Hotch & Emily Fav Fanfiction Authors and Stories

edajsmyth posted on May 03, 2009 at 12:05AM
All our favourite Emiy and Hotch Stories and Authors.
Please add names of stories or authors aswell as a link to their story/homepage.
last edited on May 03, 2009 at 12:21AM

Hotch & Emily 9 replies

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over a year ago edajsmyth said…
Sienna27 from

Story 1: Falling in Love with a Girl - My version of their lives in canon starting with meeting when Hotch worked for her mother, taking them through Season 4 (In Progress)

Story 2: The Hours - Picks up immediately after Girl, Emily is diagnosed with cancer. This can be read prior to Story 1 (Complete)

Story 3: Life & Such - Picks up shortly after The Hours ends. Series of one shots and short story arcs following them at work and home. (In Progress)

She gets the relationship just right....well as I see it anyway.
Shes also done a spinoff of Falling in Love with a Girl. Read chapters 1-51 of Girl before reading this story.

Story 1: All the King's Horses - Emily suffers a personal tragedy (In Progress)

She has also done a number of oneshots for that pairing aswell.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago edajsmyth said…
Kavi Leighanna

Life with the BAU (4 Stories)

1) One of Your Own (Complete)
Nightmares were the bane of her existence. An injury brings Emily closer to her boss.

2) Growing Up BAU (Complete)
Family is always important, especially to them.

3) Out Living My Life (In Progress)
Life always speeds by.

over a year ago edajsmyth said…
Kavi Leighanna continued

Three Years' Deal
Hotch makes an interesting deal with Emily. H/P

For the Better
2008 Annual Christmas Story. The holidays can bring about a lot of changes and even the members of the BAU aren't immune to a good bout of holiday cheer. And maybe a little mistletoe. Hotch/Prentiss

She has also done a number of oneshots as well as other multi chapter fics that can all be found in her fanfiction homepage.
over a year ago Celina79 said…
That are the same as I red or still read on
I really love the stories of Kavi Leighanna and Sienna 27!
over a year ago edajsmyth said…
I know their sooo good i can just see them happening in real life. i know they won't but a girl can dream can't she?
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Kingsmedroad at

A great H/P Story:
Fair and Foul- link

A few lovely one shots:

Light after Darkness: link


Fight for her:

Winters Heart:


Shelter from the Storm:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Celina79 said…
You are right, I read them every day, they are so good.
Of course we can dream, otherwise life would be sooo boring. :)
over a year ago edajsmyth said…
Ive read a couple of those there cool you got great taste although anyone who reads H/P has great taste in my opinion.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Thanks same to you!
*LOL*, yes, H/P fanfics are great, I really love them.

There are also about 3 or 4 dutch stories on, and they are very good as well. But you have to understand it of course. ;) My second language is dutch, so thats great to read H/P fanfics also in other languages.