Leyton vs. Brucas LEYTON WON!

Bubbly131 posted on Sep 03, 2008 at 11:19PM
WE WON! i was so freakin happy (and i still am!) ^.^

Leyton vs. Brucas 26 replies

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over a year ago RealLuvAlwaysBL said…
WOW. You won? If that's how you see it...Congrats! I'm not so sure that's the kinda ending us Brucas fans want anyway. I'll give you all this one though, and happily(although I did throw up plenty of times in my mouth during 6.01) if I do say so myself, its endgame I want. Who he picks on a selfish impulsive whim is not True Love. And think about it...would you, or Peyton in this case, want to marry a man that had to "choose" who he wanted to be with out of three different women? The fact that he "chose" it and we don't see the development is proof enough, but also he literally can imagine his life married to all three, as evidenced in the dream sequence. If thats not a conflicted heart I dunno what is. IMO both of us would have been better off if he had "chosen" Lindsey. Best of luck though. There's a whole season of drama ahead.
over a year ago saBRUCAS said…

How do you figure? Just because because he chose Peyton without a build up or a reason, once again (S4 anyone?) doesnt mean they are endgame.
Why would you want Lucas to pick Peyton...I mean the episode before the premiere he said that He hates her and was head over heels for Lindsay. The guy cried when Lindsay left him. Once again you can see how fake Pucas is. How can he go from loving Lindsay soo much to Peyton?
And he had a dream about all three girls meaning that he still had to chose and he didnt know for sure...that does not scream TLA.

Mark is dellusional if he wants Pucas as endgame. This fake, dysfuntional, awkward, ugly, forced, and incest of a couple can not be endgame!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kuhriissten said…
i really don't think you guys are looking at the OVERALL PICTURE. do you really think LP is going to last ALL season? no couple has without drama and usually that drama leads to break-ups and heartache. Naley has been the only one to survive! Brucas didn't start out season 3 together and Leyton didn't start out season 4 together. so what does that tell us?
over a year ago Broody_4_Cheery said…
im with RealLuvAlwaysBL both sides would have been better if he had chosen lindsay, that way they could just not get married in vegas and give lucas and lindsay real closure, and then develope a relationship with the next girl with it eitehr being brooke or peyton, or neither though that would suck, just this whole random phone call proposal thing rubbe dme the wrong way from the beginning, i for one was bloody praying it wasnt brooke he called and am glad its not not taht i for one moment expected it to be, because quite simply brucas does not happen like that and i wouldnt want it to.
over a year ago HaleyD9 said…
Just wondering if anyone else got the differences in the dream Luke had about being married to all three girls

With Lindsey it was the Easiest
With Peyton it was the Dream
And with Brooke IT WAS LOVE....

Besides all that why would he pick is endgame right now, do they want the show to end this season...doubt it

So I am happy he picked Peyton just means she would be the one he ends up with.....
over a year ago emma_728 said…
I am SOOOOOOO happy!!
Lucas and Peyton belong together!!
They were meant to be from the start and as much as they don't want to admitt it, Brucas fans know it too.
I just want to say to all Brucas fans that all Leyton fans (I know) respect your opinions and it would be nice if you all respected ours too. xo
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ritergrl said…
"With Lindsey it was the Easiest
With Peyton it was the Dream
And with Brooke IT WAS LOVE.... "

Care to elaborate? Lindsey was the easiest, but with Brooke it was the hardest, with all the travel and stuff. Peyton was inbetween them. Comfortable, natrual, perfect.
over a year ago Nswift said…
ritergrl: thats exactly how i saw it...Brooke was the hardest...that wasnt his lifestyle...Lindsey was the easiest...and Peyton was perfect right in between
over a year ago HaleyD9 said…
What I meant by "with Brooke it was love"...Lucas only told Brooke that he loved her, With Peyton he said something about it being a dream. With Lindsey he said Its Easy with us isnt it...She said the Easiest. And with brooke he said "I truely do love you Brooke Davis" or something like that...it was so long ago I dont even remember. I was just pointing out the differences in the conversations not really the lifestyles....
over a year ago Mark4Ever said…
Ok even Mark said that Leyton were meant to be, I mean its great that you brucas fans are staying with it, but come on really Leyton is endgame
over a year ago roxylovesbrucas said…
leyton won in your dreams maybe...are more brucas fans then leyton fans....only because mark take the wrong decision...that doesn't meant that you win...and there's no brucas because (i think) chopia divorcce...sow maybe their chemistry will brooke up.....but in oth history wich couple is the best..aaa?? brucas of course......you know when you will win???

over a year ago Bubbly131 said…
Wow. Jealous much?
over a year ago trueLEYTONlove said…
It has always been Lucas and Peyton and it will always be. When Lucas is with Peyton he NEVER thinks about Brooke, but when Lucas is with Brooke there is always some with Peyton. In the fourth season Brooke broke up with Lucas because she was threatened by Leyton's love.
over a year ago SupernaturaRon said…
well i personally think there is no comparison between the two. yeah Brucas had their cute moments in high school, but their love wasn't strong enough to make it OUT of high school. when i look at Brucas all i see is a physical relationship, i don't see them having the deep emotional connection that Leyton does. Leyton is clearly meant to be, and Brucas isn't. the only reason Brucas even first started talking was because Brooke practically forced herself on him. i don't know... and i just don't see how Brucas fans could honestly expect Brucas to get back together at this point, it wouldn't make any sense! BUT... that's just me!

