Joffrey Baratheon Updates

an icon was added: Joffrey over a year ago by Bibi69
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What did Bronn say about Joffrey? over a year ago by karolinak1999
a poll was added: Where does Joffrey rank in your favorite characters (in general, not just in GoT)? over a year ago by XxXrachellXxX
a video was added: 86% at 46 of 54 seconds 0:52 / 0:54 Close Joffrey Baratheon: Where Is The Birth Certificate? over a year ago by DeathToTheMan
a video was added: Game of Thrones - Season 2 - Character Profile: Joffrey Baratheon over a year ago by DeathToTheMan
a photo was added: Biggest Asshole over a year ago by DeathToTheMan
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: SHOW: When was he crowned king? over a year ago by Articuno224
a pop quiz question was added: Which episode shows Joffrey's corpse? over a year ago by DeathToTheMan
a pop quiz question was added: How did Joffrey die? over a year ago by DeathToTheMan
a pop quiz question was added: Who is Joffrey truly the son of? over a year ago by DeathToTheMan
a pop quiz question was added: Who is Joffrey the nephew of? over a year ago by DeathToTheMan
an answer was added to this question: *spoiler* We know whats coming for Joffrey.... over a year ago by Articuno224
a question was added: *spoiler* We know whats coming for Joffrey.... over a year ago by karolinak1999