Leyton vs. Brucas Wall


Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 160

mooshka said …
I just have to say I find it hilariouse that people who don't even watch OTH know all about the Leyton vs. Brucas "war." Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Haha I know, right? I can't decide if that's a good thing, or a bad thing! lol over a year ago
alwaysforever commented…
It's cause we're epic shippers lmfao and we're also really bitchy to each other. Idk I just like to think we're all really passionate. And that's a good thing. =D over a year ago
mooshka said …
"There is a huge fan base dedicated to Brooke and Lucas, and sometimes those people feel a bit betrayed. Just as the fanbase dedicated to Lucas and Peyton felt betrayed in season 2 and parts of season 3. That tells me that we've done things correctly, thats the strength of a love triangle."- Mark

I'm not sure when he said this quote, I think it was a while back. But it makes sence. Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yeah, I kind of get what he's saying. That kind of just proves that he's split things up evenly, if each fanbase is feeling the same emotions at one point, or another. over a year ago
Broody_4_Cheery commented…
betrayed? lmao. marks as clueless as lucas was when brooke told him she wasn't mad. what warped mind thinks betrayal makes a love triangle strong, love does. THAT is what made blp great, the love the three of them share and the love we feel for them. over a year ago
Slayerette89 commented…
That quote always puzzeled me. He seems aware that he handled the SLs in such a manner that he managed to frustrate both fanbases, yet he thinks it's the proof of the quality of his writing? I'll never get TV writers, lol. over a year ago
Dean-girlx commented…
.. He is so full of fail. It's not even funny. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
CW execs are "confident" in LP's return in S9! Which means more LP... AND possible BL scenes! :D Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3333 I didn't realize how much I missed them until I heard the news! over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
^^^ Me too. With White Collar... i just don't know. over a year ago
beccaxBLx commented…
Even if LP come back they'd be the focus of the first two episodes, maybe only the first and then we'd be going to Bikini Quinn, Chase/Chuck crap, oh and Brulian ripping BL&LP off, did I mention no CORE5 scenes? over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
"Honey.. Lindsay doesn't stand a chance, trust me. I have been the Lindsay between Lucas & Peyton, and it is NOT a good place to be."

"Are you kidding? You're Peyton Sawyer! The guy wrote a WHOLE book about how much he LOVES you!"

"It has ALWAYS been Lucas & Peyton. You guys are meant to be together it's the way it's suppose to be!"

"The whole world has been waiting on you two idiots since high school"

- Brooke Davis Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Her LP quotes are so classic! I also love the one in S4 about Peyton going to LA- "If you're worried about your relationship that's one thing, but I don't think that you need to be," <333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Okay I officially have no idea what you're talking about anymore lol. You lost me. I wasn't trying to get into a novel discussion about the real meaning of the book, or the quality of writing of the show itself. I was strictly just pointing out that his book IS focused on Peyton more, or in a different way than the other characters. Yes, the book is about all of them, and his overall highschool/growing up experience. But it's been supported numerous times that LP are THE couple in the book, and that it's very much about Peyton, in a different respect than the other characters. That's all. over a year ago
Dean-girlx commented…
'Brooke's the other half.' over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
I know that some people don't like the motto, so about whatever the new theme ends up being, we vote for one short BL quote & one short LP quote that fit the theme and they BOTH go as the motto! That way there is no arguing over which couple gets the motto etc etc.

