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Kingdom Hearts 2 Question

If you could wish for any Kingdom Hearts character from any of the Kingdom Hearts games to come alive, who would it be and why?

If you could wish for any Kingdom Hearts character from any of the Kingdom Hearts games to come alive, who would it be and why?
 PapouFruitGirly posted over a year ago
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Kingdom Hearts 2 Answers

Axonkid said:
I would say.... Axel because he is sort of mysterious because he is kind of on both sides. Also, he was helping Sora and Roxas. He also missed Roxas when Roxas wanted to leave Organization XIII.
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posted over a year ago 
iComplexKitty said:
hmm i would say Roxas and Riku and maybe Sora, because they seem like the protective type ^_^ and i would really like some friends who are protective of me
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posted over a year ago 
StarStruck51 said:
I would Pick Sora And Kairi they are My favorite characters.Love them so much.
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posted over a year ago 
lotusparadise said:
I would say Riku because he is SEXY and he seems to care about the ppl he loves. I have two friends who trat me like crap! It would be nice to have someone like Riku around who actually cares about me. Plus, Riku has been through a lot lyke me so I think we could relate.
He had trouble with darkness. So, did I. I lost my big brother when he was 20, I was 6. I lost sight of my light in a way. i kinda fell into darkness sorta like Riku.
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posted over a year ago 
jt80atl said:
king mickey he is tough
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posted over a year ago 
tea5062 said:
I would pick sora because he's my fav or if not sora kairi because she seems like she would be a really good friend that would never lie to anyone and she also another fav!
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posted over a year ago 
deathchick9 said:
Axle is pure awesome-ness!
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posted over a year ago 
Azula_19_2009 said:
Sora!!!! Cause he's the main character and I think it would be cool to see what he would look like as a human. If they made a movie I think Logan Lerman would look something like him.
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posted over a year ago 
venvargie said:
Axel! <3 Because he and I would get along so well with out personalities. xD
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posted over a year ago 
rafaelking said:
i wish it be roxas becuase he is awesome and cool plus he is the only character to be able to dual wield and also its a probability that roxas may be stronger than sora
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posted over a year ago 
soraforever84 said:
i would say sora. he's totally the strongest and the hottest:) but mostly because sora is such a great friend. he looked EVERYWHERE for his missing friends. i wish i had a friend like that. or axel. i love him too. he's so mysterious and i love how he helps out both sides, roxas, and sora. :)
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posted over a year ago 
quickly paupo boy to the riku mobile lol
iluvdemdem posted over a year ago
roxas is stronger
xionhearts posted over a year ago
AaronRS said:
I would say ... Sora because he awesome and he is more of a good friend to hang out. Also he'll protect anyone in trouble
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posted over a year ago 
iluvdemdem said:
DEMYX DEMYX DEMYX OOO AND DID I MENTION DEMYX...I DID OH WELL DEMYX i chose demyx cause hes awesome and funny i mean we already have the goblin king but now we need demyx
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DEMYX DEMYX DEMYX OOO AND DID I MENTION DEMYX...I DID OH WELL DEMYX  i chose demyx cause hes awesome and funny i mean we already have the goblin king but now we need demyx
posted over a year ago 
YumiChan posted over a year ago
Yay, a Demyx Time Fan!!
lotusparadise posted over a year ago
damn thats scary
xionhearts posted over a year ago
sugarcane15 said:
namine she's cool and nice
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posted over a year ago 
YumiChan said:
I say Demyx because he's such a sweet heart..(ironic)

I'd wanna be his friend... or more >.> LOL xD
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I say Demyx because he's such a sweet heart..(ironic)

 I'd wanna be his friend... or more >.> LOL xD
posted over a year ago 
lola20159 posted over a year ago
well he might help no he cant do nothiing
xionhearts posted over a year ago
roxas_isbeast said:
ROXAS! cause he is just like me. always wondering and asking questions. sometimes, i wish i could just join the game and be naimina or be a girl he will like
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ROXAS! cause he is just like me. always wondering and asking questions. sometimes, i wish i could just join the game and be naimina or be a girl he will like
posted over a year ago 
lol! same here! Xd
kh-fanatic posted over a year ago
ya u now its funny there is this boyy i like named spencer he looks like roxas sounds like him acts like him i think im going to call him roxas lol
xionhearts posted over a year ago
Dat be so flipin funny
Applepiegirl222 posted over a year ago
BeXaG said:

so i could became an organization member and meet roxas and kick soras ass for making roxas come back in him
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posted over a year ago 
im with u. ORGANIZATON 13 V.S GOOFY AND DONALD! 10,000 heartless v.s donald and goofy
roxas_isbeast posted over a year ago
ya roxas needs his own line of games
xionhearts posted over a year ago
oxOXkairiXOxo said:
Sora! I've loved him since the first time i saw him! >.< and maybe namine, she reminds me of my best friend.
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posted over a year ago 
draco451 said:
sepheroth cuz hes hella cool and if anyone was a jerk to me he would kick there ass
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posted over a year ago 
Well, I don't think Sephiroth would protect anyone. He'd just kill anyone in his way.
Bond_Of_Fury posted over a year ago
naira_medina_p4 said:
Namine!she's sweet, nice, and kinda cool XD
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Namine!she's sweet, nice, and kinda cool XD
posted over a year ago 
Fenrir said:
I think Sora and I would be great friends! We both like to have fun! And I think our personalities are similar...then again, I think Roxas and I would get along better on an emotional level :)
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posted over a year ago 
deidara_art345 said:
i really don't care cause i like most of them
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posted over a year ago 
xharrypotterx said:
i cant choose between roxas riku and sora....
i guess riku cuz hes all mysterious and half darkish, and alot less kid-ish(sora-ish)
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posted over a year ago 
hfkklg said:
sora, kairi, riku and Axel they are just awesome. Sora is funny. kairi is nice like me and Riku is cool. Me and Axel would get along very well.
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posted over a year ago 
hinata7 said:
xion she is just so cute
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posted over a year ago 
ya xion but i hate how she just leaves but ya she cute
xionhearts posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury said:
I've always wanted to meet Donald Duck. Come on, who wouldn't?
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posted over a year ago 
lol XD way to have a unique answer
Fenrir posted over a year ago
KHFanIris15 said:
♥SORA SORA SORA!!!♥v♥RIKU RIKU RIKU!!!♥ I can't choose!! Sora every since I first saw him he was SOOOO CUTE!!! I LOOVVEEE HIM! He REALLY cares for his friends! I really want a friend like him. NO! MORE! At least a boyfriend! He is SOO HOT!! Plus his personality is perfect! Funny, Nice, Protective,his naiveness and childness just like me! Not just to say I like him I AM like him! I would love to protect him and he protect me!♥ I never felt what it's like to be protected... Also I would say Riku too!! He is REALLY mature and CUTE!!♥ I feel REALLY bad for him. He was alone in darkness and went though much saying that he is supose to be darkness but HE IS NOT! I know what riku feels... to be alone and swallowed in darknes... I want to be there for him and help him! Help be his light though darkness and help him learn that.... Darkness, Light, or nothing...YOUR STILL A FRIEND! No matter what happens, No matter what you went though I can help! I want him to trust and stop pushing away other...
Anyway I really want to be with both. It's... hard to choose... I already made what I would look like in Kingdom Hearts! My name is Iris, weild 2 swords, and live on the Island with Sora, Riku, and Kairi!♥v♥
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♥SORA SORA SORA!!!♥v♥RIKU RIKU RIKU!!!♥ I can't choose!! Sora every since I first saw him he was SOOOO CUTE!!! I LOOVVEEE HIM! He REALLY cares for his friends! I really want a friend like him. NO! MORE! At least a boyfriend! He is SOO HOT!! Plus his personality is perfect! Funny, Nice, Protective,his naiveness and childness just like me! Not just to say I like him I AM like him! I would love to protect him and he protect me!♥ I never felt what it's like to be protected... Also I would say Riku too!! He is REALLY mature and CUTE!!♥ I feel REALLY bad for him. He was alone in darkness and went though much saying that he is supose to be darkness but HE IS NOT! I know what riku feels... to be alone and swallowed in darknes... I want to be there for him and help him! Help be his light though darkness and help him learn that.... Darkness, Light, or nothing...YOUR STILL A FRIEND! No matter what happens, No matter what you went though I can help! I want him to trust and stop pushing away other... 
Anyway I really want to be with both. It's... hard to choose... I already made what I would look like in Kingdom Hearts! My name is Iris, weild 2 swords, and live on the Island with Sora, Riku, and Kairi!♥v♥
posted over a year ago 
kh-fanatic said:
I would choose Sora,Roxas,Ventus and Vanitas! cause they are my fav!!! XD But my most fav is Roxas and Ventus! plus if I could be friends with them maybe I could live the adventure! ;P
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I would choose Sora,Roxas,Ventus and Vanitas! cause they are my fav!!! XD But my most fav is Roxas and Ventus! plus if I could be friends with them maybe I could live the adventure! ;P
posted over a year ago 
RikuObsesser said:
I say Riku,cause I simply love him.Even if it were to be forever or just a day.I want to show him that he is light and if he really isn't I can be his light.We would both be there for each other,forever and ever. AlainaxRiku
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I say Riku,cause I simply love him.Even if it were to be forever or just a day.I want to show him that he is light and if he really isn't I can be his light.We would both be there for each other,forever and ever.  AlainaxRiku
posted over a year ago 
Awww... That's really sweet.. AlainaXRiku
Invader-Tak posted over a year ago
emmausgirl94 said:
Roxas cuz he equals hotness ^^
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posted over a year ago 
gumble said:
Not sure, really hard. I love all of them:)
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posted over a year ago 
DoomNightAt12 said:
Vanitas or Anti-Sora...
...I must be asking to loose my heart D:
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posted over a year ago 
who is anti sora
xionhearts posted over a year ago
^The form Sora turns into if you use drives to much
MasterRed posted over a year ago
TDIlover226 said:
Demyx because he'd be fun to hang around with :3
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posted over a year ago 
khfan999 said:
roxas cause hes really cute
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posted over a year ago 
chrisblass said:
ok every one namine is hot
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posted over a year ago 
Invader-Tak said:
Axel definitely.
It'll be nice, every sunset just chilling with him and eating sea salt ice cream, talking about our day, talking about eachother. <3
I understand he has a split personality and doesn't always have an easy time making descisions. I want to be there for him, to help him. So he'll never be alone, or without a friend when he really needs one...
I love you Axel. If I could spend at least one day with you, my life would be heaven. Get it memorized! :)

