Leyton Wall

Displaying wall entries 31-40 of 1004

NateHeartSerena said …

Why it was ALWAYS Peyton and Lucas.

Why even though they loved others- Julian, Brooke, Jake and Lindsay- there was always a piece of their hearts that belonged to each other and they could never love the others whole heartedly.

Peyton's the one for Lucas.
Lucas's the one for Peyton.

"It's an epic love story....it just not..." Brookes, Jakes, Julians or Lindsays.

Peyton&Lucas Scott= TLA Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
OMG. That is so epic! <33 over a year ago
nemifoever132 said …
Cutest couple in one tree hill Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
truer words have never been spoken! over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<333 over a year ago
clairemig22 said …
please everyone send a letter to mark through OTHS9@othfanreunion.com to get him to write leyton into the last couple of episode of season 9 finale. and also by signing the petition on link. thanks for your support everyone :) Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Already have! :) over a year ago
clairemig22 commented…
thank you :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Brooke: I would just appreciate it if you didn't talk to Peyton today.
Lucas: Hey, Peyton! You look nice.

Lucas: Oh my god Peyton, I would never say that! I would never cut you out of my life!

Lucas: What do you say we just put this whole thing behind us, and have a good time at prom?
Peyton: I'm not going.
Lucas: We don't have to see Brooke. Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
He was never willing to stay away from Peyton, even when specifically asked to. Yet he OFFERED to stay away from Brooke, just to get Peyton to go to prom with him. Little things... ;) over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Love <3333 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Ahh, love <33 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Are you kidding? The rest of the world's been waiting on you two idiots since high school.

YEP!! Since their first interaction :) Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Gotta love Brooke sometimes ;) over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
<3333 over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet commented…
classic :D over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Lucas: Are you drunk?

Peyton: Are you wearing eye shadow?

~My ship is funny~ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
<333 over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet said …
wow. this spot is... dead? Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Tell me about it. It's pitiful lol over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Haley: "Peyton sawyer will become Peyton Scott", that was 8th grade. He got a little cocky sophomore year, "Make out with Peyton Sawyer... or more". "Take Peyton Sawyer to a movie". "This year, I'll talk to Peyton Sawyer". You know, this is how much he doesn't hate you, it's a whole lifetime's worth!

Peyton: "I know, that's what he writes. But what he says is a totally different story."

Haley: "Sometimes people write the things that they can't say." Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
love love love ♥ over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
<33333 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Gaaaah, Haley and her LP quotes<3 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
I love this! I love he just wanted to take her to a movie! :) over a year ago
energizerbunny said …

link Posted over a year ago
delenadarti said …
hey guys, do you know when Luke said "you can't help who you love"? Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I know he said it to Peyton in 4x02, (when they are in her room and the power goes out), and they're talking about him getting Brooke back- "You can't help who you love, Peyton". I'm not sure if he said it any other times :) over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
Thanks ;) over a year ago
rorymariano said …
So, I noticed that our fanfiction contest kind of died (without ever living, lol). Would anybody be interested in trying to get that back up? Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Well, I'm not that much into fanfins, so I don't really care. :P over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
fics* over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
^ Same Mooshie. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Ok I don't get soapnet so I want some suggestions- Fellow LPer's, hit me with some of your fave LP episodes. I'm going to get 10 together and have my own marathon this weekend coming :D Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
1x01, 1x13, 3x16, 3x21, 4x10, 4x12, 5x02, 5x06, 5x18, 6x01, 6x13, 6x16, 6x17, 6x24... just to name some <33 over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
4x09 as well, But Kelly basically said all mine <333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Well what Kelly and Elle said but I would add 5x07, 5x08, 6x07, and 6x14 to that list as well:D over a year ago
mooshka said …
Hey girlys:)
So nicknames are still going on! And we only have like three nominations so far... so get on them! We want everyone to have a nickname:) Posted over a year ago
nikibella said …
i love new spot look so amazing :D Posted over a year ago
AdaLove said …
DUDE I LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!!!IT's STUNNING!!!!!!<3 Posted over a year ago
desireless673 said …
SPOT LOOK. <333333333 Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Love it! :D over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
NEW SPOT LOOK IS AMAZINGGG!!!! <333 Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Hey guys, would anyone be willing to do Nadia's fotm interview if i can't get it done? I left Kristen a message a few days ago but i haven't heard from her so i don't think she'll be doing it.

