Kingdom Hearts Make your own Organization XIII character

RocknRoxas13 posted on Sep 21, 2009 at 06:09AM
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Kingdom Hearts 306 replies

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over a year ago StormOfFlames said…
here is mine
Name: louixsee
Sombody's name:Eloise
Title: bloody angel(she not afried to be found with blood on her hands)
Rank: XVII
Power:twilight fire.
weapon:one hand claymore and charkram
apperence:long blonde hair down to her waist and one blue eye one green eye she has exreamly place skin and a scar across her face a long with a burn mark on the back of her left hand.
persnality : depend on mood really , if she in a good mood she can be a little angel , but she tends to be in a bad one and always mouthing of at someone but she will often be on good term with someone though this can sometimes lead to bad thing happening ,she enjoy play pranks and this often involes someone hair being set on fire.also it once end in her going blind in her blue eye
limit:she is a crazy mass of twilight fire(purple fire)rushing around

and my sister
Name: thgilxtiw
Sombody's name: Twilight
Title: Scarlet wolf
Rank: XXV
Power:midnight (she can control night)
weapond:she use her body (kinda) and her speed
appercence:5ft5inc long black hair with a puprle finged and purple eyes but she has a black wolf tail and ears
persnality:like to be in a group and quite findely but very domainment over people she is stornger than or she dosn't like
limit: she turns full on wolf and fight like that , and after she take time to reacarged as it take up a lot of power
over a year ago zidanetribal said…
Name: ???(No one knows his name.)
Nobody's name:Lion-X
Title: The Sleeping Lion
Power:Darkness-Manipulates darkness to heal himself and crush his opponents.
Time-Controls time and space.
Lionheart-He never used it.But it involves mixing his weapon and the heart of a lion to attack.
Weapon: The Gunblade
Eyes: Cold Red Eyes
Hair: Medium Length Black
Height:5' 8" (1.73 m)
upper:distinctive black jacket with its collar trimmed in white/silver fur and a Lion shape design in the back.
lower:2 crossed belts and black jeans.
Accessories: A ring and pendant with a shape of a lion.
Personality:Silent,cold,not very social,direct,pride.
Created by Master Xehanort to imitate a warrior.His main objective is to kill Sora.He did not successfully defeated Sora because he saw someone who resembles his love ones.Xehanort now sealed him in the body of the warrior named Leon.He is awakened and separated from Leon's body after the keyblade wars.He remembers not so many but only the memories of Leon.He now hunts down Leon to find the answer to his birth.
Rank: I
Limit: Summons Griever and combines their powers to deflect the attack, End of Heart or sometimes Lionheart.
Goal:To recover his lost memories and destroy both Xehanort and Leon.
over a year ago AshKetchum said…
Somebody: Roxas (I know weird.)
Title: The Key of Light
Def. 35
Weapon:Dual-wield Keyblade
Atk. Speed: fast
Crt. Hit bonus: 54%
Limit: Trinity (Combos all enemies in front of them then summons light to attract every heartless around him in sight and instantly kills them but brings his max HP down by 2% everytime. Not pernament though XD)
Rank:XIII (Due to Roxas being inside Sora XD so he took his place)
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over a year ago Rock212 said…
Name: Xickn (Zi-kn)
Original Name: Nick
Title: Eyes of Destiny
Rank: XIV
Power: Eyes (They change color to match the ability.)
Weapon: Eyes
Appearance: Medium Height, Thin, Medium Spiked Light Green Hair, and Default Eyes are Silver.
Personality: Shy but is willingly to do his missions. Only social with Roxas and Axel.
Abilities: Green Eyes- Trees defend him, Red Eyes- Jerky movements hard to block, Yellow Eyes- Pillars shoot from the ground, Pink Eyes- Healing 30% of damage taken, Black- Defenseless to physical attacks, Orange- Defenseless to Magic Attacks, Brown Eyes- Defenseless to all, Purple Eyes- You get tunnel view, Blue Eyes- You only see the eyes, Rainbow Eyes- Run like your butt is on fire. He goes all out Magic, Berserk, and Flies. Happens if 25, 50 and 75% of Health Depletes.
Quotes: Don't Blink.(Red) Sumatra Implosive.(Rainbow) Much Better. (Pink) Go down with your friends.(Mid-Battle) NNOOOOOO.(Dead)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kostis1999 said…
I take this hero from the new game I want to make.If you want to see what's this game about go to the Most Recent articles!!!

