Hugh & Lisa Spoiler thread

Gtalisa posted on Sep 11, 2009 at 01:24PM
So we just recently decided that this would be a good idea for those who want to keep away from the spoilers.
last edited on Dec 16, 2009 at 08:02PM

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over a year ago Gtalisa said…
For those who don't already know. F's latest tweets:

"I can tell you I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a "Huddy" shipper - or fandom - during november sweeps. I'll shush now."

"Let's see how many of them will stick after midseason."

Boy, those sound cheerful.
over a year ago TheDubs said…
Thanks for starting the thread..Think I'm gonna go away and sulk for the day:(.
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Ok she just tweeted more. And..pretty much confirmed that we were right. Looks like we have to see Lucas and Cuddy now. Fuckinawesome.
over a year ago Noeloe said…
First thing that came into my mind is 'So they let Cuddy have sex with someone else...' I really hope my mind is wrong...

Good idea about the spoiler thread!:)
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
F- "Also, when I said “new ship” I meant a serious full blown relationship kind of “ship”." omg..I am sooo not into this.
over a year ago TheDubs said…
Oh great..It can get worse:(
over a year ago Noeloe said…
*throws up* I guess it's to early to judge and hate this season already, but some part of me just can't help it... God this is so wrong...
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
I wanted to be hopeful and not freak. But her tweets are doing nothing good for me.
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
To make us feel slightly better.."I think when it comes to House and Cuddy, there is always something to be optimistic about." she said this as well. So there's possibly reasoning behind this crazy storyline.
over a year ago Noeloe said…
It's very hard to stay hopeful right now... Of course this is just going to be an other arc to keep House and Cuddy apart for yet another season, I bet the next season finale Huddy will be on the same level as they are now...

I'm a little angry, not just at DS but also a little at KJ b/c she has always said like: They need to have thex, we need more sex etc. And now she said to Ausiello 'I don’t personally get hung up on whether they have sex, per se' The more I think about it the more it bugs me... It's like she's chickening out or something. They let House and Cuddy have a sex life just not with each other... They are postponing Huddy yet again. And they always talk about how they want to keep the show real and stuff, but I think in real life this would be too much of postponing... The medical cases better be damn good this season...

IDK maybe I'm just angry and confused.

over a year ago Noeloe said…
Not that everything is about sex, god I know, but then tell me why Lydia/House and Cuddy/Lucas?

Thanks Gab, it made me feel a little better. We definitely need something to be optimistic about...
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
This is what I think. When she mentioned "full-blown relationship" it sounds to me like Cuddy and Lucas have been dating while House is in Mayfield. Then when he comes out..and she knows what she knows..things change for them slightly. Like maybe she ends it with Lucas, or he with her knowing, House is back, and she rather go for him? idk..too much thinking.
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
It's normal to feel angry and confuse Noeloe... You're not alone I bet.. =)

All these news and spoilers are really testing us... But like what Sil and I talked about before, we have no control over the show. It's DS's and KJ's.. (guess her name now suits her, Kill Joy).

Maybe Lucas won't stay that long. As long as they don't move in together, I guess I'm okay with it. Just one terrible question...

Will Lucas took Cuddy to the bed?? Will he be the first man??
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Could be... But the trip is in the 7th episode and November sweeps that's like epi 8 or 9? It seems to far away from House being in Mayfield to have not come up in earlier episodes... Do we know in which episode we will see Lucas appear for the first time again?
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Someone else said they think they date while he's in Mayfield..and then House finds out in ep.7..that makes sense why Lucas is tagged along. House probably questions why the hell he's there..and then finds out. Oh damn LOL
over a year ago Noeloe said…
@HES... IDK but I wouldn't take it beyond them... Yes the spoilers are testing us and I know we have no control over the show, it just frustrates me. I guess we'll have to wait and see:) There will always be these little moments.
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
You're right Noeloe.. little moments that are big heart and headaches...

Oh I can imagine House's heartache... I hope it won't bring him to breakdown...
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over a year ago Noeloe said…
That is actually very possible... Maybe this will finally get House to realize he has to fight for her;)
over a year ago TheDubs said…
Maybe when Cuddy will dump him when she finds out
what House hallucinated? Fingers crossed that happens
I wasn't looking forward to this season at all with what happens
in the first episode,now I'm really really dreading it:(
over a year ago Noeloe said…
I'm sorry but, I'm pretty sure Cuddy already knows what House hallucinated before he comes out of Mayfield...

These spoilers have been really bad, but I think we shouldn't freak out on them completely, b/c before you have seen the episode you can't say how this all fits in... Maybe it won't be as bad as we think... Also there will never be spoilers on very small things like a loving smile etc. and we sure enjoy those moments:)
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over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Ok so I find it funny that Cuddy asks House where they stand..and yet, she's dating someone else. I do think he'll have to put up a fight..a little one LOL. This could be the comical part of the storyline. They can't make it all serious considering Lucas isn't that type of character.
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
I have already "numb" the pain with House hooking up with Lydia.. so this news isn't new.. it's just that... like Hilly, I wanted Cuddy be first laid with House..

