Hugh & Lisa The Huli bits from the Paley

ItalianHuddy posted on Jun 24, 2009 at 10:13PM
Hey guys,
thought it'd be nice if we gather together all the Paley Huli snatches both from online articles and people's rundowns :-)That's the whole bunch I could retrieve, if you have more please add them below :-)

1. "Lisa just blushed out after saying "I got to make out with Hugh!" And Hugh said, "Clarify!" And they broke down in giggles for like two minutes."

Re: body language
"They are giggling ALOT and they keep looking at each other."

2. 'When asked about the Huddy makeout, Hugh said the word odd about 100 times, and then it became the "it" word of the night. Going on about how it is the least romantic atmosphere and if anyone would want to seduce someone they would not go about it by putting camera's all over the place and making it uncomfortable. Lisa, in jest, to contrast Hugh, said it was sexy and passionate and if anyone wanted to seduce her the exact way to go about it is to put a thousand camera's around and leave it up to the editing room.. or something, my memory is fuzzy but she had the audience cracking up.'

one of my favorite quotes of the night, the moderator asked a question a long the lines of what's something you enjoy about working on this show, and they all said the usual things, the people, the writing, we can be proud of it, and LE was doing most of the talking here, and then she said, "oh and i made out with hugh" to which Hugh replied looking rather slack jawed, "CLARIFY, clarify!" they started laughing, and she was like, "on the show, we made out for the show." (wish i could describe it better but it was rather funny moment that had absolutely no hidden meanings behind it, sorry huli's)

3. "Lisa: "I got to make out with Hugh." She had the chesire-cat grin in place. Everyone got a laugh. "Clarify!" Hugh shouted over the din. I'm betting he didn't want the missus or the public (mainly the dreaded paparazzi) to misinterpret that statement. Lisa did explain the scenes. Everyone in the crowd cheered for "Huddy" action. To Laurie, it was "odd."

"It was odd... doing that with a friend I've known for the past five years."

"Odd? I would have used some word like passionate!" Lisa goaded him. She was playfully offended and tried to get him to use some other adjective rather than odd. I truly believe she has a crush on him or at least is an admirer. The way she smiled and whispered together really spoke volumes. The chemistry is there and plays out well on screen. I can't wait for season six!"

Even this person said under pictures she posted that she thought Lisa had a crush on Hugh. Even just a tiny one.
What I would give to be able to see this@!!!! PLEASE..we have to have footage!

4. BTW I've just found these lines on LJ from a girl who was there yesterday night. I'll copy it here.

'Oh man, I was there & as much as I ship them, I'm not gonna lie, it was a bit awkward with the Huddy questions. But it was really cute how Lisa was like 'I got to make out with Hugh.' & he was like 'clarify!' So she says 'On camera!' & starts to crack up & Hugh did this mock laugh to make fun of her, it was just so much fun. & RSL was sitting between them, so she points & him and goes 'your turn.' XD

Then again as back to somebody who asked her in what way it was a bit awkward with the Huddy questions.

'I think it was more so the emcee who made it seem awkward rather than the questions themselves. There were only actually 2 Huddy questions, but it felt weird to me, I can't really explain why. But the way he phrased the first question, it was like 'So, describe the making out scene' or something like that. It just felt awkward to me. And the look on Hugh's face after he asked was just like 'meh'.

last edited on Jun 25, 2009 at 10:04PM

Hugh & Lisa 2 replies

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over a year ago ItalianHuddy said…
5. It was certainly meaningful to Lisa Edelstein, who didn't hallucinate making out with Hugh Laurie. "Even though it didn't happen for real, I got to shoot that scene -- and I might get to shoot another later on down the road," she said with a laugh. Edelstein then delivered this message to Huddy fans: "Stay with me. Give Huddy time. Don't give up hope."

6. A few minutes after Hugh was talking about the House/Cuddy love scene (his primary feeling was that it was "odd" - I believe, and Lisa took playful offence to that until he clarified that it was like kissing someone you've been friends with for five years, and that it wasn't unpleasant - as I recall), the conversation switched to another topic. But it was cute because Lisa was leaning over RSL, looking at Hugh, and giving him this look, like, "Really? Odd? That's how you'd describe it?" and he sort of self-depricatingly smiled and shrugged and his face turned red. It was a cute moment.

7. 7:59 PM - Hugh on what it was like to make out with Lisa: "There's a bunch of people around with cameras... if you were trying to seduce someone you wouldn't set that up as a romantic aid. It's unnatural, it's a strange, peculiar situation and yet the blessing of it is that everyone can acknowledge that. It's not as if you're alone finding, 'I find this a little odd!' Of course it's odd!" Lisa fires back: "If someone was trying to seduce me, yes I would have them set up cameras."

8. Lisa Edelstein, who plays Dr Lisa Cuddy, added that it's easy to see why he's caught the attention of a lot of ladies around the world. "He's a sexy man, he's eight feet tall, his eyes are like ice blue, he's extremely intelligent, really talented, what's not sexy about Hugh Laurie?!" she laughed.

over a year ago huddy_aimee said…
omg i watched number i was like.... XD
i laughed and also thought *if they are having an affair) nice way of covering it up...tell everyone what you feel about him!!