Klaus and Bonnie Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 401

Sarah2393 said …

Please vote :) Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Help for JoMo enter in live.

twitition.com/plrvy Posted over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Hey guys!!! ONE more post!!! My Birthday is Monday!!! And I have a small request for it!


A couple of things that would make my BIRTHDAY more rememberable and AMAZING is...

1) A fanfiction chapter update on Nicola de Lenfent's "Bewitched!!!"

2) AND an INFLUX of Klonnie oneshots!!

Please help in ANY way you can!!! I know it's last minute!! But I JUST realized my day was coming up, and maybe I could get something INCREDIBLE out of it!!! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I'd be the HAPPIEST person!!!! :D :D :D Please and thank yous!!!!! over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
I have a friend writer who writes Klonnie. I'll see is I can push her to update whatever she has on fanfiction! Her name is NYOFACE. Happy birthday too, I hope its awesome!!!! <3 xoxox over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Happy Birthday :) over a year ago
big smile
BB8fan said …
I know I said I was staying away for the rest of the summer, but I just HAD to return this once, because this is HONESTLY the BEST FANFICTION I've EVER read!!!!! And it's a KLONNIE!!!!! If you guys haven't read it yet, go read NOW!!!!! It's INDESCRIBABLE!!!!!!!!

link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Yes, we agree with you. We've read all chapters so far. One of the best stories. We read Spitfire (Klonnie) and it's great but the girl who is writing it haven't updated for ages but you should read it. It's great, too. over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
link over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
"Bewitched" is one of my favorites KB fics. That and "Broken". But all Klonnie fics are great over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Just in case I'm not the only completely CLUELESS and LATE Klonnie fan...

CHECK OUT THIS FANFIC!!!! Can't believe I'm just NOW stumbling upon this EPICNESS!!!


Klaus/Bonnie/Elijah triangle I cannot even BEGIN to describe how HOT!!!!!!!

Check it OUT!!!! You will not regret doing it.

AMAZING. Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Oh! Yes, you are absolutly right it's WOW!!! One of my favorities)))))))) over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
I'm going to read it right now! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Julie Plec on Bonnie in Season 4!!!

"Bonnie's first thing that's going to have to happen is that we're going to learn how long she has to keep this secret (Klaus/Ty body switch!), what kind of bargain she made with Klaus, is she going to be able to tell her friends, specifically Caroline, right away?"

Good GOSH!!! I sure hope she doesn't tell ANYONE for a WHILE!!! In fact, I hope everyone thinks Ty's dead, and she's the only one who knows the truth while he lurks around in her bedroom/house, Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
or she visits him in the cave, bringing him food and other supplies!! :D A girl can hope right!! :D Either way, I hope it's a GOOD deal that people can't justifably get mad at Bonnie over!! I'm excited though!!! Please let these two share this secret for at LEAST 3 episodes!!! Oh my Klonnie heart!! Wonderful spoilers right?! Dare i say it, Julie is getting me UNFORSEEABLY EXCITED about season 4!!! It needs to hurry it's tail on!!! :D over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I agree with you. Maybe she could hide him in her house for a while. Because he (Tyler!Klaus) can't be seen, because of the Council thing. over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I can totally imagine Bonnie hiding Klaus. The Council is after all vampires in MF. And she needs to keep Tyler's body safe, after all ;). Let's hope the writers don't disappoint us. over a year ago
big smile
BB8fan said …
Check out my video "Disaster" PLEASE!!! If you haven't already!! :D Worked REALLY hard on it! REALLY proud of it! And now I wanna entertain you guys, and see if you like it as well! :D Thanks A LOT, in advance! ;D Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We love it! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Thanks a lot, girls!!!!! :D :D over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
It's really great!!!!! over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I love it :) over a year ago
Danya1980 said …
Let's vote for our ship!!! link Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
done ;D over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
Bamon! over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
Klonnie! And Done! over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
I know I'm late getting back... but the link didnt work for me over a year ago
Danna_ said …
"Does Klaus owe Bonnie one now? Or does he never owe anyone anything?

I think that this definitely changes the dynamic between Klaus and Bonnie a little bit."


Well, I think she is pointing out the obvious, but let's pray that it means something else ;)
Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Let's pray!!!!!!!! I can't even say hoa much I want it whould be something else in it! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I still have hope!!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
I hope that this will be true. over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
So, what is the deal between Bonnie and Klaus, was there more to it than just Klaus being alive, in Tyler's body ? Posted over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
The deal is that she saved his life. I wish they showed the scene where she did the spell. But I guess in that way wouldn't be a surprise. over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
We'll see/ From her side it's to save his life but I wonder what is his part of deal? over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
^ You're right. Because a deal means that both people benefit from it. But I wonder how she will benefit from Klaus. What could he do for her? (And no, I'm not talking about sex ;D ). over a year ago
lilou265 said …
Joserina Talk About They Mothers It Sooo Sweet Look!!!

link Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
so cute over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Cute!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Awww... that is so cool! I ship them even harder - if that was possible. ;) over a year ago
klonnieforever said …
I'm rather disappointed that it was Tyler's body that he was transferred into. That means their will be more klaroline scenes than Klonnie scenes Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I think it can't be for a long time and Klaus will return next season with his own body. The bad thing is that we don't know what's going to happend with Forwood. Today Ive found very annoying to read Klaroline posts and I really don't want to watch Klaroline scenes because I feel that it hurts me((( over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I want to stay positive. I wanted them to be allies. And somehow that's what happened. Sure ... in Tyler's body, lol. But I'll take what they give me. over a year ago
Jolie-Monster said …
Well I guess Bonnie and Tyler/Klaus will have to work together next season being as she's the only one that knows he's not dead. Maybe a romance will brew from the time spent?? Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
It's thr best thing I can imagine but I really don't believe in writers of this show/ But after all girl can dream!!! ) over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Maybe good things result from what happened. Like you say, Bonnie is the only one who knows. That fact is something that unites them both. Call me crazy, but I think there is a hint of something between them. over a year ago
Danna_ said …
Correct me if I'm wrong...but he "died" with her blood in his system. There must be some consequence. It's not normal blood, is Witch blood. What do you guys think?.
Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Yes. I agree with you. I never thought about until you mentioned it. :D over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Yes, I agree, must be! It's very interesting idea I haven't thought about it )))))))) over a year ago
klonnieforever commented…
It's very likely like that could happen over a year ago
Danna_ said …
Am I the only one who thought that Klaus drinking her blood was sexy?. God, maybe I'm a little disturbed. LOL Posted over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
You are certainly not alone there! I thought all three of them drinking her blood was sexy!!! Hehe over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
No. you certanly are not alone))) It was very hot and sexy over a year ago
martinachan commented…
ITA LOL ;D over a year ago
lilou265 said …
You Know I Just Watch The Episode Where Bonnie Entombed Klaus And It's Look Like She Inhaled Klaus Life, Now Imaging Bonnie Been Manipulated By Klaus But In Her Head So We Will Have Dark Bonnie And Bonnie Been Manipulated By Klaus And All That In Bonnie Head, You Know Like Jeremy Seen His Dead Exes But This Will Be Bonnie And Only Klaus!!!!! HAHAHHAHHAHAAHAAHHAHHAH!!!!! Posted over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
I LOVE that idea!! over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I want dark Bonnie together with Klaus more than anything. Not only she "inhaled" his life, but somehow she seems to have sucked his energy. Or so I think. over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I love so much this idea too... over a year ago
klonnieforever said …
If anyone has seen or done a klonnie drawing, can they please put it on fanpop. I've been trying to find one for ages Posted over a year ago
klonnieforever said …
I've had a thought. Maybe Klaus can take over Jamie's body to get inside the gang's head. So when Bonnie goes out with Jamie, she's really going out with Klaus instead. It would be so cool if that happened!!! Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
It's cool thought! I like it! over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
That would be the only way that I could like their scenes. Lol poor Jamie. over a year ago
Danna_ said …
Thank God that wasn't Klaus who bit Bonnie. I wouldn't like it. We had some KB moments in this episode (very few, but still...). I liked how he looked at her a couple of times (but maybe that's me fangirling too much lol). Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Very few((((( I've seen thees looks too. I can't support to see this Jamie near her ((((( Such a usrless man ((((((( over a year ago
lilou265 said …
I Have That Stupid Theory That Klaus Needed Bonnie With His Sister (Cause Bekah Will Kill The Go In A Dance With Matt) And Has Go To Where Damon/Matt/Jeremy And Bonnie For The Find Bonnie (Cause Damon Needed Them For A Spell) And She Us Her Magic On Him And He Bite Her And I Think She Did Something With Her Magic So Strong For Make Him Out For At Least Till Damon Help Her, But Damon Propose Her Blood But She Don't Wan It So He Just Bring Her To Stefan For Him The Give His Blood, Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
And Also That's Why Damon Look So Mad Cause She Is In A Way Disgusting By Him And That Even If She Has To Die, And I Also Think That Bonnie Help Klaus For His Sister Cause I Thing In Episode 21/22 We See Damon And Bekah Looking At Something (Who BTW I Hope Is Dark Bonnie)!!!! (I Know That Stupid But That's How I See/Hope This Be!!!) over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Interesting theory. We should talk about this in the Klaus/Bonnie Spoilers Forum :) over a year ago
Dream_007 said …
I have a feeling that Jamie is going to die in 3x20. I really don't mind, but Bonnie is going to be pissed if he does! Posted over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i hope that you're right because i dont want him with our bonbon over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
But remember that they said that her love interest wasn't going to die. And if it wasn't Jamie, who is?. over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I really don't mind! I don't like him at all and don't want such a love interest for Bonnie she deserves more over a year ago
Sarah2393 said …
Please vote :) Posted over a year ago
Jolie-Monster said …
Why do I feel like Julie is going to make Klaus bite Bonnie in 3x21? Is it just me? Posted over a year ago
Desara commented…
No, i think the same but in 2x20 !! And then leads into 2x21 over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
This bite thing confuses me. over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
The only thing I can think of that's happening from the promos is that Ester (Rebekah) is trying to get her hands on Bonnie so she can lend some magic. Klaus catches wind of it and tries to interfer. The Salvatores begrundginly helps Bonnie because she's their weapon of choice. Yet for some reason even though Bonnie uses her magic on Damon... I can't see him biting her again. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but he knows Bonnie owes him a lot more than a brain whammy. So I'll wait to see who bit her. Klaus' hybrid? No! Tyler!! **gasp** over a year ago
lilou265 said …
Interviewer: Now, your co star Kat Graham was here and she was trying to give us a little sneak peek maybe of what’s going to happen with her character Bonnie next season… and um she told us that Bonnie’s gonna be hookering.

Joseph: Oh really? Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Interviewer: So I was wondering, what would Klaus be doing? over a year ago
Jolie-Monster commented…
Love RL Kat and Joe over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
JoMo!! Omgosh, I'm totally shipping them. Klonnie just naturally got it on!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Synopsis za 3x22 [SEASON FINALE]
THE SECRET HERO — Determined to protect his sister, Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) makes a decision that will change everything. In the harsh reality of the present situation, Elena (Nina Dobrev) longs for simpler times when her parents, Grayson (guest star Jason MacDonald) and Miranda (guest star Erin Beute), and Aunt Jenna (guest star Sara Canning) were still alive and her biggest concern was her relationship with Matt (Zach Roerig). Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) leave Mystic Falls together on a mission, but soon split up when Elena needs one of them. Caroline (Candice Accola) and Tyler (Michael Trevino) are forced to make a life-changing decision. Finally, Bonnie (Kat Graham) makes a secret deal that has heartbreaking consequences. over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Maybe with Klaus? What do you think about this? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Bonnie and Klaus?! Oh, my yes. Maybe that's what the BecksDamon on the floor looking shocked is about. To save everyones ungrateful tooshies, she's made a deal with the devil like Lucy did with Kat? over a year ago
LilMissTrouble said …
I'm fan number 287th :) Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Welcome ! ;D over a year ago
LilMissTrouble commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY! Welcome! over a year ago
One4DaRoad said …
Awww on VH1 Morning Buzz! Joseph Morgan was showcased and they showed Bonnie and Klaus scene and they mentioned Kat Graham's visit, his tweeting, I have to watch later today!😝 Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
a new Klonnie scene ? over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
I Hope!!!!! over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I hope!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
So cool!!! Did you watch it? over a year ago
Danna_ said …
I posted this in my tumblr... link

