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LGBT Question

People...were agreeing with this man. Does the thought of this actually happening scare you at all?

I was horrified when I saw it. What would you do if they actually went through with this? How would you react? Would you run or rebel? How would you feel if people agreed with this and made it happen?
I can't imagine your wife kissing you with that nasty mouth!
Heroine999 posted over a year ago
I would be fucking terrified for the people I know and for myself.... OAO''
RenderedUseless posted over a year ago
 Roxas1314 posted over a year ago
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LGBT Answers

Corgilover183 said:
This is extremely terrifying. But this guy is absolutely out of proportion with this. No one could get away with a mass genocide like this. Why? Because first of all, this isn't the 1940's where many people were the oblivious to the mass killings of Jews. Not only Jews were killed though. Homosexuals, blacks, or anyone outside of Hitler's Aryan race idea. So anyway not the point. But people who aren't even homosexual support LGBT and I doubt anything like this could be carried out. But if it were to happen and people were aware that they were trying to kill us off... I'm pretty sure we're all smart enough to lie about our sexuality.

But I would definitely rebel against and do whatever I could to fight against something as inane as this. And this is why I am so close to becoming an atheist because you've got these jackasses running up the place. Ridiculous.
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posted over a year ago 
Good point, it's not the 1940's and of course it wouldnt happen now, but the fact that he can actually say stuff like this and get away with it is disturbing. The fact that people seemed to be agreeing in the vidclip was disturbing(although it sounded like maybe two people but still). Plus I hear you about religion being disappointing as a whole. between this guy and guys like him and the whole catholic church and the molesting of kids and other religions killing because they dont 'like' certain people is sick.
LTboy posted over a year ago
These people think they're are acting Christian. I highly doubt that God was a hater.
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
"I'm pretty sure we're all smart enough to lie about our sexuality. " Well...I don't know if I could pull off 'faking it' by being with someone of the opposite gender! It scares me thinking about that. o_o
Roxas1314 posted over a year ago
Lol, yeah i know what you mean. Not a big fan of the opposite gender myself.
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
LTboy said:
What I wanna know is what makes someone so hateful as this? And they think it's ok to say stuff like that cuz the bible says homosexuality is a sin. Hateful nonhumans like him should be segregated and an electric fence put around them so they can't get out. But no food dropped so they starve and die out. Gimme a break people like him are the furthest thing from Christian as it gets - the word Christian comes from the word Christ and these so-called Christians are the furthest thing from Christ and his teachings as can be. People like this hateful slime/so-called minister need to be stopped. I am just glad I don't know this prick or I would put him in his place.

Another question: why is his rhetoric allowed against gays/queers/homosexuals? If a minister said something like this against blacks or Muslims or whoever it would cause a huge worldwide uproar but glbt apparently don't rate. Gimme a break.

Also this pig's logic makes no sense cuz the glbt would not die out, more would be added to the groups every day cuz the glbt are born primarily from hetero couples so they keep coming but the stupid pig can't even figure that out.

I am a hater, I hate hateful people like this cuz hey are inhuman and have no hearts. Gives me the creeps to think that someone this disgusting is from the same species. I think he is from the devil
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posted over a year ago 
I agree, but putting them in a pen makes us no better than them...
Roxas1314 posted over a year ago
Yes, but it would be fun to just say it to him and people like him and see how they like someone saying something that mean about them. I guarantee they wouldn't like it at all because they think they are the chosen ones. They are sociopathic, they and their feelings matter but no one else does - hate that.
LTboy posted over a year ago
^I agree entirely!
Roxas1314 posted over a year ago
ImBooOK said:
BABY KILLER? how in the hell can i fudging kill a baby that isnt even born yet! that will never be born from me?? So he is saying a straight couple can absentmindly have sex and then have an abortion or put it up for adoption with no parents and thats OK??! he is saying that even though we have freedom of reiligon but yet we all have to belive that HIS is the right one? when some of us dont belive in his religion? thats hipicritical and ignorant! How bout i fu*king lock you inside of a electric fence and dont feed you at all! how bout i tie you to a chair and let people hot you with a metal baseball bat for not beliving in LOVE! he is obviously a stupid unloving s.o.b who just cant get over the fact not everyone agrees him if the real god was like that id gladly go to hell, thank you>=(
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posted over a year ago 
oh and for the second part to this where thet read the bible, who cares about beliving in god, i may want to go to heaven, but screw god. belive in yourself! what was this aired on? The worlds most dumb, stupid assholes??
ImBooOK posted over a year ago
Louiscake posted over a year ago
Louiscake said:
lol, this made me laugh my ass off, he hey'll all die out, then everyone would be straight...wouldn't it be better if everyone was straight?
but i think he's won't be straight, there will still end up some gays because gay people come out of straight parents, i think some people r simply gay because straightness is a gender role and some people just don't want to play, because they don't feel comfortable with it,
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posted over a year ago 
Heroine999 said:
This project can not be carried out.Why? Because LGBT will never die out no matter what.There will be LGBT on the out side of this fence.But we will be have to lie about our sexuality.There are LGBT supporters that are straight.I would rebel before they would capture me.LGBT is strong.We'll get shot but we ain't falling.Even if we do we'll get right back up.
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posted over a year ago 
snusnu13 said:
This is pretty sickening, but things like this make me smile. Hear me out. Not so long ago homosexuals were considered evil and strange. Now people see this guy and are like "oh my god, what a maniac. He is so strange. He's evil. We don't want to be like him or listen to him." - This makes homosexuals more normal in the eyes of society.

I say the crazy homophobes should continue, because a normal, sane person would look at the homophobes and go "I don't want to be like that." And are more likely to believe that gays are normal.

Also, he says that gays can't reproduce and will die out. Doesn't he understand that straight people have gay kids. That is why gay people haven't died out; because straight people make gay kids with every generation. Epic fail on his part....the homicidal maniac.
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posted over a year ago 
Homophobic things entertain me too.And yes he is stupid cause you know straight people make gay children.Another thing is there is no such thing as normal nor natural.If there were to be then this world would be an extreamly boring place.Can you imagine such a place?
Heroine999 posted over a year ago
polarwagon15 said:
Luke 6:31

"Treat others the same way you want them to treat you"

The 6th Commandment:
"Thou shall not kill"

This guys has no right to call himself a pastor if he keeps sending the wrong messages.

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posted over a year ago 
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