Lost The Coffin in the Finale

Pedrmadd posted on May 24, 2007 at 07:35PM
Whose funeral has Jack come to in the season finale?

The only conclusion I can come to is that it is Ben's.

Here is my theory:
I think that when those who leave the island depart, they take Ben with them, perhaps unconsious, perhaps against his will. When Ben makes it back to the mainland, his cancer returns and he comes to a quick end.
Jack, having realized his mistake in leaving the island attends Ben's funeral to pay homage and to admit that Ben was right. No one else shows up at the funeral because Ben has no known family off the island. Or if he does have family, they don't know he exists because he has been gone for like 40 years. The rest of the survivors who made it off the island do not come to the funeral because they have no reason to pay homage to the man who tried to prevent their escape.
This is the only person I can imagine Jack would be visiting alone.

It is not John Locke because he will most certainly refuse to leave the island.
It is not Jack's father because he is already dead somewhere on the island and the body was never found.

If anyone else has any other thoughts or theories please share them.

Lost 37 replies

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over a year ago Jcat said…
I rekon its juliet, i dunno why i just think thats who it is! but actually thats quite a convincing theory...but that lost was rubbish, i thought we were going to get some anwsers all we got were more bloody questions. I also thought that was going to be the last episode of lost, but i am assuming otherwise now.
over a year ago whatcha55 said…
i think its Michael or locke. If locke, he commited suicide because he became paralized again , thats why jack go so depressed.
over a year ago rodthemod said…
I was wondering if was Juliet too, but then I realized that if her sister was still alive (and it seemed like she is, b/c we saw video footage of her in an earlier episode), at the very least you would think Juliet's family, sister included, would have attended.

Ben seems like a likely scenario. Man...the whole finale was awesome, but stuff like this (lonely funeral, return of cancer, depressed jack) just gets me down, down, down.
over a year ago Pedrmadd said…
Upon further consideration, most of the other likely characters would have someone to come to their funeral.

Juliet would have her sister.
John Locke would at least have his ex-girlfriend.
Christian Shepherd (if his body was found and returned to be buried) would have somebody... I'm sure. If Claire made it back, she would likely be at the Christian's funeral.

The big question that must be answered is why no one shows up.
over a year ago Cherix said…
I also belive it could be Ben now. Your theory makes sense.
over a year ago hanzie said…
pffff i hope it's ben he sure deserves it, but it's not gonna, i think; ben would rather kill himself than to return to the mainland.
i find it odd that kate leaves jack like that, seems to me she has chosen for sawyer; woehoew :p
and why the fuck was naomi carrying a photo of desmond&penny, if she wasn't on penny's boat??
always lil answers that lead to more questions, hope season 4 will live up to the preceeding seasons :p
over a year ago thecon said…
Its gotta be Ben... I see no reason for it to be anyone else. Makes sense too
over a year ago brother said…
I have a feeling that it is Locke...when I saw Jack put his hand on the coffin it seemed very awkward...the fact that he chose to touch the right side of the coffin (where the legs of the body are placed) made me immediatley think it was Locke...

Maybe Locke has lost his ability to walk since removed from/left the island and possibly from this devastating loss has commmited suicide...(a suicide would explain why the story would be in the main section of the paper and not in the obituray section)

The way Jack places his hand on the coffin looks as if he makes a half-heareted sympathetic gesture to rest his 'healing hands' to fix lockes legs through the coffin...to give him back what Jack took away from him from taking them away from the island?
over a year ago sevabm said…
I downloaded the episode video and the interesting thing is that the coffin "changes direction" because there are two shots of the coffin after each other, one when Jack is approaching it and one shot above the coffin, after the first shot.
The interesting thing, however, is that in the first shot the smaller part is on the left, while in the second shot it is on the right... So I dont know where exactly was he touching it?
I have never been to a funeral and never seen a coffin, so i am not sure about this - which part of it confines the upper body - the smaller or the larger?
Also, I am not sure that Locke is able to kill himself if he is not able to kill another man - but thats just my opinion...
And I agree with Pedrmadd - this is the most important question and so far I can only think of Ben...
over a year ago sevabm said…
There is one other thing - why did Jack tell that doctor to go and see if his father was more drunk than him if his father is dead?.. The doctor did not seem surprised at all when Jack said that...
over a year ago raeraestar said…
I think it's either Ben or Locke because of these reasons:

Ben did horrible things to the survivors and had no family or friends off the island, that's why no one came to his funeral.