I thought it was funny that he has chosen the picture of his scene with Bonnie. He could have chosen any other pic, not that. Sometimes seems that he do so on purpose :D Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Yes, I've seen it. Love it so much. And the more I think of it the more I agree that he really do it on purpose. He obvioslly can't do it now in a direct way. over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Yeah I See It It Was OMG!!!! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
LOL :D over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Yeah he still ships it and we all no it... over a year ago
hanoooooo said …
vote for Klause & bonnie if you like them as a couple link Posted over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
done ! over a year ago
kouria555 commented…
Done!!! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
done ;D over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
SYNOPSIS 3X21 "Before Sunset"
A DAY WITHOUT A VAMPIRE — Klaus acts on his intentions to leave town with Elena (Nina Dobrev), but finds resistance from a surprising new enemy. Bonnie (Kat Graham) calls on Abby (guest star Persia White) to help her with a difficult spell.

Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
As events spiral out of control, Elena is determined to protect Caroline (Candice Accola), Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) enlist Tyler’s (Michael Trevino) help, while Bonnie and Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) take a terrifying risk to make sure her spell is effective. Damon and Stefan have a surprisingly candid conversation about the future. Chris Grismer directed the episode with story by Charlie Charbonneau & Daphne Miles and teleplay by Caroline Dries (#321). over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
Really? Again a spell *sigh* So let's get this clear the new enemy is Bonnie?Or who? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^THIS. over a year ago
lilou265 said …
Dear Klonnie Fans Check Out!!!! This Is The Same Klonnie Scene As The Fanfic From Our Dear "JazzyWazzy08" In The Cave

link Posted over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I'm reading that fic, is great. Love the gifs, they really fit with that story. over a year ago
bella_princessa commented…
Love it!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
LOVE JazzyWazzy08! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Sinopsis za 3x20:Do Not Go Gentle
WHAT THE WORLD HAS TO OFFER — Alaric (Matt Davis) finds an unexpected ally to guide him on his dangerous new path, while Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Meredith (guest star Torrey Devitto) try to figure out what their next move should be. At the school’s 1920s Decade Dance, Bonnie (Kat Graham) asks Jamie (guest star Robert Ri’chard) to go with her and, at Caroline’s (Candice Accola) suggestion, Elena (Nina Dobrev) asks Stefan (Paul Wesley) to be her date. Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Caroline is pleasantly surprised when Tyler (Michael Trevino) shows up at the dance determined to sweep her off her feet, but Klaus (Joseph Morgan) does his best to come between them. The dance takes a deadly turn when Damon and Stefan realize they need the help of Matt (Zach Roerig), Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) and especially Bonnie to undo a spell that could prove devastating for everyone. over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
His Mother May Have Cause Brain Problem!!!! :D over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
Does anyone have this feeling that Jamie is going to die in this episode? (Watch the promo) over a year ago
Desara said …
Hey i really want to see the scene when Bonnie crys in 3x18 but i cant find it :) Does anyone know where i can ? Posted over a year ago
Henrita commented…
link over a year ago
Desara commented…
Thank you hun over a year ago
Desara commented…
xoxoxoxox over a year ago
Desara said …
Vote Bonnie
link Posted over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Done :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We voted. :D over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Hahahahaha E/D Selfless They Must Really Not Look At The Same Show As Us!!!!! Anyway Bonnie Is Winning!!! :D over a year ago
skins-01-fan said …
Hey guys can you please join a klaus club that my friend created? Here's the link: Would you like to join a klaus club my friend created? If so here's the link: link Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Done!!!! :D over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Done! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I'm there! over a year ago
bella_princessa said …
Can anyone think of a way in which a witch( in a magical way if possible ) could "turn off" their emotions? Similar to the way vampires turn of their emotions.

This is an idea for a Bonnie Fanfiction

Thanks in advance. Posted over a year ago
skins-01-fan commented…
Sorry hun but I have no idea :( I know this may sound silly but have you googled it? over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
It would be interesting. Grams did say that her emotions make her stronger, so if she turned them off - or denied them - she'd have to suppliment it with maybe drawing dark magic from blood. It would be a slippery slope, that might see her teaming with Katherine for some mayhem on the Salvatores. Oh, yummy! over a year ago
bella_princessa commented…
I love the Klonnie board. Thanks for all your advice so far. Can't wait to let you know when I have the first chapter ready!! over a year ago
Danna_ said …
So, If any of us wanted to leave this ship, after last night, it's very difficult.