Somebody's name:Naliof
Title:The Flame's Judgement
over a year ago roxasismine23 said…
Name: Graciex
Sombody's name: Xcegria (seg-REE-ah)
Apperence: Sh has green eyes and brown hair that flips up at the ends (like selphie's)
Title: Sweet Singer
Rank: 14½ (because xion took number 14!!!!)
Power: She has an amazing voice ad always sings during batle. if her singng is heard by a friend, they will be healed andempowered. if she is heard by an enemy, they will be weakened.
Name: Graciex 
Sombody's name: Xcegria (seg-REE-ah) 
Apperence: Sh has green eyes and brown hair th
over a year ago roxasismine23 said…
oh yeah! i forgot...
relation ships: Her best friends are Xerac(zair-is),Phxtes(fex-tess), and Axel(axel is dating Phxtes) she is happily dating Roxas(yes, Roxas, number XIII) they ave been together for the past 3 years she has been a member of the organization.
over a year ago roxasismine23 said…
"Annoying the Organization" takes place in the first 2 years of Xcegria and Phxtes (formery known as Xsteph and Graciex b4 they became nobodies) lives in the Organization. explaining how they joined and got to know Roxas and Axel. (Xerac comes into the story at about a year and a half.)
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over a year ago MeowImAMoose said…
Nobody's Name:Xone
Title:Honor in the Darkness
Power: Shadow manipulation
Weapon: giant mallet
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: Auburn,spikey with dark tips.
Rank: Don't know
Age: 16
over a year ago goofy96 said…
If I had a nobody his name would be: Milo or Xsmyle, his sombodies name is: Myles, his title would be: The key to darkness. His power is: darkness but his heart is filled light since his somebody was a prince of prue light and can use drive form like his sombody. His weapon is: the oblivion keyblade his appearence: medium height black shaved hair dark skin and dark brown eyes when he wears his regular clothes he wear a black tanktop black shorts and black shoes he has a yin symbole as a necklece and yang belongs to myles. His personality: kind, sometimes hotheaded, cool, funny, and has a great sense of right and wrong, but when fighting he become like a monster and shows no pity to no one who hurts his friends but he is also willing to give enemies or friends a second chance. Rank XIV Replacement of Xion and actually real member. Limit: goes into final form and besrker mode. Friends: All the good guys in the game and Demnyx. Quotes: lets get this over with.
over a year ago CronosHex said…
Name: Hexst

Somebody's name: Seth

Title: The Frozen Temporal Shadow


Weapons:Dual Claymores (One of unbreakable ice and the other radiating with a blue aura)

Power: Ice, Darkness, and Time

Appearance: Ghost white hair, gold eyes, well built and one scar over his left eye.

Personality: Quiet unless on a topic he knows well about. Hangs out with Roxas, Xion, Demyx, and Axel most of the time. Has an eye on Larxene as a romantic intress. He's able to freeze an opponent and send them either into the past or future with a swing of his blades. He keeps most other information to himself. He's oftern rebellious.

Limit: Freezes time, swings wildly at enemy, then brings both swords down to shoot a cone of darkness right underneath the opponent.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KingdomComeA7X said…
Name: Xurik (ZUR-ICK).
Sombody's name: Riku.
Title: The Twilight Redeemer.
Rank: None.
Power: Both light and darkness.
Weapon: Two Souleaters.
Appearance: Riku with jet-black hair.

