Huddy Wall

Displaying wall entries 31-40 of 1205

i-loppi said …
Hi! You guys are amazing! I've a been a fan of Huddy for a while and now I'd like to be an active member of this club :))
Have you seen this before about the last scene of S7?
akemi19: @retlefnegniL didn't everybody wrap? is it a house and cuddy scene? :D
retlefnegniL: @akemi19 Your math is correct.
I'm still hoping! :))) Posted over a year ago
littledeer77 commented…
Hi, do you mean the photo next to your question on your wall? It's from Finale season 6 and 1st scene of season 7, as those 2 episodes are directly linked over a year ago
i-loppi commented…
Noo... I have no idea what you are talking about. This was my first appereance there I've never asked a question :) over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
hi :) over a year ago
JeLoX said …
I ve found the perfect huddy SONG:))))))) link
>>Someone like you << ...i want HUDDY back please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
joejonasfan001 said …
have we already had the motorcycle beach trip with huddy? Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
*sighs* i dont feel like explaining this again....:/ over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
that was mean guys. its not to hard to explain. I know it gets tiring and its sad to remember we were tricked but still. over a year ago
midnyte007 commented…
It wasn't a publicity stunt. The original season 7 premier of House was supposed to be "Thunder Roadtrip." In that ep, House and Cuddy did all kinds of things together including going on a beach trip and riding House's motorcycle together. Unfortunately, TPTB decided to scrap "Thunder Roadtrip" and went with "Now What" instead. over a year ago
HuddyPausa said …
does anyone know how many episodes are missing, before the end of the season? Posted over a year ago
evropia commented…
5 episodes left.... over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
LOVED "The Dig." So much emotion in the House/13 scenes especially when they discussed Huddy. Now if the rest of the season can just be as well written as this episode...we may be in good shape! Posted over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
AGREE!!!!! 100%!!!! over a year ago
reebaila commented…
also the car scene was very good .. house's voice made me shiver over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
yea the whole epi was great. the best post huddy epi so far over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
yeah! the best after Huddy ep.... over a year ago
niiicolee said …
their first anniversary ;(;(!!! Posted over a year ago
evropia commented…
And we didn't even see Cuddy in the episode...:( Miss them so much... over a year ago
migle commented…
Whole time I was hoping he will drive to Cuddy in the end. House was so sad, he must talk with Cuddy after anniversary over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
@reebaila--I wanted 13 to hug him but I guess she is guarded with emotions too. over a year ago
Maria2493 said …
It's true! This spot ist really dead! At the moment I'm watching the first couple of episodes fo season 7, since I am living in Germany.I pretend that "Bombshells" hasn't happened! But I still hope for this pregnancy item in the finale. I thought that maybe Cuddy is taking a pregnancy test and that's the end of season 7. Or she's leaving Princeton?