Example: Let's say the next theme is 'S3/S4 important scenes' something that could work:

"When all my dreams come true, the one I want standing next to me. It's you, Peyton." // "I love you. - I love you too... pretty girl"

Good? Posted over a year ago
Seddie4Ever commented…
I understand what you're trying to say about the motto, but I don't think we should change it. It's completely unbiased and it fits the attitudes of each fanbase. This is just my opinion, of course. over a year ago
Broody_4_Cheery commented…
its not an unbiased quote, its shit, its anti peyton on a blvs lp spot even if you blank out the name. its calling two great characters whores. as fans of BOTH those girls i HATE the motto and he second i saw it i felt like punchin something. wheres mark schwann whn u need him over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I didn't think it was THAT bad... It's just a JOKING take on the quote. over a year ago
Dean-girlx said …
It's Brooke Davis! If you don't try .. you're an idiot. ♥ Do I get to be part of this world? The biggest part. ♥ Thank you for being here for us. Thank you for letting me. ♥ That's how I always see you Brooke .. and I think it's kind of beautiful. ♥ You know you look amazing, right? ♥ Who do you want standing next to you? Brooke. ♥ What are you thinking about kiddo? Brooke. ♥ Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
<3 over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
Yes :) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
<333333333333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
I'll be seeing ya // Your art matters. // I want everything with you. // She's great, but she's not you. // I don't wanna hide anymore. // I have to be with you. // What? And miss out on being with you? // It's always gonna be there isn't it? You and me. // I love being that guy for you. // You're always saving me. Somebody's got to. // If I say I love you right now, will you hold it against me? // Because I do, Peyton. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
It's always been Peyton <3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
ALWAYS <33 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
<3333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
I love you, you know that? I love you too. // You look nice. // I would never cut you out of my life! // My triumph was not a state championship, but simple clarity. // The one I want next to me, it's YOU. // This is good, isn't it? Us? // I never told Peyton that I love her, I wanna go back. // As long as it takes, I'll wait for you. // Peyton's the greatest thing I have in my life. // No matter what happens, I will always love you. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<333 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
^__^ <3 over a year ago
carambolas commented…
♥♥ over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
♥__♥ over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
None of the great days of my life, matter without you. // I want us to be together forever // I feel lost, I don't know what to do without her. // Do you ever wonder if we chose the right paths? // The boy saw a comet. // It's still.. really hard. // Do you wanna get married tonight? // I can't live without you. // Peyton Sawyer will become Peyton Scott. // I always have, and I always will. // You may kiss your bride. FINALLY. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3333333 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
LP forever!! <3 over a year ago
smckinlay2 said …
If you need to hear why I love you I can go on all night

Brucas ♥ Posted over a year ago
Seddie4Ever commented…
The best BL moment. :) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
Dean-girlx said …
Brooke & Lucas forever ♥ Posted over a year ago
Seddie4Ever commented…
Agreed! :D over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
Seddie4Ever said …
Does anyone else think that it's time for a new spot look? We've had this one for a while, and I think it's time for a change. There's nothing wrong with the way it looks now, but like I said before, change never hurt anyone. Maybe we could do season 2 moments? Or maybe key moments for each couple, like BL's rain scene and LP at the state championship. Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
why not.. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I agree. lol but S2 moments isn't exactly a fair theme, considering that LP were basically non-existent during that season. We could vote on themes or something, but yeah... I'm all for a new look :) over a year ago
Seddie4Ever commented…
^^ I don't know about a new motto. I think it's perfect. :D It sums up Brucas v Leyton and Brooke v Peyton perfectly. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
...And in that moment, my triumph was NOT a state championship, but simple clarity. The realization that we had always been meant for eachother, and every instinct to the contrary had simply been a denial of the following truth. I was now, and would always be, in love... with Peyton Sawyer.

She was his real triumph, and he knew that they were always meant for eachother. Couldn't ask for more :) Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3333 over a year ago
carambolas commented…
This quote is just perfect♥ over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Lucas: Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry that we didn't get to spent more time together tonight.
Peyton: How did it go with Brooke?
Lucas: I realized tonight that it's over between me and Brooke. And she realized it, too.
Peyton: I love you Lucas.
Lucas: I love you, too Peyton.
Peyton: You don't understand. I've been holding this in for a really long time, and you just need to know. I love you. I'm in love with you.