On the other hand, Locke tried to prevent them from going home by killing Naomi, and maybe that's why Kate did not want to go to the funeral. No one came to the viewing because Locke had no family.

I don't know.. just some thoughts I suppose. But I really doubt it was Juliet.. Then again, this show has so many surprising twists to it.
over a year ago OnlyNDreams said…
I thought it was Sawyer
over a year ago smaoise said…
ben is way to obvious....guys think about it wen have the lost writers ever been obvious? i think it's juliet. she must do something between the island and flash forward
over a year ago brother said…
sevabm, I checked out what you said and you are right it does change swtich before/after approach...but I think the most important thing is that the entire time Jack is not focused on the entire coffin but only the right hand side of it (where the legs of the body rest), that is where all of his focus is.

I have added to my theory (above) for it being Locke in the coffin also with this point...

It has been mentioned on some forums that the coffin is too small to be a full grown adult (I agree, when you look at Jack beside it), so I believe that Locke has (sorry that this idea is a bit extreme but...) amputated (to some degree) his own legs after being taken off the island and this has either killed him or led to his eventual suicide - hence the smaller coffin and hence also the story being 'abnormal' enough to be reported in a newspaper article and not the obituary section...


over a year ago ilovejimhalpert said…
i definatly agree with the locke/ben theories, but i also think that it could be sawyer. I mean he doesn't have anyone b/c his parents are dead and he was a con-man. But then again, who would kate get back to? i still think it could be sawyer though.
over a year ago skidall said…
coffin looks more like for a child? could it be..
over a year ago dmbfoever said…
I bet its James. Just judging by Kate's reaction. I think something bad happens between them next season. (He's not there for her when she's pregnant.) I'm not sure why Jack would care though. They don't get off the island anytime soon. That isn't help coming for them. Plus, way to many questions to be answered about Jacob.
over a year ago janenjab said…
After a bit of digging and research...

I've got some information about the newspaper clipping that Jack tore out of the paper and kept with him through out the flash forward. This might be related to the person in the coffin.

Here is what I was able to deciphered from pictures of the clipping:


Man found dead in
downtown loft

The body of J____ Lantham of
New York was found shortly after 4
am, in the ______ _____ of Grand
Ted _________, a doorman at The
Tower _______ ______heard loud
noises _______ from _______m's loft.
________________________'s safety, he
________ hanging from a beam in the
______ _________.
According to ____________________


I wasn't able to pick up much else from the other paragraph and sentence. But this is what someone said they were able to get:

"The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue.

Ted Worden, a doorman at The Tower lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft.

lConcerned for tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room.

According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son.

Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening."
over a year ago janenjab said…
With all of that said and if it holds to be true I think it's Michael! He is the only one we know that has a son... maybe they had to change their name when the went back get aliases, since Ben had threaten them about not telling anyone. In this case it would make sense that they got aliases since they wouldn't be able to use their real names if everyone think that the plane had actually crash and they found all the bodies. It would also make sense at the time they are in the future that Walt would be a teenager. So that would account for the teenage son. Maybe Michael killed himself because of something to do after they got off the island, or maybe someone killed him and made him look like he committed suicide, could even the people Ben were talking about saying that they were trying to find the island. This I think would also account for Jack saying the person wasn't really a friend, he could either not want anyone to know he went to the funeral or because of what Michale had done he wouldn't consider him a friend anymore....

Just might thoughts pending on if what I posted about the clipping holds to be true.
over a year ago dmbfoever said…
Thats a stretch.
over a year ago grahamb said…
Thats not a stretch, lets think about it, jack asks kate about the funeral... who would kate and jack both know? someone from the island. The only person from the island that we know has got away (not nessercaerily to safety, but who has left the island) is michael and what are the chances... he has a teenage son we know about! And if you check out the homies in the area where jack pulls up they are of "african american origin" Is this a simple case of co-incidence or is it fate?
over a year ago twitch_abc said…
I don´t think it´s Ben. What about Alex don´t you think she would show up at Ben´s funeral? Isn´t Sawyer James Latham?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago supercalo23 said…
I think if Lost has taught us anything it's that we can't really predict what's going to happen. For all we know the person in the coffin could be someone that we have not even met yet. It's possible that it could be Ben or Michael or even Locke but the truth is there's no point in guessing. I'm sure we will all be suprised when we find out who it really is.
over a year ago pages said…
Yeah it being Micheal makes a fair bit of sense, but to the above ppl it could possibly by sywarer as he had a teenage son
over a year ago Pedrmadd said…
What is Sawyer's last name? Does anybody know for sure?