Any weird ideas? Posted over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
a huddy baby would be awesome. there is soo much that can come from that. house would have to reevalute everything and who knows how he would react over a year ago
huddycallianfan said …
Where is everybody? We are not going to let this spot die b'c of this break-up!!! Posted over a year ago
Huddy75 commented…
Agreed!!!! over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
I mean there is so few any updates.... :( over a year ago
sindy2507 commented…
muy triste...... over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
The need to either finish the series with huddy or do a 8th season Posted over a year ago
HuddyFanGirl commented…
i thought Hugh was signed through season 8 already... over a year ago
loiscklane commented…
I agree!! over a year ago
Maria2493 commented…
Totally agree! over a year ago
Huddiness said …
This is RSL's last season. 'Contractually'. I hate that word. That's it. Game over! ><' Posted over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
if he loves money as much as he says he should stay. what i dont understand is why he is on the set 17 hours a day. he only gets like 3 mins of screen time an episode. guess hugh never goes home then over a year ago
reebaila commented…
interview ??? where ??? over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
what? that doesnt work at all. theres no house w/out wilson! over a year ago
Huddy77 said …
It's been sometime since I've been here andmy friend told me there is some kind of rumor about Cuddy dying in the end of the season. I'm going crazy about it! Anyone knows what the hell is this about? Posted over a year ago
HughLaurie1 commented…
she's not gonna die. it was fool's day and sarahuddy has spread this "rumor" :D over a year ago
reebaila commented…
who is sarahuddy ?? over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
she is a Huddy soldier! :D It was just a prank... :P over a year ago
Huddy77 commented…
Evil prank! haha. I havent been reading spoilers since bombeshells, that almost gave me a heart attack! Thanks for clarifying ir for me :P over a year ago
simply_huddy said …
so House n cuddy would have their first anniversary if they didn't broke up.OMG! i felt so sad.seriously,i'm tearing right now.i hope i'm not the only one who felt this way! Posted over a year ago
evropia commented…
No you're not the only one.Count me in too...:( over a year ago
reebaila commented…
i think they've been dating only for 2 months !!!!!! over a year ago
Maria2493 commented…
They were dating longer than I thought over a year ago
mysuspicionis said …
So I was thinking about Fetal Position and how we saw Cuddy begin to trust and appreciate House's medical expertise in Season 3 on. last night as I was in another room I hear something that sounds familiar. I turn around and on the tv Cuddy is saying "I have a whole new respect for what you do" Posted over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
wow. over a year ago
huddycallianfan said …
GIRLS!!!!! WHAT I noticed!!! House wasn't limping in "You Must Remember This"!!!! turn on 12m20s. When he enters Cuddy's office. NOT limping!!!! Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
confused over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
cool over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
IDK. :-/ I think no. over a year ago
ttechw11 said …
almost a month since the break up and I'm still depressed :( Posted over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
me too, but time heals all wounds right? over a year ago
huddycat69 commented…
Still depressed too! it's too sad that it ends like that :(( over a year ago
ttechw11 commented…
oh I really hope so :( over a year ago
ilovehouse345 said …
Ok I was gone for about ten days and then I came back and now I'm what's going on with a pregnancy and someone dying and what!? Can someome get me up to speed Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
these are mere rumors and speculations. nothing has actually happened we've been on hiatus for almost 2 weeks already over a year ago
sarahuddy said …
i just read a megazine...... OMG Cuddy its gonna die on the end :`(

i tough it was a prank , but.,,, NOOOOO Posted over a year ago
huddycat69 commented…
what? Cuddy is gonna die on the end? Can you post the link, please? over a year ago
Godzi commented…
It wasn't too funny. over a year ago
sarahuddy commented…
ok sorry guys... :s over a year ago
jemihuddy said …
I am on a Huddy marathon. Right now I'm watching The Greater Good. Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
aww♥♥♥ Good Times over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
"E'tu Bootay?" over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
LOL. xD H: Find someone you trust. C: Someone like you? H: Someone you like. over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Question: Since you gave us a hint about the shocking pregnancy blind item last week, can you please give us a hint on the shocking death blind item? I’m so scared! —Heather
Ausiello: The character in question appears on an hour-long drama that has been on the air for more than three but less than 10 years.

I'm getting scared!Are you sure it isn't Cuddy?
Posted over a year ago
evropia commented…
Yes...Ausiello said that there aren't major deaths in House this year. over a year ago
sarahuddy commented…
13 over a year ago
reebaila commented…
oh >>> i did not want any spoilers and yet i read on the wall the death thing and now the pregnancy OMG >> I have to stop over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
Just think, only 3 weeks ago we were all jumping up and down with excitement and getting stoked up for "Bombshells." ONLY 3 weeks! It feels like it's been months... Posted over a year ago
evropia commented…
I guess when you're in pain and you're not enjoying the ride anymore time feels a lot longer... over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
and I agree evropia over a year ago
OpossumAttack commented…
I don't think Cuddy is out of character. She is a narcissistic pain in the ass, as House has said repeatedly. She wouldn't stay with a guy if she thought he would bring nothing to a relationship. She needs a guy who could help her, not make her life more difficult. When she got together with House she said she didn't want him to change, but she still believed he could, and eventually would. That's why she had hope he would eventually show up at her bedside in Bombshells. When Cuddy realizes House was on drugs, it confirms what her subconscious was trying to tell her; House is always going to be House. He is not going to suddenly become a father figure, or a responsible adult she could count on to help her when she needs it (Be it at a charity gala or on her death bed). When she has the terrible realization that House is just not the guy she needs (he is the guy she wants) she has to break up with him at that point. over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
This whole someone in the finale dying and houses mom in law coming makes me think cuddy may die Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
No one. Dies. In. The. Finale. Aussiello released that no major characters kick the bucket this season. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
thank God! over a year ago
evropia commented…
Hope it's Dominica who dies...*evil smile* over a year ago
HuddyPausa said …
I was thinking, but if the scenes were on the beach .. for the best house, after the end of the season (so I figured I) .. means that getting back together?