<333 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Her holding that in for so long makes me love them so much more. So amazing <3 over a year ago
Dean-girlx said …
I love you too Brooke Davis ♥

I wanna be with YOU .. not Peyton! ♥

I'm the guy for you Brooke Davis ♥

Have I told you how much I love you today? ♥

She makes me smile, she's honest, she's not afraid to be herself ♥

I missed you too pretty girl ♥

Brooke Davis! Oh I missed you ♥

Brooke Davis is going to change the world someday ♥

Brillant, beautiful and brave ♥

You're gonna be a great mom ♥

I told you you'd be a great mom ♥ Posted over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
<33333333333333333333333 over a year ago
lovelost11 commented…
Awww. Especially those mom quotes are bittersweet right now. over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Peyton: That's where we're at right now.It's not fair to her to make a big deal out of what happened.It didn't mean anything. I'm sorry.
Lucas: Peyton.(kisses her) See, it does mean something.
Peyton: It can't.
Lucas: But it does.
Peyton: Lucas, you're dating Brooke.
Lucas: I know, and she's great, okay, but she's not you. Look, ever since you came to my room and told me how you felt about me, I've been hiding with Brooke.Okay, I've been trying not to get hurt again. I don't wanna hide anymore.
Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I've been hiding with Brooke <333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<333 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
^ Says it all really Kelly<3 over a year ago
Dean-girlx said …
I do love you Brooke Davis. ♥

I love you too pretty girl ♥

There is this other girl, her name is Brooke Davis, and I am completely in love with her ♥

I love you babe ♥

If you need to hear why I love you .. I can go on all night ♥

Who do you want standing next to you? -- Brooke ♥

We're together now, right? You and me? Hmm? It means everything to me ♥

It means a lot to me to know you're there .. it means everything ♥ Posted over a year ago
brucas4ever commented…
I've always felt that after lucas couldn't get what he wanted with Brooke he moved on to Peyton. I mean she's is second choice. over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
<33333333333333333 over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
LOVE <33 over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
bdavisrocks said …
Because there's this girl, her name's Brooke Davis, and he is COMPLETELY in love with her <33 Posted over a year ago
lovelost11 commented…
No doubt about it. <3 over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Lucas: I love you, Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer. I've always have and I always will. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3 over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Peyton: I never let myself need anybody. Ever. Not since my mom died. But with Lucas, he looks at me and he really sees me. You know? Just right down into my soul.....I just want to tell him I'm in love with him.

<333 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
What? Peyton loved Lucas in season 1? No way! She barely knew him... it was just infatuation. ;) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Leyton <3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
"How did you know which one to pick?"
"I guess I always knew." Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Since the 8th grade! <33 over a year ago
brucas4ever said …
Lucas:”Because you kink your eyebrows when you’re trying to be cute. Because you quote Kmo even though I’ve actually never seen you read. Because you miss your parents, but you never admit that! And because I’ve given exactly two of these embarrassing speeches, and they’ve both been with you. And because we’re both gonna get pneumonia, but if you, need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night.” Posted over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
LOVE <33 over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
sophialover commented…
brucas4ever said …
Victoria:”You have far too much to lose Brooke.”
Brooke:”And Lucas Scott was the one boy I might of lost it for.” Posted over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
She was still so in love with him..:) She still is ;) over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
GLAD to see this spot is still alive! Lmao.

Jamie: Hey, look!
*pulls out Peyton's 'It's you' drawing from Sawyer's memory box*
Lucas: Wow. Now that was a really important night.
Jamie: Because you won a state championship?
Lucas: Yeah. But um... that was also, the night that I realized I wanted to marry Peyton.