I should be able to get it done but just in case I'd like to have someone that knows they will be able to do it asap. Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
I'll do it if you can't, Holly :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I'll do it if both you and Amber can't lol. Never hurts to have extra back up;) over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Thanks darlings! I'm getting ready to do up the questions for Nad so unless something unexpected comes up, i should be able to do it! But I'll let you both know if anything changes <3 over a year ago
mooshka said …
Spot look is amazing!!!!!!!
LOVE IT! Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Epic <3333 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Amazing<3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Epicness <3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Epicness <3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Jesus.... we truly must be watching a completely different show than some people lol :P

link Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Well I much prefer the show we are watching! How can they honestly think LP arent compatible? I know there are people who dont like them but they compliment each other so perfectly! Both broody artists. Both just 'get' each other. Both a little introverted and outsider. I could go on but it wouldnt matter to some people. over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
To quote Brooke- Peyton is "good with all things Lucas". Peyton to Lucas- "I know how you get. I'm the same way" Common sense people! lol. LP= TLA over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Mind=blown over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
"Everybody says we're like twins" -Lucas. "Tortured artist meets tortured athlete? Talk about your obvious attraction." -Haley. There is just not one single thing about them that isn't compatible. Every single aspect of them works perfectly when they are together. Have they ever even had a real fight lol? Maybe one or two ever, if that. It just drives me crazy how I feel like we're always admitting certain positive things about BL, but they can't even admit this one, CLEARLY obvious thing about LP. Whether they like them or not, them being compatible together is just fact. Period. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Keith: Hit and run, huh? That’s beautiful. I could lose my license for this.
Lucas: I didn’t know what else to do. He just walked away.
Keith: You wanna tell me what it is with you and this girl? Huh? That you’re willing to break the law for her? Nobody is worth that.
Lucas: I couldn’t let Nathan get away with it, the way he does everything else. And I sure as HELL... couldn't let him do that to Peyton.

<333 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
He breaks the law for her, no big deal ;) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Love this scene <33 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Peyton: Well, if that's the truth, if I never cared, (picking up a copy of Lucas' novel), then how come every time I see this stupid book I buy it, every stupid damn time Luke. You said I was great! You said I could be great! You said we were destined to be together, you said it to the world, you said it to me and I wish you never had because you did not mean any of it!!!

I still always manage to cringe at this scene!!!
But what what amazing acting and emtions ♥ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I was like shocked, smiling, cringing, freaking out, panicking, like everything in this ONE scene! Hialrie's acting was AMAZING! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
^ Agreed. She was abs amazing in that scene and throughout the whole of S5 tbh XD over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
LP at their finest. *sigh* ...they're so amazing <33 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Continuing on with the "Our ship is..." forum. Submissions for ROUND 8: Our ship is... DEEP are open! :)

link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I suck at thinking deep.. all the scenes I'm comming up with are fluffy lol. over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Thought of a couple I think fit. I'll keep thinking on it over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Vote! <3

link Posted over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
VOTED :D over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
VOTED! over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
<333 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Hey, if you guys are looking for spot ideas, I offer up the suggestion of the Official LP List, if you havent done it already. It's fun because you can make up lots of categories and it revolves around picks which people usually love. Plus LP have so many iconic things!
Serenate spot- link

Delena spot- link Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I actually really like that idea :) Sounds like a fun way to keep this amazing spot more alive, and to love our couple even more. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I like that idea too. But the problem we have with this spot is that not very many people ever contribute to the activity. Lots of people vote when the picks are posted... but we really need more participants, and people willing to contribute to the activity's forums. That's the issue that we seem to be having lately... over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Sounds pretty good :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Today while I am meant to be at school, I am going to be thinking of ideas to make this spot more alive again!!

