Hugh & Lisa HuLi FF Challenge Forum

rue0613 posted on Sep 02, 2010 at 11:46AM
Hello fellow sinners! This idea came to ma after realizing at we are starting to get to each others necks so I thought how about lets play a little game!
It's called HuLi FF Challenge!!!
Rules: (edited)
Okay, when you post here you can be a "Challenger" (the person who takes the challenge) or a "Reactor" (a person who only wants to comment)

Challenge - Hugh gives Lisa her morning coffee, at House set.

"Morning," Hugh greeted, making his way to the set chairs.
"Mornin'," Lisa smiled, then she yawned.
"Had your coffee yet?" Hugh asked as he sat down.
Lisa frowned, "Not yet, I came here pretty late."
He nodded once then handed his cup to Lisa, then he smiled, "take a sip."
Lisa shook her head, "No Hugh it's yours..."
"Please," He took her hand and placed the coffee there. He leaned down then whispered to her ear, "since I can't kiss you, let's kiss at my cup."
Lisa blushed. Hugh stood up straight, then winked at Lisa.
"Hey Hugh where are you going?" called David.
"Getting my coffee..."

There... Now I get to challenge someone...
So the person who took a challenge can give the "challenge" to the next person. Hence, if you're only going to comment, you are not allowed to give the next "challenge".

What if two people took the challenge at the same time?
1.) If they posted the same time (like they both wrote they mini FF at the same time), the next "Challenger" can choose which challenge to take.
2.) The challenge will be first come first serve and NO Repetitions. Which means, once the challenge has already been taken, it's taken, you have to wait for the next one.

If I may add... You can announce that you will be the person who will take the challenge so no one can write about it, and just wait until you post your mini FF.

Also, make your challenge simple, nothing too complicated.
I know the idea's a bit crazy but, why won't we try and stretch our writing skills! I hope everyone joins!

So my challenge will be, Lisa and Hugh having a conversation inside the car, as they go to the grocery...

last edited on Sep 03, 2010 at 10:23AM

Hugh & Lisa 391 replies

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over a year ago hughlisalove said…
Sorry, I'm a bit lost, probably language barier and I don't get it... can you try to explain it agian? Challenges? Recators? Pls.

It seems like a good fun but I think I don't understand it correctly. Thx in advance for taking time to explain it again.
over a year ago rue0613 said…
big smile
Edited!!! I added a but more...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
Got it now! Thx!!! :-) Really great idea!
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Nice idea!

Here you go:

‘Let me just look at this shopping list you made…’, Lisa almost begged as Hugh drove them to the grocery store.
‘Why? So you can correct some proper British words into American slang?’
‘Yes, mac & cheese definitely sounds too British for me, just give it to me, please?’
‘Alright…’, Hugh dug into his pocket and handed her the small list, ‘But I don’t know why you need it, when you apparently already know what is on it.’
Lisa sighed and closed her eyes, ‘This… this is what we’re going to eat all week?’
Hugh blushed, he knew Lisa wouldn’t approve, that’s why he hadn’t given her the list in the first place. He should have never agreed to go grocery shopping with her.
‘6 pounds of macaroni, 1 bottle of ketchup, cheese and cucumber…’, Lisa sighed again.
‘It tastes pretty good you know.’, Hugh tried.
‘Yeah.. well… there’s no way I’m eating… well this for the next 6 days.’, Lisa said.
‘But… we agreed that I would cook this week, so you can relax when we come back from work for once…’, Hugh pouted.
‘O Hugh, I know and it’s really sweet, but… I don’t think I would be very relaxed eating all the mac and cheese in LA in 6 days.’
‘So now what…?’, Hugh asked as they arrived at the parking lot next to the grocery store, ‘I don’t really know how to make anything else.’
‘I guess we could order in? I know some pretty good places and so do you…’, Lisa said now looking directly into Hugh’s blue eyes as he had turned to face her.
Hugh nodded. ‘And maybe you could …. do desert…’, she licked her lips and winked.
‘Mmmm, I do like desert… ’, Hugh said as he pushed a button which blinded the windows and pulled Lisa into his lap. Lisa smiled and looked at him questioningly.
‘I just thought… I could also do appetizers.’, Hugh blushed as Lisa giggled and crashed her lips down on his.

Next challenge: Lisa teaching Hugh yoga.
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
Ok, so let me try...

BTW Kristin I miss your fanfics!!! This one was really nice.

