Leyton vs. Brucas Suggestions for Banner and Slogan

ktlady posted on Oct 01, 2007 at 08:44PM
Leave any comments/links regarding what the banner or slogan should be here. I'll be sure to check it out! thanks!

Leyton vs. Brucas 5 replies

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over a year ago ClaireB58 said…
I like the banner and slogan that you've got, did you make this spot? If you did you are a genius cos its a gr8 way to get the arguments off of the OTH spot!
over a year ago ktlady said…
yeah I did. Thank you! I really appreciate that.
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
Where did you get that banner?? lol i know for a fact that is a banner i requested months ago...
over a year ago ktlady said…
Really? Hmmm... I believe I found it on photobucket. But that was before I was good about image crediting and marking where I got everything so I can't be sure. Sorry.
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
Oh no not a problem =] lol i was just wondering!