the way i see it though, is that Leyton were the ones that were meant to be from the very first episode... and Brooke was the one that got in the way of them. so the whole time i was watching Brucas together, i just couldn't help but think to myself that it should be Leyton that was together, not Brucas. the whole idea of how Brucas got started is just sickening to me. Brooke was just all about sleeping with him, while Peyton wanted more than that. and yeah when Brooke and Lucas first started talking (the night they took care of Peyton after the college party), Brooke was being sincere and sweet, and actually wanted to TALK to Lucas... but then as soon as they started dating, she went right back to her usual self, just thinking about sex all the time. i just see them as being all physical, the rest of their relationship was spent by Lucas having to prove his love for her because even Brooke knew that they didn't have what him and Peyton had. Anyway if lucas gave a thought about brooke he would have called her at the airport. He would have wrote in a book that by seeing her his life had meaning.

bottom line... here are my reasons why it should be LEYTON, not Brucas

-he has wanted PEYTON since the pilot, he wanted nothing to do with Brooke, she practically had to force herself on him

-all Brucas ever did was fight because all throughout their relationship Brooke knew that she was constantly having to compete with what him and Peyton had

-Lucas CHOSE to save Peyton countless times Skills even said to Lucas "you didn't just happen to save her a couple of times, Peyton happened to be there. But you CHOSE to be there"

-Peyton's feelings for Lucas have always clearly been stronger than Brooke's, which is why in season 4 Brooke finally decided to step aside and let Leyton be together, because it was the right thing to do, they deserved to be with eachother

-Brucas was ONLY HIGH SCHOOL. they have been over for like 5 years now, and we haven't seen ANY romance between them since then... none!

-Lucas has written not just one, but TWO books about his love for PEYTON... how many books has Brooke gotten?

-Lucas has proposed not just once, but TWICE to PEYTON... how many proposals has Brooke gotten?

-in the season 6 premiere, the man asks Lucas "how did you know which one to pick?" and Lucas says "i guess i ALWAYS KNEW"... he has always known that Peyton was the one for him, no matter what previous relationships he has been in

-in season 4, when Brooke asked Lucas to go to the basketball banquet as FRIENDS (just to make Peyton jealous, i might add), both her AND Lucas acknowledged that when Whitey was making his speech about the love he had with his wife, he WASN'T talking about the love that Brucas had, which is why they officially decided that they were OVER

-what Lucas wrote in his first books says it ALL. "Suddenly it was as if the roar of the crowd, the echo of the final buzzer, and the cheers of my teammates were all sounding from a thousand miles away. And what remained in that bizarre, muffled silence was only Peyton, the girl whose art, passion, and beauty had changed my life. And in that moment my triumph was not a state championship, but simple CLARITY. The REALIZATION that we had ALWAYS been meant for eachother, and EVERY INSTINCT TO THE CONTRARY had simply been a DENIAL of the following truth... i was now, and would ALWAYS BE, in love with PEYTON SAWYER." Every instinct to the contrary INCLUDES HIM AND HIS FEELINGS FOR BROOKE!

-His love for Peyton kept him from dying! In season 4 after he had his heart attack, and Peyton was afraid to kiss him, he told Peyton "I didn't die, and do you know why? Because i had to come back, and look into those green eyes of yours, and tell you that i love you. I do Peyton, i love you. You didn't push me away, i came back for you. And as long as it takes, i'll wait for you"

-Everyone in the show even knows that Lucas should be with Peyton... EVEN BROOKE! Brooke has said countless times in season 5 and 6 that they should be together

i could go on and on... but those are just some of the main reasons why it should be Leyton, not Brucas

first of all.... everything about Leyton's history does apply to them now, because they're together... so all of their history still applies and is relevant because they still love eachother just like they did in high school. Brucas' history doesn't apply anymore, because it's not relevant. yeah you can talk all you want about Brucas' cute moments when they were together in high school, but you have to look at how they ended things. the note that they ended things on is the most important thing because that's the MOST RECENT state of their romantic feelings for eacother. it doesn't do any good re-hashing their past because since then, they've both acknowledged that they are romantically OVER... we haven't seen anything from them since then that says that those cute high school moments still matter. and the reason that Lucas has wanted Peyton since the pilot, is because he was just always drawn to her. and by wanted, i do mean that he wanted a relationship with her. no matter what the two of them do, they can't stay away from eachother. they both have moments where they seem to have moved on from one another, but one way or another their feelings for eachother ALWAYS come back into play... which just proves the fact that they are soulmates.