LOVE YOU ALL MUCHLY <3333 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Haha you rock. But hey, atleast it's just slow because we're all on the LF spot... as opposed to it just dying, just for the sake of dying! lol over a year ago
big smile
energizerbunny said …
Yay! Finally got my Die-Hard!! =D Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Congrats Nikky! I'm surprised you didn't already have it! <333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Woot woot! Go Snickers♥ over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Congrats Nikky :) over a year ago
mooshka said …
Hey guys! Nominations for nicknames for Margot and Chandler are still going on so go nominate! I think we all kind of forgot about them and it's my fault as well, because I havn't been reminding people! Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
Why did it take Lucas so long to realise he's always loved Peyton? lol. Seriously. She tells him she loves him and he says "oh". LOL. Smooth. I always got the feeling they BLP triangle was like a pyramid of fear. Peyton hurt Lucas when she called off the affiar in season 1, so he hid his heart from her. Then Lucas hurt Brooke so she hid her heart from him. And Peyton was terrified of loving Luc and hurting Brooke so she hid from everyone. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I will always stand by the statment that a majority of the triangle was infact Luke's fault! over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
^^CONCUR! over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Everything is Luke's fault ;) over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 said …
Heeeey girls! I've got an idea, might be rubbish but i'm putting it out there seeing as this spot is dying a terrible death :P You know you have forums that are like the ABC of stuff, what about turning that into a competition somehow? What do you think? :) Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Sounds fun! over a year ago
dalma commented…
It does sound fun :D over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I am in :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I'm confused. But I'm in! Go for it Lush! over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
....crickets.... lol Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
LMAO. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
awww LOL. over a year ago
yankeeplayer said …
so amber told me bout all the stuff goin on with brucas so i decided id give my favorite tv couple a boost haha Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …

According to onetreehillblog.com, someone from their site is headed to Wilmington soon. And she wants to take a bunch of letters from LP fans, asking for LP to come back! They're asking that as many Leyton fans as possible write Mark a letter, explaining why we want LP back. I think as many of us should write one, as possible! Here is the link explaining it, along with the email address to send your letter to!

link Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
If there was ever a chance for us to fight for LP, this is it guys! over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
Yay :) I will help tooo Kellly :D over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yay! Thanks Elle! They need to be sent by TOMORROW to OTHS9@othfanreunion.com!! :) over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Just showing some LP love<3 Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
LOVE! over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
WATCH THIS LP'ERS! The image quality is kind of crappy through some of it... but the message is <333. Just further reassures me that without LP, this final season is going to be such a let down :(

I don't care what anyone says, these two ARE OTH! <33

link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I want them back:( over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Me too. LP are the heart and soul of OTH :) over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I can't even bare to think of another season with STILL no appearance from them. :/ over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
It will suck with out them, that's for sure over a year ago
Eleana said …
Love this spot!
Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Yaaay! :D over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
<33333 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 over a year ago
epicdelena4ever said …
How the hell is leyton on the 2nd page of couples!!!! and how are Demi and Joe on the first?!!!!!!! what is the world coming to?! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
LMAO! over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Because some people band together, and conspire to join whatever spots necessary, to bump LP off of the 1st page lol. Not even kidding. over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
Who cares on witch we're on, our spot and couple still kicks ass over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So apparently Lucas never saves Peyton lol. I'm on a certain spot looking for icons, for a pick I'm about to make... and that's the new word on the street. Couldn't help but update you all on that... interesting(?) opinion! lol :P Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Nope. He never saved her! Remember when Lucas carried Peyton out of the school when she was bleeding? Yeah. That never happened. It was just a dream. OH and remember how Lucas went after psycho-Derek when he was attacking Peyton? SO not what happened! ALSO in S1 where Lucas punched the guy who drugged Peyton, and forced him to tell him what drug it was and then afterwards Lucas bringing her home safe? That's not even true. He just used Peyton to try and get to Brooke. Like I said, He NEVER saved her. *rolls eyes* I swear the things I hear. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
*HIDES* lol I don't mean to start any drama, and hopefully there isn't any. But saying that Lucas never really saved Peyton is like saying that he never really loved Brooke lol. Ridiculous. Some of these things are just fact, and you can't help but voice your frustrations when you hear people mocking, or trying to deny those facts :/ over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
LMAO. over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
GAH GUYS Sorry I have not been seen or heard from in a while. But I have been SUPER DOOOPER BUSY!!! School and work and homework and gahhh being a teenager is hard work!!

