Jennifer Garner Jennifer and ear piercing

meeshluv posted on Jul 29, 2008 at 01:15AM
So what do you guys think about Jennifer and whether or not she should have her ears pierced? Personally, I think it's a shame she doesn't have them done. And it's not as if she's never had them done, is it? OK, she didn't get them done as a kid, when most of us do, but she did eventually get them done for her part in 'Aftershock', so she does know what its like to have them done. But then she goes and lets them heal up again, so that she has to get them re-pierced a few years later for those Oscars earrings - and then lets them heal up yet again!!!...

Personally, I wish she'd get them done again, because I think it suits her so well, but what do you think? Would you like to see her get them done again, or leave them as they are now?

Jennifer Garner 3 replies

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over a year ago suki_k said…
Yeah, I think she should get them pierced again. I hate seeing her wear those huge clip-ons, because they look like the kind only grannies wear! If she got them pierced again, she's have so much more choice, and could have so many really cool pairs to pick from.

And you're right - it's not as if she's never had them pierced before, so she knows what its like to have them done.

So yeah, I'd love to see her get her ears pierced again and start wearing some proper earrings. Who knows - maybe Violet will talk her into it? My mom didn't have her ears pierced until she got them done the same time as I did. So maybe if Violet wants her ears pierced sometime, Jennifer could get hers done again at the same time too?
over a year ago katie_b said…
Definitely get them done!

I'm getting mine done for the first time in a couple of weeks, and I'm sooooooo excited!!!!!
over a year ago jpest17 said…
tell me if you think this person looks like her?
tell me if you think this person looks like her?