was a mess because of Lindsey and he was confused about his feelings, and hurt that Lindsey was dating someone else, so he was just looking for someone to take his problems and anger out on.. that's it. you can't honestly tell me that Lucas really hates Peyton, because that's just a joke. Would he have proposed to her TWICE if he hated her? No. And you saying that Lucas ALWAYS wanted Brooke isn't true either. You said that after he got Peyton in season 1, he still wanted Brooke... and that's not true at all. After Peyton FIRST kissed him in the hotel room, when he was with Brooke... Lucas went home and BROKE UP WITH BROOKE to be with PEYTON! But Peyton was the one that said they shouldn't be together because she couldn't do that do Brooke! if you'll remember correctly, after that kiss, Lucas kept trying to convince Peyton that they should be together... even when he was WITH BROOKE. But Peyton was hesitant about it because she didn't want to hurt Brooke. Lucas' exact words to Peyton about it were "Brooke is great... but she's NOT YOU". Call me crazy, but that means that when he's picking between the two... he wants Peyton... not Brooke! And again in season 4, after they won the state championship, Brooke said to Lucas "it's a dream come true, so who do you want standing next to you?" and he had the perfect opportunity to say Brooke, but he DIDN'T, he chose PEYTON! So just because we saw more of Brucas being a couple doesn't mean that Brooke was ALWAYS the one that Lucas wanted... because she clearly wasn't back then... and she STILL isn't! Once again, he had the perfect chance to call Brooke at the airport, but he DIDN'T, he called PEYTON!

i know but you ALSO said that Lucas ALWAYS wanted Brooke, even in season 1 after he got Peyton... which isn't true. He only wanted Brooke AFTER Peyton told him that they couldn't be together in season 1. and it doesn't matter that he wanted Brooke next to him the first time he was asked, what matters is who he wanted next to him in the END... and that's Peyton!

call me crazy but i think it's pretty obvious from season 1 that Lucas' first love was Peyton. he was absolutely infatuated with her, way before he even wanted anything to do with Brooke. he obvoiusly didn't love Brooke until they started dating... and after they DID start dating, Brooke found all those letters that Lucas wrote to Peyton talking about how she's "his forever" and everything... and those were written before Brucas!

me not knowing that he DID love Peyton in season 1 is the same thing as you not knowing that he DIDN'T love Peyton. you don't know that he didn't love her any more than i know that he did. i don't even know why that matters. no, people don't forget their first love. but i think it's pretty clear that NOW, he wants to be with PEYTON. like i said before, he has proposed to Peyton not once, but TWICE now. People saying that he still wants Brooke even though he has proposed to Peyton twice and written TWO books about Peyton is just absurd to me

kellyerin87, i just wanted to say that you are SO RIGHT about everything you've said about Leyton! you have hit every point dead on! everyone knows that Leyton has always been the IT couple of one tree hill. I think it's time that Brucas fans face the facts... and the fact is that Leyton is way better than Brucas! Brucas was all sex, fighting, lieing, cheating, insecurity, and denial. Brucas was just physical, Leyton was SO much more than that! so thank you for starting this topic because i've always wanted a forum that will let you say what you actually want to say! i could debate about Leyton vs Brucas all day... so Brucas fans... Bring it! ha

Despite my being a leyton fan, there's damning evidence about a point I wanted to share. I'm not in a debating mood, but I just wanted to respond to the claim about luke "not" loving peyton in s1. I'll paste what I wrote in the pick livelovelaugh made about luke loving peyton in s1:

****Luke always loved Peyton. He just didn't form it into words till 411. When he fought for peyton in 1.13, it wasn't out of lust or infatuation (that was brucas' relationship, which still left Luke wanting). When he said he couldn't bury what happened between them in the motel, & they kissed eachother, lyrics in the song [playing in the background] said: "I wanna know what it's like, on the inside of love..."
Mark is very careful & particular (he said it himself) with the music/lyrics he uses in each important scene. I know the lyrics weren't a coincidence and I know they weren't meant to be underplayed. Leyton's so called relationship/affair lasted for a blink of an eye, so they didn't have enough opportunity to say they loved eachother. They had just admitted their feelings in 1.13, then luke had his accident, then they ended it in 1.15 (despite the fact that Peyton admitted to Haley that she was in love with Lucas). Rushing into those exposing words of "I love you" (in such a short span of time) would have looked forced in their 2 episode affair (ppl wouldn't have taken it seriously, and it wouldn't have done leyton justice - those words would have been downplayed; dismissed if they were said so quickly).

Many also have missed an important fact about luke's words in his first book: "I was, now, and would always be, In love with Peyton Sawyer. The word "was" in that statement takes his love back to s1 and carries them all the way through the series. Think about it: When he said "I love you" in 411, they had JUST started going out. So those words weren't borne from leyton "getting to know eachother" as a new couple. They were borne from the simple clarity luke had in 409 (that flashbacked all the way back to s1 - "I'll be seeing ya"). Those words tell us that he's always loved Peyton.