I hope so! Posted over a year ago
reebaila commented…
i hope so over a year ago
huddycallianfan said …
The last episode's name is "Moving On". I guess we're back to season 2 or 3 of House. when he was "moving on" from Stacy. :((
Guys, it's soo sad!!!! I wanna cry. :'(( Posted over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
But I will keep the faith in the very very VERY depth of my soul that some day they will stay with each other forever... over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I just heard...feel like crying right now over a year ago
Huddiness said …
And here I thought I could handle the b/u well but why is it painful to come to my senses knowing that [H]uddy is over. ;(( TTFN, guys! I'm gonna be on a [H] sabbatical for a few weeks, or maybe months, or even a year...who knows? Though I'd say I did enjoy the beginning of the ride/ But when the roller coaster suddenly stopped and got stuck with you left hanging in the air upside-down, it is NO way fun anymore. Posted over a year ago
bones3 commented…
More like the roller coaster car derailed and slammed into a brick wall. over a year ago
littledeer77 commented…
Fully agree with you! I'm already on a sabbatical since eppy15. The show is becoming messy. over a year ago
anonymously said …
woah, since when am I die-hard (yellow medal) for Huddy? Sweet. Posted over a year ago
koch89 commented…
Congrats! I just got mine too and i was shocked as well when i got mine. over a year ago
anonymously commented…
congrats to you too! I haven't been here lately so I don't know how it happened :P over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
hey thats awesome! congrats!!! im still waiting for mine......since forever.... over a year ago
koch89 said …
I was watching moonlighting the other day and i realized that the Huddy relationship is following the same road David and Mattie did! After Maddie and David finally hooked up in season three they threw in all these completely absurd out of left field subplots that involved maddie getting pregnant, running away and then marrying some random guy she never knew on a train. Instead of maddie this time its House who marries the random girl. Posted over a year ago
koch89 commented…
I know the actors didn't like each other and this is not the same case with LE and Hugh but i think the writers are following the same path the writers did in moonlighting and it just not going to work! over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
I've looked up moonlighting before (it came on when I was a little girl) and they said there were lots of other reasons the show failed. They showed reruns all the time, the actress was gone because she was pregnant with twins in real life etc. over a year ago
zubeerfaan said …
i was wondering have we ever had a scene with the beach pictures ? Posted over a year ago
AussieFan12 commented…
no:( over a year ago
mysuspicionis said …
I dreamed about Masters and Chase the other night? I guess I remembered the interview with Lisa and Jesse. I don't remember anything they talked about in the dream though. Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
So what now? do things return to normal? like nothing happened between them?House being the crazy doctor and Cuddy giving him boundaries?I can't return to that..not after all that I've witnessed....cries hysterically Posted over a year ago
huddysmyvicodin commented…
I really hope it's not going to be like that. They need to get back together! Cuddy's mom should come back and talk some sense into her daughter and House. over a year ago
evropia commented…
Τhey can't get back to normal because simply they aren't the same persons they were.They'll be together again before the end of the season. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I mean i know they aren't getting together this season but it's so weird seeing them like this once again....something's chaged deffo after this and i want for them to Acknowledge it over a year ago
barbie246 commented…
halfof yall ppl on fanpop is fake nd phony over a year ago
huddysmyvicodin said …
Thoughts on "Fall From Grace"? Posted over a year ago
bones3 commented…
"Why am I still watching this show?" over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
I totally agree with you bones3. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I skipped the Cuddy/House/future-wife scene and at the "wedding" i felt so sad for Cuddy but also for House:(( it was hard watching it:( over a year ago
koch89 said …
Holy Cow! I just got my Die Hard fan medal for the Huddy spot and i didn't even notice! lol ....I guess it because i been too busy watching House MD and the writers jump the shark! Posted over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
