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Leyton vs. Brucas Question

Im so confused in what the big deal is...

Okay so i was having and argument with an leyton fan right and i go on her page and scroll down ( as most people do) and i see her picks area and one pick she answered was

*im having an arugument with brucas fans etc etc*
i didnt even notice the bloody page it was on i just clicked it and ansewered the pick and i wrote something maybe i abit to CAPS becaue doing CAPS means angry or something but anyways then bang all these people are saying shit like dont come here and spy and what not... WTF :/ i wasnt spying i just saw the bloody pick on page and clicked it...
like i actually spy on leytons page seriously... the comments where wtf because i never ever have posted anything on that page and for the first time that i do i get fully bashed about it...

I never knew that you couldnt write anything somewhere? and what i gotta be a fan to add something?
i wasnt even trying to cause trouble. fmd.

btw this was on the leytons page that the pick was asked...
monLOVEbrucas posted over a year ago
 monLOVEbrucas posted over a year ago
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Leyton vs. Brucas Answers

OMGitsBrooke said:
I don't think it's right for anyone to go on another spot and bash the people there/be there if you don't have anything positive to say. I'm not saying that you HAVE to be a fan of the spot to go on there, but just don't say anything that will start a fight or piss people off. The best thing is to stick to the spots you're a fan of though, so no problems will come up.. You have to look at it from their side too you know, it's unfair for the fans of the spot, just like it's unfair for the fans of the BL spot when people come in and talk negatively/cause problems etc.

I don't know what happend but you must have done something for people to react like that? Or maybe they just don't want you there because your not a fan of the couple. Which I think you have to respect. I've been on the spot too but I never answer the picks or anything I try to stay away and I think you should do the same thing. Unless you want them to start coming to our spot.
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posted over a year ago 
Leyton4ever said:
people are very passionate about the couple they love on fanpop. they don't like to hear negative things about their favorite couple especially on that couple's page.

people are paranoid with the whole "spying" concept as if you can spy on a public page. but aside from that it's best just to stay away from the page if you aren't actually a fan of the couple, especially between brucas and leyton
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posted over a year ago 
gaga2000 said:
people are parinoid about people spying
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posted over a year ago 
OTHRockzMySockz said:
I think that the spying thing is ridiculous it's a friggin web page...spying?? It's not as if anyone is making a breach of national security for goodness sake. Sometimes the couple rivalry is taken too far in terms of Brucas vs. Leyton, hence this spot being made. Back when Lucas was even in the programme it was hell on this spot and the brucas and leyton spots everyone was arguing like hell and for what cos they had different opinions it was pretty ridiculous. However, I agree that you have to try and not provoke an argument because it makes everything ten times worse lol, but I understand where you are coming from, one minute you leave a comment next minute your being hounded by an angry commenters mob! lol ;) x
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posted over a year ago 
gaga2008216 said:
i do not think it is right at all i think they should stop it all this instant.
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posted over a year ago 
gaga100 said:
i don't reallt care
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posted over a year ago 
thumper2010 said:
What are you talking about.
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posted over a year ago 
basketballstar said:
That really sucks. Some people are just really protective over their favourite characters and couples. You just have to get past it though. It wasn't fair, it was mean. But some could see it as justifiable, because they see it as defending their favourite couple! Fanpop is about saying what you think about the things you love and hate, without intruding on other people's feelings. They shouldn't have done that to you, because you can say what you think, but you should also try to make sure you're not offending anyone when you post a comment!
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posted over a year ago 
haidilena said:
nothing deserves these fights i mean some ppl dnt have a life and they keep on fighting 4 stupid stuff this isn't reality its just an entertainming show u dnt have 2 be so agressive i mean if u r a brucas fan i should respect that but not cuz am a leyton fan i should not talk 2 u and fight with u all the time and ya maybe u just said u r a brucas fan that why they acted thats way with u even though u just said u r a brucas fan so they dnt have the right 2 say something like that but if u posted something that u knw and meant 2 make them angry then u r soo wrong so stay away from posting ur opinon on pages ur not fan of cuz they r always gonna be stupid ppl who always get u wrong all the time and who r obbessed with the couple or celebrities and those ppl just dnt have a life cuz they just wanna make a trouble outta nothing
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posted over a year ago 
Alison2010 said:
People are parinoid because people are spying.
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posted over a year ago 
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