He would be a nobody when Riku gave his heart to the darkness in KH1.
over a year ago kingdomkey said…
i got one hes awesome...
original name:alexander
title:the silent blade
special power:dark slash: he approaches slowly he slashes repeatedly with his blades that are shrouded with darkness he is very fast once he attacks close to the end of the special and you must use reaction commands to block his attack or else he will kill you in a pinch if he doesnt kill you he has to rest at the end because it takes most of his energy
appearance:like axel except with black hair and black eyes he is unknown to any of the people on kingdom hearts hes even unknown to the organization except for zemnas
personaity:silent but deadly he talks only when zemnas speaks to him he loves to "play" with visitors and when he gets defeated a dark explosion will happen and hurt the enemy to almost empty hp and eventually he will have to fade into himself again if not defeated first
rank:the secret number 30
power type:darkness
bio:he is axels brother named alexander they were twins and when they became nobodies each one had different powers one darkness and one fire. him and axel were two teenagers named alexander and axel (for some reason he still has the same name) looking for ancient artifacts or should i say weapons and how they became nobodies was when they found chakrams 2 sets one set darkness and one set fire they were attacked by heartless and were never saw again...
i posted a pic i had to edit axel a little bit the grey around his weapons are the darkness shrouded around the weapons
last edited over a year ago
i got one hes awesome...
original name:alexander
title:the silent blade
special power:da
over a year ago kingdom1 said…
Original name:Nick
Title:The Thunder Shooter
Weapon:Thunder Gun(2 thunder guns in limit mode)
Appearance:tall medium sized with dark green spiky color tan.eye color dark yellow
Personality:nice, gets angered easily
Friends:usually hangs out with Zexion or Demyx
Limit:clones another thundergun and fires nonstop at his enemies
Abilities:Time travel,he is not affected by magic and his last 2 abilities are Leaf bracer and Thunder
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over a year ago kingdom1 said…
Kicxn also has the abilities Glide and time travel
over a year ago kingdom1 said…
Original Name:Ventus
Title: the strong wind
Weapon:The wind wakers
Appearence:just like ventus but with
with a black coat
Rank:1 1/2
Limit:tornados fly all across the battlefield
killing all enemies
Abilities:Tornado,Auto Limit,

over a year ago xarthur said…
Nobody: xarthur
Somebody: David
Title: keys of darkness
Rank: unknown
Power: darkness and unversed
Description: black hair, golden eyes, pale skin, 5' 6", wears black hoodie, red shirt, dark blue jeans, black and red sneakers.
Weapons: 2 keyblades- void gear which is vanitas keyblade(look it up if u don't know), and my own: embrace the darkness, dark lines spiraling around eachother sort of like the ultima keyblade but curved on each turn. On the end are 2 black crescent moons with inner crescents facing the keyblade.
Personality: dark, is a smartass, will give his life to save his friends. Restless unless listing to certain music.
Abilities: able to use both keyblades for a double dark cannon, dark spiral, and dark splicer. Summons unversed at will. Uses the usual abilities such as heal and dark firaga.
Quotes: "to slow." "darkness" "are you even trying?" final quotes: winner- nice knowing ya; loser- "how?"
Age: 16
Limit: ultimate double dark cannon- your screwed, if battle in building and used limit, building will be obliterated.
Story: David started as one of the first students of eraqus. Came to radiant garden when the heartless attacked. Lost his heart during the attack and become the nobody Arthur who then was hurled to the keyblade graveyard and met vanitas who's spirit confused with arthurs giving him the abilities, hair and eyes vanitas had. Found by Xigbar, Xarthur became apart of the organization 13
over a year ago Xarin15 said…
Somebody name:Cothili
Title:The Deciving Darkness
Apperance:long black hair,pale green eyes,fair skin
Likes:winning,and ignoring Saix
Dislikes:losing, being told what to do
Personality:mostly sirious but when she's around friend she is Laid-back.When she is around Roxas she gets really shy to the point of not even saying a word to him
Story:she was found in Beast Castle by Roxas. When he was about to RTC she bumped into him and left without a word he realized she was a Nobodyand took her back with him.
over a year ago Xarin15 said…
Sorry if she sounds weird
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
name: guilix
somebodys name: guilmon
Title: the vengeful diginobody
power: digivolution
weapon: dark claws
apperance: same as guilmon except for a organisation coat.
Limit: calls upon all organisation members to fight the enemy.
motto: now fall and fade to the digital world.
over a year ago VenQuRa said…
Here's mine
Name: Rexshyl
Somebody Name: Sherly
Title: The Whispering Nobody
Appearence: dark blue-haired, light blue-eyed, petite... a slightly tanned.
Power: Wind element
Weapon: Hineri
Rank: XV (15)
Personality: cheerful and talkative. she always expresses everything in her mind, despite it's insulting someone.
Fav quote: "Gimme a chance, and I'll change your mind!" :D

story: Sherly was in her way to school, smiling impatiently to meet her beloved classmates. suddenly a huge Heartless attacked her and she lose her consciousness. when she was awake, she realized she had become a Nobody. she also found two hand-fans in her grip. she started to practice using her fans as a weapon to defeat Heartlesses. then, she decided to isolate herself from people around her because of her identity as Nobody.
one day, accidentally Sherly fell into Hollow Bastion. after wandering around the world alone, she met Xion. after few friendly conversation, Xion decided to brought her to the castle and later became the part of Organization XIII. finally she changed her name to Rexshyl.