Lucas and Peyton=TLA ♥ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3 over a year ago
NateHeartSerena said …
So I'm rewatching season 3 through its entirety (I'm a relatively new LP fan and have only seen parts of season 3 and the entire seasons in random order) and I have to admit I was a little scared this season was going to be all Brucas but imagine my surprise at a few LP gems hidden away-
Rachel telling Luke he also thought Peyton was the one and Luke not being able to deny it or say he was wrong
Luke being alone in a blackout with Brooke and immediately saying- we have to call Peyton lol
Posted over a year ago
NateHeartSerena commented…
Luke fighting Dan after he pushed Peyton, Peyton drunk and saying Luke before quickly changing it to Jake, Lucas staying true to his promise and going on the roadtrip with Peyton (and it was Peyton to made him call Brooke), Love it! Bring on the rest of season 3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Exactly! Even though S3 is BL's prime season... it's still one of my favorites for LP! And it's because of this season that I am so shocked, when people say LP had no build up... there are little LP signs all over the place! <33 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 over a year ago
AdaLove said …
Got my red medal *I'm dying :D *

Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
OMG ADA!!! CONGRATS!!! I AM HAPPY FOR YOU GIRL!!! <33333 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
OMG, OMG, OMG! :D :D over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
CONGRATS!! <3333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Time for some 3x21 love! Seriously... best LP scene ever.


You know what I just realized about this scene? Unlike the rest of the "play" that we see, there is no background music, there are no wigs, there are no jokes being made... it's just Lucas, and Peyton, doing what they do best. It's just real, and that's why I love it so much. I don't think any OTH scene can make me feel the emotions that this scene does. It's just so powerful, and amazing! Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
My #1 LP scene!!! It's just so angst filled and pure LP <333 over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
My favorite LP scene! I get chills every single time I watch it <333 over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Hey guys, i know a good bit of you are active on the TV Couples spot, so if you haven't already please come vote for the new motto =]

link Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
*sigh* ...I think we're losing people to the "Leyton Family" spot! lol :P Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
Hahha yeah I agreee :9 So I am trying to be active on both spots!!! Lol over a year ago
mooshka commented…
lmao...idk if thats a good or bad thing? over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Both! lol good for us fans getting closer on the other spot... but bad for the LP spirit over here lol over a year ago
big smile
TrueLove23 said …
oh yeah,oh yeah i got my die-hard fan medal today :D
(which is a little bit strange because i never got the dedicated medal ) xD Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
Congrats! (: over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Congrats! :) over a year ago
TrueLove23 commented…
thank you all <3 over a year ago
mooshka said …
Hey guys we don't really have that many nominations for nicknames:( Did people forget about them? lol Well, start getting creative and start nominating<3 I think I'll hold off on putting the pick up until tomorrow! Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny said …

Really?? :/ Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
I was just about to post this. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
dont argue thats what they want! SO PATHETIC! over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
HAHAHAHAH WHATEVER. over a year ago
mooshka said …
Leyton Family Spot<3

Okay you guys every thing about this spot at the moment is temporary. I just wanted to get it started. We'll have people make icons and banners later so we can vote on them! We'll even vote on a new motto and a new spot name even if you guys want!!! so far now join and started adding stuff:)

PS. Current spot icon/banner credit goes to Kells Bells<3 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Joined! :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
jOINED :) over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
Joining:)))) over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak said …
God I'm so tired of Brucas fans saying that Leyton were endgame because of Chad & Sophia break up -.- Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
By far the dumbest OTH-related thing I've ever heard. Whatever helps that fanbase feel better... That's all I'll say lol. over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak commented…
yeah I know right? they really conviced that if Chad & Sophia wouldn't break up Brucas would be endgame. But it's very clear that is Leyton since the beginning! over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak commented…
I know, I'll just ignore the bitch LOL over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
They eye each other, just a boy and a girl. Alone, but together, in this place called... Tree Hill. <333

Love this quote, and I love that the book & movie ended with them :)

BTW, anyone ever wonder what scene/moment this quote is referring to? Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Gah, that quote is LOVE <33 And I have no idea. Never thought of that. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I think it's supposed to be referring to "I'll be seeing you" scene in the pilot. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yeah, he reads that line and then says to the table of actors "Let's make a movie"... as if that was the end of the script. I dunno, that's just how I interpreted it! over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
The August spot theme is - Lucas saving Peyton! So get started on the banners & matching icons =]

link Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
An amazing Breyton vid (with a little bit of LP!)... honestly, how anyone can say that Braley are better is beyond me. Breyton have more substance, and triumphs as friends than Braley will ever have! <33

link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I miss old, real OTH. Screw fake, cheesy, forced OTH! over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Am I crazy? Do you not feel what I have felt every day that we have been apart for the last three years? Because I have felt..there is this vital piece of me that's been missing. And I tried to fill it, Luke, I tried to fill it with work and friends and music. And it stayed empty until last night when you kissed me, and my entire universe snapped back into focus.
<3 ;alsdkfjadkls;f Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
THEY ARE SO AMAZING!!! <33 over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
I just watched this episode today <3333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Luke was such an ass in that episode! GOD I MISS THEM! over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
ahggdsihfe <33 over a year ago
mooshka said …
This made me tear up :( link

