Leyton favorite Leyton quote

fanny1780 posted on Jun 06, 2008 at 05:35PM
What about listing our favorite Leyton quotes? One per post and don't repeat the same quotes please)

I'll start with:

Lucas Scott: You know I use to watch you?
Peyton Sawyer: When?
Lucas Scott: Well Freshman year, Softmore year, both summers actually.
Peyton Sawyer: Stop it!
Peyton Sawyer: [a slight pause, both Peyton and Lucas smile] What did you watch?
Lucas Scott: Your legs mostly.
Peyton Sawyer: What?
Lucas Scott: No I'm serious. You know from up close they're a little chickeny.
Peyton Sawyer: Shut up!
Lucas Scott: But from where I was hiding, they were pretty awesome.

Leyton 46 replies

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