I don't know how else to put it. Again, it's clear for me.****

1) i have every right to say that Brucas' history isn't relevant anymore... because as of right NOW, it isn't. No one knows 110% which couple will be endgame (even though if you have seen Mark's recent interviews, it's PERFECTLY clear that Leyton is the couple he wants), BUT the only way a couple's history is relevant, is if they are still together. So right NOW, Leyton is together, which means their history still applies. But Brucas... as far as their romantic feelings go, the LAST TIME they referred to those feelings was when they ended things, and officially decided that they were over... so no, since Brucas has been over for 5 years now, their history isn't relevant anymore and doesn't matter in the LEAST for the show NOW. IF Brucas becomes a couple again.. then we can talk about their history because it would actually make sense to do so. But for now, it's simply just that... HISTORY, and it's just a waste of time to refer to it at this point

2) i'm sorry but, YOU CANNOT HONESTLY TELL ME THAT LUCAS TRULY HATES PEYTON!!!!! no matter how much you say that "people always tell the truth when they're drunk"... there is absolutely NO way you can tell me that Lucas was telling the truth when he said that. If you hated someone, why on EARTH would you confess your love for them to the world by writing TWO books about them, and tell that person that you want to spend the rest of your life with them by proposing TWICE?!?! i'm sorry, but that "i hate you" means absolutely NOTHING and the fact that you Brucas fans are actually using that as a point against Leyton is a complete joke because you KNOW that he didn't mean it

3) you saying that "there are more Brucas fans" is TOTALLY inaccurate! there is NO possible way that anyone could know which fanbase is bigger. no matter how many website you go on, or how many polls you see, each website has a different number of fans for each couple. just like one website may happen to have more Brucas fans, another website may happen to have more Leyton fans. there is no OFFICIAL way to know which couple has more fans.. it's just impossible. and while YOU say that Brucas has more fans, I would say that Leyton has more fans by far (surprise, surprise, ofcourse people are going to say/think that the couple that THEY root for has more fans). So bottom line... you don't know anymore than i do which couple has more fans, no one knows.

4) you say that i need to watch the show over with an open mind, then maybe i'll see that Brucas is meant to be? um well this may come as a shock to you... but when most people first START watching a show, they usually DO have an open mind, because they don't know anything about the show, so why wouldn't they? so no, i don't need to watch the show over, because like people usually do... i STARTED the show with an open mind the first time

5) even after seeing Brucas in season 2 and 3, ofcourse they did have an emotional connection, no one can deny that... but every time i see them, i still can't look past the MAINLY physical connection that they had. so while they WERE involved romantically, i still think the physical part dominated most of their relationship. and if you'll remember... in the season 6 premiere, in the dream scenes... each dream scene included subtle hints about the couples. and in the Brucas dream scene, they talked about how they never see eachother, then Brooke said "makes coming home kind of sexy though"... implying that YES, their relationship was just mainly physical!

6)AGAIN, you saying that Leyton was "supposed to be the meant to be couple but they still don't have enough fans" is ALL YOUR OPINION! and it's funny that you mention "cheating" with Leyton. Them (well Lucas, Peyton never cheated) cheating on OTHER PEOPLE with EACHOTHER... isn't a point against Leyton, if anything, it's FOR them! The fact that Lucas cheated on both Brooke AND Lindsey with PEYTON, says something! Lucas never cheated on Peyton with anybody... he never had to because he didn't need anyone else other than Peyton! and the fact that they fell in love with other people doesn't mean a single thing, because in the end, they came back to EACHOTHER! all past relationships don't matter in the least as long as they come back to eachother in the end, like they have... which proves even more that they are meant to be!

i'm not even going to bother responding to your points because every single thing you just said makes NO SENSE! all you did was repeat what you said in your first reply to me... which i have already argued. if you don't agree with what i replied with, then that's fine... but i stand by every bit of it. everything that i argued back with, i feel like all you said was "that's not true" and "that's your opinion", but you didn't say anything from the SHOW that supports that fact that i'm wrong.

and no, i STILL don't think the fact that Lucas said "i hate you" means a single thing! and you act like he's gone back and forth so many times between hating her and loving her, and that's not true in the least. if i remember correctly, that is the ONLY time he has said that he hated her, and again, we ALL know that that was just a complete joke. and yes, Mark would put that in there for a reason... to add a twist and throw everybody off! he wouldn't have Lucas go back the VERY NEXT episode and take it back, if he really meant it! AND again, he wouldn't have Lucas PROPOSE to her, if he really hated her... what sense does that make?

and as far as Lucas loving other people and Peyton loving other people (whoever said it)... that does NOT matter!! all that matters is their love for eachother! 90% of people love more than one person in their life... that's just part of life. and AGAIN, as long as they come back to EACHOTHER in the end... that's all that matters! and whoever made the comment about Lucas loved Lindsey, Peyton loved Jake, and Brooke ONLY loved Lucas... are you serious??? just becuase you didn't SEE the Love between her and Chase, doesn't mean it wasn't there. They CLEARLY TOLD eachother that they loved eachother... you don't need any more proof than that... you obviously just DIDN'T WANT to see it.

and oth-brucas4ever, PEYTON DID NOT SAY NO in LA! if you actually watch the episode, she says that she WANTS TO MARRY HIM, just not right then! i'm so sick of people saying that she said no, because it's perfectly clear that she didn't! Lucas was just pouting because he wasn't getting exactly what he wanted, when he wanted it for a change, so he acted like a 5 year old and left (which he later clearly regretted in season 6, i might add, becuase he proposed AGAIN).

and back to saBRUCAS, you saying that "a couple that cheats and makes the same mistakes over and over again is NOT meant to be", that doesn't make any sense! if they were constantly cheating on EACHOTHER, then yes... i would say they're not meant to be. But they always cheated WITH eachother, BIG DIFFERENCE! That means that no matter who Lucas was with... he couldn't stay away from PEYTON! How can you possible use that against them??

