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Jacob and Bella Question

Why do you think Bella might be better off with Jacob? Why not?

Try to avoid respones like "edward is better.." and try to say things like why jacob isn't good for Bella. Or the other way around:)
 edanielle04 posted over a year ago
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Jacob and Bella Answers

gingaqueen said:
Jacob is very sweet and would be great for bella because he allows her to have an adventure and protects her at the same time, unlike edward because her over-protects her and doesn't give her enough space! Also he does have a temper but from bella's vision with them together with kids i am sure that wouldnt be a problem because he wouldnt have anything to get angry about. Also he is waaaaay better looking than edward! I think if edward had died in italy by the volturi bella would of had a fantastic life with jacob but i suppose there would alawys be somthing missing because she would not be able to get over edward. She does love jacob; but she likes edward better and even though i want to do somthing about it; i cant.
P.S I'm sorry i couldnt find a hotter picture of jacob on my computer so i used this smiley one!
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Jacob is very sweet and would be great for bella because he allows her to have an adventure and protects her at the same time, unlike edward because her over-protects her and doesn't give her enough space! Also he does have a temper but from bella's vision with them together with kids i am sure that wouldnt be a problem because he wouldnt have anything to get angry about. Also he is waaaaay better looking than edward! I think if edward had died in italy by the volturi bella would of had a fantastic life with jacob but i suppose there would alawys be somthing missing because she would not be able to get over edward. She does love jacob; but she likes edward better and even though i want to do somthing about it; i cant.
P.S I'm sorry i couldnt find a hotter picture of jacob on my computer so i used this smiley one!
posted over a year ago 
I think she should have been with Jacob, she is more relaxed around him, he gave her freedom, and yet, he made sure she was safe, he loved her and made sure she never got hurt, he controlled his temper and around her so I would think that they are perfect together, but, Edward and Bella are soul mates, and Jake and Bella arn't, so, it wouldn't be possible to work out.
Edwardluver618 posted over a year ago
I agree!
teamjacob96 posted over a year ago
presne AJ JA SÚHLASÍM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michaelka posted over a year ago
Edwardluver618 said:
× I think she should have been with Jacob, she is more relaxed around him, he gave her freedom, and yet, he made sure she was safe, he loved her and made sure she never got hurt, he controlled his temper and around her so I would think that they are perfect together, but, Edward and Bella are soul mates, and Jake and Bella arn't, so, it wouldn't be possible to work out.
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree :)
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
i agree too...
twilghtfan1 posted over a year ago
yea, I feel u choose good words for that...
Twilightworship posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Well, I'm not going to say Edward is better or Jacob isn't good for Bella because not only am I respecting you this way, I really don't think either of these things are true.

I just simply think Edward and Bella were meant to be. Plus, without them being together, there wouldn't be sweet, gorgeous Renesmee ^_^

I just think Jacob and Bella are excellent, fantastic, great friends and I would love to have one of them as a friend too :)
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posted over a year ago 
Mouxritsa96 said:
Bella SHOULD have stayed with Jacob.He's always there for her, he loves her too much, and he is not an overprotective geek like Edward.He's cute and funny, and he makes her laugh all the time.He is a great friend and obviously a great lover...That's why I think Bella should have stayed with him, and I'm really happy he eventually imprinted on someone who appreciates him and loves him as much as he deserves...Oh, and by the way, BELLA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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posted over a year ago 
love your answer, your so right
shaunny posted over a year ago
Hey, Your answer is great! renesmee would NEVER actually use Jacob, like Bells did! I am so sure Jake will be happy with her... He deserves it!
Twilightworship posted over a year ago
If you think Bella sucks, why are you here? This is kind of a club that's dedicated to Bella as much as Jacob. No offense, just curious.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
agree with sapherequeen!!!xD
prettystar posted over a year ago
prettystar said:
I'm not going to say that Edward is better or what..I'm a Team Switzerland....So, my answer is this....