'So this is it. My first yoga lesson.' said Hugh still not convinced if this is good idea.
'Yep, and mine first as a teacher. It will be all fine. So let's sit and start from teaching you proper breathing. Slowly breath in and breath out the air. Relax and try not to think about anything.' Lisa started her lecture.
'It's kind of hard not to think when I'm around you. So many thoughts running through my head.' Hugh winked at Lisa.
'What thoughts? Am I really that distracting?'
'You know the answer. So... maybe we will skip this breathing lesson and we will move straight away to 'angry squirrel pose'?' said he with big smile.
Lisa grined widely and sudectively answered: 'Angry squirrel pose is award for good students, give your best during lesson and we will practice 'squirrel' later on. Anyway, we don't have necessary equiplment here like f.e. bed!'.
'I always carry mine equipment with me, if you know what I mean' he said and winked again.

Next challange: Hugh and Lisa coming back in limo from some kind of event.
over a year ago anonymously said…
OMG, Noeloe is back??
ok, now I need to read
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
"Emmy traffic is backed up miles down the freeway," someone was shouting in the distance. "If ever there was a time to go green and limo-pool, this is it! Casts, crew, please do your parts..."

"Backed up--"

"Listen, wait, is that yours over there--" Lisa pointed to a driver waving at Hugh from down the street. Hugh sighed in relief and took her arm, trying to lead her through the crowds.

"We're going to the same party," he muttered. "Your car is God only knows where. Come on. Save the world--"

"Share a limo!" They chorused, and Hugh's face broke into a rare grin.

Lisa's lips turned up ever so slightly as she followed him into the car, closing the door securely. He always did hate awards shows...

Outside, dusk was falling fast and the scenery was creeping by at a snail's pace as the driver attempted to maneuver through the tangled snarl of award ceremony traffic. The partition between the luxurious back seats and the chauffer was up. The seats were comfortable... and spacious. The atmosphere relaxed. Finally...

"I can't believe you finally won."

The gold statue rocked slightly on the corner seat as the limo took a slow corner.

"It is unbelievable, isn't it?"

"What's unbelievable is that it TOOK so long."

A hand slowly sidled over the seat cushion until it encountered smooth, silky skin.

"Where in the world am I going to put it?"

Warm lips finally made contact with the skin of her throat and she leaned back, moaning softly and lifting her hand to the back of his head in encouragement.

"I'll contract a large display case for you... as there will certainly be many more joining it soon." Intense, darkened eyes met and locked, and Hugh's voice rasped throatily as he leaned down to kiss her deeply. "Congratulations, Lisa."


HAHA! Next challenge: Hugh and Lisa meet unexpectedly somewhere in Canada while filming the pilot
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anonymously said…
Yay, Huli in Canada! XD
OMG, the twist, LISA WON :D
I love this project @rue, I won't try because I can't write but I'm enjoying the reading very much!
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
Dear anon:

Pish tosh. Utter nonsense. Someone please write something as I refuse to do two in a row lmao
over a year ago anonymously said…
TRUST me, you do not want me to try!! haha, what a disaster that would be!
over a year ago rue0613 said…
Challenge: Hugh and Lisa meet unexpectedly somewhere in Canada while filming the pilot

He couldn't believe it, Hugh stared at his suitcase and found no underwear. He knew he packed enough for it to last for at least two weeks. He sighed, not only he was in a place he was not completely familiar with but the utter shame or running out of underwear.
He grabbed his old underwear, with disgust, then his clean clothes, then made his way out of his hotel room. Once he was at the busy street of Vancouver, he took for a possible place were he can buy what he needed. He walked for thirty minutes but found none, then he remembered, he passed by a woman's lingerie store. He groan, fine, he thought, he made his way back, and found the store.
"Good afternoon sir," greeted the saleslady, "are you here to buy something in particular?"
Hugh sighed, "yes actually..."
The saleslady smiled, "Is it for your girlfriend sir?"
He groaned, "well actually, I need something for me..."
The saleslady eyebrows roused, then she smiled knowingly. Hugh rolled his eyes, "I'm not gay," he said immediately, "I just run out of underwear."
She saleslady cleared her throat, "I'm sorry sir..."
Hugh shoulders fell, "can you just give me one of your... men's clothing...?" he pleaded.
"Hugh?" called a woman's voice.
No... Hugh thought, he knew who that voice came from, slowly he turned around, Lisa Edelstein holding a black... lacy thing in her fingers, her face with shock, "Hey Lisa," he smiled weakly.
Lisa approach him, "what are you doing here?"
"Buying something...?" Hugh said with a joking voice.
"Something for your wife?" Lisa asked with a smile.
Hugh shook his head tiredly, "actually for me, run out of underwear."
Lisa laughed softly, "and you're buying it here?"
Hugh rolled his eyes, but smiled, "I can't find anywhere else to."
Suddenly a mischievous grin went to Lisa's lips, "want some help choosing."
Hugh laughed out loud, "as long as its not like that," point at her hands.
"Don't worry, I'll pick something from the kids section."
Lisa turned, and went to the men's section, Hugh stayed and waited for her. She returned holding three cotton plain black boxers, "Here you go," she gave them to him.
"You're a life saver," Hugh smiled.
They went together to the cashier and paid for their purchases. They left the store together, "Again, thanks," said Hugh, "whoever will see you wearing that," pointing at her paper bag, "is a lucky guy."
She smiled, "thank you..."
They went to there separate ways, I wish I was that guy... thought Hugh, he shook his head... He then smiled...