congrats on your medal. don't worry about huddy. they'll get together again and is going to be awesome. over a year ago
OpossumAttack commented…
If I had a dime every time I read 'House jumped the shark' I would be richer than Hugh Laurie right now. Keep calm and stay the course everyone, don't overreact yet. There is still plenty of season left to go. THEN you can overreact all summer ;) over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
awesome over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
Who wrote "Fall from Grace?" Anyone know? Posted over a year ago
amf1018 commented…
John Kelley. Here is a video of him talking about the episodelink over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
thanks! over a year ago
amf1018 commented…
Your welcome! over a year ago
zubeerfaan said …
i have to say i kinda like the show more when house and cuddy aren't dating, even though i am a hardcore huddy shipper :s Posted over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
well maybe before they got together but after... I think the show had gotten worse. over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
I agree jemihuddy over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
changes suck. esp. this one. over a year ago
InLoveWithHuddy said …
Ratings are down AGAIN, second lowest this season! Who's laughing now, GY? Ha. Posted over a year ago
LoveBonesGlee commented…
wHAT EPISODE WAS THE LOWEST ? over a year ago
InLoveWithHuddy commented…
Small Sacrifices. over a year ago
reebaila commented…
is there a website for ratings ?? care to share the link ?? over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
HAHAHAHAAHA!!!!! seriously though that is epic. over a year ago
barbie246 said …
i luv my life its just that people always try to tell you to do things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for things they should do it not yhu!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
Maria2493 said …
Does anyone have a good link for 7x17, that works in europe? Posted over a year ago
HughLaurie1 commented…
try to use over a year ago
Hatedavidshore said …
Man, this show is totally losing it, making no sense at all! There you go little David, when the show was actually really moving forward, House developing as a character and all you just take it back to pill poping hooker hoping! DAMN Im frustrated! Posted over a year ago
huddy4everfan commented…
I absolutely agree with you! over a year ago
HughLaurie1 commented…
i think everything is absoloutly fine. it had to be this way, i mean from season 1 we all heard house sayin' " ppl never change" i think they just want to prove that house right. again. and i think we will get huddy back, because the way they look at each other, and this ep. showed us how much they care about each other, house is a jurk and cuddy, well she's cuddy. I think they ment for each other, and there's no way house end up alone in his bathroom with a pills, no way... over a year ago
watershed commented…
worst episode this season...., they have gone too far with all this crap...........I`m losing interest over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
Wait better not end with cuddys shocked face in the promo... Posted over a year ago
evropia commented… ended even worse... over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
i liked it, it showed he still cares over a year ago
evropia commented…
I meant the kiss.. over a year ago
HughLaurie1 commented…
it's just a kiss, and he sai " i can't" and not because she was married, but because she was not Cuddy :) i actually loved this episode, we can truly see how deep he cares about her, i just don't understand why he did all this, to make her suffer like she did to him? or what? ;( over a year ago
evropia said …
Anybody has a link...?mINE STOPPED WORKING... Posted over a year ago
sarahuddy commented…
from what? over a year ago
evropia commented…
for tonight's episode over a year ago
Taes12 said …
everyone sign the petition here's the link
link Posted over a year ago
ApplePie1890 said …
I just discovered that I got my Die Hard medal, and I haven't been around here for like AGES :D life is good xD
Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
Yay!!! *does celebration dance* congrats! :) over a year ago
Nicky8 commented…
congrats! over a year ago
reebaila commented…
*_^ life soo good over a year ago
ApplePie1890 commented…
Thanks ^____^ over a year ago
danielapeque said …
Hi!! I made a video and put it in youtube... but i can´t paste the URL in the video section. (URL inaccessible. Please check the URL.)