pic below! :D
last edited over a year ago
Here's mine
Name: Rexshyl
Somebody Name: Sherly
Title: The Whispering Nobody
Appearence: dark blue-ha
over a year ago gabbyandpuff said…
Name: Arenex
Somebody: Reena
Title: Dawn's Enamoring Flora Beauty
Power: Twilight/Light/Darkness/Any plant (she can make vines come from out of nowhere at her command )
Nickname: Hazel (is teased because her name sounds like Are Next)
Weapon: Keyblade (weapon she never uses).Two Sais that extend and glow neon green.
Appearance: Short (Zexion's height), golden hair that short in the back of her head and long in the front. Baby faced. Ivory skin. Thin and petite
Personality: Goofy, shy,energetic,enthusiastic,tough,wild,boss­y,c­ont­rol­lin­g
Friends: Axel,Demyx,Roxas (brother since her other is Sora's older sister),Zexion,Luxord
Enemies: Larxene,Marluxia,Vexen
Age: 16
over a year ago Riku_Rocks_XD said…
I'll give it a try. (Randomly came up with this so...yeah. Random person.)

Nobody’s Name: Mystx
Somebody’s Name: Myst
Rank: XV
Title: Silent Killer
Hair: Dark Brown hair in a high side pony. Long bangs that cover her right eye.
Eye Color: Left eye is a shocking blue while her usually covered right eye is red
Height: Very short
Appearance: Childish face that makes people underestimate her
Attitude: Arrogant above all else, doesn’t talk very often, ignores people when they bore her, bores easily, hates being around smart alecs though she is one herself, hates it when people drone on in conversations, prefers darkness over light, never listens, uses a lot of sarcasm.
Clothes: Most of the time wears black. Tight black sweatshirt that hugs her figure. Black fingerless gloves that come to a point in the middle of her hand with a heartless symbol in the middle. Black short-shorts with large boots that come up to below her knees.
Weapon: Dark Ultima: Keyblade that looks like Ultima Weapon but rather than light colors is black and red with a nobody chain hanging off of it. It floats an inch from her hand, moves whenever she commands it to move.
Power:Telekineses (IDK how it's spelled)
Catch Phrase: “I find my arrogance as one of my most appealing traits don’t you?”
In battle: “Are you trying? Was that supposed to faze me? That didn’t even hurt.”
If loses battle: “That was a bore. Whatever. I felt like being lazy.”
If wins battle: “As if I would lose to the likes of you.”
Before Battle: “Why do I even bother?”
Story: Myst was a simple girl until her life changed drastically. She loved her younger brother Leo. One day while she was walking home with her brother heartless appeared and took her brothers heart. She tried to flee but eventually got caught and turned into a nobody also. Her brother Leox (Lee-ux) is her only friend in the Organization and the only one she usually listens to.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lulu_Kururugi said…
Name: Phoenex
Sombody's name: Soul
Title: "The Mysterius Keyblader"
Rank: 14
Power: Darkness
Name: Phoenex
Sombody's name: Soul
Title: "The Mysterius Keyblader"
Rank: 14
Power: Darkness
over a year ago Xylon said…
Name: Xylon
Sombody's name: Lynx (stands for dangerous beauty/ a wild animl lol)
Adge: 18
Title: Dream caster.
Rank: 816 (personnally caz thats my fave num and idk roman numerals)
Fave Quote: "Thats nice.." in a hushed voice. When she wins a battle "I hope you rot in hell." When she loses "I deserved it"
Power: She can perssonlly control dreams, she has claws and they are used for creating dreams, ripping dreams, and making nightmares. She can put people into trances,sleep, mind control,comas, and other sorts of trickery. She can fight with the two claws because they have giant blades.
Wepon: Posessed blades. theire like lond blades on two gloves Xylon summons out of infinity.
Apperence: Tall for her adge, She has midnight black hair to her elbows, and Sky blue eyes, and pale skin (her skin shimmers in sun but it has nothing to do with twillight)
Personality: Very quiet, dosent talk much. Shes really beuatyful but can seem grim, or an eerie vibe around her. When you get to know her she'll talk and wont have the vibe around her anymore. she can be demanding or harshly cold to other people. She ussaly gets her way.
Limit: She has a breaking point where she will cause invisble waves to go through the air giving people migrains of somthing horrid in their past. She will unfortuanly go in a coma for an hour or so after that.
Story: When she first joined the orgnzation she was scarred. she had her heart pratticly ripped out by one of the orgnzation members. only a few know about it and when they ask her she just leaves or brings up a new topic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Krixssa said…
Name: Saxhra (Sox-hara)
Somebody: Sarah
Age: 19
Title: Mistress of Manipulation
Rank: 17
Quote: "All things happen for reasons, Sora. Just like now when you shall lose your heart!"
Power: Manipulation- She mostly uses Sora's precious and most dear memory to him, Kairi, to manipulate him. Therefore, she looks just like Kairi but in a dark version and a dark keyblade.
Weapon: Staff with nobody symbols at the bottom and top. Can to various attacks with it and causes TREMENDOUS damage to the opponent. When in her manipulation form (Kairi), wields dark keyblade with a mix of Vanitas' and Kairi's keyblade called "Final Remanent."
WInning Quote: "What? Can't afford to lose your precious Kairi?" -smirks in Kairi form-
Lost Quote: "N-no... how could you... Sora?" tries to act like Kairi with her voice before disappearing
Limit: "I WILL NOT LOSE TO A PATHETIC HEART OF A TRAITOR!" -spirals Sora and herself down to a new stage with all of Sora's memories and transforms into her original form w/her staff-
Eyes: Red Demonic Eyes Kairi's form- gold
Hair: Blond Kairi's form- Dark Red
Personality- Very outgoing and very loyal to her leader, Xemnas. She does, however, feel uneasy when the group talks about Kingdom Hearts and the plan to collect hearts. But she does not speak out against it. She's friends with Axel, Larxene (but only till she mentions to backstab the org.), Zexion, and Roxas.
Story: Her somebody, Sarah, appeared alongside with Ansem in BBS along with Ienzo and the others. She worked as a guard to prevent unverse entering the lab. She loved to help Ansem and looked up to him. As well, she met Aqua and the gang, even Xehanort and Vanitas. Plus, Kairi was one she found interesting. At the time, Sarah was nine but a few months later, she lost her heart to a Unversed in order to save Kairi. Now, she grows great hatred for Kairi but decided to use her as a type of trick to have Sora hand over the Keyblade, for she was his everything and world. On the top is her real form and the other post is her Dark Kairi form.