LOL... thanks so much for participating gal!!!
@ mav - sorry for the late "post"... had an all nighter last night... work work work... XD
NEXT CHALLENGE: Hugh's staying overnight at Lisa's place, but he forgot his toothbrush... what will he do?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
I won't try writing a mini fic (yet) but this is SO MUCH FUN!!!
over a year ago rue0613 said…
@ PC - Oh come on PC!!! Take my challenge!!! WRITE WOMAN!!! XD
over a year ago playingcold said…
XD IF nobody takes your challenge, I'll do it. But I prefer to wait. I don't have time right now :)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
@PC so I hope you don't mind I'm taking @rue challange ;-) You can take mnie though! Pls try!

They stormed to the Lisa's place kissing passionately. It was just few hours after they finaly admitt how they feel foreward e.o. As the situation was developing Hugh suddenly breaked off kiss.
'I need to use bathroom' said he.
'Sure, you know where is it'
'I'll join you in a minute'
But instead of going to bathroom he left Lisa's place through back doors.
After 10 minutes Lisa was little worried so she went to check if Hugh is still in bathroom. She didn't even know how to describe feeling that hit her the momment she found out that Hugh just like insecure adolescent boy left her without the word. Suddenly she heared door bell so she came to open door and there he was, Hugh standing with devilish grin on his face and showing her new toothbrush in his hand
'I realised I forgot my toothbrush, so I went to buy one. I guess it will be handy to have one at your place now when I'll spend here lots of nights'

I know, that was lame...

Anyway, next challange: Lisa and Hugh arriving before time on Jesee's wedding rehersal, big misunderstood and priest take them for couple to be married soon. Will they play along?
over a year ago rue0613 said…
big smile
@ HLL - sorry I'll be the one taking your challenge... Hehehe... @ PC you can take mine again if you want.

Challange: Lisa and Hugh arriving before time on Jesee's wedding rehersal, big misunderstood and priest take them for couple to be married soon. Will they play along?