Bella have the freedom to choose whoever she wants to be with. If she like Edward fine,If she chose Jacob then good. She loves them both and she doesn't want to hurt them. But from the start Bella already loves Edward Cullen. I would also love Bella for Jake but I think Nessie's better for him. And they're good buddies, for me that's already nice. If she chose Jacob and have a baby with him it's fine with me. but I guess some fans will be angry and ask "Why didn't Bella choose Edward,why that Jacob?" so, it's just the same thing or I mean same thing will happen. So, it's just up to her.Let her see who's the right man for her. And besides,they're both a good man & a partner for Bella.So, whoever she chose I think she'll be safe and she will be in good arms. xD
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I'm not going to say that Edward is better or what..I'm a Team Switzerland....So, my answer is this....

Bella have the freedom to choose whoever she wants to be with. If she like Edward fine,If she chose Jacob then good. She loves them both and she doesn't want to hurt them. But from the start Bella already loves Edward Cullen. I would also love Bella for Jake but I think Nessie's better for him. And they're good buddies, for me that's already nice. If she chose Jacob and have a baby with him it's fine with me. but I guess some fans will be angry and ask "Why didn't Bella choose Edward,why that Jacob?" so, it's just the same thing or I mean same thing will happen. So, it's just up to her.Let her see who's the right man for her. And besides,they're both a good man & a partner for Bella.So, whoever she chose I think she'll be safe and she will be in good arms. xD
posted over a year ago 
SweetSuqar said:
Jacob is better for her because he´s sweet and cute and he would always bye her side[like a dog].
And Edawrd are so...[sorry]ugly!A time ago i liked him but now...Not really.
My answer is Jacob is better for her

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posted over a year ago 
i agree cause jacob treated her like he would of gave up his life for her but she treated him like crap and went for the vampire.
ceirra posted over a year ago
prettybaby022 said:
definately not.. Jacob has too much of a temper.. Edward is so sweet and such a gentleman, he and Bella have a special connection, and they dazzle each other frequently =)
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posted over a year ago 
Cullen-Vampire posted over a year ago
no...ew no edward
gdgdfggdf posted over a year ago
vampires_love said:
in my opinion whoever she chooses would be right for her. i think that they are both really good for her and that they would care for and love her no matter what. so whether she chooses jacob or edward she would be in good care.
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posted over a year ago 
stephaniewelsh said:
he is a better person and is HOT and he loves her a lot
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posted over a year ago 
he is hot! But Seth is hotter!
flockhart posted over a year ago
shaunny said:
Personally I love jacob, and I think he should have been with Bella, but at the same time she doesn't deserve him, he would do anything for bella, anything in the world for her. Protect her, care for her, anything, and when she has an emotional breakdown who was there to drag her out of it, then she leaves him hurt in the end. Its all to sad for a jacob fan like myself. BUt in my opinion jacob and bella should have ended up together.
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posted over a year ago 
but jacob can imprint on another girl at any time of his life so if bella did pick him instead of edward, then jacob would leave her hurt in the end...
topazEYEs91 posted over a year ago
he didnt imprint on purpose though??
Twilightworship posted over a year ago
yea and bella didnt purposely fall in love with edward in a way edward&bella imprinted on each other..
topazEYEs91 posted over a year ago
They should have been together!!!!!!!!!!
flockhart posted over a year ago
myrtoulini said:
bella gets more from edward..he's made 4 her and she's made 4 him..jacob is younger and although he knows she's in love with ed he's still stuck on her..he begs her,he promises never to hurt her..i get it he loves her but when love is only one way it's not love any more..does anybody gets what i'm saying....???
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posted over a year ago 
hpfanlv said:
Bella won't have to change herself for Jacob. She could still see her family and friends. Besides, if she becomes a vampire, she might find Edward less attractive and he might find her less good-smelling.
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posted over a year ago 
adiction1 said:
sh seems better with jacob cuz it seems like she likes him more nd she seems more relxed...nd i think jacob is really cute nd they make a cute couple. i am just sayin i think they look better together (:
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posted over a year ago 
Twilightworship said:
I guess she would be better of with Jacob, cause he was like not so over-protective and she could act more free with him. He let her more do her won things.
But I honestly feel, that bella and Edward are meant for each other.
So I sometimes didnt understand Bella actually, I know her heart beats for Edward and NOT for Jacob, THATS why Bella HAS to be with Edward!!!
She would always regret if she wouldnt do so...!
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posted over a year ago 
flockhart said:
Bella should have stayed with Jacob because he would always have been there for her, and her dad would have approved of him. Another reason is that he won't suck her blood! Edward is very dangerous and Bella should think of her well being before love.
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posted over a year ago 
hordeluver35 said:
because bella and jacob have each other since they were kids and he treats her with respect and realli luvs her when she's going edward a guy she barely knows.
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posted over a year ago 
duncanxgwen4evr said:
well i think bella is better off with jacob because he's always there for her
they seem like they always have lots of fun together
they have a great bond
and when edward left, i think she said"jacob fills the hole in my heart. "