Seriously, if they don't want us to ship them, do not make scenes like these. It's almost torture! lol Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
It/s almost torture yes but I feel impossible for me to leave this ship any way because I feel them right this way over a year ago
skins-01-fan commented…
There's no way in hell I'm abandoning this ship! I don't care if JP never puts them together I will always remain a klonnie fan! over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Yes!, he was touching her. I love that part. They were so close... over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 said …
Joseph Morgan: "He does, and it’s weird because there is this whole group of fans that ship Klaus and Bonnie, these “Klonnie” fans, and it’s bizarre because all I’ve ever done is threaten her, and we’ve had minimal screen time together. I actually get along quite well with Kat, so we’ve done a couple of things to encourage this shipping. But, yeah, Klaus does enjoy manipulating her and using her powers. She’s quite invaluable to him at this point." Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
This is the full quote and it isn't as bad as it sounded. Honestly I feel like they told him to pull back on some of his Klonnie support because Klaroline is canon. I really think he still supports it. You can't go from one extreme to the other that fast. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Thank you jazzy, i just read it, and im calmed down now lol, it sound different this way, the quote i read before in the other interview seemed very rude, idk why they didnt just put the whole quote. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Freakin' fandom jealousy..Agree with y'all, it was taken out of context and feels different now. Their scenes last night fair SIZZLED on screen. Give up this ship? lol. Not.even. *Highfives* over a year ago
Dream_007 said …
Bonnie is not in the next episode "Heart of Darkness"! Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Yeah. We saw that, too. This show is a total disaster. over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Yaah. I saw it..... over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
She will not be in this episode, but she will be in episode 20 "Do not go gentle" and yes LuCe60bis in episode 20 there is a dance, but Bonnie will not be in episode 19 "Heart of Darkness" over a year ago
skins-01-fan said …
Oh. My. Klonnie! Their scenes were so delicious tonight! The intense & sexy looks they kept flashing each other had my klonnie heart pumping furiously! I hope we get more scenes from them. The writers definitely made a serious mistake by pairing klaus with caroline. Also whe cried bonnie I cried too! I can definitely see her going to the dark side Posted over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Do you know where can I watch the episode? over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I only found this scene... link. It was hot. over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We are not sure but maybe she's fed up with all that's going on and that she's the only one who suffers the most. Maybe that's the reason for planning it-If she's planning it. :D That's just an idea that crossed my (Sanja's) mind. We loved their scenes but after watching the episode we read only the part of what JoMo said and we were angry but now that's all clear we hate him less than yesterday. LOL :D over a year ago
Danna_ said …
Sadly, I found the source... link

Still find all this weird. I don't know what to think anymore. Posted over a year ago
One4DaRoad commented…
It is, there is also an article on The Hollywood Reporter with JoMo: linkHe talks about Bonnie being the go-to-call. I despise how much they use Bonnie on this show and yet none of the male characters are fighting to be with her, smh. I so give up on this show. :( over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I'm angry and sad at the same time. And we had to find out the SAME day of the KB scenes? Cruelty. over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Am I the only person who think it is not a simple thing that we saw it THE SAME day we were looking forward over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Another thing I can't understand at all is why they are so interested in say something about us at all He could jast told all the thing abuut Karoline e punto Why did he mentioned us? over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
This week, Bonnie is the target of his evil scheme. For those of you thinking there may be romantic sparks between them -- yeah, we've seen your Tumblrs -- you may want to board a new 'ship. "I keep seeing people talking about this 'Klonnie' relationship," Morgan says. "I mean -- I've had minimal screen time with her, and all I've ever done is threaten and be horrible to her. I don't know what these people think a good relationship is based on." - New JoMo interview... Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I seriously dont know what's going on, what we did to deserve this, he NEVER said bad things about Klonnie before, and now after the recent fiasco with JP, it's like we became the target, did she asked him to said this or what ? WTF seriously ! over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
I don't understand why he says that about Klonnie because, Caroline and Klaus also NEVER had any screentime together before he saved Caroline. He has also done horrible things to her like "kill her boyfriend" Klaus has been horrible to everyone so if he Joseph Morgan can't be with someone he has been mean to he can not be with no one. over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
"So if Joseph Morgan says Klaus# over a year ago
SaintMissAnna said …
ok, long time I was not here, but I did not write, uh it does not matter. I mean .... I follow closely everything that happens in our little world, I read your comments and .. Well .. I'm proud that I belong to this "family" :) The way you continue to support this paring ... it's something beautiful. Whether it will be with Klaus and Bonnie or not (Well if not, so the writers are stupid) but I'm glad that I am in this with all of you :* ok, end of sweetening, I will be silent, I promise :D Posted over a year ago
big smile
xDenYsaDenYx said …
we will trend #Klonnie on twitter today at 7 PM. Is that okay? Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Yes :D over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
What time is it in Europe? over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
@xDenYsaDenYx Thank you. over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx said …
Should we trend #Klonnie on twitter this thursday? Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Yes We Should!!! <3 over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Yes, we should!!! over a year ago
skins-01-fan commented…
I'm all for it! over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Friendly reminder! Didn't Kat say Bonnie was getting a new love interest who wouldn't die! ;D...I SURE hope this still stands, because Jaime is HARDLY invincible, AND I DEFINITELY don't see him staying around indefinitely! :D At least I hope not!! ;D LOVE the guy, REALLY, but honestly he has more chemistry with CAROLINE!! Should've put him with CAROLINE and BONNIE with Klaus!! Oh my GOSH, if they could still do it somehow!!! I'd take back EVERY bad thought I ever had of the writers! #EPIC!!! Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Can't even DESCRIBE how impatient and excited I am for Thursday!!! FIRST EVER ONE ON ONE KLONNIE SCENE!!! Let's see if the cameras or writers are able to cover up their UNDENIABLE chemistry!!! I HIGHLY doubt it!!! :D :D :D over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
I would love to, but JP kinda confirmed it was Jamie with the "twitter fight", because Bonnie is strong and beautiful, she cant be with any vampire. and Klaus Caroline have plenty scenes coming, specially when Tyler come back. :/ Like you all of this doesnt make sense, i dont see the point of Jamie staying, he is useless, maybe it's for Beremy idk... over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Lol. Yeah that's DEFINITELY happening right now!! This has been Caroline's SEASON!!! Poor Elena hasn't even gotten much action! :( This season has truly SUCKED for Nina Dobrev, just realized it when talking to sis last night! She's only recieved ONE kiss, all season long! She's been EXTREMELY emo!! And she hasn't even had Katherine to play around with!! :( I LOVE Caroline, so I guess it's cool she's getting some action, but Bonnie is going to HAVE to get her time next season!! And dare I say, Elena as well! Though with JP making Bonnie a minor character in her OWN storyline, I just HOPE is for a reason! That HAS to be out of a reason, and NOT out of pure neglect and favortism! I'm still waiting for the shoe to drop! :D EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and Bonnie being used as a punching bag is no different! Caroline speaking up for Bonnie, and her seldom speaking up for HERSELF, is not for nought! Can't WAIT to see what becomes of this all!! ;D over a year ago
Adella98 said …
OMG OMG OMG Did you see the promo? OMG OMG! Klonnie scene this episode YAAAAAAAAAY! Posted over a year ago
Desara commented…
Ikr OMG cant wait over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I can't wait too!!! over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I'm counting the days lol. I hope it's a good scene. over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I hope so too and I'm waiting it so over a year ago
lilou265 said …
“If a hot witch walked by, would you as Klaus, would you a) let her walk by, b) sleep with her,..or kill her?”
“I..probably a combination of b and c.”
“B and c, really?”
“Yes. I think b before c is probably the way to go.”