"Hey," Hugh called out.
"Hey!" Lisa said as Hugh approached her. It was Jesse's wedding rehearsal, and of course, in their stay in House, it wasn't surprising the two of them got invited to join the entourage.
"I didn't expect to see you here," said Hugh.
"Yeah, I came too early," nodded Lisa.
"Nice church," commented Hugh as he looked at the building before him.
Lisa nodded in agreement, "So have you seen the new script?" she then asked him.
They continued to talk about the script for the next episode, it wasn't a man interrupted them.
"Excuse me," asked the man.
"Yes?" Hugh answered.
The man smiled, "I'm reverent Colebert, you must be Mr. Spencer?"
Hugh's eyes widened in shock.
The man chuckled, "Don't worry sir... I've been doing this for the past twenty years, you're in good hands."
"I'm not..." Hugh started.
"Yes?" the reverent asked in confusion.
Lisa then placed her hand at Hugh's arm, then smiled at the reverent, "We were just admiring the church."
Hugh then looked at Lisa amusingly, the wicked smile went to his lips.
"Why won't I show you around?" asked Colebert to them. They nodded in agreement.
They allow the reverent to walk a head of them, Hugh leaned down and whispered to Lisa ear, "What are we doing?"
"Just play along," Lisa said with a grin.
Colebert turned to look at them, "Why won't be practice some parts of the wedding?" he suggested happily.
"Sure," they said at the same time.
Hugh then made his way at the end of the aisle, as Lisa made her way to it's entrance. Colebert then nodded towards Lisa, she slowly made her way to Hugh. Their eyes lock, they smiled lovingly to each other. Finally she reached him. Hugh held out his hand and Lisa earnestly took it.
Colebert smiled at them, "what lines would you want to practice Mr. Spencer?"
Lisa looked at Hugh eagerly, "Hmmm," he smirked, "how about the 'I do' parts? Is that okay?" he asked Lisa.
She nodded, the reverent cleared his throat, "Do you..." he then looked at Lisa.
"Errrmmm, Lisa," Lisa said.
Colebert nodded, "Lisa take..." he looked at Hugh.
"Hugh," Hugh happy informed.
"... Hugh, to be your lawfully wedded husband..."
They looked at each other.
"... to have and to hold..."
Lisa then reached out and caressed Hugh's cheek.
"... to love and to cherish, until dead do you part?"
"I do," Lisa said with a brilliant smile.
"And you Hugh," said Colebert to Hugh, "Do you take Lisa," Hugh held Lisa's hand tighter, "to have and to hold... to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"
"I do," Hugh said solemnly.
Colebert smiled at them, "How about you try your wedding kiss..."
They smiled at the reverent, they nodded.
"You may kiss your bride..." Colebert said to Hugh.
Hugh then wrapped his arms around Lisa, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned down... down... they can feel each other's breaths...
"Sorry I'm late!" called Jesse.
Immediately they untangled their hold to each other, Jesse looked at them with a knowing smile.
Colebert smiled at Hugh, "Well Mr. Laurie, you better call me when the real thing happens."

Apologies for any mistakes...
NEXT CHALLENGE: Hugh and Lisa had a petty fight, how will they reconcile?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BoHouse_ said…
haha guys you are so awesome!
I'm only reading( for now!)
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
@rue hey, just wanted to let you know that Hilly is huddyislove, I'm hughlisalove ;-) ppl used to call me last yr here Al or Alex, u can also use 'HLL' if you want :-) BTW nice way to play out my challange :D
over a year ago rue0613 said…
@ HLL/Al/Alex - *bows* *bows* *bows* I'm sorry, I thought that was your nick name... *goes to edit stupid mistakes*
Thanks, love yours too... as Cuddy said, "PLOT TWIST!!!" LOL...
Who's next??? Are you gonna take my challenge? XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hughlisalove said…
@rue hehe, no worries, me and Hilly have really similar usernames so it's easy to make a mistake. Hope soon more FF writers will join this thread. Tis is FUN!
over a year ago rue0613 said…
big smile
@ tammy - *applause* you did great sweetie! They didn't really fight but I do see that frustration, it's great! Maybe just edit the " because they're kinda off, other than that it's wonderful! Love that Hugh opened up himself to Lisa...
"Sometimes I just don't know what I am doing. I want the emmy. I want them to acknowledge this show, this cast, these writers and me. I just..."
YEAH!!! Love that line!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Hope this is okay?;)

‘So there’s nothing new in your life?’, Robert asked Hugh as he had done every Wednesday night since Christmas. ‘Nope… not really.’, Hugh answered as he sipped his beer. ‘O, well I guess it isn’t all that new then…’, Robert mumbled as he couldn’t believe Hugh still hadn’t told him anything about what was going on between him and Lisa. Ever since he caught the two of them making out on the House Christmas party he had been wanting for Hugh to tell him. With September already having arrived, he decided it was time for something a little more drastic than his weekly question at their man-night, which basically existed of 3 beers, some snacks and watching sports. And they didn’t even like watching sports.

‘Something new with you?’, Hugh asked. ‘Well, kind of… actually.’, Robert said. Hugh looked at him questioningly. ‘I kind of think I fell in love with someone…’, Robert added. Hugh’s face turned serious. ‘Wha-… how.. who?’ ‘Well you know how there have been very intimate scenes this season and well…’ ‘You fell in love with Sam, ehh what’s her name again?’, Hugh asked half in shock. ‘No, not her, but… you know everytime I see you and.. well Lisa together I can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy.’, at this Hugh’s eyes almost popped out of his head. Robert had fallen in love with Lisa, his Lisa? ‘Please tell me you’re jealous of Lisa and you’re in love with me.’, Hugh said this time completely in shock. ‘Well as appealing as you look, not exactly…’, Robert answered, having a hard time keeping himself from laughing out loud.