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well i think bella is better off with jacob because he's always there for her
they seem like they always have lots of fun together
they have a great bond
and when edward left, i think she said"jacob fills the hole in my heart. "
posted over a year ago 
sorry but i stol ya pic of jacob i hope u dont mind hehe =p
artic_wolf posted over a year ago
ForsakenMoon19 said:
Bella should have gone off with Jake because he makes her happy, he's smart, handsome, he's kind, and courageous!!! They knew each other whe they were kids and when she broke off from Edward, they formed a strong, yet passionate friendship. He would do anything for her, even play second best!!! i mean the guy pulled her out of that darkness when Edward left and he helped fill the void in her heart!!!. If it weren't for Jacob, Bella would be dead!! Personally i think Bella was just too much of a coward to admit she had fallen in love with Jake and felt obligated to stay with Edward when she rescued him in Italy. Now i do like Edward but Jake is a much better suitor in the sense she wouldn't have to give up her soul or humanity for him!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Sophia21 said:
i completely agree with most other answers. bella and edwards relation is colder, yeah,maybe this is like this to emphasize that edward is a vampire.Jacob timidly falls in love with Bella, he kinda venerates her as some sort of goddess and is happy to see her do what she wants while watching over her, whereas edward sometimes is overprotective, not to mention that due to some of edwards vampire traits Bella also has to limit herself, for example, by not going to La Push or to places with sunlight due to edward being exposed. in bella-edward relationship, bella has to sacrifice a lot for him, whereas jacob-bella they both get to enjoy their time together without worries. furthermore, Edward and Bella are not truly in love but impulsed by their instincts and lust: Edward is infatuated with Bella's scent and intrigued that he cant read her mind, and Bella is charmed by Edward's vampire charm, say, his looks,his voice and his smell. he himself told bella that as the ultimate predator everything in him was intended to lure her and make her vulnerable. bella and edward are more obsessed with each other than truly in love. with jake on the other hand, there are no werewolf traits that lure one to each other. when it comes to being in love they could just be like any average teenager. i really think Meyer was very unfair with jacob. and it doesnt give a nice message. lust and obsession overpower love.really...
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posted over a year ago 
artic_wolf said:
hummm were do i start ok her it goes
well for a start jacob protects bella more than edward. edwar alowed vampires to practicly kill her were as jacob was there in a flash to protect her
2ed edward left her n broke her heart n jacob was there for her
so yea there some resons for jacob n bella
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posted over a year ago 
Ri97 said:
Jacob is wayyy better for Bella....Edward is selfish and way 2 obsessed with her even tho it is just a movie!!! :)
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posted over a year ago 
Princes0nlyWoma said:
Because it always looks like "Edward" is going to puke EVERY time he kisses her, and Jacob actually strives for Bella's affections.
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posted over a year ago 
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