Name: Saxhra (Sox-hara)
Somebody: Sarah 
Age: 19
Title: Mistress of Manipulation
Rank: 17 
Quote: "Al
over a year ago Krixssa said…
This is Saxhra's DARK Kairi Form.
This is Saxhra's DARK Kairi Form.
over a year ago Nalochsix said…
Name: Xordemo
Sombody's name: Dorome
Age: ???
Title: The Maw of Oblivion
Rank: 23
Power: He is a consumer of all things. Capable of anything from chopping through metal, to sucking up and returning magic. When he reaches peak hunger, he becomes enters The Devourer of Souls mode, where his gauntlets become a Keyblade, resembling a combination of a Butcher knife and a chainsaw, he also takes on a skinnier physique and moves faster.
Quote: "Don't run, little one's. It only makes me hungrier!"

Weapon: Mechanical guantlets, the fists have long since been replace by sets of gnashing jaws, resembling high tech bear traps.

Winning Quote: "Your heart, it looks positively Delicious!"
Losing Quote 1: "Do not worry little ones, you may have one this battle, but your scent cannot escape me. I will devour you yet" *escapes*

Losing Quote 2: "It seems your hunger for victory was greater then mine... *hobbles over to sora/riku/mickey* Glutton's Maw, will serve you well *hands over keyblade. Disappears*

Limit 1: "Your resistance, IT MAKES ME HUNGRY!"

Limit 2 (second fight): "(at peak hunger level 2) You... (demonic voice) YOU DARE DENY ME, MY FEAST"

Eyes: Green

Hair: Dark Green

Personality: Untrusted by all who know him. He is willing to bite the hand that feeds... so long as he can feed. Unlike some Organization members, he is known to show no remorse or fear in a fight, Members describe his emotion in a simple word, hungry. Outside of combat he tends to lurk about. he can be hear murmuring about Xehonort, his lack of age suggests that he wasn't normal even when he was a somebody.