‘You’re in love with Lisa?!’, Hugh asked. Robert barely nodded before Hugh responded, ‘You can’t be in love with Lisa! You can’t!’ ‘Why not?’, Robert asked, faking innocence. ‘Because! Because she’s Lisa, she’s… she’s…’ ‘Yeah she’s Lisa, she’s sexy, smart, funny…’ ‘She’s mine!’, Hugh finally yelled in frustration. ‘Finally.’, Robert smirked. ‘Liz is my girl and you ca-‘, Hugh ranted before his brain registered Roberts remark and expression. ‘What?’, Hugh asked astounded. ‘I saw you guys making out at the Christmas party 9 months ago, it was about time…’, Robert smirked as Hugh blushed. ‘You getting a divorce?’, Robert asked as he threw Hugh a beer. ‘Ye-yeah…, it’s almost finalized.’, Hugh said opening his beer. ‘Hmmm… you happy with her?’ Hugh nodded and smiled dreamily, ‘I couldn’t be happier. She’s amazing.’ Robert nodded, ‘That she sure is…’ Hugh frowned at Robert, ‘Just for the record, you aren’t really in love with her, are you?’ Robert smirked and decided to tease his friend once more, ‘Took you 9 months to confess it to me, what makes you think I would tell you anytime sooner?’

Next challenge: Hugh taking care of Lisa, as she captured some illness
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
‘Please tell me you’re jealous of Lisa and you’re in love with me.’

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D That was great, @Noeloe! I'm happy that you're back!
over a year ago Noeloe said…
Thnx!:) And yeah, I guess I'm a little bit back:) I don't have much time on my hands, so I can't write a lot of new fics or finish up my old ones (which I'm silently trying btw!, but I don't want to disappoint you guys again with another unfinished fic so...) Anyway... I can do these little fics!:)
over a year ago anonymously said…
I want to comment on each fic and you all wrote so many while I was gone!
So: I LOVED the idea of Huli buying underware, in my lovely Canada no less. The images that left in my mind XD!
and this last line "Colebert smiled at Hugh, "Well Mr. Laurie, you better call me when the real thing happens." " Priceless, and the fact that you described Jesse as having a 'knowing look' haha

OMG, the Hugh-Robert one, AMAZING!! loved absolutely all of it! especially
‘Please tell me you’re jealous of Lisa and you’re in love with me.’
and ‘Took you 9 months to confess it to me, what makes you think I would tell you anytime sooner?’
haha, epic!

You ladies are amazing!
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
CHALLENGE: Hugh taking care of Lisa, as she captured some illness

Lisa leaned her head against the bathroom wall of her trailer, squinting at her watch. Her head was pounding, her vision blurry. Every time she stood up the room spun and tilted and--

God, what was that thudding? And why wouldn't it stop already?

Collapsing against the wall, she made her crooked way to the door, finally twisting the knob and giving it a feeble push outward to reveal her co-star.

"Lisa? My God--" Hugh took one giant step forward and caught her up in his arms just before her legs finished their rubbery descent toward the floor.

"Hugh..." she opened her eyes slightly. "God, you're gorgeous..."

"What?" Hauling her into his right arm, Hugh felt her forehead with his left hand as the door swung closed behind him. "Lisa, you're burning up."

"I'm on FIRE..." she slurred, swinging her arm around his neck and reaching up to kiss his neck sloppily. "BURNING with desire..."

"Lord almightty..." Hugh rolled his eyes, half-carrying and half-dragging his co-star toward the couch. "You are out of your mind with fever, is what you are."

"NOT out of my mind," Lisa smiled goofily at him, touching his face. "I know who you are. You're Hugh. I love you..."

"Yes, I love you too you insane woman," Hugh said, humoring her as he laid her down with her head on a pillow. "Anything else you'd like to get off your chest before your fever breaks and you are completely humiliated?"

"Not gonna be humil--humul--hullum--not gonna CARE--" Lisa insisted, taking hold of Hugh's collar and yanking him down onto the couch with her before he could brace himself. Her lips were blazing hot against his, and Hugh caught his breath as his brain attempted to catch up to her sudden wanton actions.

"Lisa!" He suddenly sprang up off the couch as her hand wandered down his back to grab at his buttocks.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?" She moaned, rolling over and burying her face in the pillow. "I'm sick, leave me alone."

