Jacob Black Jacob Quote Fun

Jacobchic posted on Apr 01, 2009 at 10:40PM
Ill start. Find your fav jake quote and put it down <no repeats. We r gonna try 2 put every jake quote on this forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill start. Find your fav jake quote and put it down <no repeats. We r gonna try 2 put every jake quot

Jacob Black 32 replies

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over a year ago Jacobchic said…
Does my being half naked bother you?
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
Vampires don’t count as people.
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 13, p.310

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
big smile
I swear, they’re like hall monitors gone bad.
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 7, p.173

Hehe i got lots
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
So are you going to be my Valentine? Since you didn’t get me a fifty-cent box of candy, it’s the least you can do.
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 9, p.202
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
ok i'm done for now i'll be back l8r though! ;)
over a year ago Jacobchic said…
I run a toasty 108.9.
over a year ago maja3322 said…
So, should I tell him you said to butt the hell out?
over a year ago caitlincookie22 said…
*life sucks, then you die
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
big smile
You really, honestly don’t mind that I morph into a giant dog?
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 13, p.308

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 13, p.321

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
Sorry. I don’t have any leeches on my speed dial.
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.77

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
big smile
You’re scared of Leah, but you’re best buds with the psychopath blonde?
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 13, p.247

over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
This one's my favorite (Of course, I love all the blonde jokes he said, not that I don't like Rosalie, I just enjoy it when they make fun of each other):
"Someday, Beauty Queen, you’re going to get tired of just threatening me. I’m really looking forward to that."
-Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, page 324.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
big smile
"I gotta say it, Bells. You’re a freak show."
-Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, page 433.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago moonlightgirl said…
"Did you seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that on TV."

* Jacob Black to Bella Swan, p. 119
over a year ago moonlightgirl said…
"The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse."

* Jacob Black, p. 599
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
Go fetch a space heater. I’m not a St. Bernard.
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.489

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
big smile
You mean, ‘as much as I’d love to kill you, I’m glad she’s warm,’ right?
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.497

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
I’m exactly right for you, Bella. It would have been effortless for us — comfortable, easy as breathing. I was the natural path your life would have taken… If the world was the way it was supposed to be, if there were no monsters and no magic…
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 26, p.599

awwww poor Jake!!
over a year ago moonlightgirl said…
Jeez, she was running true to form. Of course, die for the monster spawn. It was so Bella.

* Jacob Black, p. 177
over a year ago moonlightgirl said…
big smile
It was really too bad couldn't hear Bella's thoughts. Then he'd annoy the crap out of her, too, and she'd get tired of him.

* Jacob Black, p. 251
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
big smile
Bella, things are different with us now, but you’ll always be my best friend, and I’ll always love you. But I’ll love you the right way now. There’s finally a balance. We both have people we can’t live without.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.498

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
He’s brave. Brave as you are. Didn’t pass out or throw up or anything. I gotta say, I was impressed. You should’ve seen his face when I started taking my clothes off, though. Priceless.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.495

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
Hey, do you know what you call a blonde with a brain? A golden retriever.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.294

over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
Silently, I lifted my doggy bowl off the floor. Then, with a quick, powerful flip of my wrist, I threw it into the back of Blondie’s head so hard that – with an earsplitting bang – it smashed flat before it ricocheted across the room and snapped the round top piece off the thick newel post at the foot of the stairs.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.304

Lmao my favorite part in Breaking Dawn!!!!!!!!

over a year ago jakelover1025 said…

over a year ago r-pattz said…
heres one of my favorites:

"Bella is not bait."
-Jacob Black, New Moon
over a year ago r-pattz said…
okay and

"Stupid leeches. Think they’re so superior."
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn

"After a few minutes, he asked, real quietly, if you turned into an animal, too. And I said, ‘She wishes she was that cool!’"
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn
over a year ago maja3322 said…
"If this is how you’re going to react, I’ll freak out more often."
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 7, p.179
over a year ago archiejake1991 said…
"kind is my middle name".jacob black,breaking dawn,chapter 4.
over a year ago Catinha said…
Y love Jacib e Edward
over a year ago clules11 said…
Say what you want, I still think Dracula One and Dracula Two are creep-tacular.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 33, p.631