I miss them so much... I know they're just a fictional couple but sometimes it hurts! I can never forgive Mark for continuing the show with out them:( Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Oh and for Breyton fans: link over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Aww those vids tug at my LP & BP heart strings! Amazing... by far the two best relationships of OTH, IMO <333 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Hey girls, now I just wanted to let you know that I will be gone for a couple of days. And I am not sure if I will be able to get on FP. And if that is the case, I just wanted to tell you all that I love you.

<33333 Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Love you too Elle!! Hurry home soon :) over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Love you ElleBella! I'll miss you :)<33 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Will miss you :) love you <3 over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX said …

just needed to say that! :D Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
LOVE LOVE LOVE<3 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
It really is a family, here<3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
<33 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
"Hey I love you, you know that."
"I love you too."


My favourtie LP scene ever. My heart melts every single time, yet my heart breaks too!!
Pure heatbreak and angst right there <33 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
My #1 LP scene... so amazing <333 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
GAAAH<33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3 over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
My favorite LP moment <333 over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet said …
VOTE! i'll be damned if LP get defined as "cheesy" :/

link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Voted. I hate when people pick cheesy just because there haters:/ over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Yeah. It's ridiculous to pick cheesy over all the other options. over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Vote. = ]


Not that it's important. Idk I just don't really like the fact of a Gossip Girl couple beating Leyton lol No offence to Chair. It just doesn't seem right. ; ) Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
DONE! over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
VOTED :D over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Done! over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Forget a dedicated Medal. I JUST GOT MY DIE-HARD MEDAL FOR THIS SPOT!!!
Gahhhhhh, I love this couple, this spot, and this family.
I LOVE YOU GIRLS <3333 Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Congrats ellabella! <33 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
YAY!! CONGRATS! :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hell yeah! Congrats Ellabella<3 over a year ago
epicdelena4ever said …
just wondering, what does the Chinese symbol mean on most people's icons lol. I came here noticed it's on a lot of LP'rs icons. :) Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
It means family, and the LP girls are family :) over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
ohh ok. Thank you lol. I don't come here a lot but i love LP. I watched the first season and fell in love with them :) over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
JOIN! :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Peyton: (voiceover) At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes - all you need is one.

This is my all time favourite Peyton Quote <33333 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
OMG I LOVE THAT QUOTE! at one point I had it on my binder cover ;) lmao. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Love it... she has some of the best quotes/voiceovers on the whole show! Fits LP perfectly too <33 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
My fav too<3 So LP. over a year ago
mooshka said …
Is it me... or did we all just get super closer in the last week???

Ofcourse we've always been close<3


The couple, the spot, the girls= ONE EPIC FAMILY Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
N'awww Mickey<33 LP love to all;D over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Oh I also have to say I just love looking down the LP wall, the LLT, and picks and seeing every one with they symbol on they're icons<3 over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
*huggles for everyone!* over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Seriously, HOW beautiful is our couple?? <333

link Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
SO Beautiful!! <333 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Gaaah, so damn beautiful <3 over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
I find it hilarious that even when we do something as a spot that has NOTHING to do with LP or BL, the BLers still find a way to make it some sort of competition or argument between the fanbases. And for any BLers looking at this, THIS IDEA WAS NOT COPIED. THE THREE OF US THAT CAME UP WITH IT HAD NO IDEA THAT IT HAD EVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. Our proof is on the LLT. It's not like it was some elaborate plan/idea that no TWO different people could ever come up with. It's a pretty simple idea. Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Sorry for the rant. I'm irritated. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Eh they're all over reacting and causing drama where there really shouldn't be any, so like Steph said don't worry about it Nikky<3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Lololol. I swear I saw icons like that before that said "It's our thing" or something. Ridicilous. over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
We're so pretttttttty. :) & our icons are too! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Us and our icons are the prettyfulliest things on FP<3 lol over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Hell Ya! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
We define pretty;D <3 over a year ago
big smile
Leytonfan4ever said …
I'm so excited for this "LP icon bonding" theme! It's going to be so much fun! Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Me too!!! It's gonna be so much fun! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
yay! ME TOO! over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
ME TOO!! :) over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
Me four :D over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Hey girls. Now I just wanted to let you all know that for the last week or so Mooshka and I have been working on an Article. It's like our little tribute to this amazing spot. And it's finally finished and posted, so yeah.
I just wanted to say that I am glad to be apart of this amazing spot and that I love you all heaps :) xx