LINK: link

What can i do??? Posted over a year ago
evropia said …
Just read in wikipedia that episode 7x18 The Dig is going to air on April 18...*dies* Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
wait i thot it was the 11th?! over a year ago
AussieFan12 commented…
i thought so too! :/ over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
the WHOLE MONTH!!! almost. *cries* *dies* over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
Omg I'm drawing a blank...what does house call his team members? Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
what do you mean? over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
When he greets them over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
hehe i was right! over a year ago
spatten said …
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
it wouldnt do any good.....:/ over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
yes lemme give ya da link hold on over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
link over a year ago
huddyislove said …
I don't know about you guys, but I think this new episode will be FUN :D HUDDY BANTER ALL OVER THEY WAY! Posted over a year ago
arasu commented…
I am actually excited too! The previews are pretty interesting. And I did kinda missed the Huddy banter we used to have in the earlier seasons. over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I'm with you on this one:) over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
I'm excited too, but I'm worried about Huddy :) :( over a year ago
ApplePie1890 commented…
Totally what I thought hilly ^_^ I loved that preview! Reminds me of the good old days of the first 3 seasons =) over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
UGHA! I dont wanna write this political philosophy paper. So effing boooorrrinnnggg. *sighs* Someone distract me with something interesting or i may die of boredom... Posted over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
Distracts HJ---Look over there...Hugh Laurie on a motorcycle!!! over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
I had a dream last night. I'm going to write in articles. You might wanna read it. It's happy ending! ;) over a year ago
evropia said …
Is it sure that 7x18 airs on April 11th...? Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
i think least thats what i heard too. isnt that like a 3 week break? :/ over a year ago
evropia commented…
Yeah it is...:( over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
no!!!!! over a year ago
HughLaurie1 said …
so i was thinking, you seriously think that writers want no-huddy? i think there's smth they're keeping to themselfs, maybe they just want us to talk about HOUSE the more :? they really wouldn't broke up huddy forever when they were planning all this for 7 years, i know i'm getting crazy. :D Posted over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
i totally agree. over a year ago
reebaila commented…
me too> u making a good point over a year ago
armybrat14 commented…
A good point. They've waited so long now, why leave the main characters without listening to the fans. If we're going crazy, they should put them back. It's like - they think once we get what we want, we don't care anymore. Well the hell we don't. WE DO! (: over a year ago
huddycat69 commented…
good point! And I'm getting crazy too over a year ago
huddysmyvicodin said …
The ratings are going to be down this week because Huddy shippers are to pissed to watch the episode. Take that David Shore, I hope your master plan is working well. Posted over a year ago
evropia commented…
I agree...The only good thing left in this season without Huddy is the return of 13... over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
ikr! over a year ago
armybrat14 commented…
exactly! over a year ago
InLoveWithHuddy said …
Ratings are down from last week... Bet GY isn't feeling so smug now. Posted over a year ago
bones3 commented…
I hope they're WAY down from last week. over a year ago
InLoveWithHuddy commented…
Not way - not sure what I want from the ratings so I won't add an unfortunately - but down, Hopefully GY will stop basically saying that all the viewers are going to magically come back now. over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
YES!!! esp. cuz I was getting hate on the House site and they were like "oh the ratings will be fine." That hurt. anyway HA HA HA GY!!! over a year ago
huddyislove said …
I think the episode was fun. Yeah, of course I'm sad Huddy is over, but come on, we all know that this is not how show is gonna end ;) Posted over a year ago
AussieFan12 commented…
you're right! ;) thumbs up over a year ago
sarahuddy commented…
come on... its gona be OK at the end... over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
it was a great episode imo...i am hopeful♥ over a year ago
jemihuddy said …