again, where's the magic when they finally do it??
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Cuddy will never be able to shut House out of her heart. He's a part of her:) And you're right Lucas is definitely not a serious character...
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
They just aren't getting what they NEED from each other. So they get it from others. But it's still not satisfying because they need it from each other..not the others LOL. Wow that was kinda funny sounding. ANYHOOT..I'm starting to feel a TAD bit better. This storyline might be rather comical? Plus..Cuddy won't stay with him for long since House is back. I think Lucas will realize this.
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Yes, I don't think they will stay together for a long time either. I guess when Lucas has to babysit Rachel while Cuddy has to go to House (for whatever reason) for the thousandth time, he'll get it;)
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
It's nice to know you're somehow okay Gab.. hope you guys are feeling the same way as we talk along. =)

I thought he followed House when the doc told him to back off in S5?? what happen there?
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Yeah that's why I wanna know how H reacts! Since he told him to back off..and now he's gonna see his dumb ass is back and actually dating Cuddy. I sense possessiveness? LOL oh boy..this could actually be very funny!
over a year ago nataselli said…
Just a thought....Maybe that is why House is learning how to cook, so he can cook her dinner....or is that too cheesy :-)
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
big smile
Hahahaha! *evil laugh* this is the reason why half of me wanted to dance after learning Luke (I'll rather call him that) is going to go back because of jealous House! =)
over a year ago Noeloe said…
I'm starting to feel better too:) It could be funny (as long as it doesn't last too long)

LOL @ House learning how to cook for Cuddy, that would be so sweet!
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Having Lucas around is more easy than having that Lydia around, I should say..
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
I don't like either one of them LMAO. More like..I don't like their intentions. But anyhoot..House learns how to cook before he finds out about Lucas and Cuddy. (and omg..I DID NOT just almost write Luddy!?..) This has me really curious man! I wanna see what goes down!
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Just thought of something else...House trying his hardest to ruin their relationship LOL! he will not let them be happy.
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Oh, Gab, House will be House of course.. who knows, maybe he'll do the same thing he did with Wamber.. the custody thingy... Hahahaha!
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Oh man I soo hope he's such an ass with them! He's gonna ruin that relationship for sure. I hope DS will let him do that LOL
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
I'm sure he will ruin it.. nobody get's House's girl from him!!! =)
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
I like having that knowledge LOL
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
LOL... I just hope Lucas doesn't move in together with Cuddy.. Like with House, it'll drive me crazy!!!
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Oh man..well FULL-BLOWN would make it seem so :/ ok ok..we gotta stop this. LMAO. Only positive today!
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
I'm PISSED Wilson never told him! House finds out on his own :/ aww LOL
Whatever happened to Bros before Hoes? hahaha
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over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Really???!!! all alone???!!! HOW PAINFUL.. I know the feeling...
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Think he'll get pissed at Wilson now? oh snap.
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
If Wilson actually knows the Luddy relationship, House will scare the sh*t out of him for hiding it...

and oh, Lucas must go hide himself he moment he hurt Cuddy and House knows that...
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over a year ago TheDubs said…
I don't get what Cuddy would see in him,
maybe it's just she wants fun?
He seems like sort of a wimp to me,compared to
House anyway.Who knows this might be a good thing for
Huddy.Why else would they all say Huddys not going anywhere,
unless they're all telling lies? Maybe the finale will be all Huddy
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
It has to go somewhere. It would be so lame if they built this storyline up and made the hallucination and whatnot..just for the relationship to remain the same. It's gotta have some sort of progress. Physically or emotionally. ANYTHING. But staying the same is a big no no and I doubt they'd do that. It's gonna be harsh in the beginning and I suppose in November sweeps..but sooner or later this season, somethings gotta give..
over a year ago lydille said…
The thought of a love affair between Cuddy and Lucas upsets me
so much !!! I hope that she will not move in together with him !
I hope also that she will not get pregnant by Lucas !!! It would
be unbearable for me because it would be too many bad Huddy news!
I' m so afraid of David Shore !!!
On the other hand , i'd like to watch House being jealous for
Cuddy ! It's certain that House will not accept a Cuddy-Lucas
relationship and that he will be upset , jealous and furious !
It's also certain that House will do his best in order to screw up
the C-L relationship and that he will succeed ! It could be very
funny !It's possible that ,then,for fear of losing her once again,
House will want to have quickly a relationship with Cuddy !
So, that C-L relationship could be not a " threat " to Huddy but
a " blessing " because it could speed things up between
House and Cuddy !

over a year ago karenpoland said…
Im so sad this is all happening..I wish I could forget about Huddy,but my brain wont let
Its going to be a very long season:(
over a year ago Gtalisa said…
Understandable. But just think how funny it may all actually be? Plus..I think we'll get to see House open up a bit. This is obviously happening to get a rise out of I mean..if that's the reason, he must say or do something worth this storylines time? I'm still not completely happy about everything. But this is cause and effect. There's a reason why they are doing this relationship, that reason will cause House to do something, and then that somthing will possibly effect the outcome of it all. Leading, to a good Huddy moment :)
over a year ago karenpoland said…
But Im reading on another site,that he is not going to do anything,and let her be happy..He has to break them up.
over a year ago Ladyluck523 said…
OMG! This thread is already so busy! :)
But I'm glad we have a chance to talk here instead of spoiling the Hulies who don't want to know Huddy spoilers.

I was just getting OK with the idea of House and Lydia and now they throw this Lucas/Cuddy shit in there??
I thought I would be OK with the rest of the season if I could get through the premiere.
To be a Huddy is to be a masochist obviously. *sob* :(

@Gabs - I know your source is thru Twitter.
Does someone else have a source online that we can read like LJ?
last edited over a year ago