LP FTW!! Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Read it!! It is so amazing. Great job both of you. Props are so deserved <333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
thanks rach! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Best thing ever<33 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
I just wanted to say that I love the ideas that this spot and fanbase come up with.
Gahhhh nicknames, spot icons, gahhhh I FRICKEN LOVE THIS SPOT!!!! Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
LP family spirit FTW <33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Every thing LP FTW<3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Everything US ftw<33 over a year ago
elinochka said …
new icon is amazingly beautiful Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
WOO HOO! 4,805 signatures... that's what I'm talkin' about! SIGN if you haven't :)

link Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
woop! :D and if you haven't, you can sign again :) over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
New icon <33 Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Gorgeous as always:D over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
New spot icon event if you're interested!

PARTICIPATE! Even if you are new to this spot, new to participate on it or haven't participated at all yet and you'd like to, COME JOIN :) Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Wow. I have no idea if that last statment made sense, but let's just pretend it does and go with it :) over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Haha it did to me! Join please! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I'm excited!!!!! And agree, people not knowing what it means makes it all the more speacial<3 over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Peyton: I never let myself need anybody. Ever. Not since my mom died. But with Lucas, he looks at me and he really sees me. You know? Just right down into my soul.
Haley: I just want to tell him that I love him and I'm sorry.
Peyton: I just want to tell him I'm in love with him.

<3333333333 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Hmm... definitely sounds like mere "infatuation" to me. Ha <33 :P over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Gaaah <33 over a year ago
dalma said …
Guys, I'm off to vacation for three weeks, so I won't be able to go on Fanpop. I'll miss youuuuu! <333 :* Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
:( byeeeee! Miss you lots Dalicious<33 over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
AWWWWWW, Have fun!!! Will miss you heaps :) xx over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Misssss you! HAVE FUN! over a year ago
nikibella said …
i loveeee new spot look! so amazing !!! Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
AGREED<3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Because Lucas submitted Peyton's sketches to thud.
and umm......
RACHEL submitted Brooke's sketches to Rogue Vogue.

....lol ;) Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
LMAO! :D over a year ago
mooshka commented…
LOL! over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
hehe over a year ago
mooshka said …
Ugh, guys fanpop is being super retarded for me today:/ So if any one is willing to can they put up the nickname picks for me and Kelly and start the nominations for leytonfaan_18 and energizerbunny(Laura and Nikky)? If not we're gonna have to wait two-three days to get the picks up...which is fine :) Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
I'll get on it for you M :D over a year ago
mooshka commented…
thanks! over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money or fame or power. Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family and the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
Everytime Peyton says this at the end of season 6 I smile, because I agree with this quote 110%.

And I think it fits this fanbase, because everytime I come on this spot I am always happy to talk to you guys, and even when I am upset or angry or whatever you all are manage to put a smile on my face.

Love you girlies <333 Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Awww, agreed 10000% Elle. Love you<33 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Awwwwww. I so agree :) Love you all <33 over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
very true <3 <3 over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Everybody in my family that I watch OTH with ends up being an LP shipper.

My 8 year old cousin: "I liked the show better with Lucas and Peyton."

She was just running around playing while I watched OTH, and as soon as LP came on the screen she sat back down and started watching TV.