"No kidding." Hugh sat gingerly next to her and began to run his hand up and down her back, soothing her into a restless sleep. "Come on. A little rest, maybe your fever will abate..."

"Stay..." The word was half-swallowed up by the fabric of the pillow, but Hugh knew exactly what she was saying.

"I'm not going anywhere, Lis," he whispered, still massaging her shoulder blades. As the tension finally began to seep out of her body, Hugh raised a hand to touch his lips, closing his eyes and trying to forget the stirrings that had risen within him just moments ago...

When she woke up... they were going to have a very serious talk.


Next Challenge: Hugh and Lisa partaking of some sort of sportish activity
over a year ago anonymously said…
maverick, you're amazing.
this, all the new promos, this night is just incredible!
over a year ago playingcold said…
@mav -- "sportish activity"??????
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
lol YES pc, sportish! Was trying not to be too specific. Some kind of extracurricular activity... Anyone remember the scene where Mulder teaches Scully to play baseball? All right then. :)
over a year ago playingcold said…
big smile
Okay, I'll take @mav's challenge!!!

- Lisa, I don't think that's a good idea...
- Hugh, don't start it again!
- Okay, I just... I think I'm too old for it. And I don't have the skills.
- You can't be too old for it. And you have everything you need for it. *eyeing him*
- If you say soo... *sighs*
- I say so.
- And since how long are you doing it?
- I was a late bloomer. I started it when I was 14.
- Late bloomer?
- Yeah. But I've learned the basics very fast and now I'm a master.
- Well, I could imagine... Why do you want me to participate? You can do it alone...
- I could and it is fun to do it alone but it is so much fun do it with somebody else. So we can share the fun.
- I bet. Okay, let's get started. Do we need a protection?
- At the start, yes. Later, when you're more experienced, we can do it without those. They are kinda distracting.
- I don't like them on my body...
- Me neither... So. Are you ready, Hugh?
- Yes. Ok, world! I'm going to roller skate!!!

Wow, that was so much fun!!! Now, here is my challenge:
Hugh and Lisa watching 'A Bit Of Fry and Laurie' together
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anonymously said…
@PC!!! I love how you were jerking us around the whole time XD and your challenge sounds really fun!
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
I hereby challenge anon to take that challenge... A) because I've never seen Fry and Laurie (ducks flying produce) and 2) because I won't be home from belated birthday dinner until late and someone needs to write something to cheer me up at that time : /

come along now anon, you're witty and funny and a huligan--what more could we need?
over a year ago playingcold said…
@anon -- thank you!!! :D jerking around was my plan ;)
over a year ago anonymously said…
I've only watched a few Frye and Laurie clips, someone who knows more should take that challenge.

I think I'll stop commenting and hide in a corner to avoid @mav's challenge XD
over a year ago playingcold said…
@anon -- You don't have to be an ABOFAL-expert. A few clips are more than enough ;)

I'll wait some time, I hope there will be somebody who knows "Fry and Laurie". If nobody takes the challenge, if it's to hard, I will change it ;)
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
Nonononono pc it's called a challenge for a reason! I can fake it out, I just won't have my computer until late tonight.


*pokes stick into random corners*
over a year ago playingcold said…
Okay, I'll wait patiently! ;)
over a year ago anonymously said…
@mav. you won't FIND me XD
over a year ago rue0613 said…
Sheeezzzz... I want to take the challenge (because I'm a huge A Bit of Fry & Laurie fan)!!! BUT I want @ anon to write... So I won't... :-P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HLforever said…
Haha I've been lurking here for awhile and as I read all the posts I finally thought that maybe I could contribute a fic, but I refuse to take @anon's challenge!!! You can do it, we believe in you :)
over a year ago anonymously said…
@rue please do it I'm not actually going to do it. not this one at least MAYBE later, but don't hold your breath!
so please, do it I'm sure it's gonna be awesome!
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
oh please someone take it, I can't stay awake any longer and I would have to LEARN about Fry and Laurie before I could write this one! Rue please take it, we'll gang up on anon another day... she won't know when it's coming and she won't know how it's coming... but it's coming... *evilest grin*
over a year ago anonymously said…
I appreciate your efforts but you DO realize you actually have NO way of making me do this.
I promise to consider it...but like I said don't hold your breath, believe it or not I don't really have much imagination, and thinking about Huli makes me uncomfortable sometimes lol.
anyways. come on RUE don't sleep, write!
over a year ago maverickangel35 said…
*plots evil things to do to anon in her sleep...*

in all seriousness, I promise, we're not really pressuring you... just pick a nice easy challenge some time and give it a shot--it's so much fun once you get started! or, just continue to amuse the bejesus out of us with your comments :)
over a year ago rue0613 said…
Fine... I'm taking it... *currently writing* give me 15-30 minutes...
over a year ago rue0613 said…
Challenge: Hugh and Lisa watching 'A Bit Of Fry and Laurie' together