last night I cried hysterically for 2 hours. I hate this. I feel like crap. My friends all watch house so they know I'm going to be in pain on tuesdays. I can't take this anymore. Posted over a year ago
evropia said …
Αny Global promo yet...? Posted over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
not yet. just googled it. probally later tonight or tomorow. over a year ago
evropia commented…
Hopefully the sneak peeks won't take long too... over a year ago
Iane_Casey said …
Hey guys! To those in need of some (+) stuff... along w/ other writers (like Rochelle Rene, Partypantscuddy, Penelope S Cartwright, etc) I've posted a one-shot post-7x15 w/ an alternate ending. Can't post it here though, it'd be hard to edit into html. xD
Title: Turning Tables
Rating: M
Link: <link> link </link> Posted over a year ago
huddycallianfan said …
What the hell is going on with the authors????? Are they lost their minds???? REALLY??? House and the hooker???? WTF?!! Posted over a year ago
bones3 commented…
I agree. They're insane. And have made a BIG mistake. over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
You know I read MANY comments and I have to admit that almost everybody likes that "House became who he was" And I was like -_- "you've got to be kidding me?He made an effort and changed! And season 6 showed it. And the half of the season 5." OMG I just so hate Huddy haters. T_T over a year ago
reebaila commented…
to DR nolan >> house plz dr nolan NOW over a year ago
mima0510 said …
WEDDING NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY WITH CUDDY !!! Posted over a year ago
reebaila said …
any link to the new epi??? Posted over a year ago
xtremeHuddyness said …
. It's All about Cuddy ;) Posted over a year ago
londonsrock said …
i loved it. it really showed how much house loves cuddy that he can't even feel any excitement without her. the getting married thing is just a way to cope with his pain. it was a great epi for me. Posted over a year ago
reebaila commented…
do u have a link >>> plz plz over a year ago
xtremeHuddyness commented…
Link Pliz over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
sorry i dont have a link over a year ago
reebaila commented…
what do u mean by " the getting married thing " could plz explain ?? over a year ago
bones3 said …
Congratulations, David Shore. You're successfully ruining your once great show. Posted over a year ago
ilovehouse345 commented…
ikr over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
They said someone WILL get married so he has to actually get married rite? :( over a year ago
ilovehouse345 said …
Ok so hi,this is ilovehouse345's friend,I am om her acount as she was already logged we speak she is being taken to the e.r because she just went into shock and started hapervenalating and could not breath.she also won't speak because her brain has put her in a emotinal state .hopefully she will be out soon.I am telling you this because I want you to see the impact this has on people.but I am positive that they will not get married.good luck fellow huddies. Posted over a year ago
ilovehouse345 commented…
Damn ds u almost killed a girl. over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
How r u positive over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
YAY! I LOOOOVVVEEEE that theroy. over a year ago
evropia said …
He's getting married......????????????????If Cuddy won't do anything to stop this madness i am seriously done... Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
Oh god yea same over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
Bit I have faith in her and I think she will knock some sense in him over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
Thy need to communicate, that's their biggest issue over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
And I just had to love the episode then this comes great! Like WTF ruining the show much Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
Okay love isn't ever not complicated. She just said she loves him and he loves her. So WTF get back together Posted over a year ago
evropia said …
What happened at 10 first minutes...?i missed it... Posted over a year ago
evropia said …
Evry hooker and a stub through my heart...:( Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
Not a dream it all really happened...oh well. But boy does Cuddy feel guilty. Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
I hope this is all a nightmare but boy do I have my hopes up. Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
I keep thinking about the part in the promo where cuddys says she is Houses problem I mean honestly if she means in some twisted way the love of his life then yes she is Posted over a year ago
ilovehouse345 said …
45 minuetes till the death of me. Posted over a year ago
jemihuddy said …
on fanpop, House has 40374 fans.