<33333 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
WHOOO for this spot being active! lol that just goes to show... be careful what you wish for! And this quote is <333 over a year ago
ccbee1234 said …
I'm not a Brucas hater, but for me, their relationship was always filled with insecurities and lies. Lucas cheated on Brooke, then when they got back together again, she never fully trusted him. At least, for the most part. Posted over a year ago
brucas4ever commented…
I disagree, i think it showed how much she trusted him in the season 3 finale. She really did, because if she didn't she wouldn't have been hurt so badly by him. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Agree <3 over a year ago
ccbee1234 commented…
I don't deny that they loved each other. over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Peyton: "Luke, the last time we kissed you had a heart attack."
Lucas: "And I didn't die. I couldn't die. Do you know why? Because I had to come back and look into those green eyes of yours, and tell you I love you. I do, I love you Peyton. You didn't push me away, I came back for you. No matter how long it takes I'll wait for you" Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<33333333333 LEYTON=TLA! over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
He came back for her twice <33 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Keith convinced him of the importance of voicing your feelings. And based off of THAT, Lucas DECIDED to go back to tell Peyton he loved her <3 over a year ago
alwaysforever said …
Lucas used the word love when referring to Brooke in every season.
Season 1: "....that's what I love about you."
Season 2: "I love you, Brooke. And I know we're just friends but I need you to know how I feel. "{Yes this was a dream but it was Lucas's dream ;)}
Season 3: "I love you too... Pretty girl."
Season 4: You can't help who you love, Peyton.[Talking about Brooke]
Season 5: "I love you too, Brooke Davis."
Season 6: "I DO love you, Brooke Davis"(Another dream but it was Lucas's dream) Posted over a year ago
brucas4ever commented…
Brucas fucking own my life ♥ over a year ago
alwaysforever commented…
^Yepp and I'm so fucking proud of it♥ over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
LOVE <33 over a year ago
brucas4ever said …
One Tree Hill Love Declarations:
link Posted over a year ago
brucas4ever said …
One Tree Hill Declarations of Love:
Peyton: I love you, Lucas. I am in love with you.
Lucas: Oh.
Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Umm Lucas was caught off guard. WTF do you expect him to say? Does that make his love for her any less? Oh wait, it doesn't. Because once he actually had a little bit to think about it, he returned the feelings in the VERY next episode. And (unlike BL), he never took those feelings back, from there on out. So... this is such a valid argument. Good one. :) over a year ago
Hiding 81 comments…
kellyerin87 commented…
It was NEVER even my intention to fight with anyone lol. Honest to god if I had known that posting a quote would have started that much drama I never even would have thought of posting it. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I believe that Kelly, and i hope you know that I'm directing that at EVERYONE! I just want all the fighting to stop =/ over a year ago
brucas4ever said …

[cont.]… This is how I spent my summer, Luke. Wanting you. I was just too scared to admit it.
L: What you did with Chris... It’s OK.
B: It’s not. It can’t be. It’s too much to forgive!
Lucas: Well that’s too bad, because I forgive you.
B: You can’t!
L: I just did. So you’re gonna just have to deal with it. I’m the guy for you, Brooke Davis. And I know I hurt you last time we were together but...
B: I love you.
L: I love you too. Pretty girl. Posted over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
All time favorite BL moment <33 over a year ago
brucas4ever said …
One Tree hill Declarations of Love.
B: There are 82 letters in here. And they’re all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer. One a day, but I never sent them because I was afraid
L: Brooke
B: I was afraid of getting my heart broken again. Like before. Because you hurt me so bad and I was afraid to be vulnerable and I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel, and I know that doesn’t matter now, after what I did but I just thought that you should know...[cont.] Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
"Then I guess I was wrong. I'm not the guy for you, Brooke Davis."