History: Not much is known about Xordemo, he isn't the type that one could have an educated conversation with. However Xehonort, Xemnes, and Xigbar are well aware of how Xordemo came to be. Once an educated man, respected for his knowledge of the Keyblade, Dorome lived a good life. However he had a massive flaw that many other masters warned him about. They called it the hunger. It was a type of darkness that many feared. This did not worry Dorome, he was confident in his abilities, he had combated darkness for many years now. However, his knowledge was not enough when the keyblade wars occured. He fought and fought and fought,never tiring and managed to survive somehow. But surviving came at a great cost, for when the wars were over, Dorome no longer felt like himself. He felt empty, no food or drink could satiate the hunger he felt. He sought the advice of another survivor... Xehonort. Xehonort told him of the power "The Hunger" possessed, it could cure him of his emptiness. But Dorome refused, many times in fact. However his strength soon evaporated and he crawled back to Xehonort asking how he could unleash "The Hunger". Xehonort took him to the Keyblade Graveyard, where Dorome began massacring survivors of the Keyblade wars, consuming both there hearts and keyblades. Not long after this did "The Hunger" consumed what was left of Dorome's heart. Eventually Xehonort came to the aide of the Nobody, dubbing him Xordemo. In one of Xehonort's reports, he states that "Even now, as i right this, i fear that he will realize his power. I fear that that beast will consume me, just like he has so many others." After his defeat at the hands of Sora, Riku, and Mickey, he disappears. Later on he returns, his defeat allowed him to see through "The Hunger" soon enabling him to control it. He starts refering to himself as Dorome again, and he wields a new keyblade, one he calls "Gluttony's Repent". However, his motivations are uncertain, for he also converses with himself, using both his Nobody, and Somebody's names.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Orgy13 said…
Somebody name:Nero
Title:The Secretive Killer
Weapon:Dagger, Darkness, illusion , Imitation of appearance
Quote:Remember Me, Sora?*as anti-sora*
Battle Start:You don't stand a chance!
Defeat:But......How......? Very Well......You have made a bad enemy today.....*drops dagger and escapes*
Appearance: Grey hair *like Roxas's, Colorless eyes, scar underneath eyes
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shadow3452 said…
name: shadow
nobodys name: suji
title:dragon weider and assassin
rank: 90
power: can wield any weapon he chosses and his main weapon is a gun blade. also can use the power of darkness and can transform him self into anyone he chooses.
name: shadow
nobodys name: suji
title:dragon weider and assassin
rank: 90
power: can wield any we
over a year ago Chiko775 said…

Somebody's Name:Amber

Title:"The silent assassin of Keyblade and chakrams wielder."


Power:can wield the Keyblade and use fire chakrams like Axel...

Personality:She is outgoing and helpful for her friends,Axel and Roxas.

Appearance:Wears a navy blue top with half of her stomach showing.She wears girl baggy shorts.Her hair is a nutmeg color and her are are turquoise.

Weapon(s):Keyblade and two chakrams.

Bio:Lynx was friends with Axel and Roxas once she joined the Organization.She's a bit of a tomboy and has a crush on both of the boys.
over a year ago xation said…
How do i make my own?
over a year ago shadow3452 said…
Name: Xeton
sombodies name: masaomi
title: Dual blade weilder. also knows how to use multiple different weapons.
Rank: 666
power: fire, electricity, and darkness
The loneliest of all the warriors of the organization and never associates with any of the members but goes off on his own alot.Does not give a crap about anything.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shadow3452 said…
This is Shadows friend who made the last one! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE I AM THE DARKEST SOUL IN THIS WORLD!
over a year ago Gamehot2 said…
Nobody name: Ayamx

Original name: Maya

Gender: Female

Age: Appears 14(Real age unknown)
Title: Innocent Siren

Rank: 0

Power: Control and manipulation of sound waves. She controls others through their senses with this power also using this to mess with her opponents hearing and perception this gives her the ability to cast mental illusions to her enemy as well. It also allows her to pressurize sound around her into shock waves able to tear off flesh and bone if hit at close range. Her speed breaks the sound barrier.

Weapon: Monomolecular wires that’s she wields with special gloves and her singing voice.

Personality/Story: Unlike the others she receives her orders directly from Xemnes; doing assassination missions for those who have seen organization members in different worlds or for those who are on to their plans. If she could she wouldn't fight at all but she always follows orders down to the letter. She is quiet shy, aloof and rarly speaks. She doesn’t have any friends in organization except Luxord and Demyx. She opens up to Luxord as a bubbly and humorous girl. He was like her big brother she always like playing him in cards and she would come to him for advice. And she used to joke around with Demyx and often did a duet she sung while he played his sitar and write songs together. They both promised each other after they get their hearts they would start a band.

