Kick-Ass A Second Kick-Ass! (Maybe...)

jercy_packson1 posted on Apr 19, 2010 at 03:27AM
you know how at the end of kick ass, red mist has this new costume and his father's been killed an all, wouldn't you think that there would be a kick-ass 2? or some sort of tv mini series? because i mean revenge is the oldest trick in the book. any one with new info or also has intrest in this new hit blockbuster, feel free to comment and post.

Kick-Ass 4 replies

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over a year ago jercy_packson1 said…
NADA! COME ON PEOPLES! i know there isn't much on this topic yet but at least TALK about the movie or even spam! just, amuse, us users.
over a year ago pirater said…
yeah!that will be great!to watch 2. part.i hope that wil be one
over a year ago Spikefan74 said…
I liked the movie, though I was a bit shocked at the violence. It comes across as a movie for kids with the main character being only 11, I worry about the impact it might have on them. I mostly watched it for Nicolas Cage anyway, loved his character. A sequel wouldn't be the same without him, but I'd still watch it.
over a year ago d12beat said…
If you Google Kick-Ass 2 you get "tons" of search results citing that creator Mark Millar states he is working on the sequel and that it is due to start filming June 2011 & be released 2012.
However, all info from the actors that portrayed our heroes indicates otherwise. Not looking good...keeping my fingers crossed!