Johnny Depp Metting Johnny Depp.....

abz-fun posted on Aug 03, 2009 at 05:37PM
when you meet johnny depp do you get to have a photo with him. because i ave never seen him have a photo with a fan :/

Johnny Depp 4 replies

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over a year ago RiverPhoenix93 said…
I have never seen him get a photo with fans, but could you imagine if he did??
First off he'd be pulled apart from the fans and second if he gave one person the chance of a photo he'd have to give everyone a chance, yano??!!
He's too in demand and to be honest id rather he didnt give pictures rather than him getting hurt!!
over a year ago London said…
Ugh, brain orgasm!
over a year ago deppforever said…
i dont want to died knowing that i didnt meet johnny
over a year ago abz-fun said…
i so totally agree with deppforever :(