Origin: She cant remember her past but her right eye is a hollow socket maybe that has a connection to who she was.

Winning Quote: “My next song will be in your honor.”

Losing Quote: “I really wanted to start that band.”

Limit Quote: “Shall I sing you a song in Hell?”

Apperance: (Her writing a song.)
last edited over a year ago
Nobody name: Ayamx

Original name: Maya

Gender: Female

Age: Appears 14(Real age unknown)
over a year ago thelaneylo said…
heres mine

Sombody's name: nana
Title: heartless princess
Power: summon any kind of heartless
weapon: keyblade
over a year ago puppylove98162 said…
Name: Xaron
Somebody name: Nora
Rank: 15
Element: Can use 4 elements of nature + darkness
Weapon: drumsticks that transform into keyblades when needed
Title: Innocent Storm
Appearance: Curly strawberry blonde hair, forest green eyes, and very pale skin
Personality: innocent, smart(IQ 256), will do anything to help a friend in need, shy, doesn't speak much

cool isn't it?
over a year ago frosttakahashi said…
Nobody Name: Xantal

Somebody name: Natal


Power: Can materialize berserker swords anywhere and control them without holding them.

Weapon: Berserker swords

Title: Forgotten swordsman

Appearence: *refer to picture*

Personality: Derpy, clumsly fights by stumbling and tripping over his coat, he is a fanboy at heart but tries to hide it. When angered he goes into a berserk stage where his senses are amplified and he gains balance improving his swordsmanship.

Moves:Dance of a thousand blades; a thousand swords are summoned all over the battlefield and shoot out at the enemy, these can be grabbed and used only by the user.

Swordsman's vortex: Swords are summoned around the user and he rushes at the enemy spinning rapidly making it hard to block.

Greeting to Sora: Hey! Aren't you a keyblade wielder?!

Losing: Don't be so mean!

Lost: I thought i could win... i was wrong..

Win: Never challenge a swordsman!

Nobody Name: Xantal

Somebody name: Natal


Power: Can materialize berserker swords anywhere
over a year ago frosttakahashi said…
these are the berserker blades
these are the berserker blades
over a year ago Fade_away said…
name: jallax
Sombody's name: jamall
Rank: xix
Weapon :hidden chain key blade (axe like keyblade that can extend outward by a chain), sheald cannon
Powers: can clone himself, weaves wings out of darkness, can create a labrinth of portals, can transform into a ball of darkness, telekinesis
Limit: summon several clones and slashes at target and knocks him/her into the air and does his flaming rocket zantetzuken
Final limit: extends his and his clones wings and flys into the air, he then fires several bullets at the target following up to his flaming skyrocket zantetzuken.
Title: the bird of darkness
Friends: number xx lexyk
Story: jallax is smart, strange, and unlucky. But very powerful. He and his freind lexyk are part of a profocy that goes (one is the tool, the other functions as a catalist. When the two join together they shall join with the light and destroy the darkness. But if darkness is born in ones heart, they shall become true darkness and desroy everything.
Appearance: african american, orange hair, black eyes
Species: half nobody half heartless half sombody.
Losing phrase: tsk...damit
Wining phrase: you lack the sufficiant inelect to defeat me
over a year ago brekitty said…
Name:BREXAN Somebodies Name:Breanna Title:Fire assasian Power:FIRE profile:A wise girl who says surpisingly little about herself for all the talking she does.She can only rember what it was like to feel but yet not many memories.If you ask her a queston she will tell you then say GOT IT MEMORIZED?Many are scared of her temper although the thing you sould be really scared of is her deadly fire that she calls from her chackrams.
over a year ago frosttakahashi said…

