huddyislove posted on Jun 21, 2009 at 04:20PM
Hey guys...
Yeah, it just hit us!!

Lisa has a new boy-toy!!!!
I am seriously depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's 27??????
For God's sake, she could be his mum!!! (the hottest mum ever but still! xDD)

I think I now know what's been happening the last week.
We find out Hugh has grown beard and was almost unrecognizable
We see Lisa sad at the premiere of the new movie
She and Hugh weren't seated together at the Paley
We learn she has a freaking boyfriend!!!

Ok,so this got me thinking.
Hugh got to LA earlier and he grew his beard as a disguise.
I think Lisa told him she had new boyfriend and Hugh and Lisa got into a fight.
Then we see Lisa sad-faced on the premiere.
She must have been broken!
So, at the Paley, the two didn't sit together, cause, lets face it, there's so much to be sad (and yelled)

And... I dunno, I just feel like this could be something like what happened.
What do you think?

*goes to cry*

Hugh & Lisa 21 replies

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over a year ago huddysmacked said…
*crties* But then they wouldn't be all happy at the paley's interview...
over a year ago huddyislove said…
Regi... it's called acting... :/
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I know that but still, I've acted in several plays and trust me when you're down you reflect it in a way and besides their eyes were speaking volumes! It's like if they were really in love and well maybe they were hurt eyes? I don't know I'm so dummed
over a year ago huddyislove said…
me too... *cries*
I think it's at least fair this way.
Hugh's with his wife, Lisa's with her "boy-toy"
all fair in love and war
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL actually I have chilled enough maybe she just wants to make Hugh jealous XDDD Of all the fun he's missing XDD OMG I'm unbelievable XDDD
over a year ago huddyislove said…
HAHAHA!! I agree!! xDDDDDD
The woman is slowly morphing into Cuddy!
She had to get laid xDDDDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
XDDDD LOL Aaaah!!! Bad images in my head !!! XDDD
Well, soon soon Huli will come !
over a year ago huddyislove said…
big smile
Oh... I'm good with putting images in your head xDDD
but just think of all her boy-toys
They all ended up in garbage.
She's like a kid, she plays with one toy for a while and soon she wants a new one!

But every kid has its fave teddy bear.
And her teddy bear is Hugh... Never let him go.. :D
over a year ago ItalianHuddy said…
Hilly I'd like to second your 'lead'...but I'm with Reggie they were way too happy and in tune with each other on the Paley. It could not be just acting...we Huli know better hehehe 'eyes never lie' :-)
You know, my take is that they have been together, they still are together but they will never go public about it. What with his being married and both (or maybe again just him) not wanting to disrupt his family and lifetime certainties and make his dearest suffer. As matters stand then it goes without saying Lisa is free to date whoever she wants.
All this said I must admit I'm totally against this kind of behaviour! It does not make things better neither for the two-timers nor for Jo and the kids. It's all the more creepy and shameful to him and to his family. The only words I can think of are: hypocrisy and selfishness though in a way touching on self-destructiveness. The worst thing of all is the lying, it hurts more than everything else!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ItalianHuddy said…
Hilly I totally second your last post!!!!!!
over a year ago huddyislove said…
Oh, thank you!! :DDDDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I secind the last IH post and Hilly's

I love to imagine Hugh being a teddy bear XDD
over a year ago ItalianHuddy said…
Yeah com'on she's swooning, drooling over him...she carries such a whopping huge torch for him!!
over a year ago huddyislove said…
big smile
totally!! :DDD
awwwww.. I can imagine Lisa just cuddling Hugh ;)))
over a year ago HuliForEver said…
Hilly don't cry ... :-//

It's just a rumor and I can't believe in it.

Some people say a "toy boy" has the same meaning then a "boyfriend".
Not for me.
I want to be a "girlfriend" but cetainly not a "toy girl" (what a bad way *lol*).

The chemistry in Paley Center is there ... I'm not in a worry :D
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Can I guys join in? But won't stay long today but when I get back, I will be back as well.

I like the idea Hilly, I was thinking about the same thing for the past days but I have closed it when I saw them at the Paley.:-) But still, could be...

Maybe they really had a fight about some lover's problem and who knows, the Paley show brought them back together. The show reconciled them as it goes on. The show itself became the key for them to look at each other the way they used to. So they're peace now (again). Probably enjoying cuddling each other since *did Hugh brought his wife along?* Jo's not in LA (if and only if the rumors aren't true)
over a year ago angiii7 said…
Hilly don't lose your hope! i'm sure it's nothing (well... i'm trying to believe that:S...)
over a year ago huddyislove said…
big smile
oh, thank you guys!!!
I'm now more than ok!! ;DDDDDDD
Oh, you're such good friends!!
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Ur welcome Hilly!:-)
We're like a family here... One for all, all for one...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddyforever said…
I think Hugh lost his shaver and didn't feel like getting a new one so that's why he has the beard:D Then, I think my cousing needs to stop impersenating celbs ,such as Norman Kali, just so he can be with lisa. I mean we all want to be with her:D LOL!!! JK, my cousin is only 8 years old so...LMAO!!!

I am just hoping that this 'toy boy' thing isn't going to last long. Maybe she did just date him to get laid...*pukes* Celebs can be sexually frustrated as well. LOL!!! Or maybe she is just trying to make Hugh jealous...Hmmm...Well it'll all end soon because I'm going to use my super mind powers to make Hugh and Lisa get together. LOL!!!
over a year ago huddyforever said…
Oh and BTW, what happens when I click on the little reply thing on the top??? Just curious...and a little stupid XDDD