3359 of those fans are Huddies.
remind me again why they think it will boost ratings to have them end? Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
Exactly over a year ago
jemihuddy said …
also, I am debating whether I should keep watching House because I can't seem to stop crying. Like seriously I'm at school right now and I spent last break crying hysterically. Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
Yup over a year ago
jemihuddy said …
kicking myself because apparently there was a leaked script of thunder road trip and I missed it. Posted over a year ago
reebaila commented…
really !!!! any chance to finde it now ???? over a year ago
jemihuddy commented…
no i looked everywhere over a year ago
numasp said …
I'm not watching tonight (I'm not gonna stay up late to watch a disappointment, I'm in London). I'll read your comments tomorrow and, depending on your opinions, I'll watch or not, so please, keep us non-viewers informed! Thanks a lot guys! And don't worry, things can only get better ;-) Posted over a year ago
JannaHuddy commented…
yeah I'm not sure if I will watch it too...It will be late (I'm from Portugal) and tomorrow I have school at 8 AM. If Huddy were still together then I would see the episode. over a year ago
JannaHuddy commented…
sorry for my english over a year ago
evropia said …
Just hoping tonight's episode won't be too painful...Is it too much to ask our Huddy back as a birthday present...?Well a girl can dream..... Posted over a year ago
Hatedavidshore said …
Fuck David Shore and his stupid vision of how House life should be Posted over a year ago
ilovehouse345 said …
So anyone know wat katie thinks of this? She seemed like she liked huddy.... Posted over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
that is true she was huddy shipper over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
the last I heard she'd gone overbudget on the House visits (New Orleans?) episodes and then David Shore came back. over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
the episodes they rewrote over a year ago
HouseMindFreak commented…
That's when everything went to Huddy Hell over a year ago
sicilyone said …
does anyone know what happened to KJ?
Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
no? what do you mean? was she in an accident or something? over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
maybe she means that everyone gave an interview or smth like that about 7x15 but not KJ. I think she's just trying to stay out of all this. Because we (well, me for sure) could throw stones on them/her. xDD over a year ago
reebaila commented…
i feel like sth has happened cuz we all noticed that since the middle of season 6 the show was not as good as it used to be and i even remember someone wrote an article called " it could get better " or sth like that.. what I mean is that the writing has change a little bit … and I always wondered if there is sth going on b/n the writers and the directors… may be different point of view … may be KJ is not happy about these changes so that' why she avoiding making comments about 7x15 over a year ago
evropia said …
Any idea when 7x18 aires....? Posted over a year ago
huddy4everfan commented…
I think 4/11/2011. over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
holy crapola! thats like a 3 week hiatus *sad face* we should all use this time to recover..... over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
*sad sad sad face* really??? another 3 weeks of hiatus! What happens this time? *angry face* yeah we should use this time to recover *sad face again* :( over a year ago
evropia commented…
Or even better Huddy get back together in 7x17 and we'll have time to enjoy our happiness..... over a year ago
loretta9018 said …
@ reebaila here is the link with the interview, I'm still crying my eyes out, but I won't ever recover from this anyway, probably... Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 commented…
link over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
"I can’t [say they're done] forever, but we don’t want to jerk the audience around." wait a sec...doesnt that imply non finality!? he cant say theyre sure. have we been interpreting this wrong? over a year ago
reebaila commented…
@loretta9018 thank u over a year ago
reebaila said …
is there interview where DS explains the break up >> i don't want to read any spoiler especially epi 16 but if there is an interview i want to see it

Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 commented…
yeah I would like to see or read it, too. i read that there is one, but idk where to find it? anyone plz? over a year ago
reebaila said …
i'm keeping myself busy ,trying not to think about what happened or what might happen , was hard in first 2 days but now i'm OK , oh >> no sad song>>> try that Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 said …
this is unbelievable. how can they screw this up like they are doing? HOW??? Posted over a year ago
bones3 said …
Deep, deep despair. I feel like someone died. Oh, House, how I reveled in your happiness . . . But your creators prefer that you suffer. Posted over a year ago
