Kurt and Blaine Wall


Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 110

Maysie17 said …
KLAINE!!!! I so want this to happen it is my favoursite part of the show for me =D LOVE Them =D Posted over a year ago
Channyfan1 said …


I just heard that Blaine is going to kiss......

Ya, Rachel. You know, hobbit, gr8 voice, Finchel. WTF?!?!?!?! I heard about it on a question they asked on the Glee spot. If he puts his lips on ANYbody else but Kurt (And Ginny) I WILL FREAKING KIIIILLLLLL HHHHHHIIIIIMMMMM!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
cckarocks7 commented…
lol its okay, relax. Murphy says he's gonn be drunk on wine coolers during spin the bottle xD I think this will actually be pretty funny if done right over a year ago
lolibarbie commented…
I just saw that! And I was like, "OH SHIT NO! BIOTCHHH!" over a year ago
LinaHarrow commented…
It was distrubing yes. 0.e over a year ago
lolibarbie said …

Yay. Kurt told Blaine he liked him...<3 Posted over a year ago
pastelova commented…
<3 over a year ago
Sunshu commented…
/o/ <3 over a year ago
cckarocks7 commented…
That was so sweet <3 over a year ago
Channyfan1 commented…
<3 over a year ago
Wada said …
Blaine: Warm milk? Really?
Kurt: It's delicious!
Best scene in the entire episode! XD Posted over a year ago
cckarocks7 commented…
Loved that xD over a year ago
Channyfan1 commented…
I luuuuuved tht! over a year ago
Channyfan1 said …

Blaine just sang a love song.......

TO ANOTHER GUY!!! And he wasn't even hot! It was just some guy from GAP or somthing!!! OMG, poor Kurtie!!! Im going to KILL Blaine!!! Posted over a year ago
HappyJenny commented…
how could he :( over a year ago
Channyfan1 commented…
IKR?!?!?!? JERK!! over a year ago
cckarocks7 commented…
At first I was pissed...now I love that video xD over a year ago
cckarocks7 said …

Kurt just told Will he's in love with Blaine. I know we knew all along, but, *faint* Posted over a year ago
lolibarbie commented…
Agreed <3 over a year ago
Channyfan1 commented…
<3 Klaine FTW!!!! over a year ago
HappyJenny commented…
cute isn't it :) over a year ago
lolibarbie said …
<3 ever since 'Never Been Kissed' the first minutes when I saw Blaine and Kurt looking at each other
I knew they'd fall for each other ♥ Posted over a year ago
Channyfan1 commented…
IKR?!?! But it sukked wen Karofsky practicly raped Kurt. I was running round the house screaming "IT SHOUDVE BEEN BLAINE! IT SHOUDVE BEEN BLAINE! iT SOUDVE BEEN BLAINE!!!!!!" over a year ago
0oSquirto0 said …

If you haven't seen Furt don't read!

Kurt moved to Dalton with Blaine! Is anyone else super excited!? I kind of wanted Blaine to move to McKinley to be with the REAL Glee club but oh well at least Kurt&Blaine can be together! Posted over a year ago
Rayefire commented…
i'm glad that kurt and blaine will be together, but i wish kurt hadn't left. over a year ago
Charming_angel commented…
Same as Rayefire...i don't know if i want Dalton or ND to win now! over a year ago
TwiGleekFreak commented…
Btw,Im new to Fanpop so Im not exactly sure where to find out,but whoever made this fan club and found all the awesomely cute pics is AMAZING!! :D Just saying,please follow me,and Ill follow back! over a year ago
marissa said …
does anyone know the next time we might see Blaine? I heard Darren Criss has been made a seris regular - when will he be back? Posted over a year ago
0oSquirto0 commented…
I know he isn't going to be in the next episode as he isn't listed as a guest star :( But he has to be on the week after next becasue that is when they are going to Sectionals! over a year ago
Channyfan1 said …
YAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! 1st wall post!!!!! I saw "Never Been Kissed" Tues and fell in <3 w/ Klaine!!!!!!!! They r sooooo perfect 4 each other, rite?!?!? Posted over a year ago
xoPixie-Popxo commented…
ur obsessed over a year ago
Shandiii commented…
So?? It's okay to be obsessed with the best [possible] Glee couple this season. ;D over a year ago
Channyfan1 commented…
IKR?!?!?!?!?!!? KLAINE FTW!!!!! over a year ago