And who says you're not real anyways..? *smirks*
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Axel definitely.
It'll be nice, every sunset just chilling with him and eating sea salt ice cream, talking about our day, talking about eachother. <3
I understand he has a split personality and doesn't always have an easy time making descisions. I want to be there for him, to help him. So he'll never be alone, or without a friend when he really needs one... 
I love you Axel. If I could spend at least one day with you, my life would be heaven. Get it memorized! :)

And who says you're not real anyways..? *smirks*
posted over a year ago 
Niichan said:
Well this is really hard. Thanks for makin me single out just PapouFruitGirly, thanks. I guess it'll have to be Zexion. As much as I love all the charaters, Zexion always stood out to me. He was soft, mysterious, and strong. Not to mention SMART. Zexion's Sombody, Ienzo, hadn't even been pre-teen when he lost his Heart. Zexion was cursed to be young and youthfull until he got his Heart back. Zexion created illusions, maybe because he hadn't grown up but felt he was too sofisticated and important to show that he was attempting to win back his lost his childhood as his time as a Nobody.
Zexion was ne who loved the Darkness, and took plesure in it. I wanna show Zexion that it's okay to indulge on the Light everyone in a while. That it's okay to let your wall fall down sometimes. If you don't then your no longer real. If you don't dream, you yourself are nothing but an illusion. Dreams are ment to show us what can, will, or must happen. That can give us choices, advice, company, or love. Your Dreamworld is sarced, especially when you are a child.
I wanna teach Zexion this. Yes, Zexion is the one I would want to come to life. Be it a day, a week, a year, or an hour; I could show Zexion love. Love her perhaps never got when he was younger. Love, I'm sure, that Zexion sometimes craves.
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Well this is really hard. Thanks for makin me single out just PapouFruitGirly, thanks. I guess it'll have to be Zexion. As much as I love all the charaters, Zexion always stood out to me. He was soft, mysterious, and strong. Not to mention SMART. Zexion's Sombody, Ienzo, hadn't even been pre-teen when he lost his Heart. Zexion was cursed to be young and youthfull until he got his Heart back. Zexion created illusions, maybe because he hadn't grown up but felt he was too sofisticated and important to show that he was attempting to win back his lost his childhood as his time as a Nobody.
Zexion was ne who loved the Darkness, and took plesure in it. I wanna show Zexion that it's okay to indulge on the Light everyone in a while. That it's okay to let your wall fall down sometimes. If you don't then your no longer real. If you don't dream, you yourself are nothing but an illusion. Dreams are ment to show us what can, will, or must happen. That can give us choices, advice, company, or love. Your Dreamworld is sarced, especially when you are a child.
I wanna teach Zexion this. Yes, Zexion is the one I would want to come to life. Be it a day, a week, a year, or an hour; I could show Zexion love. Love her perhaps never got when he was younger. Love, I'm sure, that Zexion sometimes craves.
posted over a year ago 
Awww... That's really heart warming. (woah, ironic)
Invader-Tak posted over a year ago
Niichan posted over a year ago
i thout i no i ant going to say it
xionhearts posted over a year ago
fanofzeldafan said:
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posted over a year ago 
fanofzeldafan posted over a year ago
Xarin15 said:
Roxas cause he's CUTE!!<3
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posted over a year ago 
madening_mahem said:
Axel, He's so fun to be around! no to mention he's good looking, up beat, and out going. :D
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posted over a year ago 
inuyasha15 said:
Axel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's cute and hot!!!!!:D
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 Axel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's cute and hot!!!!!:D
posted over a year ago 
Applepiegirl222 said:
Sora. cute... and well he's uh thats really it.
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posted over a year ago 
MasterRed said:
Sora because we can be really good friends XD.
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posted over a year ago 
rigo1315 said:
I'd love to have Roxas, Sora, Kairi Belle and Namine

I'm proabably cheating by having four, but I don't care either one of them would be cool. My reasons why would probably to just meet them and talk and hangout.

Roxas: Tease him with Jessie McCarthy Music :3
Sora: See his reaction towards things like the game Disney movies much more hilarious yaoi or Kairi in Dead Fantasy
Kairi/Namine: Just to hangout and be good friends.
Belle: I love this character so I really don't know how I would react or do meeting her in person but It would be so much fun :3
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posted over a year ago 
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