heeling
Weapons: unlimited throwing knives that she straps around her waist and a silver bow with multi unlimited arrows in a form of a charm bracelet
Are You A Counselor?: yes
Appearance: pic with violet eyes
Personality: the usual
Other: has a silver fox, a fast runner and rather flexible. has a deadly accurate accuracy
Name: Kiera Mason
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Undetermined or Determined: determined
Immortal Parent:
Alvin2442 commented…
Accepted. over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Hey Kiera.)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Welcome back.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Welcome Back ShadowRanger/Kiera.)
over a year ago Mutaliation said…
(Hallo :D)
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Theoretically couldn't a child of hades control every element but lightning? I mean they have the rivers, hellfire, underground and spirits. That's the original four elements right there, Aristotle would agree. Or is it Democritus?)
Alvin2442 commented…
(Theoretically, yes. But, they get the powers from their Father, who doesn over a year ago
Alvin2442 commented…
't have a sphere of power in the water. He's just Lord of the Underworld, God of the Dead and Riches. over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I twirl Riptide around and walk into the Poseidon's cabin. Very lonely.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I fell asleep in the Nemesis cabin surrounded by little avengers.
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I walk out of my cabin and head to the climbing wall
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I walk over to the fountain, before picking up a drachma, and thinking about who the call. Percy would give me some fighting advice. Poseidon, would say something fatherly. I could call Percy's mom, she's nice. I drop the drachma, couldn't think of anybody.
over a year ago IstJae513 said…
Name:Lux Jae
Age: 17
Gender: Female :)
Undetermined or Determined: Determined.
IP: Athena
MP: George Jae
Powers: large intellect, handy with some gadgets, and knows several langueges.
Weapons: a silver tipped celestial bronze sword.
Are you a counsler: yes
Appearance: pic.
Personality: sponateous, quiet, loves to have fun.
Other: nothing really.
Name:Lux Jae
Age: 17
Gender: Female :)
Undetermined or Determined: Determined.
IP: Athena
MP: Ge
Alvin2442 commented…
The counselor spot is already taken. Sorry.) over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(I just discovered there is a rank above die-hard, since it is red I think at that point you should be concerned.)
Alvin2442 commented…
Oh, I know. over a year ago
over a year ago IstJae513 said…
(No issue)
"Hey Arik," I say waving yo him.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
"Hello, welcome to my boredom."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I manipulate the water into the shapes of the people I could call.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
(Rome, Rome, Rome Rome, Rome.)
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I walk up to you guys "hey"
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Name: Taylor Parkers
Age: 17
Gender: Male..are you kidding?
Undetermined or Determined: Determinded
Immortal Parent: Hades
Mortal Parent: Georgia Parkers
Title: Counselor of Hades
Powers: The powers of Hades, duh.
Weapons: A Stygian Iron Hand-and-a-Half sword, Stygian Bow and Quiver of Arrows.
Are You A Counselor?: Yah.
Appearance: 6"2ish, Shoulder length black hair lined with red streaks, muscled but pretty skinny, surprisingly tanned(No it isn't fake), dark olive eyes. She usually wears either a blue or black shirt under her brown leather jacket and blue ripped jeans.
Personality: Friendly, kind of quiet, loyal.
Other: Doesn't hold grudges.
Alvin2442 commented…
You could have used Thanatos. over a year ago