It was a quiet Saturday evening, Hugh and Lisa Laurie had a long day, shooting their very first big screen film together. Two years into they marriage, they still get over the fact that they were, indeed married.
Hugh sat on the dirty white sofa at their living room, lulling scotch in his hand. "Lis," he called out to the empty, "have you picked a movie?"
Suddenly, wearing just her lacy cream nighties, Lisa approached him with a mischievous smile, her hands behind her. Hugh roused an eyebrow.
"I know that look," he accused.
"Look what I found," she held her hands at front, where she held a DVD case.
"No..." Hugh groaned, "not that... please..."
Lisa smiled happily, "Oh, why not, dear?"
Hugh rolled his eyes, "You know how much I hate seeing myself... acting..."
Lisa chuckled, "please..."
Hugh shook his head, placed his scotch at the coffee table, then crossed his arms, "No," he abolished.
With a saucy smile, she slowly climb his lap then wrap her arms around his neck, "Please," she whispered.
"You are not playing fair!" Hugh accused, his arms still folded.
Lisa leaned down and licked his lips, then said, "Please... please baby..." she muttered sexily on his lips, "for me..."
Hugh sighed, then wrapped his arms around Lisa, "Fine..." he groaned, "you win."
Lisa smiled triumphantly at him then, walked, well almost run to the entertainment system, and put the DVD in.
With a defeated look in his face, Hugh watched her the whole time, admiring her butt. Lisa made her way back to Hugh and sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Suddenly the opening music, of the first season of A Bit of Fry & Laurie, echoed in their living room. Hugh hid his face on her hair.
Hugh tired his best not to look at the TV screen, but he greatly enjoyed Lisa laughing beside him, almost to tears, then she gasp and point a finger at the monitor.
"You didn't!" she looked at him, amusingly.
Hugh looked at the screen and found a younger him, wearing a woman's dress, with make-up on.
Lisa laughed out loud, struggling out of his embrace, Hugh again groaned.
A chipmunk voice then sang, "Hey Jude don't make it bad..."
Lisa laughed out again, "I can't believe that's you," staring at the monitor.
Hugh plugged his index fingers on his ears, eyes shut, chatting, "Lalalalalalala..."
Lisa kept on watching, she looked at Hugh and smiled adoringly. She doesn't see that much side of him, the comedian, but after she watching him doing so, she loved him more. She paused the video, then climbed Hugh's lap again.
With an annoyed yet happy look, Hugh looked at her.
"You're wonderful," Lisa whispered on his lips.
"Ditto," Hugh sighed.
Lisa chuckled, "oh, I found another DVD..."
Hugh groaned, "I think I already know what you found..."
"What's Blackadder?"
"You will never know," Hugh kissed her so passionately, that Lisa forgot to continue what she was watching.

(edit: Here's the Hey Jude video!!!)

NEXT CHALLENGE: Hugh's thoughts while Lisa gave him the poll dance.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anonymously said…
YAY!! Rue is writing!! XD
@mav, I don't even write for myself, I kinda hate it actually it's always been kind of a drag, I was never really good in school with everything that required writing. And I'm so intimidated by all of you talented people!!
But I am keeping an open mind!
thanks for 'not' pressuring me lol. and I will sleep with an eye open tonight!
over a year ago anonymously said…
big smile
XD, rue!
my smile just kept growing and growing as I was reading XD
I don't like the 'married' thing but otherwise it was super!
love you!
over a year ago rue0613 said…
@ anon - Sorry about the married part, I was so clueless how to start the challenge, that I just kept on writing whatever until I got my rhythm... And you take someone's challenge soon!!! (XD)
But I hope you liked it though... XD
over a year ago anonymously said…
dude, don't apologize, it's just me and my mind there are some thing I like less even if it's fanFICTION I like some things to be real. but seriously that was just a tiny detail. I LOVED the rest!!
so, yeah, don't you dare apologize