Success! :P<3
Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
WOOOOHOOO! :D over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
epic :D over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
YAYY over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Isn't it Hil's bday? I mean now that it's July 1st on the East Coast. I think it is but I could be wrong! Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Yep, it's just after midnight here :P Happy birthday Hil! <33 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Yeah it is! Happy Bday Hilarie<3 over a year ago
HelloKittttyyy commented…
Is It your B day?Cool!Happy b day!!Question:How do i add people to my favourites?? :l over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
BREYTON FANS- vote!! Save them!

link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I voted for Brooke and Jamie already:( Brathan arn't my favorite pairing on the list, but they are better then some of the others so sorry I can't help :'( over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
^ That's okay moosh, I voted for Brooke/Sam, because I love Brathan lol. I was just recruiting any last minute voters to help! They ended up getting saved anyway :) over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak said …
OMG I love the new spot look <3 Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
I just wanted to tell you guys that I adore each and every one of you! You guys have become such good friends to me & I love talking with everyone and being a part of this spot ♥ Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Ditto<3 I love our LP family so freaking much. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
We love you Holly<3 Crazy LP family FTW! over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I love all of you too <3 over a year ago
mooshka said …
Okay, my lovelies, Can we revote on an icon? Because I love the icon and banner(I voted for both;)) But now seeing them side to side... they don't match and that really bugs me lol. So I'm okay if we want to keep it like this because it is beautiful... but I'm also up for revoting... What do you guys think? Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Well, it's not a match but I really like it :) so, whatever you decide, it's okay with me. over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I don't mind it. But I don't care what we do...but I like that it doesn't mix and match...it' makes if different from other spots just like LP is different from other coupls :) xx over a year ago
mooshka commented…
If more people want a revote I guesse we could ask Holly to make a pick again, or whoever wants to make the pick. over a year ago
big smile
AdaLove said …
SPOT LOOK.STUNNING BABIES<3 Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Agreed. It's freaking gorgeous, even if it doesn't quite match XD over a year ago
dalma commented…
^ :D <33 over a year ago
Khadiiee commented…
AMAZING <3 over a year ago
rorymariano said …
So, I told my brother about all of the drama that goes on between the LP and BL fans, and he went and logged into his fanpop account (He hasn't logged in for about a year) just to join this club, lol. I love my brother :P Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Hahaha what a legend. over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
totally cool :D over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Haha awesome! over a year ago
HalesEnchanted said …
The new look, looks great ♥ Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
Spot look ♥ omg. the banner is so beautiful. *dead* icon as well, but it doesn't really match. Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Can someone tell me why people say Leyton was "Rushed" I honestly don't get it. :/ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Considering the first 3 seasons of the show was a built up... they were not rushed. over a year ago
delenadarti said …
love the new spot look, but the icon doesn't match the banner... Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
...or the motto lol. And the motto doesn't match the general theme of "LP things", it's just based around ONE of their "things". It's all beautiful, I'm just nit picky about it all matching properly lol :P over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Spot Look ♥ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Hmm. Personally not a fan of the new spot look. It's kind of all over the place lol. Everything individually is amazing and perfect, but I don't think it all matches as a cohesive theme. Oh well it's all still beautiful though! Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 said …
LOVING the new spot look <3 Posted over a year ago
mooshka said …
I got my DIE-HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy, I really wasn't excpecting it<3 Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
YAY CONGRATS!! over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Congrats!! over a year ago
dalma commented…
CONGRATS! <3 over a year ago
TheBoySawAComet said …
save LP!

link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
A lot of couples arn't even on the list. over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
^ Yeah I don't get it lol over a year ago
mooshka said …
That I love you, I have loved you all along
And I missed you, been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming that you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore!!!!!

I MISS THEM SOOOOO MUCH! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Song is Far Away by Nickelback;) over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
*________* <33 over a year ago
mooshka said …
Breyton Fans!?

Help them out:)
link Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
done :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Already voted! Breyton >>> Baley! GTFO :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Doing my random reminder of how lucky we are!

-Meant to be since 1x01
-Fully supported by the cast, crew, AND characters
-A love that was ALWAYS there, even when dating other people
-Story has never gotten belittled, erased, or insulted
-EPIC quotes
-A relationship that was always deep-- never shallow or superficial
-The best friendship ever
-TWO books
-Multiple proposals
-A love worth admiring (by many!)
-A beautiful LP baby girl

...Couldn't ask for more! <33 Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
So true<3 and that's why they are my O-T-Freaking-P :D over a year ago
Vogue623 commented…
Best couple for a reason! over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
<3333333 Their Amazing!! over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak said …
hey guys! :) sign this for Leyton please : link Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
signed :) over a year ago
DelenaNianFreak commented…
thank you :D over a year ago