...sorry! Had to do it lol :P Posted over a year ago
alwaysforever commented…
No no no you didn't have to you wanted to. ;p over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
^ What? lol I don't understand any of that over a year ago
lovelost11 commented…
That's fine with me. over a year ago
alwaysforever said …
"If I told you I loved you, would you hold it against me? ... Because I do Peyton. But it's okay because there's this other girl I mean you might know her, her name's Brooke Davis, and I am completely in love with her. ♥ Posted over a year ago
brucas4ever commented…
awwwwwwwwwwh ♥ over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
LOVE <33 over a year ago
carambolas said …

"Peyton, I've loved you since the first time i saw you. And this ring and these words are just simply a way to show the rest of the world what has been in my heart for as long as I've known you. I love you, Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer. I always have and I always will" ♥

Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
'Nuff said <333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<333333 over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak commented…
♥♥♥♥♥ over a year ago
big smile
JulienBangel said …
I've never liked OTH, is not really my genre...until I saw Brooke and Lucas kissing under the rain..then I watched s.3 and now I'm watching them all..I really don't care about who's right or wrong..anyway I think that the triangle is like this Brooke<3Lucas<3Peyton<3? Probably Leyton fans are right :) But BL give me too much emotions that I can't deny. WBL Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
These were my thoughts before I watched the show haha<3 over a year ago
JulienBangel commented…
And ..what do you think now? over a year ago
JulienBangel commented…
I've read some scripts of season 4 and 5 -.- I can't be a LP fan..never and ever.. It didn't came out of the blue..but it's not fair the way Lucas acts..1 day Brooke is the one for life and 10 episodes later she is nothing because Peyton has always been the one bla bla?? Why waste three season to create something then erase it?(even if they didn't actually erase it 'cause the fans loved it too much and of course when they had no more fights for Naley they could bring it up ) o_0 I'm pretty sure he doesn't deserve Brooke .-. some creators should find better ideas . Poor Brooke ;( over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Lucas:"A while back I.. I had a dream.. that something happened to you. It got me thinking about my life without you.. I... I can't LIVE that life. <33 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yessss <333 over a year ago
carambolas commented…
I wanted to give Lucas a hug, he was so heartbroken <33 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
♥♥♥♥ over a year ago
lovelost11 said …
But if you need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night. <3 Posted over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
<33333 over a year ago
JulienBangel commented…
Aww over a year ago
xPrettyGirl_82x commented…
<3 <3 x10000000000000000 over a year ago
dalma said …
The boy saw a comet and suddenly his life had meaning.
Leyton FTW <3 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
And when it went away, he waited his entire life for it to come back to him <333 over a year ago
carambolas commented…
over a year ago
lovelost11 said …
She's the one.

Why? Do you really think there's only one person in this entire world that's right for you? Do you realize how screwed up that logic is?

She just IS. I FEEL it. Posted over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet commented…
he didn't even know what the hell he was talking about when he said that lmao. he was completely ignorant. at the end of the episode, he caught her in bed with chris. and in the NEXT episode, he took back what he said, and said that brooke "went out of her way to prove that she wasn't the one". he spoke too soon, then later realized that he was wrong in saying/believing that. typical for BL :/ over a year ago
lovelost11 commented…
Yeah, Luke being able to say that on his own against backlash clearly is being ignorant and confused over being told/encouraged to go to Peyton and having "moments of clarity." And him being upset and heartbroken for an episode before forgiving Brooke clearly means he realized he was wrong and he didn't have those feelings for her after all. Okay.... over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
this is an important quote to BL and BLers, so stay off!! and i love how BL is everyone's punching bag. you chose to attack this comment, and it ended with a fight, fights that suck to have to read. if you had just left this comment alone then BL fans could have enjoyed it without being reminded of bad moments in BL history :/ over a year ago
carambolas said …
Because none of the great days in his life matter without her.
Leyton forever ♥ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<3 over a year ago
KaterinoulaLove said …
Leyton because when all his dreams come true ,the one he wants standing next to him is her..Peyton <33 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
FTW! <3 over a year ago
KaterinoulaLove commented…
exactlyy <3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 said …
Because Peyton doesn't have to ASK Lucas to save her, he just does.
LP ftw<33 Posted over a year ago
carambolas commented…
over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<3 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Hope you don't mind that I took this reason and asked Kelly to make an icon out of it :) over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
^ Of course not. I don't think its even something I made up, lol over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet said …
Leyton FTW <3

It has ALWAYS been Lucas & Peyton. You guys are meant to be together, it's the way it's supposed to be! -BROOKE DAVIS Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<3 over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Leyton <333

"I know, and she's great, ok, but she's not you. Look ever since you came to my room and told me how you felt about me, I've been hiding with Brooke. I've been trying not to get hurt again, but I don't want to hide anymore.....because I feel it in my heart, don't you." Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<3 over a year ago
katie15 said …
Brucas for ever.