bones3 commented…
Wanted to add: There is MUCH more horrible stuff going on in the world right now (e.g. Japan). Huddy was a bright spot to make things better, but now it just adds to the sadness. over a year ago
loretta9018 commented…
yeah it was very terrible what happened in Japan I hope that the people will find peace and recover from the earthquake. Many people died, it's sad over a year ago
mima0510 said …
I need huddy-end !!! Posted over a year ago
huddycallianfan said …
Guys, we even hadn't the scene where they both calls them by their names! :(( Posted over a year ago
bones3 commented…
Or he hasn't played music for her... :(( over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
that is so true, there were so many things left for them to do :( over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
Omg I forgot about Cuddys Serenade............ over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
yes! Cuddy's Serenade. Something another on the piano only for her. Calling each by their names. I'm starting to hate Sara & Liz. :'( over a year ago
Huddiness said …
I really, reaaaaaaaaaaally want an ATEOHR update! ><' I mean, now. for reeeeealz! Posted over a year ago
HastaLaVista26 commented…
oh man me too :( over a year ago
loretta9018 said …
ok, so what we need is a therapy for ourselfs or something like that. switching on the lights in our heads like dr. norlan would say. :) maybe we need to think in a more positive way, calm down *breath in, breath out* Posted over a year ago
reebaila commented…
first positive thought that they have to torture us bfr the big sweet wedding over a year ago
reebaila commented…
second the true love can survive the storm < we know that they r true lover > over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
I try to stay calm or to not to think, but I suck at it. Every time I hear the sad song with touching lyrics, it reminds me of my...OUR Huddy! omg, I'm so devastated. :'( over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 said …
wait what if it was a nightmare Cuddy had that she broke up with House... Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 commented…
I don't know, there are so many possibilities. all I can say is: that can't be all! It just can't be all, I'm not accepting it!! over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
i still think they'll get married in the season finale i don't care if i am in denial :) over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
you really think that? 'cause I'm not sure about anything anymore. I hate the authors they've ruined ALL the relationships in this show!!! I thought well, maybe I could bear the Samson, I'm totally ok with Tauchel but HUDDY?! WTF?? They're all morons! I hate them over a year ago
huddycallianfan said …
link Posted over a year ago
huddycallianfan said …
I re-watched the episode. And I think it was great. Of course except the break-up part!
The dreams were amazing. But why did he take the vicodine? :'( Posted over a year ago
joejonasfan001 commented…
do we still have the beach trip to see or has that been done over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
it won't be. :'( over a year ago
sicilyone said …
Be positive! Posted over a year ago
mysuspicionis said …
anyone know the schedule episode dates now? the list I had seems to be inaccurate now. Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
i actually have no clue confused. i think theres like a 2 week break after fall from grace but i cant be sure... over a year ago
loretta9018 said …
gosh I'm still so disappointed and angry with the storyline of huddy so far! Posted over a year ago
evropia said …
Νo spoilers and no new promos...they seriously try to kill us... Posted over a year ago
anaperez007 commented…
We already have the global promo and 2 sneak peeks :) over a year ago
evropia commented…
Yeah...?Anything about Huddy...? over a year ago
anaperez007 commented…
Yep over a year ago
ilovehouse345 said …
Even though I'm realy upset I have to say that we did get what we want.they did get together and evEn if they did break up in the long run.let's just be happy that It did happen.but we can still hope hey get back together. It's better to have loved and lost than to neverto have loved at u all fellow huddies! Stay strong Posted over a year ago
AussieFan12 commented…
oh you're so right! thought the same over a year ago
bones3 said …
If I may, I rename this the "Wailing Wall." Posted over a year ago
azzcmoo said …
where are the sneak peeks, I'm going out of my mind Posted over a year ago
ilovehouse345 commented…
Ikr! over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
So just read that episode 20 is going to be aired in early May. Meaning....we are gonna have a LONG hiatus sometime in April. :'( Posted over a year ago
evropia commented…
I only hope the hiatus will find Huddy together again...if not it's going to be the longest and most painful hiatus ever... over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
another hiatus...It's to much:( over a year ago