- Joseph Morgan (the biggest Klonnie shipper in the world) [x]

Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
LuCe60bis commented…
ahahahah ! oh Joseph ! x) Klonnie for the win ! they're not cheesy ! it's very sexy and dangerous ;P and that's what we want ! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I love you, Joseph!!! This is so true!!! over a year ago
lilou265 said …
You People Should Look To That It's Some Manip That A Girl Did From Klonnie!!!!!!

link Posted over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Love it! over a year ago
bella_princessa commented…
Thats hot! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Perfect!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Wow, beautiful!! over a year ago
lilou265 said …

link Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
done ;D over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Done over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
Done :) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Doing! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
New Zealand 20/20 interview with Candice, Michael, Katerina and JoMo.

Kat is SOOOOO cute as a fangirl. <3333 Not sure about JoMos "B" and "C" choice for his 'witch' though. Bonnie would fry his toosh before it got to either - but he'd like it! Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you very much for the link. LOve it. :D over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
LOVED IT!!!! THANKS HUN!!!!! LOVE YOU DEAR!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
My ultimate pleasure darlings. <33 Totally agree with One4DaRoad - potential is jumping from the screen, it's frustrating that JP refuses to acknowledge the chemistry Kat and Joesph have. over a year ago
Dream_007 said …
I don't like Bonnie and Jamie together. I feel like they are being forced together or something. They don't have that powerful connection like Klaus and Bonnie has. Yesterdays episode they had a scene together and I didn't like it at all. Come on they have this "brother and sister" relationship. Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Agree with you...They don't have it at all. But what can we do with it. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
As Julie Pec would say "No...just no" over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I don't like at all Jamie.... :( over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Bonnie & Klaus in the next episode. Posted over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
Yay!! over a year ago
cirikou555 commented…
i hope that it have nothing the do with caroline cause than i will rrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Oh yes!!! It's great!!! ;D over a year ago
Danna_ said …
I think I've lost my mind. I don't know why exactly, but lately I'm loving the idea of KB. And it's strange, because they rarely share scenes. But truth be told... I ship them. Posted over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
So welcome! You are a one of us!!! over a year ago
Danna_ commented…
I am ! ;) over a year ago
skins-01-fan commented…
Welcome hun :) I feel the same way! over a year ago
torilee07 said …
I know this is probably mean and rude but i am having so much fun teasing klaroline fans and Caroline lol. I say she is weak then they say she is strong and i'm like well according to Julie Plec a beautiful, strong woman wouldn't be with a murderous vampire lol. I know it is immature but it is fun. Julie Plec really fucked up with that comment! Posted over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
lol over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
OMG You Creazy, But I Think That Why I Love You So Much!!!! :D over a year ago
martinachan commented…
LOL :D over a year ago
Desara commented…
hahaha OMG that just made my day over a year ago
Desara said …

LOVE KLONNIE ♥ ♥ ♥ Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
♥ ♥ ♥ CONGRATULAZIONI ;D ♥ ♥ ♥ over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Congratulations! <3 over a year ago
Desara commented…
thanks you :) ♥ LOVE YOU ALL over a year ago
lilou265 said …

link Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I can't see the link :( over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I don't see it too(( over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
It-s work now. over a year ago
big smile
lilou265 said …

link Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
That The Tweet He Is Talkt About!!!! link over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
and this too link over a year ago
martinachan commented…
and the most surprising thing is there are many fans who love Bonnie ... I think she is the female character to have more supporters ... what happened yesterday on twitter was so insulting, rude for us ... all Bonnie supporters are always polite ... infact then they (Julie and Matt Davis) have erased their tweet... over a year ago
big smile
Dream_007 said …
Take a look at this! A picture of Bonnie and how she is going to look at the dance! link Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
She Is Stunning Right!!!! over a year ago
Desara commented…
YOU SAID IT GIRL over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Kat on Joesph Klaus/Bonnie
(adores their mutual loveness!)
link Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Danya1980 commented…
It's absolutly amazing!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Agreed^^ to you both.. shipping the characters and finding it hard not to ship Kat and Joesph too. *adrobs they are!* over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
7. Bonnie getting some love: Graham was coy, but hinted that Bonnie will meet someone who doesn’t die!

Posted over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
I hope it isn't Jamie over a year ago
Henrita commented…
its jamie no doubt... over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I hope so that it's not Jaremy neither Jaimy!!!!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa said …
Found on tumblr.