So basically just female Axel? :P
over a year ago mofosixtehfo said…
Title:Psychotic Blade
Weapon:lashblade (sword that is used like a whip)
Appearance:jet black hair,red eyes with slitted pupils, red jacket, black sweatpants, always wearing a crazy grin
Personality:sadistic, murders anyone who gets in his way, when angry, becomes a demonlike spirit
over a year ago zexionsheart903 said…
heres mine:
name: Rixen
original name: Enri
title: the anti-hero of darkness
power: I can controll water and minipulate peoples minds, by using voodoo dolls.
weapon: blade spear. (an indistructible metal spear with huge blades on each end.
appearence: short aqua blue hair. tall, pale skin, thin with a crazed look in my eyes.
eye colour:purple.
personallity: quiet. i usally draw everything. but i mostly play with water, making and moving shapes in the air that are made of water (water horse) when angry, i can turn myself into a werewolf of myself.( this can be dangerouse because sometimes i cant change back so its two much for me and i can die)
rank: 15
over a year ago mutanthunter said…
Name: ??
Sombody's name: ??
Title: dark hunter
Rank: ??
Power/Weapons: his power is to see into people's hearts and feed the darkness inside of them and when that inset working he uses 2 double sided swords that are extremely heavy and seem unsuitable to a normal person let alone swinging them around in one hand.
Bio: one day he just showed up no one seemed to know where he came from but after a week or so he started to ask for missions and after a month or so they sent him off on one that would take months or so they hoped so he came back after 3 days with the heads of 10 men he had killed since then he has been taking the most difficult missions they have ever given out but whenever he is asked a question about how he is so quick or his personal life they find a blade to there neck.
over a year ago axellover1234 said…
Name: saxa
Sombody's name: sara
Title: the sun warrior of light
Rank: 16
Power: sun fire and light
over a year ago nexeus said…
nobody name: Riaxe
human name: Irae
Title: The Restless Creator
Abilities: the power of darkness and creation
Weapons: 6 swords(2 in his hands the others floating)
Bonds: Vexen, Riaxe helps Vexen with experiments
Eyes: very dark blue
Coat: unzipped all the way and is like Xigbar's coat usually seen with hood on
Personalty: Very interested in heartless and nobodies, he is very insane when in battle,loves his work,created the failed experiment the nothings(heartless and nobodies unsuccessfully fused) and secretly a nothing
Plan: wants to create his nothing version of Omega and kill the other organization 13 members so he can turn them and everyone into nothings so he can control them
Hair: like Xemnas's hair but longer
Bio: a scientist with a bad past, he became what he is now because of the nothings, his first one, he was willing to create a human by fusing a heartless and a nobody when it went wrong he was amazed on what he created but it attacked him and stole his heart and now he is what he is
First Limit: floats in the air while shooting the swords at his opponents
Second Limit: goes insane by making the swords spin around him while he travels at high speed then for a final blow he jumps in the air and slams in to the ground making a dark wave
Final Limit: (he fuses with Omega to do this limit): he starts flying around and then saying''power needs nothing!''after he says that he will turn clear and goes off the battle field and then he will shoot beams of energy at his opponent(he will shoot 5 beams 5 times), then charges a ball of energy and shoots it at the field thus making the entire field engulfed in the wave
(hope you like my nobody/nothing)
over a year ago Bugtennyson said…
Name: Anti Bug Tennyson
Title: Darkness of Hearts
Nobody's name: Bug Tennyson
Rank: Region Destroyers backup secret weapon and organisation 13's special weapon
Appearence: A Weevil like creature who had the oppisite colors as his living self Bug Tennyson. White Antennas, white head, yellow eyes, white arms and feet.
Level: 99
Hp: 9,999
Atk: Unknown
Defence: Unkown
World:Negitive SF Region and Region That Never Was
Personality: Evil and is eger to kill his somebody, Bug Tennyson to become real and wanting to rule the SF Region which is Bug Tennyson's home world with his leader Metagon ruler of the Region Destroyers
Weapon: Invertional Onikage © Sword Fusion and me!
1. Invertion Electric Slicer
2. Decaslash
3. Koas of the world's end
4. Socalation Of the Fith Deminsion
Name and status Copyright © 2012 Bugtennyson and Sword Fusion! All rights reserved!

over a year ago AngelUchihaNeko said…
Somebody's Name:Jinny(weird name I know :-P)
Title:The dark Mermaid
Weapon:Two Katana (They are coming out of a cross necklace which looks like the necklaces which some Catholics are wearing)
Appearance:Blue long hair which bangs are hanging above her left eye,sea blue eyes,the Organization
XIII-Outfit but with really short black jeans and wedged boots
Powers:Water and another liquids
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nairdax said…
name: adrian

nobody: nairdax

tittle: the dark death king

rank: number I

power: the darkness

keyblade name: dead memories (made my own)

limit: it come's to a little movie piece and while that happens
he do how fast he can to hold he's hand on the face of his enemys. <(>w<)>