And you Brucas fans need to get your story straight. One second you say that Peyton was an awful friend to Brooke for "going after Lucas", then the next... you're bashing on the fact that in season 1 Peyton "said no" to Lucas... she did that to be a GOOD FRIEND TO BROOKE! you all are never happy! she tries to be a good friend to Brooke, and you nag on her for not really wanting to be with Lucas and saying no to him, THEN she wants to be with Lucas, and you nag on her for not being a good friend to Brooke... you can't have it both ways!
over a year ago didar said…
wow... supenaturaRon.. well said.. I love leyton!! They are endgame!
over a year ago BrookeDavisfan1 said…
I can't say that my faith in a Brucas reunion is strong right now, or even the faith of the Brucas camp in general, but I think what makes this group special is the HOPE for that reunion, however slight it may be, that we all keep alive in our own ways. We are all dedicated to not accepting Lucas's true happiness as being with any other woman but Brooke. That is what keeps up my spirits, when it all comes down to it, deep down I know that NO ONE other than Brucas has the "look". You know that feeling that you had watching the first time Brooke and Lucas truly saw each other for who they really were. It’s the same look that Brucas has shared ever since. Couple or not, those two share an unspoken truth…of desire and belonging, of understanding and completeness, of dreams and sacrifice, of memories and most of all of LOVE, every time their eyes meet. I know that Brooke and Lucas are not perfect, no one is…but they are perfect for each other. Mouth said it best, they share the same heart! So call me crazy, but then you'll have to call Mickei, and I'm sure a hell of alot more Brucasers, crazy too! Because the "look" is what separates the good couples from the great couples! Some couples can get away with not having the “look” and still be special in our hearts, but most of the times if the chemistry is not there, its just not there, and its not just gonna appear out of thin air no matter how much fluff and cheese is thrown their way. IMO that “look” is why I can't accept anyone else with Luke, it's why despite my better efforts I cannot appreciate Leyton's story, or journey. The way I see it…if Mark can’t take one look at Brucas six seasons into OTH and see that they are the truly epic love story…if he won’t believe that Brucas should find their way back in the end because THEY are meant to be…if he won’t admit that NO ONE, not even he, can decide who falls in love with who…HE is clearly blind…because as Lucas reminded us all once “the heart has reasons that reason cannot know,” and Gus also assured us that you don’t find love…that love finds you…and love, my friends, well it found Brucas a long time ago…

It found them that night they stood on Lucas’s doorsteps, while he and his pretty girl exchanged “I love yous” for the first time. It found them in the rain as he explained to her the difference between her and Peyton is that he loves HER, that he wants to be with HER not Peyton, his reason he told her “ because you kink your eyebrows when you’re trying to be cute. Because you quote Kmo even though I’ve actually never seen you read. Because you miss your parents, but you never admit that! And because I’ve given exactly two of these embarrassing speeches, and they’ve both been with you. And because we’re both gonna get pneumonia, but if you, need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night! Love followed them through the good and the bad times, sometimes it appeared as only a glimmer maybe as a brief memory of the way things were, or how they could have been… other times it claimed the spotlight, such as it did when love caught up with them years later in NYC while they road in that carriage, effortlessly explaining their future as a power couple… “He is going to be a famous novelist, and I’m going to have a fabulous fashion line.” She said to the carriage driver…”But we are still going to have time to have a big family, he added… “Two boys, and a girl” she affirmed, “And I’ll coach little league” he replied gazing into her eyes, ”Uu! And I’ll bake treats for the team, she shrieked… “or buy them,” she admitted, ”And we will spend our summers in our beach house.” He proposed. “And winters in the southern France” She added, “It won’t matter where we are, as long as we are together” He proclaimed…they both looked at each other smiling. It was clear in that moment how easily love found Brooke and Lucas and how quickly they could fall back into that feeling…but the fear of that realization hit even harder, and that night Brooke and Lucas vowed to pour themselves into their work and tried to move on with their lives. As fate would have it, years later Brooke came back to Tree Hill. She and Lucas fell right back into old habits of comfort and assurance, but when hardships and heartache threatened to break these two, it was their love for each other that found them on the brink of disaster, pulled them together, and would eventually save them as love once again found its way to Brucas… as they sat on her couch she realized how lucky they were to have each other and began to address him “we’ve been through a lot the two of us…but I know I wouldn’t have made it through a lot of those days with out you.” “Here,” she said, she handed him Angie’s purple monkey as he was about to leave, “I love you, Lucas Scott, you know that?” “I love you, too, Brooke Davis” He said before he walked out of her house.
Yes…Brucas will always love each other, and that “look” they share is all the evidence I need… She is vulnerable, yet beautiful, brilliant, and brave, in his eyes alone…and he is the guy, the only guy, she would have lost it all for… their love story reminds me of how true Brooke’s words were when she spoke at Naley’s wedding, when she said “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same.” There are no truer words, IMO, to speak of the love that Brooke and Lucas share than those that Brooke borrowed that day from Shakespeare. And as she looked at Naley that day, and told them that “they made her feel safe…because they gave her hope, that feeling that everything's going to be okay and that there's going to be someone there to help make sure of that.” Well, Brucas gives me that hope, that feeling that no matter how hard you try to push it away, deny it, or hide from it…love finds a way in…you can’t control it, and even time won’t extinguish it…once its there and settled, its there forever, engraved in the hearts of those who share it.
over a year ago BrookeDavisfan1 said…
Lucas didn't choose Peyton, he had no other choice cause Brooke would definitly not say yes and neither would Lindsey. Brooke left Lucas not Lucas Brooke, and same way with Lindsey - she left him! and I personally think there is no comparison between the two. Everyone knows that Brooke and Lucas have a history, more history than Lucas and Peyton. Besides their love was much deeper and real. Everything wasn't always perfect but they loved each other unconditional and they've went through so much together and managed to survive.

