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Lady Gaga Question

why does she wear weird clothes???

I think she wears weird becouse she just feels like it . That's the reason I admire her becouse she does everything she wants without caring about peoples opinions
ladygagaluver posted over a year ago
alakay13 posted over a year ago
she wants to be noticed as not an ordinary popstar and the one and only
mollytrixie posted over a year ago
 punkgirl2525 posted over a year ago
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Lady Gaga  best answer

blueberrykisses said:
cuz she's cool like that, and she's "terrified of being average" (gaga herself)
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posted over a year ago 
couldt have said it better.
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
GaGaBoi posted over a year ago
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Jazzmyn17 said:
Lady GaGa said in an interview with Oprah a day ago that she dresses differently because she wants to make a statement about something going on in the world. She said she doesn't do it just to be perogative and to stand out. She is very into italian fashion and she explained that she wakes up every morning trying to create her dream outfits with her designers. For example: she said she wore the frog outfit one day because it's her was of saying that she doesn't like to wear furr or dead animals, and all of the kermitt frogs were symbolizing the dead animals that many people wear. Another time she said she wore that red lacy outfit to the Vma's because she was performing her Paparazzi song and it reprented how the paparazzi killed princess Diana when she was running from them. The red lacy covering/dresss represented her blood and her dying. Lady GaGa is definetly unique and different
but she believes that everyone should be themselves and not to care about would others think about you (but always respect and keep a close relationships with your parents.)
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posted over a year ago 
GarageGlamour said:
She dosen't , She wears what she is, Lady GaGa. No questions needed to be asked.
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posted over a year ago 
mrs_culleniwish said:
She wants to be unique.
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posted over a year ago 
punkgirl2525 posted over a year ago
kaan18 said:
ok she wears weird clothes to be famous and different from everybody else, and also her clothes arnt weird they are the Lady GaGa fashion. l0l!
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posted over a year ago 
oursonggirl123 said:
she wants to be like that because she is cool like that.actually i would like to dress up like that looks awesome!!!
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she wants to be like that because she is cool like that.actually i would like to dress up like that looks awesome!!!
posted over a year ago 
she is really fashionable and hand desinghs her own cloths shes amazin
imzy12 posted over a year ago
luv that dress!
LadyL68 posted over a year ago
twilight102 said:
I think it is to do with standing out and being individual. If she was the same as everone else would we like her music or image so much. She gets attention for her style.
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posted over a year ago 
addiee said:
awh thats rude..
but i love her stle is amazing, and yeah it is wierd but its awesome too.
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posted over a year ago 
wowzerz130 said:
for the same people USED to get mohawks-the individuality. except it kinda backfires when every one jumps on the unique style cuz it loses its greatness...
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posted over a year ago 
doomhaus said:
For exactly the reason why you wrote this question. To get people talking.
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posted over a year ago 
aJn11595 said:
I do not know if this is true or not. But i heard that Lady Gaga's grandmother is legally blind nd can only see bright shiny things. Lady Gaga wants her grandmom to be able to see her so she wears all those weird clothes.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah i know i heard about that too so i guess i am not the only one who thinks that and i think you are right
alexandra33175 posted over a year ago
alexandra33175 said:
i think lady gaga wears weird clothing because she prabably wants to original and not just see that she is lady gaga but like when you see her you'll say like ohh my god thats lady gaga

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posted over a year ago 
kheary said:
just let her be who she wants to be. she doesnt need any of you guys to be bothering her and besides she is symbolizing a state ment about something in the world. just like how she said in oprah."belive in your self do not care what others think".there is no need to judge her or any one in any other way. she is just being who she is like how you are being you all the time well i hope so.JUST LEAVE HER ALONE she is not doing any thing wrong is she breaking the law is she commiding a crime NO!!! so she doesnt need any body to bother her and besides she is ony 23 her live her life how ever she wants you ony live life once.
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posted over a year ago 
we wrent bothering her we just were complementin her. atleast the ppl who answered were. calm down! lol
princejsgrl posted over a year ago
bmarme said:
he wants to stand out and she is VERY fashionable
(its true she admitted it!) and she dosent wear the same clothes everyday (well it is very rare to se GaGa wear the same clothes right?)
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posted over a year ago 
Rabekah said:
i think she dresses like that because she wants 2 b an individual & to stand out from the crowd! I think it is amazing some of the things she wears!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
princejsgrl said:
i dress like her almost everyday. u can buy like her clothes and accessories at this store called hot topic. and she dresses like that cuz she can! lol but she said on an interview with ellen digeneres (hope i spelled that right lol) that she dresses like that cuz when she was in high skool she was known as the weird girl or the freak and she said she does to create a space 4 her fans who were also known as that to relax and be themselves. and she doesnt dress weird she dresses awesome and beutiful! lol
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posted over a year ago 
lilypie09 said:
she never fit in she is trying to be herself
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posted over a year ago 
lovelyass said:
because she fucking wants to!(:
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posted over a year ago 
FLOWER228 said:
its that she probaly just likes to be in the theme
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posted over a year ago 
cupcake102 said:
because when she was in school she was made fun of and now she wants to be creative or something like that
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posted over a year ago 
xogagaxo said:
They are not weird they are you unique just like her and she wears that stuff because thats who she is and she will always be and she likes to be different
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posted over a year ago 
jeannette58 said:
cause she likes too. its who she wants to be at that moment
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posted over a year ago 
mrsjocalderone said:
I truly believe that it's not because she wants attention; art is her passion, through music, fashion, and life in general. She loves and stays true to her fans, even on bad days, and she tries her best to show kindness to the world. She is a beautiful person inside and out, and she doesn't give a shit what people think about what she wears because that would kind of defeat the purpose of art, wouldn't it?
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posted over a year ago 
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