Also, does anyone know where I could see the screenshot of that newspaper clipping?

I'm thinking the Michael theory is a possibility. Although there are some problems (not beyond solving). Michael had an Ex Wife. Remember. She could have been at the funeral.

Of course, even as I say it, I can imagine that Michael would not likely want him and his son found by her for fear of losing him... perhaps she didn't know of his existence at the time.

Hmmmm. There is still quite a bit of plot to be revealed.
over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
i think that Michael's ex-wife is dead.That's why he took his son with him
And Sawyer's last name is Ford
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Michael's wife died before they went on the flight.
over a year ago janenjab said…
Yup your forgetting Michale's ex-wife died and her husband didn't want Walt. That's how he ended up with Walt. That was the reason he was on the flight he had gone to Australia to get Walt and bring him back to live with him and they were on their way back to the US when the flight crashed. He was also threatened by Ben not to reveal anything about the island so he probably had to hide his identity since the world believe those on the flight died and his name would be on the list. Hence the alias.
over a year ago Gillyana said…
If its not Ben, I think it will be someone no one will suspect. Someone who it will(right now) make no sense that no attends the funeral. It lost you guys. Seriously! lol

over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
"Ben seems like a likely scenario. Man...the whole finale was awesome, but stuff like this (lonely funeral, return of cancer, depressed jack) just gets me down, down, down."

The lights are much brighter there, you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go DOWNTOWN, things will be great when you're DOWNTOWN, no finer place for sure, DOWNTOWN, everything's waiting for you...

over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Actually, I just thought of one thing worth saying.

I think that the Losties, upon arrival in the outside world, were made not to tell anyone about the island by The Hanso Foundation or someone similar (maybe Paik) as they wanted to do experiments on the island. This explains why Kate was not meant to see Jack (they're not allowed to talk about the island) and the journalists didn't mention Jack having been on the island. The Losties were bribed with money and things like the golden ticket Jack mentions. Some of them had to get new names in order to avoid people who would be questioning their absence. While nobody wondered where Jack had gone (his wife having left him), people were wondering where John Locke had gone, and so his name had to be changed to John Lantham, and he had to be moved away. However, upon loss of the use of his legs, he commit suicide (we are shown he was about to commit suicide in the season finale, when he picked up the gun in the pit).
over a year ago pip_ku said…
Really liking the Michael theory, if Jacks saying he's lying then it could be a possibility Michael and Walt were forced to get new identities after they were rescued.
over a year ago Luvzi12 said…
actually i liked the last episode- it suggested the writers actually know what they're doing and do have the answers, rather than just saying things in a meeting like 'how about we add some black smoke!' with no thought as to what it could be.

I just hope the guy in the coffin isn't Hurley, Sawyer or Said.

Btw I heard the island's 'monster' will be explained next series! YAY!

I heard Micheal and Walt are coming back next season... and not just in flashbacks. So, I think it's safe to say they ddnt die... but, u never know! It cud just show what happened to them when they got off the island.. nothing is ever certain!

Perhaps everyone guessed this, but it's def not Desmond. He accidentally leaked in a recent interview that it's not him.
over a year ago Arielka said…
Can be lock, ben, sawyer or michael.... anyone
over a year ago sakoon said…
since lost is full of surprises (that what make it great show ) i think its someone we dont think will be in this coffin so its not ben or locke i think maybe an event happen in the island changes all the theories and maybe one good guy turned into bad one and end up died in the coffien
over a year ago grahamb said…
so with all this speculation, i think the only thing we can be certain of is that its definately not jack or kate in the coffin :)
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I agree that it is most likely someone that we don't know yet. I think it may be the person who rescues them. In the end of the flashforward, it is revealed that Jack wants to go back to the island for some reason. Maybe the reason that Jack is so upset over this person's death is because this person is his only ticket back to the island.