”… It’s funny because I really love Kat Graham. We get along really well, and we have hardly anything to do with each other in the show. So we’re always pushing a little bit for more. But yeah, we’re going to see those characters on the screen together again, let’s say that.” - Joseph Morgan

1/19/12 Interview
Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
KLONNIE BABY!!!!! over a year ago
nglenn9 commented…
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I think Julie know it but she doesn't want it, She has such an affection for Carolain not for Bonnie. Also I agree with jazzywazzy08 over a year ago
torilee07 said …
Weren't all those stills of Bonnie from 3x18 great?? Oh wait.....never mind. Would it really kill them to release one still of Bonnie? Get rid of the Sage one and put in a Bonnie one!! Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
AGREED!!!!! over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Even Finn have a still xD over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^^Exactly!!! tvd keep bringing on secondary characters giving them story/screen time but heaven forbid they give the one that keeps their tooshies ALIVE in the first place due rights. Arghhh. Hoping that Bonnies still is too important to put up. *clings to it* over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
This spot is alive again. :D Finally! :D Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
never could die even when we don't have much the hold to!!!!!!! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
;D over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
YAY! We've been kicked by tvd lately, but we're darn tootin' kicking 'em back! ;) over a year ago
saki84400 said …
Bonnie is there to dance. A friend will tell me his scene. she was on the set ... soon as I know more I tell you
Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
GREAT, thank you ! cant wait over a year ago
saki84400 commented…
My friend who was at the shooting of this scene: for then I saw that scene, Kat was dressed in a black dress 20 years, hair tied, the earrings black pearl necklace & pearl white & red lipstick, short too good! She was reciting a spell, and in front of it was Klaus Jaimie by the throat ... After a moment she said "Let Him Go" and the Klaus finally let go .. but Bonnie does not seem happy at all .. if not in the room there was also Ian, Paul and Steven, but I'm not sure what their role is because my girlfriend and me we were in the room prod (with Kevin :-)!) and the camera was just the angle of Bonnie :-)! and Damon will be at the ball but had not planned not to go, so he is not dressed for! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankyou so much for the information.. it boosts the heart again! Please thank your friend as well.. it's sounds great, and to have Klaus and Bonnie in scenes will be great.. even though he has Jamie by the throat. Yay, Steven is back! over a year ago
big smile
lilou265 said …
“I caught Joseph watching Klonnie videos”

—     Kat Graham on Joseph Morgan Posted over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
Lol!! over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
Is this true? over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
Thank you for such an amazing notice. Joesph our greatest shipper!!!!!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
S03E18- The Murder of One Synopsis:

SAVIOR OF THE CURSED AND THE DAMNED — Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) focus a new project that will bring them closer to destroying Klaus (Joseph Morgan), and they quickly bring Elena (Nina Dobrev), Caroline (Candice Accola) and Matt (Zach Roerig) in on the plan. After Klaus threatens someone close to Bonnie (Kat Graham), she has no choice but to work on the spell he needs. Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Meanwhile, Klaus and Rebekah (guest star Claire Holt) find the perfect motivator to convince Finn (guest star Caspar Zafer) to cooperate with them, but Rebekah is more interested in her own brutal plan to take revenge on Damon. Stefan’s emotional turmoil leads him to a dangerous confrontation with Klaus and, later, to a heartbreaking moment with Elena. The episode was directed by J. Miller Tobin and written by Caroline Dries. over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Now I wanna see this episode...a little, delicate hope in this show so cruel .... over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I wonna see it!!!!! over a year ago
big smile
Klaus-x- said …
Bonnie and Klaus shipper Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Hello and welcome! Lovely to have another fan here. :) over a year ago
saki84400 said …
Julie Plec also responded to a fan, saying:Bonnie has plenty of great story coming up. You have been misinformed
Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Argh, Julie. Can't believe a word she says anymore. over a year ago
big smile
saki84400 said …
Good news, Bonnie will dance to the 3x20, julie plec replied to the question I had asked him: Bonnie my question will it be to dance the 3x20 response: yes
Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Finally. We still can't believe it..or we are scared knowing that she 'd already at the beginning of the season told that Bonnie would have more scenes. Anyway, THANKS FOR SHARING THIS WITH US. :D over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Yeah THIS "Center Of The Season" Was Really But Really FEAK!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Thankyou saki for sharing with us. I'm trying to be hopeful, but knowing JP this tidbit will go the way of 'front and center' I really REALLY hope that she will get to dance again. Our girl deserves to be happy. over a year ago
Dream_007 said …
In episode 21 "Do Not Go Gentle" there will be a 20's decade dance and Elena and Damon and Caroline and Klaus will share a dance in this episode. And I'm not suprised if Bonnie is not in this dance. Do they really hate Bonnie this much!? Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
It seems that we all can't understand why there is so much hatred for Bonnie. :(( This show really sucks. over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
I read somewhere that Bonnie was not attending... They have really messed around with Bonnie this season. We NEED KW back. JP is destroying this show! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
There are a lot of fans disappointed in the lackluster neglectful writing of JP, and the way they treat Bonnie is appalling. Fans have been leaving this show since s3 began. But good news, Bonnie IS in the episode.. happily, joyfully so. Including Klaus! :D over a year ago
Dream_007 said …
A bad news guys! Episode 21 "Do Not Go Gentle" is a big episode for Caroline, Tyler and Klaus. I do not know if this is true, it could be a rumor. Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I don't even care about what goes on this show anymore...I don't expect anything when it comes to Klonnie at this point....I'll be happy if the have any type of interaction but if they don't I won't be at all surprised over a year ago
martinachan commented…
ITA with @jazzy...I don't care anymore... we'll see... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Fans are leaving it by the dozens. Most only watch now to see Bonnie, and since she's not on there long enough, neither are they. We can only hope JP figures out she's destroying the characters left right and center. Kick toosh Bonnie will go towards increasing the numbers again. :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
3x20 Spoilers about Klaus
We hope that Bonnie will become bad and burn them all!
Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
if I remember correctly, I already read this news, They always say the same boring things! Only Wish: I want Dark!Bonnie too!!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Yeah, but we hoped that the producers will come to their senses. It seems that it won't happen. We wish Bonnie would have more scenes! over a year ago
martinachan commented…
sadly our destiny is waiting ... and try not to have any illusions ... it's so hard... over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
BURN their tooshies, and then lets see them ever be ungrateful again. ((huggles you all))) over a year ago
kittiwitti said …
Heya! I'm a Bamon, Stefonnie and Klonnie shipper! YES EVERYTHING ABOUT BONNIE MAKES ME SHIP HER WITH HOT VAMPIRE MEN! XD Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
AMEN!!! over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
>3 Often a nice group smex would be nice! Man me so perverted LOL over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
AMEN!!!! over a year ago
Dream_007 said …
Episode 19 is called "Heart of Darkness" Do you guys think Bonnie will go dark? I can't blame her for going dark and seek revenge.. Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I hope so! Seriously you have no idea how happy this would make me! over a year ago
Dream_007 commented…
I love the idea too! Bonnie has all right to be mad and turn a little dark. She has done her saving part, now it's time her time ti shine and seek revenge. I hope Bonnie is pissed so she can be dark! over a year ago
kittiwitti commented…
I hope so! Can you imagine Klaus/Bonnie make out scene D: It will be epic! over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 said …
Okay so to anyone reading The Summoning I have midterms starting tomorrow which is why I haven't updated yet but I will do my best to get it up soon.... Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Don't worry @jazzy, even if I'm looking forward to next chapter!!! again thanks for this!!! ;D over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
I Just Finnish It And It Was OMG I LOVED IT AND THE Emily/Damon And Shelia/Klaus Was Soooo OMG!!!!! AND KLONNIE WAS SOOO HOT!!!! In My Head It Was The Same Scene As The Tudors With Henry/Anne In The Woods And Klonnie Was Making It Much More Hot And Epic With Your Word!!!!! AMAZING!!! over a year ago
SaintMissAnna said …
hey girls and boys ...? Can anybody help me how to add a story on fanfiction? I am doing this is the first time , and I would like to add a story Klonnie in this terrible time of crisis :) Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
I think that you should sign up first, then you have option publish. there you have option to read rules and I think then you should be able to publish it. over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Yeah thats pretty much it except you have to upload the document before you can publish. over a year ago
Desara said …
Congratulations to JazzyWazzy08 For becoming our First FOTM Congrats sweetheart !! Posted over a year ago
Beriwan commented…
AWW!!!! over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Congratulations to Jazzy. :D over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
well done! you deserve it!XXXX over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
What's up guys? Posted over a year ago
Henrita commented…
nothing much how about you??:) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Well, we are watching TVD again, reading some fanfiction stories and we're still voting. It seems they fixed the problem. :D over a year ago
Desara commented…
Watching TV !! How are you ? over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Well, I(Sanja) :D took a break to make some tests for pupils. :D over a year ago
Vamp321 said …
Had to say this but I loove the banner nice job whoever did it! (: Posted over a year ago
Desara commented…
Its AMAZING !! over a year ago
Vamp321 commented…
I KNOOW ! (: over a year ago
Vamp321 commented…
whoever did it deserves mad props ;) LOOL! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
VOTE GUYS PLEASE. Bonnie was in the lead for 30%, but now Caroline is leading. link Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
i voted, but it's like my votes go and count for Caroline...weird, i smell someone is cheating to this poll ! over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
I noticed that too! I voted like 30 times in a row for Bonnie but only Carolines votes would go up..... over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
Would thy really rig it so Caroline would win the poll though? That seems pretty petty to me.... I highly doubt that klaroline fans a voting every second lol over a year ago
One4DaRoad said …
hey guys, been so busy and just watched episode 15. Even if I do not get my Klonnie, I'd much rather Bonnie side with Team Originals, atleast Klaus has yet been shown having such little regards to Bonnie and her feelings. He has yet to try to kill her after she tried to do him in. I was so pissed off that THEY wanted Bonnie and her mother to get the coffin open, which they got open and actually gave them the tool to Kill Klaus but when Elena screwed up the plan yet again. Posted over a year ago
Desara commented…
Elena just likes playing damsel and distress and having attention ! over a year ago
Desara commented…
But i agree, I would like to see Bonnie team up with the Originala and Kick ass.. I am still Hope there will be some Klonnie over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Bonnie+team originals=team KICKASS! over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
link Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
thanks, voted ^^ over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you. ;) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We've been voting all the time. But there's blocking period, unfortunately, but we keep on checking when it is unblocked and keep on voting again and again. :D over a year ago
torilee07 said …
Do you guys remember when Kat said that if Bonnie was weakened by anything it could lead to crazy times for her? I think this is it! Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Yes, we do. We agree with you. That time has come. And probably some of them deserve whatever will come soon. We read that people defend Elena saying that also some of her family died, too. But as far as we can remember, her adoptive parents got killed in the car accident. But the whole Bonnie's family sacrificed for the world's well being and saving the world from the vampires. Although. we are sad that Jenna had to die, but that's it. over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Kinda, maybe, idk lol, but i think she could make some crazy alliance, like maybe with Klaus, against Esther, and wont give a f*ck about what the Salvatore will think or say to her, she'll do what she have to do, so it could mean badass Bonnie ;). But let's not hope too much, we've been so much disappointed in so many ways ... over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Hope It's True!!!! But The Best Thing Is If Bonnie Go Against The Salvatore And Make The Really BUT REALLY SUFER!!!!!! over a year ago
Adella98 said …
The icon contest is open!
Good luck!
link Posted over a year ago
Adella98 said …
Hey guys I was wondering what would you say about an icon contest :D Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
That sounds fun! over a year ago
Desara commented…
me too :) over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We love the idea. :D over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
Vampire Diaries Video: Kat Graham Says Bonnie Will Go Against Elena and Stand by It

Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Hmm i LOVE the sound of it ! but i hope it's not just for one episode :( over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
^Me too! I feel like its about time that Bonnie went against Elena! over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Haters gonna hate anyway. and I will always support my girl no matter what ^^ over a year ago
Desara said …
The pick from FOTM is up :)
So i was thinking maybe we should have a New spot Look.. What do you think ?
Also i am re-opening my editing contest so please do take part :)
Love Klonnie Posted over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
Yup, I think it is time for a change =D over a year ago
martinachan commented…
I miss your editing contest!!! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
NOOOOOOO!!!!! I LOVE our banner!!! PLEASE don't change that BEAUTIFUL thing!!!! :( over a year ago
lilou265 said …
torilee07 commented…
Preach over a year ago
martinachan commented…
ITA!!! over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
word ! over a year ago
One4DaRoad said …
I look at this video and for the life of me, I never understood why Klaus never tried to persuade Bonnie to be on the Original side instead of the Scoobies, smh. link Also, if I can not get my Klonnie, I'm soooo game for the more mature/equal Elijah, who is the moral Original Vamp with the moral witch since JP claims Klaus and possibly Damon are not moral enough to be with Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
So do i ! i love the idea of Bonnie and Elijah, if i cant have Klonnie ! ;) over a year ago
One4DaRoad commented…
Well, JP couldn't use her lame excuse about him not having MORALS, :) I really want Klonnie, sighs; however, if I can't get it, Elijah bonding with Bonnie, I'd take it. LOL over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Klaus is a painter. I mean, it makes sense. We're the only ones who don't understand "roll my eyes again and again" over a year ago
Adella98 said …
251st fan! Posted over a year ago
Desara commented…
Funny, Klonnie is not happening, but we are still growing :0 over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
Welcome! ^_^ over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Welcome!!!!! over a year ago
Desara said …
How is eveybody ?
The FOTM pick will be up tomorrow and i wish you all luck... All of you derserve it. Even if Klonnie is not going to happen i will always be here and we should all show are love <333 Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Hi :) Yes i will stay around too, and i hope all of you will too <3 We know what and how amazing Klonnie could have been if the show had good writers...i'll never forget the crap they're doing to us insteas of the Awesomeness of Klonnie! over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
AGREED!!!! <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We'll be here , too. :D over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
THANKS TO ToriLee207 Posted over a year ago
Contingent said …
Please, we have to show to the all fanbase how we feel about the way Bonnie and the other minority character are treated. Please, we have to show to the all fanbase how we feel about the way Bonnie and the other minority characters are treated.
Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I'm so there! over a year ago
Desara commented…
me too over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 said …
Happy Vanlentine's Day to all my lovely Klonnie fans! I love you guys! Kisses! Posted over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
Happy Valentine’s Day over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thanks. Happy Valentine's Day, too. :D over a year ago
Desara commented…
I hope you all had a great day :) over a year ago
BB8fan said …
Vote NOW!!! For Bonnie/KatG PLEASE!!! :D

link Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
Voted ! over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
THANKS LUCE!!!! :D over a year ago
aries2012 commented…
voted :) over a year ago
LuCe60bis said …
Do you guys think there's still any chance that the ridiculous thing who is called Klaroline could be in fact an evil plan ??? because i just cant think of any others reasons which could explain this BS ! x) and if we think about it and look at it in a bigger picture, there is more logic for this to be an evil plan than to be a real and sincere thing, i mean it's Klaus ! Posted over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Luce, you''re probably right, because Klaus is now unrecognizable and we haven't forget that Caroline loves Tyler and Tyler will return ... The next episode maybe will help us to understand! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
i wish you're right about this all crap thing about Klaroline is an Klaus' evil plan....but i doubt it....just watch this "dangerous liaisons" episode and you'll see that klaus faints Caroline....he really does.....thats really weird because she looks like his sister (gross) and because this is the second time that they met each other....they never shared scenes before the one in caroline's bed...i think thi is there that he totally fell in love with her --' call it bad writing guys over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
^I have to agree that I think its highly unlikely. Caroline is becoming their golden girl outside of Elena so I feel like we'll be getting crumbs. But if no one else feels our pain at least we KG feels it and we have her support! over a year ago
kindhiya3 said …
just wanna share a bonnie's vid guys!!!! show your support to bonnie's treatment by the writers!!!!!!! link Posted over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Good work! You have our support! over a year ago
kindhiya3 commented…
thanks <3 over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
Thank you very much. over a year ago
torilee07 said …
This spot isn't as alive as it was before 3x14 Posted over a year ago
aries2012 commented…
I's still here. It's just hard to be a Klonnie fan when Klaroline is all in our faces. But im not giving up on them. over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
We noticed that, too. We were checking all these days..but there was nobody. :( I hope that it will become alive again. At least Bonnie deserves that her fans are still there for her. Maybe something will happen and change everything that bothers us..in a positive way, of course. over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Same as Luce and Martina! Lol. I'm still here as well. ALWAYS gonna support Bonnie. It's just sad, like Aries said, and HARD, when they're SHOVING Klaroline in our faces!! :( But like SanjaTanja said, maybe something good will happen. Trying to keep hope alive! It's HARD, but I know without that, I have nothing...I ain't going NOWHERE though!! At least until the end of the season...:( over a year ago
SanjaTanja said …
My sister thought of suggesting you talented guys to make a video with a song of Christina Aguleria-You lost me. We would try but we are not good at making videos so If anyone feels doing it-THANK YOU VERY MUCH. You can include Caroline as well. Probably those who know the song , realised why Caroline should be in the video. Sorry if suggestion offended you. Posted over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
I just listened to that song. It's a really beautiful song! It would make a great Klonnie video. I'm not the best at making videos but I'll give it a go =D over a year ago
SanjaTanja commented…
THANK YOU VERY MUCH. :* over a year ago
torilee07 commented…
You're welcome. Happy you liked it! <3 over a year ago