Hugh & Lisa Huli Fanfiction Contest!

Noeloe posted on Nov 21, 2009 at 06:00PM
Hey! A while ago I made a pick to see if you would like a fanfiction contest and as some of you said yes I thought it would be nice to do one! So I present to you...

The Huli Holiday Fanfiction Contest!

The Contest

Write a one-shot with a holiday theme & a certain genre you pick from the ones below.


1. New Years (2x)
2. Valentine's day (1x)
3. Easter
4. 4th of July
5. Halloween (1x)
6. Thanksgiving (1x)
7. Hanukkah
8. Christmas (2x)


1. Adventure (1x)
2. Angst/Comfort
3. Drama
4. Fantasy
5. Friendship (2x)
6. Family
7. Humor (1x)
8. Horror
9. Romance (1x)
10. Supernatural
11. Tragedy (1x)
12. Valleygirl style (1x)

1. One holiday can only be chosen by a maximum of two contestants.
2. One genre can only be chosen by a maximum of two contestants.
4. The combination of a holiday & a genre must be unique!
5. The One-shot must contain between 666 and 6666 words.


All One-shot's should be ready at December 25th

I'll make a schedule for posting, so we don't post all at the same day and drag the fun out a little;)

The Winner!

When all the fics are posted I'll make three picks:
1. Best Story over all WON BY HUDDYISLOVE!
2. Best written story WON BY HUDDYISLOVE!
3. The story containing the Huliest Holiday WON BY LILLY!

SO SIGN UP! And let's have some very nice huli one-shots for the holidays!


Hughlisalove: New Years + Valleygirl style
Tabbyhearts: Valentine's Day + Friendship
Huddyislove: Halloween + Humor
Livethislifeup: Christmas + Tragedy
Noeloe: Christmas + Adventure
Lilly: Thanksgiving + Friendship
HuddyBrave: New Years + Romance


I think it's nice to start with X-mas and end with New Years so...

25th or 26th: Livethislifeup link
26th or 27th: Noeloe link
27th or 28th: Tabbyhearts link
28th or 29th: Huddyislove link
29th or 30th: Hughlisalove link
30th or 31th: Lilly link
31th or 1th: HuddyBrave link

I gave all of you 2 days so that if you can't post on one day you can post the other;) If both dates are inconvenient, tell me:)
last edited on Jan 10, 2010 at 09:58AM

Hugh & Lisa 46 replies

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over a year ago Kaddison said…
Argh, why hasn't anybody joined the contest yet? We've got so many talented hulis around here, there MUST be one or five people around that can make up a nice huli one-shoot?!

Too bad, it's just a one-shot contest, or I'd enter with 'Mistletoe and Wine' since that pretty much drained me out of Holiday ideas :D
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
haven't seen that before! Time is to 23th. Please peeps! Sing in to this! There are so many goo fanfic writers!!! Please! Hilly,Xza, Lilly, (Kris - can you take part in it too?) ;-) and other fanfic writers please!!!! XD I can sign up to just to ecurage you guys!! Kaddison - you should write one shot and take part in it too!
over a year ago Noeloe said…
hey guys! Please join!! It'll be fun! I promise! I could even extend the date with like 2 days so we have till X-mas day! Wouldn't that be nice? Giving each other a Huli-fic for Christmas?

And I will definitely take part in it (that is if I'm not the only one XD) And Alex I think you should join! :) You'll amaze yourself;)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
So I officialy signing in :-) So we are 2 Kris! :-) GUYS COME ONE! Sing in too!!!

My pic is:
New Years & Valleygirl style (+ little Romance as it's Huli fic)

Is it ok?
over a year ago tabbyhearts said…
Valentine Day and Friendship. :) I'm gonna even put Dark Road (my major Huddy/Luddy fic right now) on a few days hold so I can get idea. :)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
Great! So we 3 contestants now. Guys! I know you wanna join! Come on!
over a year ago Noeloe said…
YAY!:D Alex & tabbyhearts I signed you up!:D Thank you so much!:D I'll sign myself up tomorrow (have to think about a combination;))

Also gave you 2 days of extra time:)
over a year ago huddyislove said…
Put me in for Halloween, Humor! ;)
over a year ago livethislifeup said…
Tragedy/CHRISTMAS :) Sounds weird yes?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Okay I'm up.. :) angst just as the new year starts sounds kinda sad but I'm up to take it. :)
over a year ago playingcold said…
My English is not so good to write a fanfiction (I've tried and I've failed :D) but I'm supporting the contest and I hereby promise I will read every single story! :)))
over a year ago Noeloe said…
I added you guys! :D
@ Playingcold that's okay you can help us pick a winner at the end;)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
Nice! so 6 contestants XD hope new ones will join too!
over a year ago playingcold said…
@ Noeloe - yaaaaaaay! of course I will help :D
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Hey guys... I can't believe I am saying this but I think I'm going to back out. There's this stupid big test coming up and another nightmare-worth project going with it.

