Johnny Depp A True Fan

claire-aka-bob posted on Jul 30, 2008 at 07:38PM
True Johnny Depp fans will love him for more than his looks and his role as Jack. He's done more movies than just Pirates and Sweeney Todd you know, and he's amazing for more than his beautiful looks. And he is with the love of his life right now so stop thinking that he's your's because he's not and only true Johnny fans would recognize this.

Are you a true fan?

(disclaimer, i didn't write this. link did)
last edited on Jul 30, 2008 at 07:39PM

Johnny Depp 12 replies

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over a year ago emma_728 said…
Yeah, I don't get people who say he's mine when he is with the love of his life and he's happy. He has done so many more incredible movies other than Pirates and Sweeney Todd. Each of his films speak a different issue and get through to you on a differnet level then other blockbuster movies out there.
The way he seems to care for his family is amazing. And people should get it out of there heads that hes 'theirs'! Half of the people who say that will never met him and he will never met them!
I'm one of those people whos opinion is you can never love someone who have NEVER met!
I admire him and I LOVE his movies and I think hes gorgeous but thats just a fans opinion.

And about the beautiful looks thing, thats just a bow on top of a beautiful package!
over a year ago hellgirl223 said…
i am a true fan i think we should be happy for him
over a year ago lunesnyman said…
I am a true fan. The reason I adore him is not just because he is gorgeous, the reason I started watching his movies is because he is a brilliant actor. When I watch his movies I get totally lost in them, and that's what I want from a movie. There is enough hurt and pain in the world, but watching a movie, I don't know, makes it go away for a while. I'm a true Johnny Depp fan because he is a brilliant actor.
over a year ago emma_728 said…
I love that lunesnyman!
over a year ago Treemeadow said…
I remember a time when only a few people knew who Johnny Depp was. I remember being surprised to find other people who knew of his stuff.

I remember being 10 and the only person I knew who actually collected his films.

All of a sudden a thousand fans popped up, and thats great- but sometimes it feels like nobody knows who he was before Pirates. I'm not claiming to know, thats partof why Johnny is so great. He's very private. The most private actor I know.

People see him as the 'all round nice guy" and either forget or don't even know where he came from. People don't realise that he is THE Indie-Film actor.

am I the only person who thinks that Cry Baby was his greatest film?

I know its not fair to say this, but its how I feel. I keep the term 'true fan" for the few people who were fans/are fans of the "Indie Johnny". Johnny 10- 20 years ago. I was 10 when I found Johnny- a whole decade as a fan. I now find myself being put down by newer fans for "not knowing him enough" or not being a showy enough fan.

He is a person- and I appreciate his art. No one can act like him.

I think the true fans are the ones who accept his humanity and the fact that he is sooo disant from them, its not funny. He's a normal guy doing his thing. I just like what he does in front of a camera. His private life is his own, no ammount of tabloid coverage, blogs, bios, wikipedia pages and interviews will ever give anyone the insight.

His biggest fans are probably his family and friends.

*looks up*


Sorry. I was put down by a "fad-fan" today who is into Johnny because he's in season blockbuster wise.
over a year ago ellydimitrova said…
I am a true fan. I adore him. And I don't know what will be if he started playing guitar seriously. I can play, too and i know how much does he loves it. There were so many bad things in his life but in each film and interview he's amazing! Be happy, Johnny!
over a year ago Sweeney-Pie said…
My eyesight was kinda bad when i first saw some of the potc but i loved how funny it was. I really didnt know exactly what he looked like. But now i do. Ive loved his acting and stuff besides his looks for a long time. OH crap cant say more my water is boilign X(
over a year ago charliemo2 said…
i loved his acting in pirates of the caribbean (the first jonny film i had ever seen, you can read all about that in my other posts) and i wanted to kow more about him, i found out who plays him and i have been addicted to him, i wouldnt say he is mine, i just say i love him, i know he will never love me back, but i think it is nice to like someone, otherwise what is the point of life?, we all have someone that we like, i just happen to like johnny! i think he is a great actor, or otherwise i wouldnt have watched all his other films i would love to meet him someday, and i am happy when he is happy! like i said, i kow he is never going to think anything f me but i still love him.
over a year ago DeppRox said…
I'm only thirteen, so I don't want to marry him or anything like that. He's my idol, he's so cool and talented and CRAZY. Yes, I admit he's pretty good looking for his age... but that's not why I love him.

I'm a true fan of Johnny Depp.
over a year ago DeppRox said…
Oh! I was even a fan of him before I was into boys!
When I was six my mom had me watch Sleepy Hollow (My mom's a Johnny fan, too)... it was my favorite movie for a very long time.
over a year ago London said…
Ofcourse, I deffinetly agree and yes I am a true Johnny Depp fan. He is so talented from the word go he was the best. I just want him to be happy, if that's with Vanessa then, great^_^ My favorite movie of his is Edward Scissorhands, what are your guy's?
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Treemeadow, I don't think it's fair to say that true fans don't exist after Pirates of the Caribbean came out. I was probably 12 when I saw the first Pirates movie and that's how I became a fan. But I think there's a difference between liking him because he's Jack Sparrow and admiring his versatility with his characters and Jack Sparrow really does deserve credit. Pirates is what caught my attention like so many others but it doesn't mean that we're all crazy fangirls who are "in love with him" because he's funny and super duper hot. His talent is definitely why I'm such a big fan of his.

When I was a bit older and became more interested in the making of films I starting watching his older films and that's what's made him my favourite actor. I don't know any other actor who plays so many different fantastic characters. I think you have to have a real respect for just how talented he has.

I'm also realistic. Trust me, when you're a fan of Twilight you'll find the vast majority of fans are convinced one day they're going to marry Robert Pattinson. I know I'll probably never meet Johnny Depp so I'm happy that he's happy. As long as keeps bringing out favourite stories of mine (Alice in Wonderland is just going to blow me away with it's awesomeness I already know) and continues to be such a brilliant actor, I'll be happy.
last edited over a year ago