"Difference? The difference is I love you Brooke, I wanna be with you, NOT Peyton." <3 Posted over a year ago
KaterinoulaLove commented…
That`s the point.. He wanted her FOR THAT period of time.. Brooke And Lucas totally diserve their place in histroy ,I`m not opposed to that,but Peyton was Lucas` Comet.. over a year ago
katie15 commented…
^wth are trying to cause an argument or something? aren't i allowed to love my couple with someone replying to it pessimistically? over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
...Because he's loved her since the first time he saw her. Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Lucas & Peyton<333333

".... I was now, and will always be inlove with Peyton Sawyer." <333 Posted over a year ago
carambolas commented…
..the realisation that we had always been meant for each other and every instinct of the contrary had simply been a denial of the following truth.... over a year ago
babe1492 said …
Brucas forever <3 Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
TEAM BRUCAS! over a year ago
annoulla commented…
brucas 4LIFE<3 over a year ago
katie15 commented…
<3 over a year ago
bdavisrocks commented…
<33 over a year ago
Ginevraaa said …
Always Brucas ♥ Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
over a year ago
kirsten_5 said …
Team Brucas <33 Is there really any other choice ? ;) Posted over a year ago
katie15 commented…
Of course there isn't ;) ♥ over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So, I've discovered that there is something that we ALL have in common, and can appreciate. Neither LP, or BL are part of the show anymore. But I think we all can agree that that's probably for the best. Both couples were part of the show when it was still the REAL OTH. We didn't have to worry about them being written horribly, having pointless/empty storylines, or being overshadowed by secondary characters, that nobody gives a shit about. Both couples ALWAYS had substance, and served a purpose. Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
They were never just filler, side-note couples, whose scenes were half assed written, because the writers ran out of ideas for them. When we think back on LP & BL, we are able to remember them in a positive light, and appreciate the fact that they WERE the real OTH. And no matter which couple we ship, I think we can all be grateful for that <3 over a year ago
Seddie4Ever commented…
Yeah. It's too bad that I'm a Naley fan, and I still have to worry about them being badly written. over a year ago
alwaysforever commented…
Amen! over a year ago
Seddie4Ever said …
Happy Valentine's Day, Leyton and Brucas fans! Posted over a year ago
angiii7 said …
Team Leyton ღ Posted over a year ago
nikibella commented…
<3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<333 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 over a year ago
nikibella said …
Team Brucas & Leyton ♥ XD Posted over a year ago
Seddie4Ever said …
Team Brucas ♥ Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
^dito. over a year ago
Lannieluv7 said …
Team Leyton ♥ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
FTW <333 over a year ago
alwaysforever said …
I'm trying to liven this spot up lol Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Man this spot is deaddddddd... maybe this means the war is finally fizzling down?

...lol a girl can dream ;) Posted over a year ago
alwaysforever commented…
Aw nooo lol I mean no to the spot being dead, not the war. I think this spot should be common ground! And not war central =) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
^ Yeah, that'd be nice. It never seemed to work that way though, unfortunately! lol over a year ago
alwaysforever said …
I wish people could stop being biased here. On both ends. Posted over a year ago
boysawtcometluv commented…
UR BIASED, YOUR MOM COW!! over a year ago
brucas4ever commented…
mom cow really? over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Bahaha mom cow. over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
"Tv Love Triangles" Spot

link Posted over a year ago