The way i see it, Lucas is the one for Peyton but for Lucas it's Brooke and for Brooke it's Lucas. Peyton always loved Lucas more than he did her. At some point i don't even think he loved her - he just saw her as a friend. And he wanted them to be friends, but everytime he did something nice for her she saw it as something else and she just completely misunderstood the whole friend thing, because SHE was in love with him and wanted to believe that he was with her too - even though he wasn't. Or at least not at that time.

The only reason why Lucas was interested in Peyton first was because she was with Nathan and as we ALL know he wanted everything Nathan had, the team and his "girl".

I just don't understand how Leyton fans can keep rooting for them after how Lucas treated her in season 5. If Peyton really was his true love he would have waited until she was ready to get married when he proposed and she said that she wasn't ready but that she someday would be. She didn't say NO, but that didn't matter to Lucas, he didn't care he just moved on - with another girl. And asked her to marry him instead! and Peyton didn't seem to care so much either cause she hooked up with another person too (Julian). What kind of truly loving soulmates do that?

Leyton totally sucks donkey balls. In fact, it sucks so much, it’d give a leech at a blood bank, a complex. I don't hate Peyton as much anymore, but Brooke and Lucas are MEANT to be together (remember the Destiny shot?). Their chemistry is undeniable - not even Leyton fans can deny it.

"Supernaturaron" I'm sorry but, YOU CANNOT HONESTLY TELL ME THAT LUCAS AND BROOKE WAS ALL ABOUT SEX!!! and seriously, how can you be in love with someone you don't even know? Lucas didn't even know Peyton in the pilot, he liked her - that's all. She wasn't his first love either. It was Brooke. He liked Peyton but she was with Nathan at that time and made it pretty clear that she wasn't going to leave him for Lucas. And when they were in bed (Lucas and Peyton) she turned him down just because he started talking about a relationship, a relationship she didn't even want with him! And later she regretted it, when it was too late and he already had moved on with Brooke. Peyton tried to get him back and he still had feelings for her so he wanted to "break up" with Brooke (they didn't have a serious relatinship then). But then Brooke started to get feelings for Lucas too and everything got complicated.. Brooke and Lucas broke up when Brooke found out that he and Peyton had been seing each other in secret. They kissed each other and ALMOST had sex (if it wasn't for the necklace, which Brooke had given to him, got stuck in Peytons hair they would definitely have had sex that night). But after that Lucas realized that he did care about Brooke and that he had made an huge mistake and everything started to make sense.. He fell in love with Brooke and eventually she did too.

If it was all about sex, why on earth would Lucas express his love to Brooke (several times) and tell her that she's the one next to him in his dreams? and that he's the guy for her? That he loves her? That his heart is with her no matter what? And why would Brooke write 82 letters about her love for him and how happy he makes her? Why would he write 82 letters back if she didn't mean anything to him? Why would he fight for her and write a book about her (the first book was pretty much all about Brooke so you were wrong when you said he had written two books about Peyton)? Why would she say 'he's the guy i might have lost it all for' if what they had was nothing more than just sex?!

I'm sorry, but that "physical relationship" you're talking about does NOT exist and the fact that you Leyton fans are actually using that as a point against Brucas is a complete joke because you know that it's NOT true. What Lucas and Brooke had was so much more than just sex. In season 2-3 it was all about Brucas and Leyton didn't even exist.

Mouth said it the best; 'they share the same heart'

Brooke:”All I really want to see is Lucas laugh again, hear him song off key, watch him roll his eyes when I steal French fries off his plate. All I'm trying to say is, I'm crazy about your son and I hope that's enough for you..”

Karen:”That's more than enough.”

Skills: "So let me know when you propose to Brooke"

Nathan: "Dude, Brooke is the other half"

Lucas was the first guy Brooke fell in love with and she hasn't been in love ever since. Brooke and Lucas complete each other. Brooke has this fantastic side to her and it was like Lucas helped her bring it all out. It was like yin and yang. She brought out the fun in him and he brought out the depth and sweetness in her.