Sad to say, I can't come and join anymore. It'll be better to give my slot to someone who have a lot of free time to come up with a great story. Thanks for the invitation anyway. :)
over a year ago Noeloe said…
O noo! :( I'm so sorry you're backing out... Maybe next time?
Anyways good luck on your test & project!
over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Yes I promise I'll join and never back out next time. Thanks for the good lucks and I also promise I'll drop by and read the fanfics that will be posted. :)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
So, yeah... Kris :-) I finished my one shot fanfic. I just need to read this few more times and make some improvements. I want ask you, when possibly I could post it? Can I do it now? or should I wait till 25th when everybody will finish their fanics and than you'll make schedule? :-)
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Hey! Wow! That's great! I'll make a schedule tomorrow, so we have something to read during the holidays:)
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
I'm so excited :D
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Schedule is up!:D
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
Nice!!! :D
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
Cool :-) I guess both dates works for me. Is there a still place for one more contestant? I still hope that Lilly__ will sign in. She told me that she looks for inspirations ;-) Hope she'll find it!
over a year ago tabbyhearts said…
Is it possible I could get a different date? I'm heading to NYC on the 28th in the early morning (5am!) and don't know if our friend has internet access (or if I'll get a laptop).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Hey guys! Sorry I didn't respond earlier had to work extra shifts in the ER ;)

@ Tabbyhearts I switched you with huddyislove, so you can post the 27th:)

@ Hughlisalove Of course Lilly can still sign in if she wants too! I could give her 30th & 31th...:)
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Sorry i won't be here... I am going on vacation but I can't wait to read all of your amazing fics when I return
over a year ago tabbyhearts said…
Thanks. :)
over a year ago Noeloe said…
I hope you'll write something! If you can you could post yours the 31th? That gives you a week:) Thank you anyways, and I think we'll do this kind of thing again;) Good luck with work!:)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
I just can't wait to see those fics! XD Today first one yeah? I hope nobody forget ;-)
over a year ago playingcold said…
I'm so excited too! :)))
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Today is supposed to be the first one! But you know what, as I know Tabbyhearts is going to post tomorrow and my dates are today & tomorrow I'm going to post mine right now!
over a year ago HuddyBrave said…
I will do one! If you want me to...It sounds like fun! :)a new years eve one...sounds great! What a great idea!
over a year ago Noeloe said…
That would be nice! You can post 31th or 1th! So New Years + ? Just tell me and I'll add you to the schedule!
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over a year ago huddyislove said…
Oh, please, Noe, post link up there^^^^
so everyone could see the fics,
I'm afraid they're gonna be lost in all those other non-contest fics :P
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Done! ^^
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Hey! I added you! You can see your dates in the headpost:)
over a year ago HuddyBrave said…
Sure I would love to! :)
over a year ago Noeloe said…
@HuddyBrave, I added you to the schedule in the headpost. You picked New Years as your holiday, but you didn't pick a genre yet, will you please tell me so I can add that too? Thanks for joining!:)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
Yeah! 7 contestants! Sweet! :-)
over a year ago huddyislove said…
Posted mine :))))

over a year ago HugeEgoSorry said…
Guys.. I know this is kinda early but here I am to already bow my heads to you for a job well done! :) I love all the stories and I'll continue the upcoming ones.. :)

over a year ago hughlisalove said…
My entry for contest -> link

Agree with HES. As far all FFs are really GOOD!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Belle0308 said…
I don't usually (yes...I have said it a million times) read fanfiction. my time of extreme Huddy/Huli emptiness, I have had a blast reading these. What totally talented people!!! GREAT job!!
over a year ago Noeloe said…
The picks are up so people get voting! I hope you enjoyed this contest as much as I did!:)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
I really enjoyed this contest and reading all those awesome stories :-) I think we should do it again in future! :-) Kris that was really good idea (I know I said it tousand times ;-)
over a year ago HuddyBrave said…
You guys wrote so well! :) I love you all! Eventhough your going to kick my butt lol :D