She showed Lucas her true colours: how she's a wonderful friend, how she's insecure, how she's fun and always trying to make everyone happy. If you think Leyton is meant to be you're seriously an idiot. They don't even have chemistry and TV couples must have chemistry it doesn't work otherwise!
over a year ago BrookeDavisfan1 said…
1. Why would they make a point to emphasize, "a kiss ALWAYS means something" and then have Brucas kiss in NYC?
2. Why would they make a point to emphasize "You (Lucas's flavor of the month.lol) are who I want standing next to me when all my dreams come true" when Peyton has NOT ONCE been there by Luke's side when they did come true, but Brooke has been there, yes, BOTH times (i.e. state championship, NYC book signing)
3. Why do they insist that Leyton's exchange of "your art matters...blah blah" has any significance when Brucas have exchanged "Brooke Davis/Lucas Scott is gonna change the world someday..." just the same?
4. Why would Lucas have made the "destiny shot"? In fact, why the hell was it even included if it didn't have ANY truth behind it?
5. Why would Peyton have replied to Lucas "We were IN LOVE" when talking about her and Julian? "Yes, we dated"...even some variation of I loved him, he loved me would have been suffice. But, "We were IN LOVE?" Makes no sense, especially considering we latter find out they broke up bc he felt she "wasn't over Lucas" IMO she either doesn't know what being IN LOVE really feels like, or she isn't IN LOVE with Lucas.
6. What is all this recent chatter about a "girl code"? Have they ever stuck to ANY thing of the sort? Well Peyton sure as hell hasn't, as evidenced by her own confession regarding Lucas, and well Brooke hasn't in the past (Nathan) So why now? IMO its different when it happens with someone you were IN LOVE with...perhaps that's why Leyton hurt Brooke so much, and now Peyton's getting a little taste of her own Rx's with Brulian.
7. Queen of Hearts Theory...that's all I have to say. If Peyton were the queen of Lucas’s heart…why of why would they use this metaphor? She is totally a Spade!
8. You can't choose whom you love, right? From where I stand it seems that Lucas has always chosen to love Peyton, from the very beginning. Brooke on the other hand has always FOUND HIM! Well they sorta found their way to each other, and they ALWAYS find their way back to each other as well (NYC, and airport with Angie)
9. If love is what its all about, you know “finding that person to love and having them love you back”, as the prophetic carriage driver spoke of. Why would that scene be with Brucas, if it didn’t have any relevance? Why would their visions of a future together come out with such ease as if it was meant to be that way, as if they had planned it out all along?
10. Why do people assume that Lucas started writing again because Peyton came back to TH? Newsflash Brooke joined her, and was a hell of a lot more friendly with Lucas at the time. In fact, during 5.03, titled “My Way Home Is Through You” we see him working on his novel, and prior to that Brucas had a beautiful scene under the sign at Karen’s Café, in which they discuss coming home and “happiness”. Not to mention while he is typing, Lindsey refers to the two beautiful ex-girlfriends that just moved back, and asked whether or not she should be worried.
11. Why would Brooke give Lucas “the look” while he was just about to get married, why would she have imagined herself in Lindsey’s gown, if she was completely over him?
12. Why did she go to Lucas’s for help with Angie? Why did they make a point to once again discuss if they made the right choices in life? Why did they so sweetly fall asleep in each others arms?
13. They were each others rocks when it came to getting over Lindsey, and Angie’s heart problem and her leaving. Why would Lucas have played such a large role with Brooke’s baby if they were just gonna turn around and rip that away from her by getting Peyton pregnant? I smell a trapper(a girl who purposely gets knocked up to keep a man) anyone?lol.
14. He came to Brooke after he got suspended that game, when he had to leave bc visiting hours were over he drank himself to an oblivion and then told Peyton that he HATED her. Leyton fans really like to blame alcohol for Lucas’s foolish ways, but why would Mia have specifically made reference to “get him drunk bc that’s when the truth comes out” to Peyton.
15. Why would they include Brooke into the Lucas marriage proposal dilemma? Why would Lucas only say I love you to Brooke in that dream sequence? Why would the following episode be full of one liners aimed at Brucas…”did you ever love aunt Brooke?” –Jamie…”so let me know when you propose to Brooke”- skills.
16. The comet bombed…the Ravens scored…a movie deal! Now the “other half” of the story is forced to be relived. Maybe, Lucas will finally learn why Brooke broke up with him?
over a year ago livethislifeup said…
My God. You people debate when you really wanna debate don't you?
Longest replies to a forum I have ever seen in my LIFE.

Personally, I barely watch the show--I've seen several episodes. Not a lot but a good amount to be able to differ all the couples. And I like both relationships. But for different reasons:

Brucas, felt like a cute high school relationship. Like your stereotypical team captain with cheerleader. Those couples can sometimes annoy me but Brucas was a fair deal.

Leyton was actually a really interesting couple. I really liked the chemistry between them. Especially in the recent season six episodes I've seen. Even when they're angry at each other--its unbelievable.

Both couples are great. For the time being, at least from what I know Leyton's got the Championship cup. But who'll earn it next year?

Idk. I could be wrong. Like I said, I've watched episodes. Not the whole damn thing like obviously most of you^ have seen, but I've seen enough.
over a year ago TheBoySawAComet said…
Leyton, and Leyton fans DID win... whether you want to admit it or not.

the best couple always wins in the end :)
over a year ago samjhart said…
Imho, it doesn't really matter whether a person ends up together - but how the viewers connect to, remember and cherish them even long after its over - A couple/ship when that is truly immortal. There are reminiscents of it in the two people's life, small things, big things that remind them of each other. Or the constant need/want to have the person you 'loved' around, or somehow remember them whenever something major happens. For me, that was Brucas. No matter where they were, they always found their way back to each other. Cherished the memories they had, in their own ways, knew they'd grown but still had the same affection, love, tenderness since the first day they fell in love. Sometimes, you don't need to write it down to convince somebody you love them, they already know. Brucas I believe had developed to that stage where Lucas and Brooke didn't need to tell one another to fight or constantly tell them 'I love u' - they already knew the status they had in each other's lives. They completed one another, that's why Lucas didn't need anyone else standing next to him when his dreams came true :) In that sense I'd say Brucas won :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
^see, with all due respect, I see the kind of couple that you are describing as being the kind of couple that Leyton is... not Brucas.

Two people that need eachother to be around, and that always find their way back to eachother? That statement has LP written all over it. Their feelings for eachother resurfaced during EVERY other relationship they were in with other people. With Brooke, Jake, Lindsey, AND Julian. In every one of those relationships that Lucas and Peyton had with other people, their feelings for eachother still managed to come to light and interfere with those relationships. So to me, they were the ones that couldn't stay away from eachother and always managed to find their way back to their feelings for eachother.

And as far as "not needing to always tell eachother I love you"... again, that's LP, not BL. Brucas was the couple that NEEDED that reassurance through words that they loved eachother, or atleast Brooke needed the reassurance from Lucas. Which explains her constant insecurities, and the infamous rain speech when she asked Lucas to tell her the difference between her and Peyton, and asked him to tell her WHY he loved her. She should have already known that stuff, but she didn't, because Lucas never showed her that on his own. they spent so much time trying to force their relationship, and trying to prove their love for eachother, that they finally realized in the end that true love isn't supposed to be that way. they realized that true love isn't supposed to have so many interferences and people/things getting in the way of it. true love isnt something to be proven or forced... it just IS.

unlike Brooke, Peyton was NEVER insecure about lucas' love for her when they were a couple. He made it clear through his actions that his heart was 110% with her. We never heard Peyton question lucas' feelings for her while they were dating, not once... his feelings were just there, and they were evident without having to prove them to her with words. So again, as far as not needing to hear "I love you", that doesn't sound like brucas at all to me, it sounds like Leyton.

And lastly, saying that Lucas "didn't need anyone else next to him when his dreams came true"... Peyton is clearly the one that he needed AND wanted next to him when his dreams came true. Not only did he tell her that twice, but she WAS there with him both times. she may not have physically been there when he found out his book was being published, but she was in his mind. she was the FIRST person that Lucas thought of when the lady at the airport said that his book being published sounded like a dream came true. His face got sad, and he immediately looked at peytons picture in his phone. He may have gone to see Brooke afterwards, but that was only because he had to go to NY anyway for his book. But Peyton was the first girl to come to his mind when he first found out that his dream came true.

Plus not to mention that when he proposed the first time, he told Peyton that she was the one that he wants next to him when his dreams came true, AND she was the one he wanted next to him if they DONT come true. He never said that to or about Brooke. With Peyton, he acknowleged that it doesn't even matter to him if his dreams come true if he is with her... And that as long as he had HER, nothing else mattered. so yes, to me, Leyton did win... in so many more ways than just simply being endgame. They won because they developed a stable, true, secure love that LASTED, and was strong enough to overcome all of their obstacles. and a love that nothing or no one could ever come between :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
wow, i had no idea that i was typing a novel lol... sorry!
over a year ago OTHRockzMySockz said…
TBH, I would be absolutely ragers if I was a leyton fan, they went through loads of crap, they finally get married and have a kid...then they bugger off. I think Mark took the "happily ever after" thing too far...he wrote out your couple...so no-one won...not brucas...not leyton...cos brucas never ended up together, leyton did and they were written out (pretty poorly, I might add), driving off into the sunset...bad idea.
over a year ago Eirinaki_b_13 said…
Well i agree with Brucas fans above... I dont want to say the same things. So with all this in an order it is Leyton-Brucas-Leyton-Jeyton-Brucas-Leyton-­Lin­dsa­y&a­mp;­Luc­as-­Ley­ton­-Br­uli­an. I think that people now dont enjoythe show that much... I think if he had keep together Brucas in season 3 and Jate, or if in season 2 Lucaswanted to be with Peyton things would be better and fans wouldnt be angry and disappointed... Just my opinion...
over a year ago SweetStarlight said…
I'm soooo over this LP vs BL thing. There's always going to be one ship that gets disappointed, that's life.

To the people that say that BL has more fans: well, you must be very popular to know every single person that watches the show!! There's no way to tell who has more fans, not everyone that watches OTH are fangirls that go online and talk about their ship. Polls don't mean crap either because ppl are always cheating......so who knows which ship is more popular, they're probably equal in the number of fans.